

单词 豪富

富豪 ()

rich and powerful person




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External sources (not reviewed)

苏塞克斯语言学习中心是苏塞克斯大学的一部分,位于英国最美丽校园之一的苏塞克斯大学,是一个理想的学习英语的所在地—海滨城市布莱顿 豪富 区 的郊外,距伦敦只需一小时的火车。
This is an ideal place in which to learn English - situated just outside the seaside city of Brighton and Hove, which is only one hour from London by train.
财富和贫困联系在一起的,穷人总是暴露的比较,不断认识的可能性和机会是提供 富豪 , 但 似乎永远无法对自己的。
Wealth and poverty are always linked, and the poor are always exposed to the comparison, continually aware
of the possibilities and opportunities that
[...] are available to the rich but that appear forever [...]
inaccessible to themselves.
躍達汽車公司亦富豪、UD 及 Renault 貨車在香港及澳門的經銷商,並於二零一二年六月開設認可工場為該等貨車提供支援服務。
International Automobiles is also the
[...] official dealer for Volvo, UD and Renault [...]
trucks in Hong Kong and Macau, supported
by an authorised workshop opened in June 2012.
於加入本公司之前,他曾富豪汽車 澳大利亞公司(瑞 富豪汽 車公司Volvo Car Corporation Sweden全資擁有的子公司)任職為財務總監及執行董事達 4年之久。
Prior to joining the Company, Mr. O’Kane spent over four years as the Finance Director and an Executive Director with Volvo Car Australia Pty Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of Volvo Car Corporation Sweden.
即使這類寶石並未自成一種投資類別(極少數億 富豪 才 有此等財力),但投資級鑽石近年來的身價仍穩步揚升,全球金融市場則陷入停滯。
However, even without being in a
class by themselves with only a small
[...] class of privileged billionaires being able to afford [...]
them, investment-grade diamonds
have been steadily increasing in value in recent years while the world financial markets have been in the doldrums.
美國聯邦儲備銀行的經濟學者曼德爾(Benjamin Mandel),有多年研究藝術市場心得,他曾說:「美術,不盡然是全球整體經濟的部份,而是超 富豪 子 集 的部分經濟範圍,有些經濟學家稱之為超富裕人士Ultra High Net Worth Individuals。
Benjamin Mandel of the US Federal Reserve Bank, who spent many years studying the art marked, once said, Fine art is not really part of the overall global economy.
來到《Iron Man
[...] 2》,故事講述初嘗勝仗的東尼貫徹其玩世不恭愛出風頭 富豪 性 格 ,並於高調公開「鋼鐵人」身份後,遭遇到一連串始料不及的惡果。
In ‘Iron Man
[...] 2’, the loud and proud Tony Stark is [...]
to suffer from showing off his identity as the ‘Iron Man’ hastily.
雖然參賽的隊伍包括寶馬,雪鐵龍,Dac ia 及 富豪 , 而 這些賽車亦採用了這四所公司的車身,但其實全部均已 富豪 的 風 洞內測試,確保每輛車的風阻及下壓力均相同,故這是名副其實的公平對決。
Four brands compete in the 2013 STCC – BMW, Citroen, Dacia and Volvo. Although different in shape, the bodyworks are tested [...]
in Volvo’s wind tunnel in order to offer
an equal drag coefficient and ground pressure.
位於中环荷李活道优越地段的印度餐厅Jashan被誉为全港最佳印度餐厅之一,开业多年来一直受到城中食家追捧,更是不少名 富豪 的 饭 堂。
Reopening its doors in Dec 2011, Jashan is offering a brand new look with a menu that is set to impress.
同 於 1982年 開 業富 豪 東 方 酒 店 是 東 九 龍 區 內 享 負 盛 名 且 具 國 際 水 準 的 酒 店 , 前 身 為富 豪 機 場 酒 店 」 , 可 謂 九 龍 城 區 內 的 地 標 , 盡 享 維 港 及 東 九 龍 醉 人 夜 景 , 又 座 落 於 向 以 「 多 元 文 化 」 見 稱 的 九 龍 城 區 , 位 處 傳 統 文 化 建 築 與 新 發 展 國 際 商 業 區 的 交 匯 處 , 既 鄰 近 多 個 歷 史 觀 光 景 點 , 商 業 中 心 與 購 物 商 場 也 近 在 咫 尺 。
After its grand opening in 1982, Regal Oriental Hotel (formerly known as “Regal Airport Hotel”) has long been considered an icon of Kowloon East – the cultural and historical heartland of Hong Kong, which also covers the fastest developing commercial districts, scenic and tourist spots, shopping and entertainment complexes.
可是, 就例如東亞銀行事件,政府的調查和跟進工作卻是十分迅速的,給人的
[...] 強烈感覺是,對於一些涉嫌隱瞞資料或不正當手段的大財團 富豪 ,它 是軟弱無力的,但它對小市民則極為嚴苛,而對投資者方面的保障,似 [...]
This gives us a strong impression that it is soft with large
[...] consortiums and the rich who are suspected [...]
of withholding information or engaging
in improper practices, but harsh on the public and even apathetic towards investor protection.
在莫斯科上流社會的高級餐廳,當然是名 富豪 常 常 光顧的地方,價格一般都非常昂貴,而裝飾都極盡奢華。
High-society restaurants where one can hang-out
[...] with the Moscow rich and famous tend to have high prices but sumptuous interiors.
他不同意政府當局在討論文件 第 12段指該等意見是完全沒有根據。考慮到新界東 北新發展區的各項特點,例如擬議新發展區鄰近深 圳、取道將於2018年啟用的蓮塘/香園圍口岸只需
十分短的時間往來兩地、預計該等地區內會有大量 內地學生、當局既沒有就新界東北將會發展的工業 類別制訂具體計劃,亦未有就該等地區落實"港人港 地
[...] "的政策訂定推行細節,梁議員質疑新界東北新發 展區到底是真正為香港人而設的新市鎮,還是為內富豪而設的後花園。
Taking into account the various characteristics of NENT NDAs, such as the close proximity between the proposed NDAs and Shenzhen, the short time required to travel between the two places through the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai boundary control point that would commence operation in 2018, the anticipated large number of Mainland students in the areas, the absence of a concrete plan on the types of industries to be developed in NENT, and the lack of implementation details about the implementation of the policy of "Hong Kong property for Hong Kong residents" in the areas, Mr
LEONG cast doubt on whether NENT NDAs would genuinely be new towns for Hong Kong people
[...] or a backyard for rich Mainlanders.
巴伯港村(Bal Harbour)位于风景如画的迈阿密海滩,也是深受美国多 富豪 青 睐的高级住宅区。
Bal Harbour village is situated
on picturesque Miami Beach and home
[...] to one of the most affluent zip codes in the [...]
U.S. Nestled amongst beachside resorts
is one of the country’s top retail destinations, The Bal Harbour Shops.
彼亦為為漢控股有限公司、泛海國際 集團有限公司、世紀城市國際控股有限公司、中國鎳資源控股有限公司、華鼎集團控股有限
公司、安寧控股有限公司、第一天然食品有限公司(已委任臨時清盤人)、福記食品服務控股 有限公司(已委任臨時清盤人)、金鷹商貿集團有限公司、毅力工業集團有限公司、弘茂科技
[...] 控股有限公司、百利保控股有限公司 富豪 酒 店 國際控股有限公司及冠捷科技有限公司之獨 [...]
He is also an independent nonexecutive director and a member of the audit committee of Asia Orient Holdings Limited, Asia Standard International Group Limited, Century City International Holdings Limited, China Nickel Resources Holdings Company Limited, China Ting Group Holdings Limited, ENM Holdings Limited, First Natural Foods Holdings Limited (provisional liquidators appointed), FU JI Food and Catering Services Holdings Limited (provisional liquidators appointed), Golden Eagle Retail Group Limited, Ngai Lik Industrial Holdings Limited, PacMOS
Technologies Holdings Limited, Paliburg
[...] Holdings Limited, Regal Hotels International [...]
Holdings Limited and TPV Technology
Limited, all of these companies are listed on the Stock Exchange.
2002年富豪公司 生产的系列产品通过德国莱茵公司CE(欧洲安全标准)认证。
In 2002, the series products produced by V-hold passed the certification of CE (European Safety Standard) of TUV (TUVRheinland).
其 20間 會 議 及 宴 會 廳 , 其 中 包 括 一 間 可 容 納 550人 的 大 型 宴 會 廳 及 聚 賢 廳 ; 酒 店 設 有 4間 餐 廳 , 從 享 譽 國
際 的 Zeffirino 風 情 畫 意 大 利 餐 廳 提 供 正 宗 意 菜 至
[...] 屢 獲 殊 榮 的 中 菜富 豪 金 殿 、 或 是 提 供 國 [...]
際 美 食 的 御 花 園 咖 啡 室 及 供 應 輕 鬆 小 食 、 傳 統
英 式 下 午 茶 的 帝 廊 , 都 能 滿 足 客 人 的 不 同 口 味 。
The Hotel also features 4 restaurants. From authentic Italian cuisines at the world-acclaimed
Zeffirino Ristorante to Cantonese cuisines at the
[...] award-winning Regal Palace, or casual [...]
dining in Café Rivoli to classical and high tea at Tiffany Lounge.
凭借革新性的无衬垫材料的时尚风格,她 富豪 阶 层 的杰出女性中引起了轰动。
She created a sensation among the jet setting elite women as well with her revolutionary unconstructed form in fashion.
富豪貨車及 巴士在上半年銷量重拾升軌,而遠期訂單情況亦十分 理想。
Sales of Volvo trucks and buses regained momentum in the first half of the year and the forward order book is firm.
江户时代在新泻地区曾出现过许 富豪 大 地 主。
During the Edo
[...] period, there were wealthy farmers called gono [...]
who owned a vast area of land.
我看到了机遇就是去创造一个独特的游艇友好经验来满足参与 富豪 和 贵 宾, 他们正在寻求拥有一个“游戏”,与志同道合的人一起参与, [...]
享受一次最有专属感的周末, 以及提供一个非F1的奢侈品牌和赞助商展示, 一种也想多少参与到一些一年一度的大型盛事活动中的赞助商。
I saw an opportunity
[...] to create a unique yacht hospitality experience [...]
to cater to the high net worth and discerning guests
who attend, who are looking to have ‘game’, mix with like-minded people and enjoy the weekend at a very exclusive level, as well as providing a showcase for primarily non-Formula One luxury brands and sponsors who nevertheless want to be part of what is one of the most glamorous events on the annual social calendar.
雷丁已经被俄罗富豪安东 •津加雷维奇接管,尤其是主场作战的时候,他们会是一个非常难缠的对手。
Reading have been taken
[...] over by Russian tycoon Anton Zingarevich, [...]
and particularly at home, they will prove to be a very tough side to break down.
印度和中国亿富豪数量仅次于美国,但从全球标准来看,亚洲慈善捐赠数额仍然较 少。
Yet, by global standards, Asia’s record in charitable giving is small.
因為壁紙具有色彩多樣,圖案富, 豪 華 氣派,安全環保,施工方便,價格適中等其它室內裝飾材料無法比擬的特點,故在歐美,東南亞,日本等發達國家和地區得到相當程度的普及,據不 [...]
以上,在日本更是高達到90% 以上。
Because wallpaper with colour
[...] diversity, design is rich, luxurious air, safe environmental [...]
protection, construction is convenient,
price moderate, and other interior decoration material, so the incomparable characteristics in Europe and America, southeast Asia, Japan and other developed countries and regions have a degree of popularization, according to not authority to investigate and understand, in the UK, France, Italy and the United States, and the interior decoration, the prevalence rate of wallpaper and 80% in Japan is high above the 90%.
[...] 廣奧運的活動,藉北京奧運推廣國民教育,加深青少年對祖國 的認識,培育他們的民族豪感。
We will also proactively bolster youth participation in the promotional programmes and capitalise on the Beijing Olympics to
promote national education, so as to enhance the youth’s understanding of our country and their
[...] sense of national pride.
与此同时,中国的高尔夫运动也有了长足的发展,新的球场不断涌现,越来越多的人参与到这项运动中,而VOL VO ( 富豪 ) 中 国公开赛始终是中国高尔夫的一大亮点。
Golf in China is on the move, with more players taking up the game and many new courses being opened, and the annual focus of the golfing year continues to be the Volvo China Open.
The Trump Organization负责开发与收购的执行副总裁Ivanka Trump表示:“Trump SoHo对于那些希望在纽约市最好的市中心社区购置房产的顶 富豪 或 经 常来访纽约的人来说,是一个完美选择。
Trump SoHo is ideal for the sophisticated jet-setter or frequent New York visitor looking for a place in the best downtown neighborhood in the City," said Ivanka Trump, executive vice president of development and acquisitions for The Trump Organization.
彼現時為天津港發展控股有限公司、北京首都國際機場股份有限公司、濱海投資有限公司、連發國際股份有限公司 富豪 酒 店 國際控股有限公司之現任獨立非執行董事。
He currently serves as an independent non-executive director of Tianjin Port Development Holdings Limited, Beijing Capital International Airport Co.




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