

单词 馆子



dumpling restaurant

See also:

term for certain service establishments
embassy or consulate
schoolroom (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

皮赫拉亚岛是一天野餐的完美地方;但是,如果您 馆子 , 那 么您就可以在皮赫拉亚岛餐厅 (Ravintola Pihlajasaari) 享受美味佳肴。
The island is perfect for day-long picnics but, if you want a day off from the kitchen, then you can enjoy the delicacies of the restaurant Pihlajasaari.
虚拟图书馆本身可以储存内容,也可以作为门户,连接其他在线 存储库储存的已经在线传播的内容,例如图书馆的数字或 子馆 藏。
Virtual libraries can house content themselves, or they can act as a
portal to distributed online content housed in other online repositories,
[...] such as digital or electronic content of libraries.
英文培训材料可通过统计所试办的 子图 书馆(电子培训资源)获取。
Training materials were made available through the Institute’s e-library (e-training resources) in English on a trial basis.
一位代表表示支持亚太统计所发展电子教学的努力方向,并指出子图书馆在推 动远程培训和电子教学方面的优势。
One representative supported the direction SIAP had taken towards e-learning and stated the advantages of using an e-library to facilitate distance and e-learning.
Royer先生是法国国民, 居留比利时期间与在当地开咖馆的 妻 子 住 在 一起。
Royer, a French national, was residing in Belgium with his wife, who was running a café.
秘书处维持一个参考资料图馆,其 电 子 数 据 库内有 7 000 多份主要与化学 裁军与不扩散有关的资料。
The secretariat maintains a reference
[...] library with an electronic database that includes [...]
more than 7,000 titles relating
principally to chemical disarmament and non-proliferation.
另外 大厅里的有轨电车博馆是 孩子们最喜欢的地方。
Families with children will also enjoy visiting [...]
the Tram Museum.
这些儿童以捡垃圾、乞讨、 擦鞋、在馆刷盘子和参与犯罪为生。
Those children earn their living through garbage collecting, begging for money, shoes polishing, doing the washing at restaurants, and involving some offences.
Cu Huy Ha Vu 被越南当局逮捕,当局声称发现 他与一名子同在旅馆房间 中,而该名 子 并 非 他妻子。
It is reported that on 5 November 2010, Cu Huy Ha Vu
was arrested by the Vietnamese authorities
[...] claiming to have found him in a hotel room with a woman who was not his wife.
不管是去发现笼罩在神话和民间传说的自然美景,还是参加各种节日盛会,参观博 馆 与 美 术 馆 , 带 孩 子 来 爱 尔兰岛旅游,您永远不愁找不到事情做,而且全程花费也绝对物超所值!您既可以在海岸线边一望无垠的金色沙滩上无限时嬉戏玩闹,也可以漫步在爱尔兰的国家公园,尽情欣赏绝色景致。
Whether it’s to discover a landscape drenched in myth and
folklore or to visit some fantastic
[...] festivals, museums and galleries, a trip with the kids to the island [...]
of Ireland means you’ll
never be short of something to do – and all without spending a fortune!
[...] 工具与资源库”(“反腐工具资源库”),这是一个网上平台,其中包含有联合国 反腐败公约法律图馆,以电子库存 方式收藏了 150 多个国家与《公约》相关 [...]
UNODC is developing an anti-corruption portal called Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge (TRACK), a Web-based platform containing the United
Nations Convention against Corruption
[...] Legal Library, an electronic repository of Convention-related [...]
legislation and jurisprudence from over 150 States.
达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆继续大力鼓 励各托存图馆转而采用子查阅 方式,而不是继续使用印刷文件和出版物。
The Library continues to strongly encourage depository libraries to
[...] move to the use of electronic access in preference [...]
to print documents and publications.
信息中心向公众提供图馆服务和电 子 信 息资源,它们在将联合国与世界人民相连、并用他们的语言分享联合国的故事中扮演着关键的角色。
These centres, working in coordination with the UN system, reach out to the media and educational institutions, engage in partnerships with governments, local civil society organizations and the private sector, and maintain libraries and electronic information resources.
在后来长达九年的任期内,他担任过各种职务——纽约、旧金山和洛杉矶的创意总监,北美的用户体验副总裁及执行创意总监——为AOL、卡地亚、哥伦比亚广播公司、嘉信理财、迪士尼、易趣、福特汽车公司、乔治•阿玛尼、美国家庭电影院频道、纽约公共图 馆 、 夏普 电 子 、 索 尼和时代华纳开展市场营销活动及网站建设。
In his nine years with the firm he served a variety of roles—creative director in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, VP of User Experience for North America and executive creative director—and developed marketing campaigns and websites for the likes of AOL, Cartier, CBS, Charles Schwab,
Disney, eBay, Ford Motor Company, Giorgio Armani, HBO, New York
[...] Public Library, Sharp Electronics, Sony and Time Warner.
在第三种秩序中[在全文的数字图馆 中 ], 一片 子 [ 信 息 对象]可以被挂在很多树 枝上,它可以为了不同的人被挂在不同的树枝上,而且一个人也可以让它改变所挂的 [...]
In the third order of order
[...] [in full-text digital libraries], a leaf [an information [...]
object] can hang on many branches,
it can hang on different branches for different people, and it can change branches for the same person if she decides to look at the subject differently.
为了避免出现无国籍情况, 《宪法》第 96 条规定,哥伦比亚国民不需提供在哥伦比亚领土永久居住的证据, 只 要在哥伦比亚领馆 进 行登记,子女在外国出生时即获得哥伦比亚国籍。
In order to avoid situations of statelessness, article 96 of the Constitution provides that children of Colombian nationals born abroad acquire Colombian nationality at birth provided they are registered with the Colombian consulate, without being required to give proof of domicile in Colombian territory.
调查组在位于北京金源时代购物中心的老边 子馆 和 东 来顺金源饭庄,分别取到疑似劣质一次性餐盒样品,后经北京市理化分析测试中心进行卫生性能检测,老边 子馆 所 使 用的“YL-03”餐盒,乙酸和正己烷蒸发残渣检测结果分别是4540mg/L和729mg/L,分别超过规定限值153倍和23倍;东来顺饭庄使用的“ZS-104”餐盒,这两项指标检测结果分别为3980mg/L和704mg/L,分别超过规定限值132倍和22倍。
Investigation team in Beijing Golden Resources Shopping
Mall in the old side of Dumpling House and Dong Lai Shun Jin Yuan
[...] restaurant, were taken to a suspected low-grade samples of disposable lunch box, after the Beijing Municipal Center for Physical and Chemical Analysis for health, performance testing, the old side of Dumpling House The use of "YL-03" lunch boxes, acetic acid and [...]
hexane evaporation residue
test results were 4540mg / L and 729mg / L, respectively, exceeding the prescribed limit of 153 times and 23 times; Dong Lai Shun restaurant use "ZS- 104 "lunch box, test results of these two indicators were 3980mg / L and 704mg / L, respectively, exceeding the prescribed limit of 132 times and 22 times.
子图书馆系统已 经启用,读者可以使用计算机等。
The electronic library system [...]
is in use, and users have the possibility to use computers, etc.
行动方式包括:在埃塞俄比亚的学校中广泛 地发放了用阿姆哈拉语制作的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一系列录象带;举办了如何制作只读
[...] [...] 光盘和网站的讲习班(埃塞俄比亚和尼日尔)和教育信息技术高级培训班(乌干达和津巴布 韦);将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的子 图 书 馆 译 成 法文和葡萄牙文;支持了苏丹科技大学 [...]
Modalities of action have included: a series of videos on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely distributed in Ethiopian schools; workshops on how to make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia and Niger) and advanced courses
in IT training for education (Uganda
[...] and Zimbabwe); the Electronic Library on HIV/AIDS [...]
translated into French and Portuguese;
and support to the Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Pretoria University joint programme for the M.Ed in the Use of ICTs for Education.
正在构建的国家子图书馆也将 服务于信 息的自由交流。
The National Electronic Library, which is [...]
currently being set up, also serves the free exchange of information.
2010 年,该部的努力重点是发展和扩大电子出版计划,其中包括制作适用于 移动器材的电子图书和“apps”,通过领先的电子图书供应商签署电子图书经销 协议或许可证,以及与电子图书集市(重点是 子 图 书 馆 等 图 书 馆 市 场 )缔结协 议。
The Department focused its efforts in 2010 on developing and expanding an e-publishing programme, that included the creation of e-books and “apps” for mobile devices, the signing of e-book distribution agreements or licenses through leading e-book providers, and the conclusion of agreements with e-book aggregators focusing on the library market, such as ebrary.
请定期带您的子去图书馆,并 鼓励他多读书。
Take your child to the library regularly and [...]
encourage reading.
这方面开展的活动包括:建立研究所 子 图 书 馆 ( 多级教学图书馆已 经建立,75%有关艾滋病毒/艾滋病的图书资料被翻译成了葡萄牙文);收集并散发有关艾滋 [...]
病毒/艾滋病的材料(CD 盘和录像);建立教育研究和教育内容订定者数据库(可借助研究 所网站使用);创办研究所业务通讯;建立师范教育网络(讨论各种专题,包括课程、辅
导、教育计划、信息和传播技术在教育中的运用、艾滋病毒/艾滋病等;并通过‘求教专 家’设施使该网络升级);以及定期更新研究所网站。
Activities conducted include:
[...] development of IICBA’s electronic library (multi-grade [...]
teaching library developed; 75% translation
of HIV and AIDS library into Portuguese); collection and distribution of HIV and AIDS materials (CD and videos); education research and content providers database (made available via IICBA website); IICBA newsletters; teacher education network (discussion on various topics including curriculum, instruction, education planning, ICTs in Education, HIV and AIDS, etc.; and upgrading of the network through additional "Ask the Expert" facility); and the regularly-updated IICBA website.
恩塔甘达的子和旅馆均仍 在修建中(见图 15)。
Both Ntaganda’s house and hotel are still under construction (see image 15).
图书馆将首先建立以恐怖主义和国际法领 域为主兼顾黎巴嫩法律的书籍、参考资料、学刊、案例法和 子 资 源 的综 馆 藏,为司法程序中的分庭、检察官办公室和辩护方办公室三方提供服务。
The Library’s priority is to build a comprehensive collection of books, reference materials, journals, and case-law and electronic resources, mainly in the fields of terrorism and international law, as well as in Lebanese law, in order to serve the three parties of the judicial process — the Chambers, the Office of the Prosecutor and the Defence Office.
卫生组织和国际电联也在解决有关电子卫生法律和 监管环境方面的问题。卫生组织和国际电联在“世界电信展”上举办的 子 卫生 保健馆提供了一个平台,展示子 保 健 倡议和探讨共同努力的途径。
An eHealth pavilion organized by WHO and ITU at Telecom World provided a platform to showcase e-health initiatives and explore means of working together.
[...] Weinmann向我阐释他这个项目时我并没能感同身受他的兴奋劲--不就是一款纯粹的设计钛腕表,一件奢侈品却用一份报纸包装而不是用木 子 , 只 在博 馆 或 者Embassy店内售卖而不是全球售卖--“你感觉还好吗?
I honestly confess, that I didn’t share the excitement of Beat Weinmann from Embassy initially, when he explained his project to me back in 2005 – a purist design watch in titanium for a museum, a luxury product wrapped in a
newspaper instead of a wooden box, sold only
[...] in the museum and at Embassy instead of global distribution [...]
– “Well, are you feeling ok?
产品已形成立体车库、立体仓库、立体货架、低噪声节能轴流风机、锅炉配套离心风机、一般离心风机、高压离心风机、混流(斜流)风机、通风排烟(两用)低噪声风机箱、DF、DFW空调风机、高温排烟机、消防风机、特殊防腐防爆风机、排尘风机等多种系列以及吸尘器等各类微型通风设备铝合金风叶等各类冲压配件,广泛应用于机械、制冷、化工、矿山、轻纺、治金、 子 、 宾 馆 等 工 矿企业及民用建筑等的通风、空调系统。
Products form a three-dimensional garage, warehouse, dimensional shelf, low-noise, energy-saving axial fan, the boiler supporting centrifugal fan, the general centrifugal fan, high pressure centrifugal fan, Francis (diagonal flow) fan, ventilation exhaust (dual) low-noise wind chassis DF DFW air conditioning fan, high temperature smoke machines, fire fans, special corrosion proof fan, dust exhaust fan and other series, as well as vacuum cleaners and other types of micro-ventilation aluminum alloy fan and other kinds of stamping parts, widely used in machinery,
refrigeration, chemical, mining,
[...] textile, metallurgy, electronics, hotels and other [...]
industrial and mining enterprises, civil
construction, ventilation, air-conditioning system.
参与本次计划的成员约有五十名,皆为姚瑞中“当代影像美学”、“行为与观念艺术”课堂的选修学生,他们试图透过田野踏查方式,勾勒出经常被人垢病的“ 子馆 ” 的 大致轮廓,实践以艺术手段洞察社会的可能。
Through the way of field survey, they attempt to draw the outline of “mosquito houses” which have been criticized a lot, and practise the possibility of observing the society by means of art.




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