

单词 馆宾

宾馆 ()




state guesthouse

See also:

embassy or consulate
term for certain service establishments
schoolroom (old)


guest n
visitor n

object (in grammar)


shop n

External sources (not reviewed)

除此之外,在工厂、馆和宾馆,大 部分雇员和工人都是女性。
Besides, in factories, restaurants and hotels, majority of employees and workers are females.
一些被招募 人员指出,他们常常在 Bishokoro 宾馆用餐,该宾馆属于 博斯科·恩塔甘达将军 和他在 Kinigi 的兄弟。
According to some of the recruits, they often receive a meal in Hotel Bishokoro, which belongs to General Bosco Ntaganda and his brother at Kinigi.
内部安保在所有主宾馆都有 相当强的影响 宾馆 客 房 有时会安装窃听器,搜查以寻找敏感或私人的材料。
All major hotels had a sizable internal security presence, and hotel guestrooms were sometimes bugged and searched for sensitive or proprietary materials.
研究所在其业务活动中还可以利用先进的共用基础设 施,包括互联网连接、图书馆、礼堂、会议室 宾馆 设 施
In its operations, the Institute will also benefit from access and use of a state of the art common infrastructure, including Internet connectivity, library, auditorium and conference rooms, and guest house accommodations.
最低限度的生活资料不包括酒精类产品和烟草产品支 出、旅行支出、购置交通工具支出,饭店和其他餐饮机构 宾馆 支 出
The minimum means of subsistence does not include expenditure on alcohol and tobacco products, travel, purchasing of means of transport, expenditure in restaurants and other catering establishments and hotels.
根 据资料得出如下结论:未遵守合同标的,因为所支付款项涵盖了在开普敦以外出差的费用 (尤其是 UNEP 项目的某工作人员出差至突尼斯);缺少证明文件(文件中没有上述工作室 所宾馆的签 名);每日补贴税的计算存在不一致;“杂费”一栏(兑汇及其他)在财政报 告中没有任何说明内容。
The following observations may be made on the basis of the file: non-compliance with the purpose of the contract since payment covered travel outside Cape Town (including a trip to Tunis by a UNEP official), absence of supporting documents (document not signed by the hotel in which the workshop concerned was held), inconsistencies in the calculation of daily subsistence allowances, and “miscellaneous expenses” category (currency exchange and other) not supported by any documents in the financial report.
[...] 动荡的运作环境中产生的危机和自然灾害(如联伊援助团巴格达总部和阿富宾 馆的爆 炸案、工作人员在达尔富尔遭绑架、维和人员遭袭击、海地地震等)。
The two departments also regularly need to address crises stemming from the volatile environments in which peacekeeping missions operate and natural disasters (e.g.,
the bombing of UNAMI headquarters in
[...] Baghdad and guesthouse in Afghanistan, the abduction [...]
of staff in Darfur, attacks on peacekeepers, the earthquake in Haiti).
宾馆位于 机场之间,北部居民区和市中心,靠近Malecòn [...]
DEL萨拉多(在城市的两个主要海旁一带,旁边的红树林环绕瓜亚基尔的运河之一),从那里你可以达到9 Octubre(在市中心的主要途径),您可以按照其他海滨,Malecón西蒙玻利瓦尔(10分钟车程或步行30分钟)。
The guest house is located between [...]
the airport, northern residential neighborhoods and downtown; close to the Malecòn del
Salado (one of the two main waterfronts in the city, a promenade area alongside one of the mangrove canals that surround Guayaquil), from where you can reach 9 de Octubre (the main avenue in downtown), which you can follow to the other waterfront, the Malecón Simon Bolivar (10 minutes by taxi or 30 minutes walking).
On the following day, intelligence officers were outside the hotel where further interviews were being conducted.
本产品可以用于以下多个领域:层次结构的项目规划、资源和时间管理 宾馆 房 间 登记、雇员管理、团队管理以及医生/患者时间规划,等等。
A control con be used in many areas: hierarchical project planning, managment of resources and time, hotel room booking, employee scheduling, team management, doctor/patient time plan, etc. Tasks can be presented and managed as parts of a Gantt chart.
古巴当局 通过国际刑警组织把这名恐怖分子列入名单,因为他同 1997 年哈瓦宾馆遭恐 怖主义袭击有直接联系;他被抓获后,就可能挫败他所参与的、旨在破坏委内瑞 拉宪法秩序的其他恐怖图谋。
With the capture of this terrorist, who was listed by Cuba through INTERPOL for his direct ties to the terrorist attacks on Havana hotels in 1997, it was possible to foil other terrorist plots in which he was involved, which were aimed at destabilizing the constitutional order in Venezuela.
在新加坡,付小费的做法并不流行。因为大多 宾馆 及 餐 馆的帐单里已经包含了10%的服务费。
Tipping is not practised in Singapore as most hotels and restaurants already levy a 10% service charge on bills.
以长久稳定的工程为目标,只要看到照明亮灯的都是我们的市场,如路灯、大桥、公路、隧道、工厂、超市 宾馆 等 用电大户,量大面广,用能源合同管理的模式能起到一个节电,节能的社会效应。
The long term projects are always our goal, and every lighting corner is our market, such as bridge,
streetlights, highways, tunnels,
[...] factories,supermarkets and hotels etc. Those are [...]
huge energy consumption user, and the energy
administrative contract can cause an energy saving society effect.
确保用户无论是在路上还是在办公室中,都能在自己有权访问的几乎任何计算机或设备(包括信息亭 宾馆 PC)上可靠而灵活地访问应用。
On the road or in the office, give your users reliable
and flexible application access on virtually any computer or device they have access
[...] to, including kiosk and hotel PCs.
中国电影放映环节的盗版现象也并 不严重:大城市(尤其是北京、上海)电影院基本上杜绝盗版放映行为;盗版 放映主要发生在中、小城市的省级以下电影院和娱乐场所 宾馆 、 饭 店播放盗 版影片的情况较为严重。
Neither is copyright piracy during the projection process severe: pirated movies are rarely shown at cinemas in large cities (particularly in Beijing and Shanghai); projection of pirated movies mainly happens at cinemas and entertainment places in medium- and small-sized cities, with hotels the site of relatively severe movie copyright violations.
北京香格里拉饭店毗邻金融街和科技园、钓鱼台 宾馆 、 颐 和园、北京动物园和后海娱乐中心,为您游览北京名胜提供了优越的条件。
It is also close to the State Guest House, the historical Summer Palace and Beijing Zoo, providing an excellent base from which to explore Beijing's many attractions.
17座城市候机楼平度城市候机楼正式投入使用,从青岛国际机场出行的平度旅客可在平 宾馆 办 理完乘机手续后,乘坐机场巴士直接前往青岛机场登机,享受便捷一站式登机服务。
The passengers can get their boarding pass directly in Pingdu Hotel and then take the airport bus to Qingdao Airport for security check and boarding, enjoying a convenient one-stop boarding service.
基本装备可以从滑雪场、旅游公司、体育用品商店甚 宾馆 酒 店 里租借。
Basic equipment can be hired from ski resorts, safari companies, sports shops and even hotels.
挪威驻华大使司文先生和挪威的太阳能公司REC(Renewable Energy Corporation ASA—可再生能源公司)于2012年7月12日出席了在北京钓鱼台 宾馆 举 行 的2012中国光伏产业领袖峰会。
Norwegian ambassador Svein O. Sæther and Norwegian solar energy company REC (Renewable Energy Corporation ASA) participated at the "China PV Summit 2012", held at Diaoyutai State Guest House on 12 July 2012.
2宾馆饭店 播放盗版影片的情况也较严重,主要以放欧美片子为主,偶尔也会播放冯 小刚、张艺谋的作品。
(2) Hotels are a place where projection of pirated movies is very common. Of [...]
the movies projected illegally in hotels, European
and American movies make up the majority, while occasionally Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Yimou’s films are shown as well.
重量仅为普通玻璃的1/2,抗碎裂性能为普通硅玻璃的12-18倍,机械强度和韧性大于普通玻璃10倍以上,硬度相当于金属铝,具有突出的耐候性和耐老化性,能耐有机酸、碱、盐及低级醇,并且价格低廉,已广泛地应用 宾馆 、 酒 店、商场、体育馆、 机场候机楼、候车亭等户内广告灯箱;膜材光栅由于透过性能不好,“眼晕”现象严重,操作复杂,废品率高,逐步被板材光栅替代;片材光栅由于厚度薄,线数高,造成了视场角很小。
Weight is only common glass 1/2, resistance to shatter glass for ordinary performance of silicon 12-18 times, mechanical strength and toughness is 10 times greater than common glass, aluminum, hardness is equivalent to having outstanding weathering and aging resistance, alkali, salt and organic acids,
and low prices, lower alcohol, has been
[...] widely used in hotels, restaurants, stores, [...]
gymnasium, airport terminal bus stop,
indoor advertisements, etc. Due to the membrane material, through performance of grating YanYun "phenomenon, complex operation, scrap rate high, gradually been plank grating replacement, Sheet thickness thin, line grating due to high number, caused the view is small.
在聊天会话中向网站游客展示旅行目的地的图片 宾馆 安 排、外国城市的地图以及更多信息。
Show your website visitors pictures of travel destinations, hotel accommodations, maps of foreign cities, and more during the chat session.
国内经济合作办招商处的有关负责人介绍说,参加此次海交会除了展示温州形象外,我市还包装组织了近100个项目参会招商,涉及港口交通、旅 宾馆 、 商贸物流等11个领域,其中以温州沿海产业带为依托对接海西经济区的相关招商项目将会成为热点,如温州国际物流基地一期、浙南物流中心、苍南县沿海风电场工程、乐清湾临港产业基地、洞头县鹿西船舶修造基地等现代服务业和临港产业项目近段时间成为热点咨询项目,但是我市还是希望借助此次海交会择优选资。
The person in charge of the domestic economic cooperation do Merchants at attend the haijiaohui addition to the show Wenzhou
image, the city is also packaging organization
[...] nearly 100 participants Merchants involved [...]
in port traffic, tourism, hotels,
trade and logistics, 11 areas, including Wenzhou coastal industrial belt relying docking Hercynian economic zone investment projects will become a hot spot, as an international logistics base in Wenzhou, southern Zhejiang logistics center, Cangnan County coastal wind farm project, Yueqing Bay Harbor industrial base Dongtou deer West shipbuilding base project of modern services and port industries Recently become a hot spot consulting projects, but the city is still hoping the haijiaohui preferential election financing.
据估计,在制冷和空调维修行业工作的技术人员总数约为 1,600 人,其中包括在制冷和空调维修公司工作的 1,400 名制冷和空调技术人员以及 200 名宾馆及其 他机构内维修其自有制冷和空调设备的内部工作技术人员。
The total number of technicians working in the RAC servicing sector is estimated at around 1,600 comprising 1,400 RAC technicians working with RAC servicing companies and 200 technicians working in-house with hotels and other establishments to service their own RAC equipment.
安装在大型企业(即食品加工厂 宾馆 、 采 矿公司、银行、通讯公司和超 市)的制冷设备和空调的维修工作由企业自身的制冷技术员完成。
Servicing of the refrigeration equipment that is
installed in large enterprises (i.e., food
[...] processing industry, hotels, mining companies, [...]
banks, communication companies and supermarkets)
and hospitals is done by their own refrigeration technicians.
2006年7月,建设部公布的《“十一五”城市绿色照明工程规划纲要》中明确表示要实现单位国内生产总值能源消耗降低20%的目标,强调要落实节约资源和保护环境的要求,建设低投入、高产出、低能耗、少排放、能循环、可持续的国民经济体系和资源节约型、环境友好型社会,并把“绿色照明——在公用设施 宾馆 、 商厦、写字楼以及住宅中推广高效节电照明系统等”列为十大节能重点工程之一。
In July 2006, the Ministry of Construction announced the "" Eleventh Five-Year "Plan urban green lighting project," made it clear that to achieve the energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20% of the target, stressed the need to implement resource conservation and environmental protection requirements to build low-input, high output, low energy consumption, less emissions, can be recycled, and sustainable national economic system and resource-saving and
environment-friendly society, and the "green light - in
[...] public facilities, hotels, commercial buildings, [...]
office buildings and to promote efficient
energy-saving residential lighting systems such as "as one of ten key energy projects.
如果您的在线客户还需宾馆住宿 或其他旅行服务,您可以将他们的浏览器引导至您的在线业务伙伴,为他们提供帮助。
If your online customer also needs hotel accommodations or some other travel service, you can help them on the spot by directing their browser to one of your online business partners.
     JLK系列空调是本公司精心设计研制的组合式空调器,具有功能齐全,选配灵活可广泛用于电子工业、医药、化工、精密机械制造仪器表及食品等行业的净化空调工程,对大中型民用及公共建筑、饭店 宾馆 、 大型影剧院等舒适性空调亦极适用。
Summary The JLK's set air-condition is native corporation designs the development association style air-regulator painstakingly , and haves the meritorious service completely selecting awning provide the agile decontamination air-condition project that may widely be used electronics industry , medicine , chemical industry and exact machine to manufacture professions such as apparatus form and food and so on , and adjust the cozy quality air-conditions such as big-and-middle-sized civil and common structure , hotel , guesthouse and large theatre and so on too exceedingly being applicable .
2009 年,安圭拉政府经过谈判,购买了一家大 宾馆 , 作为接待机构使用发 展对该岛旅游业人力资源的支助。
In 2009, the Government of Anguilla negotiated the purchase of a major hotel complex to use as a hospitality institution for the development of the support of human resources for the island’s tourism industry.




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