

单词 馆长

馆长 noun ()

librarian n

馆长 adjective ()

curatorial adj

See also:

embassy or consulate
term for certain service establishments
schoolroom (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

以这种方式突出世界顶级女艺术家将加强和巩固一流博 馆 和 馆长 之 间 的全球联 系。
Highlighting the world’s foremost women artists in this way will strengthen and solidify global
[...] ties between leading museums and curators.
委员会注意到联合王国关于决议草案 34 C/22 的下述意见:“该决议草案解释性说明的最后一段中有一句话说是援引 自大英博馆馆长的观点。
The Commission took note of the following statement by the United Kingdom on 34 C/DR.22: “in the final paragraph of the Explanatory Note for this Draft Resolution, there is a sentence attributing a certain view to the Director of the British Museum.
鸭川海洋世界位于太平洋海岸,是一座综合性水 馆 , 长 达 1.6公里,以动感虎鲸表演著称。
The Kamogawa Sea World is a
[...] 1.6-kilometer long general aquarium facing [...]
the Pacific Ocean, famous for its dynamic Orca show.
比如 说,我们所开的汽车是由拥有研究生学历的工程师设计的;我们 子女学校的老师,有研究生学历的人也越来越多了,而且这些老
师又是由拥有高等学历的人培养出来的;医生为我们开的处方药 是由拥有研究生学历的科学家研发和测试过的;在博物馆,我们
[...] 所看到的展览也是由拥有研究生学历 馆长 筹 划 和安排的; 我们 在电影上看到的一些复杂的电脑特效同样也是由一些拥有研究生 [...]
We ride in automobiles with systems designed by engineers having graduate degrees; send our children to schools where a growing number of teachers have graduate degrees and were themselves trained by people with advanced degrees; pick up prescriptions for drugs
designed and tested by scientists with graduate
[...] degrees; visit museums and view displays [...]
arranged by curators with graduate degrees;
and go to movies enhanced by sophisticated computer-generated special effects designed by men and women who have graduate degrees.
29E.44 馆长负责 管理和协调图书馆的所有方案和活动,包括负责信息处理科、用户服务科、以及登记、 记录和档案股等部门。
29E.44 The Chief Librarian manages and coordinates all programmes and activities of the Library, comprising the Information Processing Section Registry, the User Services Section and the Registry, Records and Archives Unit.
国家档馆馆长120 知 道我的访问并不涉及前南问题国际法庭的原始档案, 他表示国家档案馆有兴趣成为前南问题国际法庭任何形式、包括电子形式公共记 [...]
Aware that my visit did not relate to the original
[...] archives of the ICTY, the Director of the State [...]
Archives120 expressed the interest
of his institution in being a depository of certified copies of ICTY public records in any form, including electronic, given the importance that such material has for Montenegro as well as all the States of the Region.
在此据馆长莱纳 收集的诗篇给我们一些非常重要的的片段,其中有二十四叶一纸莎草法典包含在其他两个希腊和Sahidic相反的网页,和更短的的片段,一旦整个诗篇双语羊皮纸手稿的诗篇,并仅在Sahidic其他羊皮纸碎片。
In this the learned curator of the Rainer [...]
collection gives us some very important fragments of the Psalms, among which are
twenty-four leaves of a papyrus codex containing once the whole Psalter both in Greek and Sahidic on opposite pages, and shorter fragments of two other bilingual parchment manuscripts of the Psalms, and other parchment fragments in Sahidic only.
赛维特·贝格·贝萨吉克(1870-1934 年)是一名波斯尼亚学者、诗人、记者兼博 馆馆长 , 他收集了284卷手稿藏品与365卷印刷藏品,这些藏品反映了伊斯兰文明从最初至20世纪早期的发展历程。
Safvet beg Bašagić (1870-1934) was a Bosnian scholar, poet, journalist, and museum director who assembled a collection of 284 manuscript volumes and 365 print volumes that reflect the development of Islamic civilization from its inception to the early 20th century.
伯尔尼历史博馆馆长 Jako b Messerli 先生在介绍本次展览时说:“爱因斯坦在 [...]
1895 年来到瑞 士,于 1901 年加入瑞士国籍,并在这里生活了 18 年。
[...] the exhibition, Mr. Jakob Messerli, Director [...]
of Historical Museum Bern said, “Albert Einstein came to Switzerland
in 1895 and spent 18 years of his life there before becoming a Swiss citizen in 1901.
伊拉克博馆的馆长,Do nny George,一位受人敬重的亚述人,说他因为担心他的生命遭到威胁,以及伊斯兰原教旨主义者阻止他所有不属于伊斯兰艺术品的作品而被迫从伊拉克逃到了叙利亚。
The director of the Iraqi Museum, Donny George, a respected Assyrian, says that he was forced to flee Iraq to Syria in fear of his life, and that Islamic fundamentalists obstructed all of his work that was not focused on Islamic artifacts.
馆长还建 议,正在进行的图书馆施 工一旦竣工,信息中心可设在图书馆的小文件中心,1991-1999 年战争文件中心 曾设在这里。
The Director also suggested that, once the on-going construction in the library was finished, the small documentation Centre,i.e. , the Documentation Centre War 1991-1999, which the library used to host, could host an Information Centre.
江诗丹顿行政总裁陶睿思Juan-Carlos Torres先生于2006年4月3 日举行的日内瓦高级钟表 沙龙 (Salon
International de la
[...] Haute Horlogerie) 的开幕典礼上,捐赠一枚Jubilé 1755腕表予日内瓦钟表与珐琅艺术博 馆馆长 E s t el le Fallet女士和日内瓦艺术与历史博物馆 (Museum of Art and History)馆长C?
It was at the inauguration ceremony of the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie on 3 April that Juan-Carlos Torres - CEO of Vacheron Constantin - presented the timepiece Jubilé 1755 to the city of Geneva's Watch, Clock and Enamel
Museum, in the presence of
[...] its curator, Ms Estelle Fallet, and the Director of the city of Geneva's Museum of Art and History, Mr Cäsar Menz.
2010年,他成为卢浮宫的客馆长,他 将舞蹈,歌剧,戏剧,电影和绘画结合在一部名为《Les Visages et les corps (脸庞和身体)》的表演中。
In 2010, he was a guest curator at the Louvre where he incorporated dance, opera, theater, film and painting in a show titled Les Visages et les corps (Faces and Bodies).
例如,又 有两名妇女已被任命为驻外使团 馆长 。 在 过去两年里,女律师人数显著增加, 妇女已被送往国外接受法官培训。
For example, two new women have been appointed as heads of diplomatic missions abroad, the number of female lawyers during the last two years has increased significantly and women have been sent abroad to be trained as judges.
1887到1919年间的博馆馆长皮埃 尔·德·诺拉克(Pierre de Nolhac)是这个略显单调的博物馆的强烈反对者,他是回归历史面貌运动的主要倡导者。
Pierre de Nolhac, curator of the museum from 1887 to 1919, and a virulent adversary of this monotonous museum, was the great initiator of this return to their historical conditions.
400多位嘉宾获邀参加这次音乐会,其中包括德‧布拉干萨公爵(Duke de Bragança)、西班牙教育部长梅赛德斯‧卡布雷拉女士(Mercedes Cabrera)、保加利亚卡丹姆亲王(Prince Kardam)及匈牙利米里亚姆王妃(Princess Miriam)、西班牙首相夫人安娜‧波特利亚(Ana Botella)、时装设计师Agatha Ruiz de la Prada、西班牙王室成员索菲娅女王陛下的侄子布鲁诺‧戈麦斯‧艾斯博(Bruno Gómez Acebo)及夫人、以及索菲娅王后博 馆馆长 安 娜 ‧马丁内斯‧德‧阿奎拉尔女士(Ana Martínez de Aguilar)。
Over 400 guests were invited, including the Duke de Bragança, Ms Mercedes Cabrera, Spain’s Minister of Education, Prince Kardam of Bulgaria and Princess Miriam of Hungary, Ana Botella, the wife of José Maria Aznar, the fashion designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, members of the Spanish royal family like Her Majesty Queen Sophie’s nephew, Bruno Gómez Acebo, accompanied by his wife, and Ana Martínez de Aguilar, Directress of the 'Queen Sofia Museum'.
瑞士驻广州总领事洪立焜先生、瑞士国家形象委员 会代表Nicolas
[...] Bideau先生、伯尔尼历史博馆馆长Jakob Messerli先生、广东省人民政府外事办公 [...]
Mr. Ulrich Hunn, Consul General of Switzerland, Mr. Jakob Messerli, Director of Historical Museum Bern, Mr. Nicolas Bideau, Director of
Presence Switzerland (PRS), Mr. Li Jian,
[...] Deputy Director-General of Guangdong Foreign [...]
Affairs Office, and Mr. Wang Kewei,
Director of Guangdong Science Center, attended the ceremony to inaugurate the exhibition.
庭长对各代表团团长、会员国使 馆馆长和 秘书长也履行代表职能。
The President performs representational functions vis-à-vis heads
[...] of mission, embassies of Member States and the Secretary-General.
同时到会和发言的还有联合国环境署代表、联合国环境署世界保育中心主任 乔.哈顿教授,剑桥大学塞吉维克博 馆馆长 大 卫.诺曼博士,以及此次活动的主办方-剑桥东方教育与发展协会(CEEDS)的主席孔珺先生。
The director of Sedywick museum, Dr. David Norman made a speech first, followed by Prof. Jon Hutton, director of UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Mr. Jun Kong, CEO of Cambridge Eastern Education and Development Society (CEEDS) and the photographer himself, Mr. Luo Hong.
During the meeting with the Director of the Museum, Mr. Dieng discussed potential avenues of collaboration.
该实验室主任教授、美国国家航天局矿物研究首席科学家Bob Downs,以及国际知名的中国矿物专家B.Ottens、美国矿物学会联合会主席Bob Jones、全球最大的矿物收藏经营公司总裁Bryan Lee、史密桑尼自然历史博物馆(美国国家博 馆)馆长 J e f fr ey Post等业内顶级专家均将参加博览会高峰论坛并发表主题演讲。
The top experts in the industry including the director professor of the lab, also the chief mineral study scientist of NASA Bob Downs, world famous Chinese mineral expert B.Ottens, American Federation of Mineralogical Societies president Bob Jones, the CEO of the largest mineral collection operating company Bryan Lee, the curator of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History (the U.S. National Museum) Jeffrey Post and etc. will all attend the CMGS Summit Forum and give their keynote speeches.
本奖学金已踏入第五届,歷届的奖学金得主分別为香港小交响乐团行政总裁杨惠女士、康乐及文化事务署(康文署)文化事务部副经理陈焕伟先生、夸啦啦艺术集匯行政总裁邱欢智女士、新媒体艺术机构Microwave主席傅慧仪女士、康文署艺术推广办事 馆长 连 美娇女士及城市当代舞蹈团行政总监陈綺文女士。
Previous recipients include Ms Margaret Yang, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Mr Chan Woon-wai, Assistant Manager in the Cultural Services Branch of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), Ms Lynn Yau, Chief Executive Officer of The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC), Ms Winnie Fu, Chairperson of
the Microwave (new media arts
[...] organisation), Ms Ivy Lin, Curator of the Art Promotion [...]
Office, LCSD and Ms Clementine Chan,
Managing Director of the City Contemporary Dance Company.
白盒子艺术馆学术委员会囊括了当下艺术界最重要的数十位专家学者、艺术家、收藏家、评论家、策展人、经纪人,他们有瑞士前驻华大使,全球最大的中国当代艺术收藏家乌利-希克(Uli Sigg);中国当代艺术最重要的评论家和策划人费大为;国际知名独立策展人顾振清;著名策展人、批评家与艺术史家,中国美术学院副教授吕澎;北京今日美 馆馆长 , 兼 《东方艺术》系列杂志主编张子康;中央美术学院人文学院副院长赵力;独立策展人、著名美术评论家冯博一;著名当代艺术家、中央美术学院雕塑系主任、教授隋建国;台北当代艺 馆馆长 , 威尼斯双年展台湾馆策展人石瑞仁;上海外滩美 馆馆长 赖 香 玲。
White box art museum academic committee include the art worlds most important dozens of experts and scholars, artists, collectors, critics and curators, agent, they have before ambassador to Switzerland, the worlds largest Chinese contemporary art collectors Uli Sigg; The most important Chinese contemporary art critics and planners FeiDaWei; International well-known independent curator GuZhenQing; Famous critics and curators and art historian, China LvPeng associate professor at college of fine arts; Beijing today art museum curator, and the Oriental art series ZhangZiKang magazine; The central academy of fine arts, vice President of the humanities college ZhaoLi; Independent curator, famous art critics feng boyi; Famous contemporary artists, the central academy of fine arts, director of the sculpture SuiJianGuo professor
挪威使馆副馆长尼尔 斯 (Nils Martin Gunneng) 在他的发言中强调了跨文化交流的重要性。
In his opening remarks the Deputy Chief of Mission, [...]
Mr Nils Martin Gunneng, stressed the importance of cross-cultural exchange.
此外还开设了非公开的训练营和讨论班,学员们可以申请参加,经筛选组成了一个28人的核心小组,其中有视觉艺术家、建筑家、作家、电影家、记者、博 馆长 、 作曲家和表演家。
A core group of 28 participants, including visual artists, architects, writers, filmmakers, journalists, curators, composers, and performers, were selected by application to participate in additional private workshops and discussions.
[...] Frazier从台北发回的稿件中,以当地艺术圈内人的观点表述了组织紧凑的台湾艺术圈与对于台北市立美术馆的 馆长 黄 海鸣的希望,黄海鸣既非政治人物也不是技术专家,而是位艺术学者——对这个机构而言非常新鲜。
AAP Taiwan desk editor David Frazier files a Dispatch from Taipei with an insider’s view of the tight-knit art community there
and its great hopes for Taipei Fine Arts
[...] Museum’s new director Huang Hai-ming, [...]
who is neither a politician nor a technocrat,
but rather an art scholar—a novelty for that institution.
在一国际专家委员会的协助下,博 馆馆长 玛 丽 -克劳德·彼奥德(Marie-Claude Beaud,2002年1月任命)提出了现代艺术博物馆的理念,并于2002年和2003年开始收集作品。
Assisted by an international committee of experts, the former Director Marie-Claude Beaud (appointed in January 2000) presented the concept of MUDAM and started a collection in the years 2002 and 2003.
底特律新艺术博物馆非常荣幸地选择了九位底特律艺术家参加在北京艺术通道举办的“变化的城市”展览。该展览项目以与底特律区域内的艺术家同世界其他各城市的艺术家进行展览交流为目的,是由底特律新艺术博 馆馆长 J ef Bourgeau发起的。
Detroit's Museum of New Art (MONA) is proud to send selected artists from Detroit to Art Channel Beijing Space for the latest installment of the project of Changing Cities which is initiated by Jef Bourgeau,
director of MONA, in order to swap artists from the Detroit region with their
[...] counterparts in other cities around the world.
此外,40位前来参观纽约展览的幸运访客将可赢得一部由担任爱彼博 馆馆长 达 20 年的现 馆长 M A R TIN WEHRLI亲笔签名的系列纪念册。
A richly illustrated book, it features the 137 year long history of Audemars Piguet and details the life of the iconic model from a historical point as well as through the eyes of various watch aficionados who have come to adore it since its birth in 1972.




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