

单词 编者按

See also:



compile v
write v
arrange v

External sources (not reviewed)

编者按:除引言外,本文为 Albert Ungerer的原始日记摘录。
Author's note: all texts with [...]
the exception of the introduction are original extracts from Albert Ungerer's diary.
编者按:亚洲清洁燃料协会将继续跟踪报道美国能源法案的进展及其对 MTBE 工业的影响。
Editor’s Note: As debate continues, the Asian Clean Fuels Association will keep readers updated on the U.S. [...]
Energy Bill and its
implications for the MTBE industry.
而普通人则必须等到11月17日Versace for
[...] H&M系列才到达世界各地的约300家分店(该系列自11月19日起在美国、日本、加拿大销售 编者按 )。
The rest of us mere mortals will have to wait until the Versace for H&M collection arrives in approximately
300 stores worldwide on 17 November (in the USA, Japan and Canada the
[...] collection will go on sale from 19 November – Ed.
Editor’s Note: This Cape Town [...]
2010 Advance Paper has been written by S. Kent Parks (1) and John Scott as an overview of
the topic to be discussed at the Multiplex session on “Missing Peoples: The Unserved ‘One-Fourth’ World.
这是这位英国设计师自2008年接任创意总监后对这个在1987年收归LVMH集团旗下的品牌的又一次复兴的肯定,在短短三年内(由她设计的第一个系列是2010年的度假系列,在2009年6月发布 编者按 ) 品牌的营业额翻了一倍,从2亿欧元的基础上到据分析师估计在2012年底已经超过了4亿欧元。
It is about the British designer who arrived in 2008 as creative director with the precise aim to restore enamel to the brand recognized in 1987 of the LVMH group, in just three years (the first collection designed by her was the
resort in 2010, presented
[...] in June 2009, ed) the brand has managed to double its turnover, starting from a base of 200 million euro,according to analysts' [...]
estimates has exceeded
400 million euro of turnover at the end of 2012.
它的用户界面按照最终用户(新闻 者 , 编者 , 出 版者)的习惯来设计。
Its user interface is
[...] based on end-user ( news reporter , editor , publisher ) to design the habit .
启用邮件列表向导,请在邮件列表管理器中点击新建 者编 辑 按 钮。
To start the List Wizard, click Mailing Lists on the left hand pane
[...] and click New List or Edit button.
今后的活 动包括:为旅游业者和服务者编写 行 动准则,以及举办当地的文化节和其它联欢节活动。
Further activities include the drawing up of codes of practice for tour operators and service providers, and the organization of local cultural and other festivals.
倘若價格差額有 損競爭,《法案》將禁止售者,按 不 同 價格將相同級別及質量 商品,售予不同的買家。
It prohibits sellers from offering different prices to different purchasers of commodities of like grade and quality where the difference injures competition.
咨询委员会注意到,例按照增编第 11(c)段,中 央支助事务厅将“应当地项目管理团队的要求”提供指导和咨询意见。
The Advisory Committee
[...] notes that, according to paragraph 11 (c) of the addendum, for example, [...]
the Office is to provide
guidance and advice “at the request of the local project management teams”.
根据来文提交人, 此类条例造成了恐惧气氛,在这种恐惧气氛中, 者 、 编 辑 和出版者越来越不愿 意报道和出版涉及公众利益的事项。
According to the author, such regulation establishes a climate of fear in which writers, editors and publishers [...]
become increasingly
reluctant to report and publish on matters of public interest.
(c) 若尚不存在按照本国程编制一 项国家计划,其中对提供充分援助作出规 定,包括确定开展这些活动的时间表,以期将其纳入适用的国家卫生保健、残 疾、发展与人权框架和机制,同时尊重有关行 者 在 集 束弹药受 者 的 援 助和康 复方面的具体作用和贡献
(c) develop, where it does not already exist, in accordance with national procedures, a national plan, with provision of adequate assistance, including timeframes to carry these activities, with a view to incorporating them within applicable national health, disability, development and human rights frameworks and mechanisms, while respecting the specific role and contribution of relevant actors in the field of assistance and rehabilitation of victims of cluster munitions
同样,会员国用欧 元支付的会按编制预 算使用的汇率入帐。
Likewise, Member States’ contributions in euros will be brought to account at the rate of exchange used to calculate the budget.
(b) 附有上诉人在上诉中提到的每一份文件的副本,如果原文不是联合国正 式语文,应附上正式语文之一的译文;每份文件第一页的顶部应有“附件”字样, 并以阿拉伯数按顺序编号。
(b) A copy of each document referred to by the appellant in the appeal, accompanied by a translation into one of the official languages of the United Nations if the original language is not one of the official languages; such documents shall be identified by the word “Annex” at the top of the first page of each document followed by sequential arabic numerals.
本公司亦將於股東週年大會按股東 週年大會通告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最 者 為 準 )止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
多个发言者坚 持认为,现有机构和支持机制应得到更加充分的利用, 者按 照 已 经确定的新需 求作出调整。
Existing institutions and support mechanisms, several speakers maintained, should be more fully exploited or adapted to new requirements that had been identified.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到:(a)根据第 1 款备选案文 C,登记处应当 同时按数字和姓编制的 索引,查询人员应当能够使用其中某项索引编制标 准进行查询;及(b)插入第 4 段是为了让工作组审议设保人地址问题;及(c)设保 人及有担保债权人或其管理人的地址必须是记录的一部分,但不一定是身份识 别特征的一部分,除非需要补充信息来确定有担保债权人、其管理人或设保人 的身份。
Note to the Working Group The Working Group may wish to note that: (a) under option C in paragraph 1, the registry should have both numerical and name indexes and searchers should be able to search with one or the other indexing criterion; and (b) paragraph 4 has been inserted for the Working Group to consider the matter of the address of the grantor; and (c) the address of the grantor and secured creditor or its representative has to be part of the record, but not necessarily part of the identifier, except if there is a need for additional information to identify the secured creditor, its representative or the grantor.
在太平洋分地区,特别是如果捐 者按 其 计 划开展合作,现金和实物援助就会起到举足 轻重的作用。
In the Pacific, and especially if donors develop the cooperation they are planning, aid in cash and kind can make a real difference.
自 1978 年开始,理事会文件采用新的编号方法,各项决 按 年 编 号 ,用两个阿拉伯数 字,中间以斜线分开来标明,第一个数字表示年度,第二个数字表示该年度决定号数(例 如:第 1990/224 号决定)。
Since 1978, as part of the new system adopted for symbols of Council documents, the decisions have been numbered on a yearly basis and identified by two arabic numerals separated by an oblique stroke, the first numeral indicating the year, the second the number of the decision in the annual series (for example: decision 1990/224).
例如,若按照发票编 号、 公司名称和日期对发票文档进行命名,拖动或双击相应字段来填写公式。
For example, if you want your Invoice documents to be named by Invoice Number, Company Name and Date, drag or double-click the corresponding fields to compose the formula.
y 2010 年5月31日至6月3 日,举办了观察和监测人权问题的培训讲 习班,以培训政府机构和相关民间社会组织工 者编 写 联 合国报告 尤其是人权领域的报告的方法。
A training workshop in observing and monitoring human rights was held during 31 May -3 June 2010 to train workers in government agencies and relevant civil society organizations in the method for writing UN reports, particularly in the field of human rights.
合 營 企 業 經 營 的 損 益 以 及 盈 餘 資 產 由 合者 按 各 自 出 資 額 或 合 營 企 業 合 約 的 條 款 共 同 分 享。
The profits and losses from the joint venture’s operations and any distributions of surplus assets are shared by the venturers, either in proportion to their respective capital contributions, or in accordance with the terms of the joint venture agreement.
[...] 能及时审查和更新各类指示和程序;没有证据表明社会工 者按 照 指 示在分发物 品的现场;仓库缺乏适当的卫生和安全工作措施;在向受益者发放口粮和补贴之 [...]
少接受口粮者的签名或指纹,作为受益者的收据证据;有关部门之间缺乏协调, 无法确保有足够的财政资源来征聘更多的人员,以尽量争取为最高限数的有资格 受益人/家庭提供优质服务。
The Department of Internal Oversight Services noted the following weaknesses in the five field offices visited: lack of timely review and update of
instructions and procedures, lack of
[...] evidence that social workers were present during [...]
the distribution as required by instructions,
inappropriateness of health and safety working measures at the warehouses, lack of procedures of reviewing ration cards and referral forms before releasing rations and subsidies to beneficiaries and proper documented control measures, lack of signatures or fingerprints for receiving the food rations on the distribution lists as proof for the beneficiaries’ receipts, and lack of coordination between the concerned departments to ensure that sufficient financial resources were available to enable the recruitment of additional personnel to accommodate the ceilings for eligible beneficiaries/families and deliver quality services.
经修订的关于技术和职业教育的建议(2001)的出版,以及国际劳工组织以六种正式 语言出版的、在世界各地分发的关于技术培训的准则性文书,还有为帮助高层教育政策制定 者和决者按照这些国际标准改革其 TVET 体制所举办的分地区研讨会(亚洲和东欧),所 有这一切都表明会员国实施经修订的关于技术和职业教育的建议(2001)的政治承诺。
The political commitment of Member States to implement the Revised Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education 2001 was secured through publishing this instrument together with the ILO normative instrument on vocational training in six official languages for wide dissemination, and organizing subregional seminars for high-level education policy-makers and decision-makers to assist them to reform their TVET systems in accordance with these international standards have been held (in Asia and Eastern Europe).
由于所指称的违反本法规定的行为,供应商或承包商声称遭受了损失或损害或 者声称可能遭受损失或损害,可以要求按照第 [62 至 66]条,者按照本 国适用 法律的其他规定,对所指称的违规行为,包括对根据复议程序作出的任何所指 称的违规行动或决定进行审议。
A supplier or contractor that claims to have suffered or claims that it may suffer, loss or injury due to alleged non-compliance with the provisions of this Law may seek review of the alleged non-compliance under articles [62 to 66] of this Law or under other provisions of applicable law of this State, including of any alleged non-compliant actions or decisions taken pursuant to review proceedings.
按照经修订编写定 期报告的准则( CERD/C/2007/1)第10至12 段,委员 会建议缔约国向委员会提供资料,说明其人口结构,资料应按民族血统和族 裔分裂,并提供不同群体经济情况的统计数字,据以评估他们的经济、社会 和文化状况以及其权利得到保护的程度。
In accordance with paragraphs 10 to 12 of its revised reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), the Committee recommends that the State party provide information on the composition of its population, disaggregated by national and ethnic origin, as well as statistical data on the socio-economic situation of the various groups, to enable the Committee to evaluate their situation in economic, social and cultural terms and the level of protection of their rights.
默认的情况下分页符是不显示的,单击“常用”工具栏上的“显示/隐 编 辑 标记 ” 按 钮 , (如图(4)),在插入分页符的地方就出现了一个分页符标记,用鼠标在这一行上单击,光标就定位到了分页符的前面,按一下Delete键,分页符就被删除了。
Default page breaks are not displayed, click the "common" on the
[...] toolbar "Show / Hide Edit tag "button, (Figure (4)), [...]
insert a page break in place there
have been a sub - Fu tag page, use the mouse to click in this line, position the cursor on the front page breaks, click the Delete button, a page break has been deleted.
该研究 所还为政策制者编写了 一系列报告和论文以及一个新的论文系列,以将研究 转化为实践,并继续支助土著司法信息系统(www.indigenousjustice.gov.au), [...]
The Australian Institute also produced reports
[...] and papers for policymakers and a new series [...]
of papers to translate research into
practice and continued to support the Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse (www.indigenousjustice.gov.au), as a way of focusing on research that is relevant to policy and practice.




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