单词 | 猫咪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 猫咪 noun, plural —cats pl猫咪 —kitty咪咪 —kitty kitty! • oboe-like musical instrument used in folk music of Gansu, • Qinghai etc (onom.) meow • Mimi (Western name) • tits (i.e. slang for breasts) See also:猫 n—pussy n • kitten n 咪—sound for calling a cat
几年来,在幸运土猫 TNR 项目中,社区志愿者支付的绝育费用一直维持在 30-100 元之 间(根据猫咪性别 、怀孕与否以及医院的不同而有不同)。 animalsasia.org | Over the past years, the expenses for de-sexing operations for [...] community volunteers in the [...] Lucky Cats TNR program have been maintained between RMB 30-100 (differs in cat gender, pregnancy [...]status, and hospitals). animalsasia.org |
在笼子的一侧有一个弹性的,可以自动闭锁的V 形门,这可以安全的防止猫咪逃跑 ,即使它们弄翻了笼子也无妨。 animalsasia.org | On one side there is a flexible [...] V-shape door that can automatically lock, which will [...] safely prevent the cat from escaping even [...]if the cages are knocked over. animalsasia.org |
考虑到陌生人的到来会 让猫咪产生紧张和惊恐的情 绪,请不要临时安排其他新的 [...] 志愿者参与恢复场所看护工 作。 animalsasia.org | Taking into account that strangers [...] might frighten the cat, temporary volunteers [...]should not conduct any nursing work. animalsasia.org |
而且在不能严格隔离的家庭里,一旦 猫咪 从 笼中跑出,之后的抓 捕及放归都将是很难解决的状况。 animalsasia.org | Further,, in a family without strict isolation [...] measures, if the cat escapes from the [...]cage, it would be difficult to re-trap and release. animalsasia.org |
如果猫咪逃跑 ,应当在附近放上水和食物,逃跑 的 猫咪 一 般 会躲藏一段时间,但它们不 会跑的很远,持续提供食物和水可以帮助它们回来。 animalsasia.org | If the cat escapes it will not go far, so you should provide food and water near by to [...] help encourage it back. animalsasia.org |
尽管在TNR项目的具体实施中,我们要为每一个被救助 的 猫咪 完 成 绝育手术,但社区中 流浪猫群落的整体维护状况,才是TNR工作的考量指标。 animalsasia.org | Although in the implementation [...] of the TNR program we [...] want each cat to be de-sexed, maintaining the overall situation of the cat colony in [...]the community is an important [...]indicator to evaluate the TNR work. animalsasia.org |
了解医院每天可以为多少只猫咪完成 绝育:对于 TNR 项目而言,每一次诱捕工作能 诱捕到的猫咪数量 都是不确定的,尤其是当几个 TNR 社区都在同一家医院安排猫咪 绝育 的话,提前了解医院每天的绝育数量是非常必要的。 animalsasia.org | Know how many cats can be de-sexed a day in the hospital; for the TNR programme, the number of cats trapped is uncertain, especially when several TNR communities go to the same hospital, so it is essential to [...] know the capacity of the hospital. animalsasia.org |
在开展TNR工作的同时,最好也能在社区内大力宣传“做负责任猫狗主人”的观念,呼 吁养猫的居民给自家猫咪做绝 育,以及不要遗 弃 猫咪 , 这样也可有效减少产生新的流浪猫。 animalsasia.org | While carrying out the TNR programme, it is preferable to promote the idea of "being a responsible pet owner " [...] in the community and call [...] on residents to de-sex their own cats and not abandon them, which can [...]also effectively reduce a [...]new generation of stray animals. animalsasia.org |
以幸运土猫的实际经验来看,自从2007年北京市政府开始为北京地区的流浪猫提供免费 绝育之后,TNR的工作范围及绝育的 猫咪 数 量 逐年增加,但是TNR工作的资金需求却稳中有降。 animalsasia.org | In Lucky Cats practical experience, since 2007 the Beijing municipal government began providing free sterilisation services for stray cats, and the scope of TNR work and number of neutered cats has increased annually. animalsasia.org |
为了确保诱捕的安全,在诱捕前,还可以使用一次性绑带(塑料的)加固笼子, 将 猫咪 逃跑的风险降到最低。 animalsasia.org | In order to ensure safety in trapping and reduce [...] the risk of the cat running away, before [...]you begin you can also use disposable [...]linkage (plastic ties) in order to reinforce the cage. animalsasia.org |
我们随后前往了Mast [...] Brothers看看制作中的美味巧克力,Todd跑到他自己的Edible Selby命名的巧克力前,包装上可爱的巴哥、大麦町,当然还 有 猫咪。 ba-repsasia.com | We then head over to Mast Brothers to see said tasty chocolate in the making, and [...] Todd flashes his own Edible Selby branded bars with drawings of cute pugs, [...] Dalmatians, and of course, cats on the wrapper. ba-repsasia.com |
如果将手术后的猫咪安排在恢复场所休养,则还必须配备必要的设备、物品、以及招募 到足够的看护志愿者,在恢复场所内照顾手术后的流 浪 猫咪。 animalsasia.org | After surgery, if the cat is to recover at the recovery site, necessary equipment, materials and sufficient nursing volunteers must be prepared in advance. animalsasia.org |
一定要在猫咪居住 的笼子外面张贴有关这 个猫 咪的标识信息,包括猫咪的编号、外貌特征, 性别、负责人联系信息,住院时间及预计出院 时间等,以免在放归时接错猫咪,给 TNR 工作 带来不必要的麻烦,也给猫咪造成 不必要的痛 苦。 animalsasia.org | This will avoid confusion in releasing and prevent any unnecessary pain for the cat and complications to the TNR work. animalsasia.org |
放归条件准备好后(喂养人到场, 猫咪 的 家 环境正常),尽快放归就可以 了。 animalsasia.org | When the conditions for release are available (feeder on site, the environment is [...] normal), release the cat as soon as possible. animalsasia.org |
由于我们的志愿者是需要自行支付一定的绝育费用的,在收到这笔资助后,我们将猫粮 发给社区中照顾猫咪的志愿者,很好的鼓励了志愿者把TNR工作坚持下去的信心。 animalsasia.org | As volunteers needed to pay for certain costs of the [...] de-sexing surgery, upon receipt of the fund, [...] they distributed cat food to the community [...]volunteers, which greatly encouraged [...]the volunteers to maintain the TNR work. animalsasia.org |
因此,若无意为猫咪安排进入家庭 生活,一定要在两周内放归猫咪。 animalsasia.org | If it is not intended for adoption then it should be released within two weeks in order to reduce this risk. animalsasia.org |
比 如:告知居民怎样能让猫咪生活 的更加健康、安全,如何喂 养 猫咪 、 如 何在不影响 社区环境的前提下规划猫咪的住 所,以及遇 到 猫咪 受 到 伤害或生命受到威胁时该怎 样办等。 animalsasia.org | For example, teaching the community [...] residents how to give cats a safer and healthier life; how to organize catteries without destroying the community environment, and what to do when cats are hurt or their lives [...]are threatened. animalsasia.org |
这对 猫咪以及猫咪放归后生活的社区都会有很大的好处。 animalsasia.org | This will greatly [...] benefit the cats and the community where these cats will be released. animalsasia.org |
在最近一次Cool Hunting的采访中,Gary Baseman谈起了这个他最爱猫咪背后 的品牌:“Sanrio因为它的卡通人物们,而似有自然地力量保持年轻和俏皮,拥抱当下时尚、产品设计和艺术的潮流。 ba-repsasia.com | In a recent interview with Cool Hunting, Gary Baseman said this about the brand behind the favorite feline: “Sanrio seems to have a natural ability to remain young and playful as its own characters, embracing fully current trends in fashion, product design, and art. ba-repsasia.com |
迁移工作必须 确保对猫咪最小程度的损伤,并让 猫咪 易 于适应新的环境,那么,让它们有相互可以信任的 伴侣是至关重要的。 animalsasia.org | The relocation has [...] to ensure minimum stress to the cats and a trusted companion is critical [...]to this process. animalsasia.org |
猫咪手术 后,如需要送原生活区域放归,也需要提前联系区域内的喂养人,告知将 要送回的猫咪的大 概数量,让喂养人提前做好必要的安排。 animalsasia.org | If cats are to be released to the original living area after surgery, feeders in the region should be contacted and informed of the estimated number of cats to be released, [...] so that they can make relevant arrangements. animalsasia.org |
猫咪 cn.iherb.com | Cats iherb.com |
如诱捕结束的时 间较晚,已经不方便在当天完成手术,可与医院协商是先 将 猫咪 送 过 去,第二天再 实施绝育手术,还是暂时先另行安置 猫咪 , 次 日再送去医院完成绝育手术。 animalsasia.org | If it is too late for the surgery, [...] discuss with the hospital whether the cats shall be sent first and wait till the next day for the surgery, or be placed in some other location and sent the next day. [...] animalsasia.org |
但我们注意到的是Todd的蓝绿色扎染 猫咪 T 恤。 ba-repsasia.com | All we notice though is Todd’s rad [...] turquoise tie-dye cat shirt. ba-repsasia.com |
此游戏也能让玩家的获胜绩分纪录在世界玩家排行榜上并随时随地与最强的对手较量且成为世界第 一 猫咪 翻 转 棋手!。 ipress.com.hk | Compare your scores on the world rankings and compete the best players to become the [...] world's number one Pussy Flipper! ipress.com.hk |
孩之宝公司游戏部高级副总裁兼全球品牌负责人Eric Nyman表示:“我们知道,世界各地的 猫咪 爱 好 者会很高兴在《地产大亨》游戏里看到新的 ‘ 猫咪 ’ 棋 子。 businesswire.com | We know that cat lovers around the [...] world will be happy to [...] welcome the new cat token into the MONOPOLY game,” said Eric Nyman, senior vice president and global brand [...]leader for Hasbro Gaming. businesswire.com |
采用仅0.14克重的微型加速计测量发现, [...] 猎豹、美洲狮、山猫、虎猫和家养 猫咪 的 打 呼频率均在多种不同的治疗频率范围之内,而且与已知可治疗多种疾病的低频均只有±4 [...]Hz的差异。 bksv.cn | Using miniature accelerometers weighing a mere 0.14 gram, the purring [...] frequencies of cheetahs, pumas, servals, [...] ocelots and domestic cats were found to fall [...]within the range of a multitude of therapeutic [...]frequencies, and all had frequencies ±4 Hz from the entire repertoire of low frequencies known to be therapeutic for many ailments. bksv.com |
最好的是,翻转猫咪拥有 比其他苹果游戏更多的可爱俏 皮 猫咪 动 画 和双关语以及时尚的爵士游戏配音!翻 转 猫咪 也 同时拥有能让朋友及路人惊吓得逼 真 猫咪 叫 声。 ipress.com.hk | Best of all, Pussy Flip has more cat-based puns than most other iPhone games AND a funky jazz soundtrack! ipress.com.hk |
不過, 即使我們 今 天 不能通過增加路旁泊 車 位 咪錶收 費 的 最 高 上 限 , 停 車 場 的經營者肯 定 還 是會這樣 做 , 因 為 他 們 必 定 是 要 爭 取 最 高 利 潤 的。 legco.gov.hk | However, even if the Council does not approve an increase in the maximum charge for on-street parking meters, car park operators will still increase charges for they will certainly fight for the highest profits. legco.gov.hk |
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。 multilateralfund.org | Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee. multilateralfund.org |