单词 | 妖姬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 妖姬 —(literary) beauty (usually of a maid or concubine)See also:妖—demon • monster • bewitching • goblin • enchanting • phantom 妖 n—witch n • devil n 姬—concubine • surname Ji • female entertainer (archaic) 姬 n —woman n
随着Laverna走了,的拼写证明室打破和 的 妖姬 恢 复。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | With Laverna gone, the spell-proof chamber [...] shatters and the Enchantress is restored. seekcartoon.com |
他仍然忠诚的的妖姬,La verna的妹妹,和统治者的Fairytopia。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He remains loyal to the Enchantress, Laverna’s sister, [...] and the ruler of Fairytopia. seekcartoon.com |
针对种族、文化和宗教的有害言 论和妖魔化 往往会导致冲突和暴力,不会被任何社 [...] 会容忍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Harmful rhetoric and demonization along racial, [...] cultural and religious lines often led to conflict and violence and had no place in any society. daccess-ods.un.org |
這樣會有助委員會討論如何設計普選制度以符合《基 本法》及姬鵬飛主任所提四項原則。 legco.gov.hk | This would facilitate discussion on how a universal suffrage system might be designed which would be in compliance with the Basic Law and the four principles mentioned by Director Ji. legco.gov.hk |
這是源於姬鵬飛 主任 1990 年 3 月 28 日向人大提交《基本法》草案時所作的說明。 legco.gov.hk | This can be traced back to the explanation given by Mr JI Pengfei on 28 March 1990 in presenting the draft Basic Law to the NPC. legco.gov.hk |
这个发面煎饺是用小香菇、姬松茸 和新鲜小蘑菇做馅,味美极了,饺子皮下面焦香上面暄软,很受欢迎。 maomaomom.com | These delicious mushroom meat pan fried dumplings [...] are made with leavened dough, soft on the top and crunchy on the bottom. maomaomom.com |
潘基文访问缅甸后,2009 年 8 月 5 日他与秘书长缅甸之友小组会面,之后,潘基文称,“小 组在关注缅甸政府近期所采取举措的同时,还进一步鼓励缅甸 加强与联合国斡旋办公室的合作,并更加积极做出应对,解决 国际社会担忧的重要问题,尤其是释放昂山 素 姬 等 政治犯,并 在政府和反对党之间启动具有包容性的对话。 crisisgroup.org | After meeting with the Group of Friends on 5 August 2009 following his visit to Myanmar, Ban Ki-moon stated: “While noting the recent actions taken by the Government of Myanmar, members of the Group also further encouraged it to work more closely with and respond more positively with the United Nations good offices to address key issues of concern to the international community, especially the release of prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and the initiation of an all-inclusive dialogue between the Government and the opposition”. crisisgroup.org |
问以来的首次来自联合国的高级别访问。尽管他会见了全国民主同盟秘书长昂山素 姬,但是却无法确保她的获释。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While he was able to meet with National League for Democracy (NLD) General Secretary, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, he was unable to secure her release. unesdoc.unesco.org |
除这些承诺之外,最近的一些举措让特别报告员感到鼓舞,诸如颁布新的投 资法;于 2011 年 5 月再一次举办关于农村发展和减贫的全国研讨会,以及制订 关于这一问题的行动计划(2011 年至 2015 年);由政府和亚洲及太平洋经济社会 委员会于 2011 年 6 月联合举办的第三次发展伙伴关系论坛;2011 年 8 月举行关 于经济改革和经济发展的国家级研讨会,昂山 苏 姬 受 到 邀请。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to these commitments, the Special Rapporteur is encouraged to note recent initiatives, such as the enactment of new investment legislation; the holding of another national workshop on rural development and poverty alleviation, in May 2011, and the development of an action plan (covering the period 2011 to 2015) on this issue; the Third Development Partnership Forum, held in June 2011, jointly organized by the Government and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; and a national-level workshop on economic reform and economic development, held in August 2011, to which Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was invited. daccess-ods.un.org |
嘉琳.姬沙在發光團契服侍超過 20 年,是歐洲區的領袖,現居住哈薩克斯坦 (Kazakhstan)。 aglow.org | Karin de Keijzer has served in Aglow International for more than 20 years as a leader in Europe, and now resides in Kazakhstan. aglow.org |
現時香港㆟正在討論和爭論九㆕/九五的選舉問題,總督 來港後曾給與港㆟兩項事物:機場是自埃 及 妖 后 以來的最大嫁妝;注資新機場是農曆 新年前的最好禮物。 legco.gov.hk | The Governor, since coming to Hong Kong, has done two things for the people of Hong Kong: The new airport which is the biggest dowry since Cleopatra; and the injection of fund into the new airport which is the best present before the Chinese New Year. legco.gov.hk |
缺乏发展,得不到基本服务,没有经济和社会机遇,因族裔、宗教或社会等 背景而使某些群体被污化(游牧社区被 妖 化 为 对当地人口的威胁),这些都是儿童 被招募的风险增加的危险因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | The absence of development, poor access to basic services, lack of economic and social opportunities, stigmatization of certain groups, whether ethnic, religious or social (nomadic communities are demonized as a threat to local populations) are factors that increase the risk of child recruitment. daccess-ods.un.org |
我在英國倫敦出生長大,曾在超過15個國家發行過暢銷歌曲,CD銷售超過50萬張,並且曾與許多音樂人和音樂團體同台演出,其中包括:布萊恩‧亞當斯,喬治‧麥可,賽門與葛芬柯,MC哈默,瓦尼拉‧艾斯,超級男孩,傑斯,新好男孩,裘汀‧史芭克絲,在「舞林群星會」(Dancing with the Stars)中獲得優勝的德瑞克‧霍夫,蜜西‧艾莉特,瑪麗‧布 萊 姬 , 陽光大衛,非凡人物合唱團等等。 mormon.org | I was born and raised in London, England,and has had hits in over 15 countries, selling over half a million Cd's and have performed alongside such groups as Bryan Adams, George Michael, Simon Garfunkel,MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, N'SYNC, Jay-Z, The Backstreet Boys, Jordyn Sparks,Dancing with the stars winner Derek Huff Missy Elliott, Mary. mormon.org |
圖一:昂山素姬領導 的全國民主聯盟,在仰光的Latha分區辦事處。 ktsf.com | 1. The National League for Democracy has a branch office in Yangon’s Latha township. ktsf.com |
湯歷姬認為,平等機會委員會面對的困擾並未因王見秋辭職而結束。 hkupop.hku.hk | Tong believed that the trouble faced by the EOC would not end with Michael Wong Kin-chow's resignation. hkupop.hku.hk |
(a) 恢复民主和实施 1990 年选举的结果,并确保同昂山素姬及 全 国民主联 盟其他领导人的接触能够不再迟延地发展成走向民主化和全国和解的分阶段实 质性对话,并在早期阶段让其他政治领导人参与这些会谈,包括各族裔群体的代 表;(b) 终止缅甸境内有系统地侵犯人权的情况,确保充分尊重所有人权和基本 unscburma.org | ( a ) To restore democracy and implement the results of the 1990 elections, to ensure that the contacts with Aung San Suu Kyi and other leaders of the National League for Democracy move without delay into substantive and structured dialogue towards democratization and national reconciliation and at an early stage to include other political leaders in the talks, including the representatives of the ethnic groups unscburma.org |
1、干姬松茸 放冷水中泡大约4小时(图1)至软,洗净待用。 maomaomom.com | 1: Soak agaricus mushrooms in cold water for 4 hours (Picture 1), rinse and set aside. maomaomom.com |
此作品由粉百合及粉太陽花為主,再配上 瑚 姬 , 榭 香 等多種花材組成,配以其他襯葉,大方得體。 givegift.com.hk | The key flowers of this grand opening flower basket stand are pink lilies and pink geberra lilies, accessorized with Thai national orchids, mathiola type flower and other flowers and plant leaves. givegift.com.hk |
王見秋昨日宣佈辭去平等機會委員會主席一職;香港大學政治與公共行政學系助理教授湯 歷 姬 將 於 明日在《港大民意網站》發表題為「汲取教訓,三思而行」的專欄文章,評論平機會現行的委任制度及提供相關的建議。 hkupop.hku.hk | Yesterday, Michael Wong Kin-chow resigned from his post as the Chairman of Equal Opportunities Commission. Irene L.K. Tong, Assistant Professor of the Politics and Public Administration Department of the University of Hong Kong, will publish in the "HKU POP SITE" an article entitled "(Another) 'Learning from Experience'", discussing the existing appointment regime of EOC. hkupop.hku.hk |
先生的电影导演Atma的拉姆Echra,谁在他的英明领导下已成功劝说成员沙希德万 佛 姬 起 山俱乐部(农会)在村抵制BT棉的:起山Bachao Andolan(除农民运动)的主持下,在驱动器中,对他的爱和奉献,为动物和自然。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | Mr. Atma Ram Echra, who under his able leadership has successfully persuaded members Shaheed Bucha Ji Kisan Club (Farmers' Club) based at the village to boycott BT cotton in a drive under the aegis of Kisan Bachao Andolan (Save Farmer Movement), is known for his love and dedication for animals and nature. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
2002 年 度“教科文组织马登吉特·辛格宣扬宽 容和非暴力奖”授予了昂山素姬,以表 彰促进宽容和相互理解理想的行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Actions in favour of promoting the ideals of tolerance and mutual understanding were also acknowledged through the awarding of the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and NonViolence to Aung San Suu Kyi, in 2002. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Williams表示:「在得知有關方面計劃興建一個面積相等於四個 泰 姬 陵 的 陵墓時,我曾經憂慮阿聯酋或會重蹈過往好大喜功的覆轍,但這無法掩蓋其強勁的經濟基調。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | When I hear of plans [...] to build a Taj Mahal four times [...]the size of the original, I do to worry that we might be about to repeat [...]the mistakes of the last, superlative-obsessed cycle," says Williams. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
在这一国际机构的努力下,布哈拉、希瓦和Shahrizabz等世界闻名的城市、 乌兹别克斯坦科学院的东方学研究所的东方手稿集和独一无二的奥斯曼古兰经 被列入人类遗产的名录;该名录包括 690 多处世界古迹和历史遗迹,如法国凡尔 赛宫、意大利威尼斯和佛罗伦萨城、埃及金字塔和印度 泰 姬 陵。 daccess-ods.un.org | The efforts of this international organization have led to the inclusion on the World Heritage List of the world-renowned cities of Bukhara, Khiva and Shahrisabz; the collection of oriental manuscripts of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; and the unique Uthman Quran. daccess-ods.un.org |
法兰西学院法语联盟(FIAF)展示了哈伊姆·雪莱第二部分:从纽约到特拉维夫,展出了来自尼斯出生、特拉维夫为基地的艺术家 碧 姬 · 拿 翁的雕塑和图画作品,从2012年11月28日至2013年1月12日在FIAF画廊展出。 luxe-immo.com | The French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) presents Haim Shelley Part Two: Works from New York to Tel Aviv, an exhibition of [...] sculptures and drawings by Nice-born, Tel [...] Aviv-based artist Brigitte NaHoN, on view [...]at the FIAF Gallery from November 28, 2012 through January 12, 2013. luxe-immo.com |
由江诗丹顿全力支持及協力主辦的第五届“Trophée Bailli de Suffren”于6月24日在圣特罗佩市启动,赞助人 碧 姬 • 芭 铎(Brigitte Bardot)和荣誉主席马•帕约(Marc Pajot)出席了开幕仪式。 vacheron-constantin.com | Backed by Vacheron Constantin, the event’s major partner, the fifth Trophée Bailli de Suffren got under way at Saint-Tropez on June 24 in the presence of Brigitte Bardot, its patron, and Marc Pajot, its Honorary President. vacheron-constantin.com |