单词 | 晶体结构 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 晶体结构 —crystal structureSee also:结晶体—a crystal 晶体 n—crystallographic n • crystalline n • lens n • crystallography n 结构 n—structure n • framework n 结构 pl—structures pl
在这种情况下,最好能够使 晶体结构的不同部分以不同的模型显示,每部分着重不同的方面(如原子堆积、3D [...] 网络以 及局部原子环境等)。 crystalimpact.de | In this context, it would be nice to [...] have parts of the structure being displayed [...]in different models, each focusing on different [...]aspects (like packing of atoms, 3d-network, local atomic environments). crystalimpact.de |
一般来说,这种情况 是在晶体结构解析中为解决某些无序情况而引入的。 crystalimpact.de | Generally, this has been [...] introduced during the crystal structure solution or [...]refinement phase to account for some sort of disorder. crystalimpact.de |
结构图现在再次变为空白,我们也可以开始重新构 建晶 体结构。 crystalimpact.de | The structure picture will now be empty again, so we can [...] start to build up the structure. crystalimpact.de |
如果您点击文档名称右侧的晶体结构名 称,程序主窗口将显示晶体结构数据 及基于该组数据绘制的所 有 晶体结构 图 的 总览。 crystalimpact.de | If you click on the crystal structure name to its right, you will obtain an overview over the corresponding crystal structure data as well as all structure pictures [...] which have been created for it. crystalimpact.de |
您将一步步地了解到原子环境和原子连接情况,有助于充分理解 基本的晶体结构构造原理。 crystalimpact.de | Step-by-step you learn about the atomic environments [...] as well as about their connection, helping you to fully understand the [...] fundamental building principles of the structure. crystalimpact.de |
对于晶体结构数据 而言,您必须提供空间群和单胞参数。 crystalimpact.de | For crystal structure data, you have [...] to provide space group and unit cell parameters. crystalimpact.de |
重点介绍了 在微重力环境下可得到晶体结构更精、更高的分辨率。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was highlighted that, under microgravity conditions, a finer and higher [...] resolution in the crystal structure could be obtained. daccess-ods.un.org |
当您探究过晶体构造原理之后,就可以通过类似步骤向听众展示您 对 晶体结构 的 理 解。 crystalimpact.de | Once you have explored these principles, you can use similar functions to present your [...] understanding of the structure to an audience. crystalimpact.de |
单体的水动力粒径为1.9nm,与其 晶体结构 一 致。 malvern.com.cn | The hydrodynamic size of the monomer is 1.9nm radius, in [...] agreement with its crystallographic structure. malvern.de |
对新的或未知的晶体 结构而言 ,在绘制图片前您可能还必须先探究一下晶体的构造原理,之后才能够绘制结构图 向科学受众或您的学生展现您的研究结果。 crystalimpact.de | The pictures can then be used to present your results to a scientific audience or to your students. crystalimpact.de |
这样一来,即使您之前没有读过 这本使用手册,也可以轻易地绘制出漂亮 的 晶体结构 图。 crystalimpact.de | As a result, you can create beautiful [...] pictures of your crystal structure without ever [...]reading this manual. crystalimpact.de |
右上方的数据摘要栏显示的是当前 晶体结构数 据 ,但是结构图区域现在还是一片空白。 crystalimpact.de | The crystal structure data are now displayed [...] in the Data brief on the upper right hand side, however, the structure picture itself is completely empty. crystalimpact.de |
启动之后,屏幕上将显示“Start Screen(开始)”画 面( 图 [...] 1),在这里您仅需要单击一下鼠标即可完成一些最常用的操作(例 如导入晶体结构文件或者是打开最近使用的文档)。 crystalimpact.de | It will display the socalled ”Start Screen”, using which you can [...] perform the most common operations [...] (like importing a crystal structure file or opening [...]a recently used document) by just [...]a single mouse click (fig. 1). crystalimpact.de |
这项功能在您将来自不同 晶体结构图的 结构碎片整合到同一幅图像中时(例如进行结构对比)非常有用。 crystalimpact.de | This can be useful if you would like to combine structural [...] fragments from different crystal structures in the [...]same picture (e.g. for comparison). crystalimpact.de |
y 如何通过一步步地探究未知晶体结构 来 了 解晶体的基本构造原理 crystalimpact.de | How to explore an unknown crystal structure step-by-step [...] in order to understand its basic construction principles crystalimpact.de |
三维晶体结构视图, 三维分子视图, 创建碳纳米管和纳米锥,晶体、分子、富勒烯和碳纳米管的组装, 单晶或者相混合物的粉末X射线、中子和电子衍射模拟,单晶或者母相加孪晶或者双相共格组合的三维倒易点阵,单晶或者母相加孪晶或者双相共格组合的晶带轴电子衍射花样以及极射赤面投影,第一原理模拟,三维各阶劳厄带,高阶劳厄带电子衍射花样,二维点阵以及二维倒易点阵以辅助表面RHEED分析。 crystalsoftcorp.com | 3D crystal view, 3D molecule view; nanotubes and nanocones; assembly of crystals, molecures, [...] nanotubes and Fullerenes etc.; [...]Powder XRD, neutron or electron Diffraction Patterns for phase or phase mixtures; 3D Reciprocal Lattices, Zone Axis Diffraction Patterns and Stereographic Projections for the crystal structure or matrix plus twin or second phase; First Principle Simulations; different orders of 3D Laue zones; higher order Laue zone Diffraction Patterns and two dimensional real and reciprocal lattices to aid surface RHEED analysis. crystalsoftcorp.com |
在顶部表格中点击(选择)某结构后,将得到在 该晶体结构下绘 制的所有结构图的缩略图,以及提供主 要 晶体结构 数 据 的“Data brief(数据 摘要)”。 crystalimpact.de | If you click on (select) a certain structure in the table at the top, you will obtain a thumbnail overview of all [...] pictures which have [...] been created for this crystal structure as well as the ”Data brief” providing a quick overview over the most important crystal structure data. crystalimpact.de |
这种情况下,您完全可以借助 DIAMOND 丰富的功能来一步步地探究新 晶体结构 , 直 到您能够充分理解其构造原理为止。 crystalimpact.de | In these cases, you can use DIAMOND ’s comfortable features to explore the new structure step-by-step [...] until you fully understand the underlying principles. crystalimpact.de |
首先我们将创建单个原子,然后在此基础上构建完整 的 晶体结构 : 点 击“Add atom(s)(添加 原子)”按钮打开“Add atoms(添加原子)”对话框。 crystalimpact.de | We will now create a [...] single atom based on which we will build the complete structure picture afterwards: [...]Click on the ”Add [...]atom(s)” button to open the ”Add atoms” dialog. crystalimpact.de |
一片雪花,必须有凝结核才能形成其复杂 的 晶体结构。 infoq.com | Provide your global development team a shared space that adapts to the way they work. infoq.com |
通过适当的工艺,可以有效地控制磁性能,比如超过105的初始磁导率、超过106的最大磁导率、低到2‰奥斯特的矫顽力、接近1或接近0的矩形系数,具有面心立 方 晶体结构 的 坡 莫合金具有很好的塑性,可以加工成1μm的超薄带及各种使用形态。 chinawestmag.com | Through the appropriate process, can effectively control the magnetic can, for example, more than 105 initial magnetic conductance, more than 106 of the biggest magnetic conductance, low to 2 and permil; The ostrosky coercive force, close to one or close to [...] 0 of the rectangular coefficient, [...] has the heart of crystal structure cubic surface slope [...]mo alloy has the very good plasticity, [...]can be processed into 1 & mu; M ultra-thin belt and all sorts of use form. chinawestmag.com |
有了晶体数据库和超链接在线帮助系统的驱动,晶体工作室让你只需点击几下鼠标便可创建具有炫目色彩和3D逼真 的 晶体结构。 crystalsoftcorp.com | Empowered with a crystallographic database and a hyper-linked online [...] help system, Crystal Studio lets [...] you create crystal structure with stunning color and 3D [...]realism in just a few mouse clicks. crystalsoftcorp.com |
在 这里您可以选择是否以及如何为您刚才输入的数据绘 制 晶体结构 图。 crystalimpact.de | Here you can select if (and how) you would [...] like to create a structure picture for the [...]data you have just entered. crystalimpact.de |
您可以通过导航栏十分快捷地查看当 前 晶体结构 ( “ 晶体结构 级 ” )下的所有项目(结构总览、 数据表、距离和角度分析、粉末衍射图样以及所 有 晶体结构 图 )。 crystalimpact.de | It provides quick access to all viewing [...] options (overview, data sheet, distances and angles analysis, powder diffraction pattern, all structure pictures) for the current crystal structure (”crystal structure level”). crystalimpact.de |
合成岩,被看作 是最有效最耐久的用来固定高级核反应废料的 [...] 材质,它是由多种天然矿物合成的陶瓷,这些 天然矿物在一起合成他们的晶体结构 , 使 得几 乎所有的元素都含有高级核反应废料。 worldinfo.org | Synroc, considered the single most effective and durable means of immobilizing various forms of high-level radioactive wastes for disposal, is a ceramic made from several [...] natural minerals which together [...] incorporate into their crystal structures nearly all of the [...]elements present in high level radioactive waste. worldinfo.org |
我们将以一个非常典型的例子开始这部分教程:某种化合物 的 晶体结构 数 据 以CIF文件2格式 存储,我们将基于该文件绘制其 晶体结构 图。 crystalimpact.de | We will start the tutorial with a rather typical [...] situation: The crystal structure data of a certain compound are present in a CIF-file2 , based on which a picture of the crystal structure shall be created. crystalimpact.de |
想象一下,有了晶体工作室,照片般逼真的3D图像是多么容易,少于5下鼠标点击来创建一个令人惊叹 的 3 D 晶体结构 , 再点击一下绘制出粉末X射线衍射花样,晶带轴电子衍射花样,晶体的倒易点阵 或 晶体结构 的 极 射赤面投影。 crystalsoftcorp.com | Imagine how easy photo-realistic 3D graphics is with Crystal Studio, less than 5 mouse clicks [...] to create a stunning 3D crystal structure, and one more click to plot the powder XRD pattern, zone axis electron diffraction pattern or a stereographic projection of the crystal structure. crystalsoftcorp.com |
通常来说,您所掌握的是晶体结构的 抽 象数字描述,一般包括单胞参数、空间点群以及原子 参数(元素种类、分数坐标等),以印刷材料或者文件形式(如 [...] CIF 文件)存在。 crystalimpact.de | What you have is an abstract numerical [...] description of a crystal structure, typically consisting [...]of unit cell parameters, space [...]group and atomic parameters (elements, fractional coordinates etc.), either in print or as a file (e.g. CIF-file). crystalimpact.de |
但在确定结构之前,获得蛋白质晶体 往 往是耗时的一步。 malvern.com.cn | However, [...] obtaining the protein crystals is often a time-consuming step before the structure can be determined. malvern.de |
此外您还可以将从头开始一步步构建 结构 模 型的过程录制成视频,便于听众更容易地理 解 晶体构 造 原 理。 crystalimpact.de | Besides this, you could e.g. create a video sequence in which you build the structural model from scratch step-by-step so that the audience can easily understand the building principles. crystalimpact.de |