单词 | 性攻击 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 性攻击 noun —sexual assault n攻击性 noun —aggressiveness nExamples:有攻击性—offensive See also:攻击 n—assault n • attacks pl 攻击—charge • an attack (terrorist or military) 攻击 v—target v • touch v • tackle v 攻 v—attack v • study v
(e) 女性人员遭遇抢劫、针对住所的犯罪、严 重 攻击 、 性攻击 和 骚 扰行为的 程度比其男性同事要严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Female personnel were disproportionately more affected by robbery, crimes at residences, aggravated assault, sexual assault and harassment than their male counterparts. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于 1997 [...] 年亚洲金融危机的影响 的四国调查报告表明,包括家庭暴力 和 性攻击 在 内 的各类犯罪事件上升。 daccess-ods.un.org | A four-country study of the impact of the [...] Asian financial crisis in 1997 documented increases in crimes of all types, including [...] domestic violence and sexual assault. daccess-ods.un.org |
妇女的生殖角色使她们面临性传播疾病 、 性攻击 以 及 与妊娠和分娩有关的 死亡率与发病率等特殊风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | The reproductive role of women [...] places them at a particular [...] risk for sexually transmitted diseases, sexual assault, and mortality [...]and morbidity related to pregnancy and childbirth. daccess-ods.un.org |
Karemera 和 Ngirumpatse 被判 [...] 定犯有灭绝种族罪和直接公开煽动实施灭绝种族罪、灭绝罪和强奸 及 性攻击 罪等 危害人类罪,和造成暴力侵害生命、健康或身心福祉的谋杀罪,构成严重违反《日 [...] 内瓦四公约》及其《第二号附加议定书》共同第 3 条。 daccess-ods.un.org | Karemera and Ngirumpatse were convicted of genocide, direct and public [...] incitement to commit genocide, [...] extermination and rapes and sexual assaults as crimes against [...]humanity, and murder as causing violence [...]to life, health and physical or mental well-being as serious violations of article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II. daccess-ods.un.org |
所罗门群岛代表报告说,该国家在处理家庭暴力 和 性攻击 方 面 取 得了进展,制定了消除对妇女暴力行为国家政策,有了一个相关的五年行 [...] 动计划,并在警察部下面设立了一个制止家庭暴力股。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of Solomon Islands reported that her country [...] had made progress in addressing [...] domestic violence and sexual assault with the establishment [...]of a national policy on the elimination [...]of violence against women with a five-year action plan and a Family Violence Unit under the Ministry of Police. daccess-ods.un.org |
为支持性攻击受害 者和儿童证人,政 府需要进一步提供大量的财政资源,提供额外起诉资源、新女法医护士和更多卫 [...] 生和咨询服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government needs to further provide [...] significant financial resources to [...] support victims of sexual assault and child witnesses, [...]providing extra prosecution resources, [...]new female forensic nurses and more health and counselling services. daccess-ods.un.org |
确立对性攻击问题 的、能防止妇女再度受害的多学科的和协调的应对 措施,纳入经专门培训的警察、检察官、法官、法医检查人员、受害人支助服 [...] 务,以及适当时的证据援助和其他设施,以增进受害人的福祉,确保她们能充分 参与并提高对违法分子进行成功的拘捕、起诉和定罪的可能性 daccess-ods.un.org | (l) To establish a multidisciplinary, [...] coordinated response to sexual assault that prevents the [...]re-victimization of women and includes [...]specially trained police, prosecutors, judges, forensic examiners, victim support services and, where appropriate, testimonial aids and other accommodations, to contribute to the well-being of victims, ensure that they are able to participate fully, and increase the likelihood of the successful apprehension, prosecution and conviction of perpetrators daccess-ods.un.org |
它还制定并向人权高专办(联合国特别程序)发出关于各国 酷刑和其他严重侵犯儿童权利的紧急呼吁,所涉方面包括拘留的合法性;官员 [...] 实施的殴打、虐待和酷刑;行政拘留;滥用逮捕和拘留;被警方拘留期间遭受 酷刑;性攻击、杀 害、失踪、报复和威胁;有罪不罚的可能;严厉镇压和平示 [...]威;以及违反正当程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also developed and sent to OHCHR (United Nations special procedures) urgent appeals on torture and other serious violations of the rights of children in various countries, including in respect of the legality of a detention; assault, ill treatment and torture by officials; administrative detention; [...] abusive arrest and detention; torture [...] in police custody; sexual assault, killing, disappearance, [...]reprisals and threats; the [...]risk of impunity; harsh repression of peaceful demonstrations; and violations of due process. daccess-ods.un.org |
儿童还遭到占领军的强行、暴力审讯、拘留、逮 捕以及身心虐待及酷刑,包括威胁对 12 至 15 岁儿童 实施强奸和性攻击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Children also endure forcible and violent interrogation, detention, arrest and physical and mental ill-treatment and [...] torture by the occupying forces, including [...] threats of rape and sexual assault against children [...]between the ages of 12 and 15. daccess-ods.un.org |
其核心 [...] 方案活动包括:在国际援救委员会支助的医疗设施内,为遭 受 性攻击 的 幸存者提 供转诊和治疗;在这些设施提供长期心理社会支持和咨询;国际援救委员会开办 [...] 流动诊所;在幸存者社区内提供心理社会后续服务;为生活在卡加班多罗和 Ouandago(中北部)轴心地带的民众提供有关性暴力和基于性别的暴力问题的信 息并提高敏感认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its core programme activities include referral and [...] medical treatment of sexual assault survivors within [...]IRC-supported health facilities; permanent [...]psychosocial support and counselling in these facilities; IRC-operated mobile clinics; psychosocial follow-up of survivors within their communities; and information/sensitization on sexual and gender-based violence issues for populations living on the axis between Kaga Bandoro and Ouandago (central north). daccess-ods.un.org |
性攻击心理创伤咨询记录: 如果我们为您提供性攻击受害 人的心理创伤咨询服务,我们不 会未经您的授权对外提供或披露有关资料。 drexelmedicine.org | If we provide you with sexual assault victim counseling, we will not release or disclose [...] those records without your authorization. drexelmedicine.org |
(a) 在2001年和2010年, Hassi Messaoud [...] 的数十位与其子女单独居住的单 亲母亲遭到成百名男子的性攻击和酷 刑,在该国的其他城市最近也发生了同样的 [...]袭击事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Dozens of single mothers living alone with their children were [...] physically and sexually attacked and subjected [...]to torture by hundreds of men in Hassi [...]Messaoud in 2001 and 2010 and that similar attacks recently took place in other cities of the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
审讯者常常以有辱人格的方式对待她,对她及其 家人使用性攻击和具有侮辱性的表达。 daccess-ods.un.org | The interrogators have consistently treated her in a degrading [...] manner, used sexually offensive and humiliating [...]expressions against her and her family. daccess-ods.un.org |
该部分资料为您的健康 [...] 资料的外篇,内容包括:(1)精神治疗记录;(2)有关精神病、精神健康和发展障碍服 [...] 务;(3)有关酗酒和吸毒的防治、治疗和医生转诊;(4)有关艾滋病测试、诊断或治 疗;(5)有关性攻击的心 理创伤咨询;(6)即将报送州属 DNA 数据库的材料。 drexelmedicine.org | Certain Pennsylvania laws require special privacy protection for Highly Confidential Information about you including the subset of your health information that: (1) is maintained in psychotherapy notes; (2) is about mental illness, mental health and developmental disabilities services; (3) is about alcohol and drug abuse prevention, treatment, and referral; (4) is about HIV/AIDS [...] testing, diagnosis or treatment; (5) is [...] about counseling for sexual assault; (6) is to be [...]reported to the State DNA Data Bank. drexelmedicine.org |
所有特派团都有明确指示,彻底调 查关于任何维持和平人员有性剥削或 性攻击 行 为的任何指控,应 确 保 罪犯得到应 有惩戒。 un.org | All missions have clear instructions [...] to thoroughly investigate any [...] allegations of sexual exploitation or assault by any peacekeeping [...]personnel and to ensure [...]that offenders are duly disciplined. un.org |
正如安理会熟知的那样,过去六个月中,一些地 [...] 区的稳定出现恶化;各反叛团体之间,主要是全国保 卫人民大会(全保大)和刚果民主共和国武装力量(刚 果(金)武装力量)之间,再次在南北基伍发生战斗; [...] 武装团体抬头,随后与刚果(金)武装力量在伊图里地 区发生冲突;上帝抵抗军在东方省实施了新的 恶 性攻 击。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Council is well aware, the last six months saw deteriorating stability in several areas; renewed fighting between various rebel groups, principally the Congrès national pour la défense du people (CNDP) and the Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) in the Kivus; the resurgence of armed groups and subsequent [...] clashes with FARDC in Ituri [...] district; and new vicious attacks by the Lord’s Resistance [...]Army (LRA) in Province Orientale. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚美尼亚期待阿 塞拜疆能够停止其莫须有的宣传 性攻击 , 同时也希 望阿塞拜疆在找到难民问题的最终解决方案之前, [...] 尽一切努力让难民的生活变得更加舒适。 daccess-ods.un.org | It looked forward to an end to the unnecessary [...] propagandistic attacks by Azerbaijan, [...]and hoped that that country would instead [...]concentrate on trying to make life easier for the refugees until a definitive solution to the problem could be found. daccess-ods.un.org |
中,前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭参考比 较法、专家分析、酷刑问题特别报告员以及前人权委员会的报告中所载建议作出 [...] 裁决认为,强奸和对被监禁的妇女实施其他形式 的 性攻击 等 尤 为可耻的行为侵犯 了人的固有尊严和人身完整权,因此,这类行为构成酷刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Prosecutor v. Kunarac,47 the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, drawing on comparative law, expert analysis and advice contained in reports of the Special Rapporteur on torture as well as the former Commission on [...] Human Rights, concluded that rape and [...] other forms of sexual assault against women [...]held in detention were a particularly [...]ignominious violation of the inherent dignity and right to physical integrity of the human being, and that accordingly they constituted an act of torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
除其他外,禁止实施下列行为:残酷待人、侮辱他人;强奸 ; 性攻击 ; 以金 钱、工作机会、物品或服务换取性行为;贩运人口;与 [...] 18 岁以下的儿童发生性 行为;盗窃;走私;诈骗;非法、腐败或不当行为;酗酒;滥用或贩运毒品;任 何形式的歧视或性骚扰。 pseataskforce.org | The following acts, among others, are [...] prohibited: cruel, humiliating or degrading [...] treatment; rape; sexual assault; exchange of [...]money, employment, goods or services for [...]sex; trafficking in persons; sexual activity with children under 18; theft; smuggling; fraud; any illegal, corrupt or improper practices; abuse of alcohol; abuse of or trafficking in drugs; and any form of discrimination or sexual harassment. pseataskforce.org |
在“棉田”一案中,法院命令所涉国家有效进行已经开展的刑事诉讼程 [...] 序,并酌情在今后启动这类程序,以便确定、起诉和惩处犯罪者和幕后主使,包 括确保在调查中纳入性别观念;对 性攻击 进 行 具体调查必须包括对该地区相应的 犯罪模式进行调查;定期向受害者的亲属提供有关调查进展的信息,允许他们充 [...] 分接触案件资料,负责调查案件的官员应接受过类似案件以及处理歧视和基于性 [...]别的暴力受害者方面的充分培训。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the "Cotton Field" case the Court ordered that the State should effectively conduct the criminal proceedings that were under way and, if applicable, those that might be opened in the future, to identify, prosecute and punish the perpetrators and masterminds of the crimes committed against the victim, inter alia, by ensuring that the investigation should include a gender [...] perspective; undertake specific lines of [...] inquiry concerning sexual assault, which must involve [...]lines of inquiry into the corresponding [...]patterns in the area; regularly provide the victims' next of kin with information on progress in the investigation, and give them full access to the case files, and the investigation should be carried out by officials who are highly trained in similar cases and in dealing with victims of discrimination and gender-based violence.41 65. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而, 由于各种原因有的法医和医学证据在法院诉讼中无法 提供, 这些原因包括申诉人缺乏对这种证据的重要性的认识; [...] 害怕体检; 采取的行动无意中损害了证据, 如在遭受性攻击后 清洗或推迟寻求服务的时间; 在以申诉人/幸存者敏感的方式 [...] 收集暴力侵害妇女案件的证据时缺乏可用设施或训练有素的 [...]人员; 以及暴力的性质。 unwomen.org | However, forensic and medical evidence may not be available in court proceedings for a variety of reasons, including complainants’ lack of knowledge regarding the importance of such evidence; fear of medical examination; actions taken that may [...] unintentionally compromise evidence, such as [...] washing after being sexually assaulted or time lapse [...]in seeking services; lack of available [...]facilities, or personnel trained in the collection of evidence in cases of violence against women in a manner sensitive to the complainant/survivor; and the nature of the violence. unwomen.org |
应当指出,在商船上提供防海盗服务的民间私营保安服务公司可能符合民 [...] 间私营保安服务的上述标准,前提是其主要职能是防护性的,而 非 攻击性 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should be noted that private security companies providing protection services on commercial ships may meet the [...] above-mentioned criteria of civilian private security services, provided their primary function [...] is protective, not offensive. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然土生动物天性胆小,但在接受来自人类的食物后,他们可能会为了食物而变得具 有 攻击性。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Native animals are by nature timid, however, having been provided food from people, may become aggressive for food. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
他指出,一些指标可能有助于发现结 构 性歧 视,它们包括:受到攻击或其 他犯罪行为侵害的非洲裔人的数量和比例,特别是 当这些罪行是政府官员所为的时候;各自国家内没有或仅有很少数量有关种族歧 [...] 视行为的申诉、起诉和定罪;关于执法官员对非洲裔人的行为的信息缺失或不 [...] 足,以及没有或仅有很少数量对执法官员的申诉;认为该群体犯罪率更高;更严 厉或不相称的判决;关进监狱或预防性拘留的非洲裔人的数量和比例;以及执法 官员中非洲裔人代表不足。 daccess-ods.un.org | He pointed out that a number of indicators might be [...] helpful for the detection of structural discrimination, inter alia: [...]the number and percentage [...]of people of African descent who are victims of aggression or other offences, especially when they are committed by State officials; the absence or small number of complaints, prosecution and convictions relating to acts of racial discrimination in the respective country; lack or insufficient information on the behaviour of law enforcement officials vis-à-vis people of African descent and lack or small number of complaints against law enforcement officers; higher crime rates attributed to that group; harsher or disproportionate sentences; the number and percentage of people of African descent held in prison or preventive detention; and insufficient representation of people of African descent among law enforcement officials. daccess-ods.un.org |
您一旦使用 3D ContentCentral® 网站,即表示您认同以下事项:(i) DS SolidWorks 可能不会对资料进行筛选,因此 SolidWorks 不保证资料的准确性、完整性或质量,或保证该资料无病毒或有害的编码;(ii) [...] [...] 您必须自己评估和承担所有与使用此资料有关的风险,包括依赖此类资料的准确性、完整性或使用性而产生的风险;(iii) 您有可能接触到下流、攻击性或其 它令人反感的内容;(iv) 在任何情况下,DS [...] SolidWorks 均不会以任何方式对任何资料负责,包括但不限于任何资料的错误或遗漏,或因使用任何资料导致的任何损失或损害,包括从病毒或有害编码而产生的损害。 3dcontentcentral.cn | By using the 3D ContentCentral service you acknowledge that: (i) DS SolidWorks may not pre-screen Data and, as such, DS SolidWorks does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of such Data or guarantee that such Data is free of viruses or harmful code; (ii) you will evaluate, and bear all risks associated with the use of any Data, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such [...] Data; (iii) you may be exposed to content [...] that is indecent, offensive, or otherwise objectionable; [...]and (iv) under no circumstances [...]will DS SolidWorks be liable in any way for any Data, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Data, or for any loss or damages of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Data, including harm from viruses or harmful code. 3dcontentcentral.com |
当日 13 时 20 分,由 30 人左右组成的一伙人来到我团正门前,并开始制造 巨大的噪音,高喊攻击性和侮 辱性口号,做出威胁的手势,并多次在我团正门及 列克星敦大道一侧的外窗置放攻击性 的 海 报。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 13:20, a group of around 30 persons arrived at the main entrance of the Mission and [...] began to [...] make a lot of noise, shouting offensive and insulting slogans and making threatening gestures, and placed numerous offensive posters at the main entrance of [...]the Mission [...]and exterior windows on Lexington Avenue. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,我们吁请安全理事会和联合国相关机 构,尤其是人权理事会,采取坚定措施,以便制止 在被占巴勒斯坦领土针对平民的任意 攻击 , 并 取消 以色列当局多年来对加沙实施的不公正的围困,这 一围困是对被占领巴勒斯坦领土居民实施的一种集 体惩罚,其方式全然不顾相称性和有 区分原则并显 然违反了国际法的原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, we call on the Security Council and the relevant United Nations bodies, especially the Human Rights Council, to take [...] firm measures to put a stop to random attacks against civilians in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as to lift the unjust siege imposed by the Israeli authorities for many years on Gaza, which is a form of collective punishment imposed on the residents of the occupied Palestinian territories in a manner that takes no account of proportionality or differentiation and clearly violates the principles of international humanitarian law. [...] daccess-ods.un.org |
古巴常驻联合国代表团向美国常驻联合国代表团致意,谨通知如下:2010 年 7 月 23 日上午 11 [...] 时,约有 12 人聚集在古巴代表团大楼门前,高呼 攻击性和 侮 辱性的口号,阻碍工作人员进出,并扰乱外交使团平和正常地履行职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and, wishes to inform it that, on Friday 23 July 2010 at 11:09 a.m., a group of around 12 people gathered in front of [...] the entrance doors of the Mission’s [...] building, shouting offensive and insulting slogans, [...]blocking the staff’s comings and [...]goings and disturbing the peace and proper functioning of the diplomatic Mission. daccess-ods.un.org |
5.4 您应严格遵守并以合理的审慎态度确保节目、广播和/或Skype软件(i)不会被用作攻击个人、组织、信仰、宗教或教派的工具;(ii)不含任何法律禁止的声明或促销信息;(iii)不会被用来对任何产品或服务提出虚假或无理的索赔;(iv)不含任何诽谤、猥亵、亵渎、下流、粗俗、令人生厌 或 攻击性 内 容 或声明,不论主题还是对待别人的方式;(v)不含任何无法证实的证词;(vi)不含或未提及任何被社会团体视为不可接受的讨论话题(例如不敬之语、猥亵内容),或(vii)不会被用于Skype认为会损害公众、Skype或一般意义上的诚实广告和良好企业利益的广告或公告。 skype.com | 5.4 You will take care to observe and exercise reasonable diligence to ensure that the Programs, Broadcast and/or the Skype Software will not (i) be used as a medium for attack on any individual, organization, faith, denomination or sect; (ii) contain any announcements or promotions prohibited by law; (iii) be used to make false or unwarranted claims for any product or service; (iv) contain any content or announcements that are [...] slanderous, obscene, profane, indecent, [...] vulgar, repulsive or offensive, either in theme or [...]in treatment; (v) contain any testimonials [...]which cannot be authenticated; (vi) contain any descriptions or references to matters which are not considered acceptable topics of discussion in social groups (e.g., profanity, obscenity) or (vii) be used in connection with any advertising matter or announcement which may, in the opinion of Skype, be injurious or prejudicial to the interests of the public, Skype, or honest advertising and reputable business in general. skype.com |
如果您向公告板提交任何材料,即在此同意并保证所提交的材料:(i)没 有 攻击性 、 猥 亵或以其他方式违反可能看到公告板的任何地区的法律;(ii)是您享有署名权的原创作品,或是您有权提交的作品、且未违反可能看到公告板的任何地区的个人或实体的版权、商标、专利或其它知识产权;且(iii)真实、准确、不构成口头诽谤、文字诽谤、侵犯隐私、诬蔑或任何犯法行为。 xiameter.com.cn | If you submit any material to the bulletin board you hereby [...] agree and warrant that the submitted [...] material: (i) is not offensive, obscene, or otherwise [...]contrary to the laws of any place [...]where this bulletin board may be accessed; (ii) is the original work of your authorship or that you have the right to make the submission without violating the copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights of any person or entity in any place where the bulletin board may be accessed; and, (iii) is true and accurate and does not constitute libel, slander, invasion of privacy, defamation, or any violation of law. xiameter.com |