单词 | 沉淪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 沉淪—sink into (bad connotation)See also:沉 v—sink v • drop v 沉—submerge • immerse • keep down
問題是,我們應否為了避免功能界別有一天被優化,便乾脆放棄, 讓它自我沉淪,甚麼也不做呢? legco.gov.hk | The question remains whether we should simply give up on the FCs, let them sink to the bottom and do nothing about them just for the sake of preventing them from being improved some day. legco.gov.hk |
我們翻閱歷史,看到它們的經濟 並沒有因為實行最低工資而沉淪下去。 legco.gov.hk | Their histories have shown that their economies have not been ruined by the implementation of minimum wage. legco.gov.hk |
最令人擔心的是,如 [...] 他們在學校學習上遇到挫折,有可能輟學,最終再次接觸那羣吸毒的朋 友,繼續沉淪毒海。 legco.gov.hk | It is most worrying that if they face [...] setbacks in their studies, they may drop out from schools and eventually, go back to their old [...] friends and take drugs again. legco.gov.hk |
可幸的是,政府終於 從睡夢㆗驚醒,開始正視軟性毒品對社會所構成的禍害;而不幸的,則是因為政府後 知後覺,使不少青少年已經深受毒禍侵擾,在毒海 ㆗ 沉淪 , 破 壞了他們的健康成長, 造成無可估計的損失。 legco.gov.hk | The fortunate thing is that the Government has been awaken from its sleep and begun to face up to the scourge caused to the community by soft drugs; but it is unfortunate that because of the Government's belated awareness, numerous young people have already been deeply ravaged by drugs and are mired in the cesspool of drugs. legco.gov.hk |
如果我們 在辯論的過程中,曾經嘗試想鬆一鬆,甚至石禮謙議員都可以說出 [...] 來,叫大家不要對我鬆手,因為一鬆,這個制度便會慢慢鬆懈,甚至 衰落或沉淪。 legco.gov.hk | If in the course of the debate we tried to let things go and even Mr Abraham SHEK could have said that Members should not be [...] lenient on him, this is because once the grip is lost, the whole system will become lax and it [...] will even decline or perish. legco.gov.hk |
但是, 如今我們面對的是一個失效的市場,當市場失效的時候,低收入人士不 單未能分享社會繁榮發達的果實,而且他們的收入亦朝不保夕,不斷地 下滑、不斷地沉淪中。 legco.gov.hk | When the market becomes dysfunctional, low-income earners cannot share the fruits of social and economic prosperity. legco.gov.hk |
本港的青少年問題,往往圍繞着青少年的迷失 及 沉淪 , 例 如吸毒、 援交及自我隱蔽等問題,通常與家庭及貧窮問題息息相關。 legco.gov.hk | Youth problems in Hong Kong often revolve around the young people being lost and finding themselves in a state of moral degradation. legco.gov.hk |
局長會否 訂 下 這個目標 , 抑 或 是 不 加 理會,任 由這些人 沉淪? legco.gov.hk | Would the Secretary set such an objective or remain indifferent and allow these people to sink into the abyss of degradation? legco.gov.hk |
在主持儀式時,黃仁龍司長引用了《聖經》一則很有名,關於迷 途浪子的故事,以此比喻沉淪毒海 的年青人。 legco.gov.hk | When presiding over the ceremony, Secretary for Justice WONG Yan-lung quoted a very famous [...] story of a prodigal son from the Bible and drew an analogy between this prodigal son [...] and young people addicted to drugs. legco.gov.hk |
作 為一個典 型 的 商業社 會,香港正面臨一個抉 擇 :要在日趨 激烈的 競爭 中,保持 原有的獨 特 優勢, 鞏 固 國 際 金 融 中 心 的 地 位 , 並 且 向 上提升 , 或是 妄 自 菲薄, 迷 失 方 向 , 在 無 休 無 止的社 會 紛 爭 中,向 下 沉 淪 呢 ? legco.gov.hk | As a typical commercial society, Hong Kong is facing a dilemma: to maintain its unique edge and status as an international financial centre and move upward in the face of increasingly fierce competition, or to belittle itself, lose its direction and sink under endless social strife? legco.gov.hk |
不幸的是,他反而繼續擇惡固執、冥頑 不靈,還要繼續埋首沙堆,我真擔心他 會 沉淪 下 去。 legco.gov.hk | Unfortunately, he paradoxically persisted in choosing and following what is bad, remaining thickheaded, and even keeping his head buried in the sand. legco.gov.hk |
傳單接下來又這樣寫:“1999年,董建華‘殺局’,把財政獨立、行 政自主的市政局廢掉,弄得今天衞生,民康體等與市民息息相關之事 務,區議會既無置喙1 餘地,又缺乏市政局付諸實行,沉淪 於 官 僚體 制,拖沓播弄。 legco.gov.hk | Next, the leaflet continues like this, "In 1999, TUNG Chee-hwa has "slain" the municipal councils and abolished the Urban Council, which was financially and administratively independent, and this resulted in the inability of the District Councils to have any say1 in such matters as hygiene, recreation and sports, which are closely related to the public, and there was no Urban Council to implement such matters. legco.gov.hk |
鄧兆棠議員:主 席,搖 頭 丸、K 仔、大 麻、冰 這 些 精 神 科 藥 物 都 是 五 顏 六 色 , 都有美 麗 的 外 表,但 濫 用這些 藥 物的後 果 , 卻 是分分鐘使人生變 得 頹 廢 沉 淪 、 暗淡無 光。 legco.gov.hk | DR TANG SIU-TONG (in Cantonese): Madam President, psychotropic substances like ecstasy, ketamine, cannabis and ice are all very colourful and they all have an attractive appearance. legco.gov.hk |
由於組織不健全,香港體育一樣都會繼 續 沉淪 下 去。 legco.gov.hk | This is a ridiculous organizational structure. Because of this unhealthy organizational structure, the development of sports in Hong Kong will continue to decline. legco.gov.hk |
正如剛才我所說,競爭力下降是香港最大的危機,我們不能讓香港 經濟沉淪下去,除督促政府解決貧富懸殊及其他民生問題外,希望大家 能夠齊心,致力推動發展六大產業、致力中港經濟融合等,目的是讓香 港市民有更美好的前景,解決香港的矛盾,而不是將香港的矛盾歸咎於 政治問題上。 legco.gov.hk | We cannot let the Hong Kong economy keep sinking. Apart from urging the Government to resolve the disparity between the rich and the poor and other livelihood problems, I hope Members will make concerted efforts to promote the development of the six major industries and the China-Hong Kong economic integration, with the aim of creating a better future for the people of Hong Kong and resolving the conflicts of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
特首定出這六大行業,也不知道會否帶領香港走向死胡同,或由於 這六大行業的制訂錯誤,會否令香港步 向 沉淪。 legco.gov.hk | There is no knowing whether the Chief Executive will lead Hong Kong down a dead alley by deciding on these six industries, or whether, due to the mistake of designating these six industries, Hong Kong will go into a gradual decline. legco.gov.hk |
如果政府不希望青少年成為沉淪的㆒ 族,由現在開始,就應正視這個問題,而不 應再打官腔,說問題不太嚴重。 legco.gov.hk | If the Administration does not wish our youngsters to sink into depravity, it should seriously address this problem now and stop stalling with official jargons and saying that the problem is not so serious. legco.gov.hk |
其 實 , 過 去 7 年,我們身 處香港的人,均 會 與 以上二 百 多位朋 友產生 共 鳴 , 覺 得香港的 核 心 價 值 在特區 政 府 的 管 治 下 確 實 在不斷沉淪 。 legco.gov.hk | We feel that the core values of Hong Kong have indeed been eroded continuously under the governance of the Government of the Special Administrative Region (SAR). legco.gov.hk |
如果政府 繼續採用坐食山崩的模式、繼續使用董建華的形式來治港的話,只會令 香港繼續沉淪,在這次金融海嘯下,逐漸變成一個悲情城市,希望局長 不要帶領香港走到這樣的地步。 legco.gov.hk | If the Government continues to adopt the approach of squandering our resources and TUNG Chee-hwa's approach in governing Hong Kong, this will only make Hong Kong continue to degenerate and in this financial tsunami, it will gradually become a city of sadness. legco.gov.hk |
主席,如 果 不 早 日訂定公平競 爭 法,將 會出現 香 港 的 沉 淪 , 這並非等同 於日本攻 打 香 港 時的淪 陷 , 因為大 財 團比八 國 聯 軍 更 厲 害 ,令香港 的經濟 “ 雞 毛 鴨血”。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, if a fair competition law is not enacted as soon as possible, we will witness the fall of Hong Kong — I am not talking about something like the Japanese occupation in the past — because the large consortia are even more ruthless than the Eight-Power Allied Forces and will cause immense misery to our economy. legco.gov.hk |
該等團體亦 指 出 ,在自願性 的標 籤 制度下,食物業 不會在基 因改造 食 品 上 附 上標籤 ,而香 港 將 會 淪 為 基 因改造 食物的傾銷地 。 legco.gov.hk | These deputations also pointed out that the food trade would not label their GM food products under a voluntary labelling system, and Hong Kong would become the dumping ground of GM food. legco.gov.hk |
(4) 土㆞發展公司應以發行債券集資,而非大部份依靠與其合作的㆞產商的資金支 持,以避免太受㆞產商的影響,淪為 ㆞產商使用強制收購業權的工具。 legco.gov.hk | (4) The Land Development Corporation should gather funds by the issue of bonds instead of relying mainly on fund support from real estate developers who co-operate with it. legco.gov.hk |
近年來,高等院校的管治水平和處理內部申訴的機制一直備受社會關 注,不少社會人士均擔心有關機制會 淪 為 打 壓學術自由的工具。 legco.gov.hk | In recent years, the standard of governance and the mechanism for handling internal complaints of tertiary institutions have been a long-standing concern in society. legco.gov.hk |
如果本港社會的成年㆟,只重視本身的權利,只追求自己的滿足,而忘卻保護兒 童的權利,本港社會就只會淪為追 求自我滿足而忘卻向㆘㆒代盡義務的社會。 legco.gov.hk | If the adults of Hong Kong only paid attention to their own rights, pursued their own wants and neglected to protect the rights of children, Hong Kong would become a place where everyone would only seek to satisfy their own needs and neglect their obligations towards the next generation. legco.gov.hk |
我希望 在福利開支及其他開支方面,我們不 會 淪 於 「 以高價開投,以低價成交」的局面,以 免對我們異常妥善管理這個社會和經濟的聲譽,造成不可彌補的損害。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that we will not get into a sort of Dutch auction in welfare spending or other sorts of spending which would do irreparable damage to our reputation for running this community and running this economy exceptionally soundly. legco.gov.hk |
機場諒解備忘錄剛在數月前達成,接 就是這份 協議,難免香 港㆟懷疑㆗英雙方在未來六年內還會簽訂多少份協議,最終使聯合聲 明 淪 為 ㆒ 份違反 諾言的文件。 legco.gov.hk | Coming closely after the Memorandum of Understanding on the Airport reached a few months ago, this new agreement makes the people of Hong Kong wonder how many more Sino-British agreements will be reached over the next six years to reduce the Joint Declaration into a litany of broken promises. legco.gov.hk |
也許那些目前正面對困境的資本主義國家可以向我們借鏡, 因為她們的民主制度已淪為政 黨鬥爭,而工㆟永遠都是這些鬥爭的犧牲者,被㆒些不能實 現的政治承諾所欺騙。 legco.gov.hk | Perhaps those capitalist countries which are now floundering could learn a lesson from us, because their democratic system has deteriorated into political party struggle, in which the losers have been the workers, cheated by political promises that cannot be fulfilled. legco.gov.hk |
政府管制專利 公司的利潤管制計劃,已淪為利 潤保障計劃,在准許利潤率高企的情況㆘, 更 淪 為暴 利保障計劃。 legco.gov.hk | The profit control schemes which the Administration has relied on to control the [...] profits of franchised [...] companies have degenerated into some sort of profit guarantee schemes and, in a climate of high permitted returns, have further degenerated into a sort of [...]profiteering guarantee schemes. legco.gov.hk |
因此,政府修訂《博彩稅條 例》,並建議完善賽馬博彩的監管機制,正是一個非常好的機會,讓“不鼓 勵賭博”、“減少賭博的負面影響”等政策理念可以真正得到落實,而不會 淪為空洞漂亮的口號。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the Government's proposal to amend the Betting Duty Ordinance and perfect the supervisory mechanism for horse betting can actually offer a very good opportunity, whereby we can realize the policy rationale of not encouraging gambling and reducing its negative impacts, so that they will not become appealing but empty slogans. legco.gov.hk |