单词 | 忍得住 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 忍得住—be able to endure itrefrainSee also:忍v—endurev bearv 忍—tolerate restrain oneself 住v—livev stayv 住—reside dwell (suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming a halt)
在这些情况中,受害者遭受残忍或有辱人格的待遇,甚至酷刑,而且 只有在签名宣布他们得到良好待遇之后才得以获释。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some of these cases, victims suffered cruel or degrading treatment, even torture, and were released only after they were forced to sign a declaration that they had been well treated. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于在同 意和想要表示支持时总是忍不住会去重复别人的话,这样一来,磋商就变得像公开辩论。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because there was always a temptation to repeat what others had said if one agreed and wished to show support, consultations had cometo resemble open debates. daccess-ods.un.org |
在某些失业妇女群体中,一些妇女缺乏锻炼和持久精神,难以忍受获得适当的就业机会的长期过程。 daccess-ods.un.org | among certain groups of unemployed women there is a lack of motivation and lack of perseverance among some women in the lengthy process to acquireasuitable place of employment. daccess-ods.un.org |
在多数现代城市充斥车辆的水泥空间里(各位若和我一样住在美国芝加哥,还 得忍受大批野蛮鸽群),还有真正能让社区生存的空间,我是指公园,公园很美好,在这个开放空间里,公园成为社会快速步调的出口,藉由设计服务社区,提供自然歇息之处、宁静体验与社区参与机会。 thisbigcity.net | There are many benefits from investing in green space; much of which can only happen through creating and maintaining parks in cities. thisbigcity.net |
但试想各位有天上班途中,看到一幅美丽的喷漆字样,或是一整片完整壁画,令人忍不住好奇驻足,甚至引人发笑、思考,甚至得到启发,各位应该会欣赏这种作品吧? thisbigcity.net | But imagine, if one day on your way to work you find a beautifully crafted stencil or fully formed mural that stops you in your tracks, that makes you laugh, think and maybe even feel inspired – you would appreciate it, wouldn’t you? thisbigcity.net |
它们均对种族主义作出真正一致的谴责,承 [...] 认过去的不公正行为,并警告种族主义和不容忍行为 不得再度 发生和必需防止其新形式的出现。 daccess-ods.un.org | They contain a genuinely universal condemnation of racism which acknowledges [...] the injustices of the past and forewarns against both resurgent [...] manifestations and new forms of racismand intolerance. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于反对种族主义和种族歧视,教科 文组织将继续落实反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象 的综合战略,包 括加强反对种族主义和歧视的城市联盟。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With respect to the fight against racism and racial discrimination, UNESCO will continue the implementation of the Integrated Strategy to Combat Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, including a reinforcement of the Coalition of Cities Against Racism and Discrimination. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们抬头看看他,希望他用灵巧的手指和资源基础手术 忍住她的 生命。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They look up to him in the hope he uses deft fingers and resource base surgery hold backher life. seekcartoon.com |
从这个声明的第二部分很明显,即使在Sherira的时间,“学者”一词在这里限制的巴比伦院校的成员,使用在他们讲课塔木德经书面副本 忍住了, 虽然他们充分熟悉它要能背诵记忆体中。 mb-soft.com | From the second part of this statement it is evident that even in Sherira's time the "scholars," a term here restricted to the members of the Babylonian academies, refrained from using written copies of the Talmud in their lectures, although they were sufficiently familiar with it to be able to recite it from memory. mb-soft.com |
会员国应下决心建立并充分执行有效保护国际公认的社会和经济权利 的住房、土地和财产治理制度,并特别重视确保妇女获 得住房、土地和财产 的平等权利,包括通过继承和遗产。 daccess-ods.un.org | Member States should resolve to put in place and fully implement housing, land and property governance systems that effectively protect international social and economic rights, with [...] particular emphasis on ensuring women’s equal [...] rightsto housing, land and property, including through succession and inheritance. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们不得不忍受所有村民的围观和议论。 voith.com | We had to endure the immense interest and the corresponding remarks of the entire village population. voith.com |
这些措施的目的是通过住 所的途径确保住所的提供,确保获得住所的机会,改善目标群体的住房条件,解 决生活在已经退还先前合法房东的所谓被迫房客的住房问题,完美生活补助制 度,改善法律环境,提高行政管理能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aim of the measures is to ensure availability of dwellings through improving access to dwellings, opportunities for acquiring dwellings, improving the dwelling conditions of target groups, solving the problem of dwelling of so-called forced tenants living in dwellings returned to previous lawful owners, improving the system of subsistence benefits, improving the legal environment and raising administrative capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议缔约国采取额外措施解决无家可归者的问题,确保低收入家庭、弱势 和边缘化个人和群体有充分机会获得住房,改善现有住房单位的供水和卫生设 施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party adopt additional measures to deal with the problem of homelessness, ensure adequate accesstohousing for low-income families, disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups and improve the water and sanitation facilities of existing housing units. daccess-ods.un.org |
返回原籍、当地融入或另地定居的地方的条件,包括破坏程度、获得 住房、 土地、谋生手段的可能性、地雷风险、就业及其他经济机会; 可以使用的公共服务(公共交通、医疗服务、教育、通信手段等);学 校、诊所、道路、桥梁及公共卫生系统的建筑和基础设施状况;以及 从国家、国际和私营行为体可以得到的支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The conditions in placesof return, local integration or settlement elsewhere in the country, including degrees of destruction, accessto housing, land, livelihoods, [...] landmine risks, [...]employment and other economic opportunities; availability of public services (public transport, health care, education, means of communication, etc.); conditions of buildings and infrastructure for schools, health clinics, roads, bridges and sanitation systems; and assistance available from national, international and private actors. daccess-ods.un.org |
在厄立特里亚-埃塞俄比亚边界委员会作出“具有约束力的最终”裁定以来 的 10 年中,厄立特里亚政府和人民尽管不得不忍受多种不公正,权利受到侵犯, 并遭到“制裁”,但一贯表明自己的立场,并一再发出坚决呼吁。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government and people of Eritrea have persisted in clarifying their stance and renewing their appeals without relent for the past 10 years since the EritreaEthiopia Boundary Commission gave its “final and binding” arbitral decision and in spite of the numerous injustices, violation of rights and “sanctions” that they had to endure. daccess-ods.un.org |
破滥用行为与“正当合理”行为的平衡,例如占市场 [...] 支配地位的国内企业(包括国有企业)的排他性行为 可能得到容忍,而国际企业的类似行为则可能受到惩 处。 web.resource.amchamchina.org | Consequently, exclusionary practices by dominant domestic firms [...] (including SOEs) maybe tolerated, whereas similar [...]practices by dominant international firms may be penalized. web.resource.amchamchina.org |
没有意义的努力,尽管我们认为语言必须进行了研究,我们很少忍不住要称它研究语言,杰罗姆知道他的兵器抛光奇怪的秘密,而他们是在白热化的是,和他们投掷他们之前的冷静。 mb-soft.com | There is no sense of effort, and though we feel [...] that the language must have been studied, [...] we are rarely tempted to call it studied [...]language, for Jerome knows the strange [...]secret of polishing his steel weapons while they are still at a white heat, and of hurling them before they cool. mb-soft.com |
这项零容忍政策得到广泛传播,作为官员、特派专家、咨询人、国家特遣队军事人员和联合国志愿人 [...] 员必须遵守的行为标准的一部分(见 A/60/19,第65段,和 A/61/645,第40段)。 pseataskforce.org | This zero tolerance policyis widelydisseminated [...] and is part of the standard of behaviour required of officials, experts [...]on mission, consultants, military members of national contingents and United Nations Volunteers (see A/60/19, para. 65 and A/61/645, para. 40). pseataskforce.org |
面对既有证 据,人们忍不住会对顽固坚持将核能作为一种威慑手 段继续用于军事目的的做法感到义愤填膺,因为同样 众所周知的是,这类武器的使用会产生可怕的滥杀滥 伤后果,从而削弱人权和国际人道主义法并粉碎一切 人道主义或人性理念。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the evidence, one cannot help but be indignant at the stubborn attachment to the continued use of nuclear energy for military purposes as a means of deterrence, when it also well known that such use would have a horrendous and indiscriminate impact, undermining human rights and international humanitarian law and shattering any notion of humanism or humanity. daccess-ods.un.org |
几个星期前,我步下美国纽约曼哈顿自由街的阶梯时,忍不住注意到一座名为祖克提公园的小空间,树木并不特别美丽,场地也不特别大或惊人,还有纽约每座公园里随处可见的大批鸽群,如今很难想像,当初这个空间里,曾挤满无数热心民众,希望掀起革命,改变当前民营化日增、公民参与及公共论述日减的趋势。 thisbigcity.net | It was hard to imagine that this very space was once filled with passionate citizens calling for a seemingly revolutionary change in the current world of increasing privatization and decreasing levels of civic engagement and public discourse. thisbigcity.net |
准则 5.2.2 第 2 款规定了这一例外情况,在逻辑上是站得住脚的,继承国不能同时维持引致合并的其中一个国家所提出的保留,以及 其中另一个国家对国家继承不涉及的第三国作为条约缔约国或当事国提出的完全 相同或等效的保留作出的反对。 daccess-ods.un.org | Paragraph 2 of guideline 5.2.2 sets out this exception, which is justified on logical grounds and relates to the fact that a successor State cannot maintain both a reservation formulated by one of the uniting States and, at the same time, objections made by another such State to an identical or equivalent reservation formulated by a contracting State or party to the treaty that is a third State in relation to the succession of States. daccess-ods.un.org |