

单词 希尔弗瑟姆

See also:


Christopher Hill, US undersecretary of state of East Asian affairs
Hill (name)



External sources (not reviewed)

我们的世界级设计专家网络分布在12大城市,Anthem在芝加哥、辛辛那提、杜塞尔多夫、荷 希尔弗瑟姆 、 伦 敦、新泽西州、纽约、旧金山、新加坡、悉尼、多伦多和英国约克等地设立了办事处。
Anthem Worldwide is the strategic design division of Schawk (NYSE: SGK)Anthem's integrated global network provides innovative solutions to articulate, unify and manage brand impact to create compelling and consistent brand experiencesWe do this by aligning our strategic, creative and executional talent worldwide with the business needs of companies seeking a
competitive advantageAnthem
[...] offers a full range of branding and design services to our clients including Apple, Campbell's, Coca-Cola, [...]
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我是否可以认为,大希望任 命克里斯 弗 ·米 姆先生和约翰·穆万加先生为独立审计咨询委员会成 员,任期自 2012 年 1 月 1 [...]
May I take it that it is the wish of the Assembly to appoint Mr. [...]
Christopher Mihm and Mr. John Muwanga as members of the
Independent Audit Advisory Committee for a three-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2012?
在其目前的形式核准父亲名单包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen,罗勒,亚他那修,金口,西奥菲勒斯 希 拉 里的亚历山德里亚(在一个想要手稿),刘汉铨,奥古斯丁,杰 姆 , 繁荣,狮子座,西 尔 ( “每一丝一毫的” 弗 拉 维 安托梅是根据诅咒接受),和“的论文也对所有东正教神父,谁偏离在从神圣罗马教会的团契什么,并没有从她的信心和说教分离,但通过参与者神的恩典,直到他们在她的共融生活的结束,也是法令的信件,其中最幸运教皇在不同时代赋予不同的父亲咨询时,要与崇拜“收到。
In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil,
Athanasius, Chrysostom,
[...] Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript), Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated [...]
in nothing from the fellowship
of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the grace of God until the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, are to be received with veneration".
雷纳塔·阿尔基尼女士(意大利)、** 亚斯明卡·迪尼奇女士(克罗地亚)、***豪 尔赫·弗洛雷斯·卡列哈斯先生(洪都拉斯)、* 伊姆蒂亚兹·侯赛因先生(巴基 斯坦)、* 弗拉基米尔·约瑟福夫 先生(俄罗斯联邦)、** 嘉治美佐子女士(日本)、*科 伦·凯拉皮尔先生(博茨瓦纳)、*** 杰里·克雷默先生(加拿大)、* 彼得·马登 斯先生(比利时)、* 苏珊·麦克卢格女士(美利坚合众国)、** 斯塔福德·尼尔 先生(牙买加)、*** 纳格什·辛格先生(印度)、* 默罕迈德·穆斯塔法·塔尔先 生(约旦)、*** 亚历杭德罗·托雷斯·莱波里先生(阿根廷)** 和农耶·乌多女士(尼 日利亚)。
As a result, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions is composed as follows: Ms. Aїcha AFIFI (Morocco),** Ms. Renata ARCHINI (Italy),** Ms. Jasminka DINIĆ (Croatia),*** Mr. Jorge FLORESCALLEJAS (Honduras),* Mr. Imtiaz HUSSAIN (Pakistan),* Mr. Vladimir A. IOSIFOV (Russian Federation),** Ms. Misako KAJI (Japan),* Mr. Collen V. KELAPILE (Botswana),*** Mr. Jerry KRAMER (Canada),* Mr. Peter MADDENS (Belgium),* Ms. Susan M. MCLURG (United States of America),** Mr. Stafford O. NEIL (Jamaica),*** Mr. Nagesh SINGH (India),* Mr. Mohammad Mustafa TAL (Jordan),*** Mr. Alejandro TORRES LÉPORI (Argentina)** and Ms. Nonye UDO (Nigeria).
在同一次会议上,第一小组的以下成员发了言: 尔 塔 、桑托斯、派斯、姆、埃克萨、弗雷德 、诺瓦克、列娜、 尔 松 和 拉迪卡、库马拉斯瓦米。
At the same meeting, the following panellists of the first panel made statements: Marta Santos Pais, Tim Ekesa, Manfred Nowak, Lena Karlsson and Radhika Coomaraswamy.
他说,圣安妮出生后Stollanus和Emerentia已经二十年没有孩子的;,圣约 希姆 后 不久,玛丽死在寺庙介绍,这圣安妮然后结婚Cleophas的,谁她成为母亲的玛丽Cleophae(即 尔 菲 厄斯妻子和使徒 姆 斯 较 小,西门和犹大的母亲, 瑟 夫 只 );后Cleophas的去世,她是说,有结婚Salomas,向谁承担玛丽亚Salomae她(妻子的Zebedaeus和母亲的使徒约翰和詹姆斯更大)。
He says that St. Anne was born after Stollanus and Emerentia had been
childless for twenty
[...] years; that St. Joachim died soon after the presentation of Mary in the temple; that St. Anne then married Cleophas, by whom she became the mother of Mary Cleophae (the wife of Alphaeus and mother of the Apostles James the Lesser, Simon and Judas, and of Joseph the Just); [...]
after the death of Cleophas
she is said to have married Salomas, to whom she bore Maria Salomae (the wife of Zebedaeus and mother of the Apostles John and James the Greater).
教师专业学习与发展:可推广的最佳研究成果之综合》由海伦 · 蒂 姆 勃 雷 (Helen Timperley)教授主笔,并由新西兰奥克兰大学的教师教育者阿龙 · 威 尔 孙 ( Aaron Wilson)希瑟·巴拉尔(Heather Barrar),以及研究助理艾琳·冯(Irene Fung)协
Professor Helen Timperley was lead writer for the Teacher Professional Learning and Development: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration [BES], assisted by teacher educators Aaron Wilson and Heather Barrar and research assistant Irene Fung, all of the University of Auckland.
1. 秘书长在其 2009 年 12 月 14 日给安全理事会主席的信(S/2009/646)中宣布 任命以下人士为专家组成员:詹姆斯·贝文(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,武 器专家和协调人)、格雷瓜尔·巴弗阿 提 卡(刚果共和国,航空专家)、伊尔汗·贝 尔科尔(土耳其,海关专家)、努拉·贾 姆希尔 ( 巴 林 ,钻石专家)和若埃尔·沙莱 克(哥伦比亚,财务专家)。
In a letter addressed to the President of the Security Council dated 14 December 2009 (S/2009/646), the Secretary-General announced his appointment of the members of the Group of Experts as follows: James Bevan (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, arms expert and Coordinator), Grégoire Bafouatika (Republic of the Congo, aviation expert), Ilhan Berkol (Turkey, customs expert), Noora Jamsheer (Bahrain, diamond expert) and Joel Salek (Colombia, finance expert).
委员会现任成员如下:亚历山大·塔戈雷·梅德罗斯·德阿尔布克尔克(巴 西);奥斯瓦尔多·佩德罗·阿斯蒂斯(阿根廷);劳伦斯·福拉吉米·阿沃西卡(尼 日利亚);哈拉尔·布雷克(挪威);加洛·卡雷拉·乌尔塔多(墨西哥);弗朗西 斯·查尔斯(特立尼达和多巴哥);彼得·克罗克(爱尔兰);因杜拉尔·法古尼(毛 里求斯);米哈伊·西尔维乌·格尔曼(罗马尼亚);阿布·巴卡尔 · 贝 希 里 (马 来 西亚);乔治·焦什维利(格鲁吉亚);埃马纽埃尔·卡尔恩吉(喀麦隆);尤里·鲍 里索维奇·卡兹明(俄罗斯联邦);吕文正(中国);伊萨克·奥乌苏·奥杜罗(加 纳);朴永安(大韩民国);费尔南多· 曼 弗 雷 多 (葡萄牙);西瓦拉马克里什南·拉 詹(印度);迈克尔·安尔姆·马克 ·罗塞特(塞舌尔);菲利普·亚历山大·西 蒙兹(澳大利亚);卜部哲郎(日本)。
The current members of the Commission are as follows: Alexandre Tagore Medeiros de Albuquerque (Brazil); Osvaldo Pedro Astiz (Argentina); Lawrence Folajimi Awosika (Nigeria); Harald Brekke (Norway); Galo Carrera Hurtado (Mexico); Francis L. Charles (Trinidad and Tobago); Peter F. Croker (Ireland); Indurlall Fagoonee (Mauritius); Mihai Silviu German (Romania); Abu Bakar Jaafar (Malaysia); George Jaoshvili (Georgia); Emmanuel Kalngui (Cameroon); Yuri Borisovitch Kazmin (Russian Federation); Wenzheng Lu (China); Isaac Owusu Oduro (Ghana); Yong-ahn Park (Republic of Korea); Fernando Manuel Maia Pimentel (Portugal); Sivaramakrishnan Rajan (India); Michael Anselme Marc Rosette (Seychelles); Philip Alexander Symonds (Australia); and Tetsuro Urabe (Japan).
已登记参加总统选举的 11 名候选人是:亚当·班博莱(独立候选人)、让·安 德卡·强巴(刚果信仰民族主义者联盟)、莱昂·肯戈·瓦东多(变革力量联盟)、 若苏埃·穆肯迪·卡马马(独立候选人)、维塔尔·卡梅雷(刚果国家联盟)、尼塞尔·卡科 塞·马莱拉(刚果复兴发展联盟)、奥斯卡·卢库穆埃纳·卡沙拉(重 建刚果联盟)、弗朗索-约瑟夫·恩 赞加·蒙博托·恩班加韦(蒙博托主义民主 人士联盟)、安提巴·姆布萨 ·尼扬维西(刚果民主联盟-基桑加尼解放运动)和艾 蒂安·齐塞凯迪(民主和社会进步联盟)。
Eleven candidates have registered for the presidential elections, namely, Adam Bombole (independent); Jean Andeka Djamba (Alliance des nationalistes croyants congolais); Léon Kengo wa Dondo (Union des forces du changement); Josué Mukendi Kamama (independent); Vital Kamerhe (Union pour la nation congolaise); Nicéphore Kakese Malela (Union pour le réveil et le développement du Congo); Oscar Lukumuena Kashala (Union pour la reconstruction du Congo); François-Joseph Nzanga Mobutu Ngbangawe (Union des démocrates mobutistes); Antipas Mbusa Nyamwisi (Rassemblement congolais pour la démocratie-Kisangani mouvement de libération); and Etienne Tshisekedi (Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social).
2012年6月初,挪威外交大臣约纳斯• 尔 • 斯特勒(Jonas Gahr Støre)在挪威北部城市特姆瑟热情接待了美国国务 希 拉 里 •克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的访问,双方就北极地区事务进行了讨论。
Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre was host
[...] when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited the Norwegian city of Tromsø in the beginning of June to discuss Arctic issues.
康斯伯格卫星服务公司在斯尔巴 、特 罗 姆瑟 和 格 里姆斯塔以及迪拜、南 非和南极 Troll 站均设有卫星站。
Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) operates satellite stations at Svalbard, Tromsø and Grimstad, as well as in Dubai, South Africa and at the Troll station in Antarctica.
雷纳塔·阿尔基尼女士(意大利)、* 亚斯明卡·迪尼奇女士(克罗地亚)、** 弗拉基米尔·约瑟福夫 先生(俄罗斯联邦)、* 科伦·凯拉皮尔先生(博茨瓦纳)、** 纳姆加·坎 帕女士(印度)、*** 彼得·马登斯先生(比利时)、*** 苏珊·麦克卢格 女士(美利坚合众国)、* 理查德·穆恩先生(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)、***斯 塔福德·尼尔先生(牙买加)、** 卡洛斯·鲁伊斯·马谢乌先生(墨西哥)、***杉山 明先生(日本)、*** 默罕迈德·穆斯塔法·塔尔先生(约旦)、** 亚历杭德罗·托 雷斯·莱波里先生(阿根廷)、* 农耶·乌多女士(尼日利亚)** 和张万海先生(中 国)。
At its 51st plenary meeting, on 19 November 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Fifth Committee,7 appointed the following persons as members of the Committee on Contributions for a three-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2011: Mr. Joseph Acakpo-Satchivi, Mr. Gordon Eckersley, Mr. Bernardo Greiver del Hoyo, Mr. Juan Mbomio Ndong Mangue, Mr. Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta and Mr. Thomas Schlesinger.
总干事希望建议执行局授权其在与有关捐助者磋商后正式终止和废除这 9 个奖项,分别是野间扫盲奖、Malcolm Adiseshiah 国际扫盲奖、奈西姆·哈比弗奖、 教科 文组织-南亚和中亚地区科技办事处青年科学家奖、教科文组织儿童文学和青少年文学宣扬 宽容奖、为表现我们时代冲突希望 的 青年作家设立的教科文组织--弗郎索瓦兹·伽利玛 奖、Pacha 奖、教科文组织和平城市奖以及教科文组织环球网奖。
The prizes concerned are the following: Noma Prize (for Meritorious Work in Literacy); Malcolm Adiseshiah
International Literacy Prize; Nessim Habif Prize; UNESCO-ROSTSCA Awards for Young Scientists; UNESCO Prize for Children’s and
[...] Young People’s Literature in the Service of Tolerance; UNESCO/Françoise Gallimard Prize for Young Writers Expressing the Tensions and Hopes of Our Time; Pacha Prize; UNESCO Cities for Peace Prize; and UNESCO Web Prize.
姆基金会、弗里德里希·埃伯 特基金会、南美洲印第安人理事会、宗教间国 际、二十一世纪南北合作会。
Al-Hakim Foundation, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Indian Council of South America, Interfaith International, Nord-Sud XXI.
执行委员会审查了随同约旦希姆王 国 体制建设项目延长请求提交的最终报告,并 赞赏地注意到约旦坚定不移地致力于实现《蒙特 尔 议 定 书》的各项目标,如通过履约记 录所看到及通过其积极参与国际和区域臭氧问题会议所指出的那样。
The Executive Committee reviewed the terminal report presented along with the institutional
strengthening project
[...] renewal request for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and noted with appreciation Jordan’s steadfast dedication to the objectives of the Montreal Protocol as seen through [...]
its record of compliance
and observed through its active participation at the international and regional ozone meetings.
挪威防务研究机构和奥斯陆大学、 尔 根 大 学及特 姆瑟 大 学 的科学家参 加了搭载在航天器上的近 20 项实验,包括对粒子电流、电场、X [...]
射线辐射和尘 埃的研究。
Scientists at the Norwegian Defence
Research Establishment and the
[...] universities of Oslo, Bergen and Tromsø participate in nearly [...]
20 experiments on board spacecraft,
including research on particle currents, electric fields, X-ray radiation and dust.
悉尼医生马克•利德尔(Mark Lidwel)发明了起搏器,格姆•克 拉克(Graeme Clark)发明了人工耳蜗植入系统,巴里•马 尔 ( Ba rry Marshall)和罗宾•沃伦(Robin Warren)发现了幽门螺杆菌是胃炎和消化性溃疡的最主要诱因,伊恩 弗 雷 瑟 ( Ia n Frazer)研发了预防宫颈癌的乳头状瘤病毒疫苗。
The invention of the pacemaker by Sydney doctor Mark Lidwell, Graeme Clark’s development of the cochlear implant, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren’s discovery that Helicobacter pylori causes most gastritis and peptic ulcers and Ian Frazer’s vaccine for human papilloma virus to prevent cervical cancer, are just [...]
some of the major medical breakthroughs
and innovations to come from Australia.
独特的举世杰作座钟是印度的法国商行总经理 瑟 夫 - 弗 朗 索 瓦迪普莱克斯订购的,他本想把它赠送给一位印度王子:座钟由帕斯芒(Passemant)设计,1754年由钟表匠 瑟 夫 - 莱奥 尔 洛 克 和青铜器匠 弗 朗 索 瓦-托马斯日耳曼制作。
The extraordinary clock of the
Creation of the world was
[...] commissioned by Joseph-François Dupleix, managing director of the French trading posts in India, who wanted to offer it to an Indian prince: designed by Passemant, it was created in 1754 by clockmaker Joseph-Léonard Roque and bronzesmith [...]
François-Thomas Germain.
在早期的哲学家阿那克萨哥拉有助于一个纯粹的精神灵魂的概念,但更直接的贡献是由宗教的Eleusinian和 尔弗 斯 奥 秘,在道德说教的亮化和未来生活 希 望 , 我们有并发见证到了影响哲学家,诗人,历史学家。
Among early philosophers Anaxagoras contributes to the notion of a purely spiritual soul; but a more directly religious contribution
is made by the
[...] Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries, to the influence of which in brightening and moralizing the hope of a future [...]
life we have the concurrent
witness of philosophers, poets, and historians.
这幅 19 世纪晚期的  儿童版副本属于美国 最高法院法官奥弗·温德尔·霍尔姆 斯 所 有。
This copy of a late-19th century children’s edition belonged
[...] to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.
2009年,瓦克董事会成员史伟汉博士( Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler; 中)从德国化工业经理人协会( VAA)主席 托马斯·菲尔博士 (Dr. Thomas Fischer;左)手中接过 德国科隆化学奖,右为莱茵兰化工雇主协会会 弗 里德 里希·于贝阿克(Friedrich Überacker)先生。
WACKER Executive Board member Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler (center) was presented with the 2009 Cologne Chemical-Industry Prize by Dr. Thomas Fischer (at left), chairman of Germany’s Association of Chemical Industry Executives (VAA).
第一工作组由副主席英瓦尔德·克施文特尔(奥地利)和扎伊 尔 · 拉希 姆·扎因 丁(马来西亚)担任共同主席,负责审议第九届会议的总主题,即“森林 [...]
造福人民、改善民生和消除贫穷”(议程项目 5)、“2011 年国际森林年”(议程项 目 6)和“高级别部分”(议程项目
Working Group 1 would be co-chaired by the Vice-Chairs, [...]
Ingwald Gschwandtl (Austria) and Zainol Rahim Zainuddin (Malaysia),
and would consider the main theme of the ninth session, “Forest for people, livelihood and poverty eradication” (agenda item 5); “International Year of Forests, 2011” (agenda item 6); and the “High-level segment” (agenda item 8), as well as conduct the discussions and negotiations on a draft ministerial declaration.
在一项包括了90名接受脑肿瘤手术的病人的研究中,立陶宛(立陶宛健康科学大学)和美国(北卡罗莱纳大学查 尔希尔 分 校及哈佛大学布里 姆 与 妇 女医院)的研究人员发现,低T3(三碘甲状腺原氨酸)综合征可以预测不良的临床转归及抑郁症状。
In a study of 90 patients undergoing surgery for brain tumor, researchers in Lithuania (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) and the United States (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard University) have discovered that the finding of low T3 (triiodothyronine) syndrome is predictive of unfavorable clinical outcomes and depressive symptoms.
正如我们在 2010 年 的姆尼蒂/耶希尔河过 境点和 2008 年的尼科西亚的莱德拉街/Lokmaçı 过境点 所看到的那样,这种举措可以改善两族之间的总体信任。
As we saw at Limnitis/Yeşilırmak in 2010 and Ledra Street/ Lokmaçı, Nicosia, in 2008, such initiatives can improve overall confidence between the communities.
阿里斯铁阿斯谈到了州的翻译法(),法例(nomothesia),对立法者的书籍,现在这些表情特别是近两年,当然指的是摩西五,书籍独家其他旧约:和圣杰 姆 ( Co mment.在密歇根州)说:“ 瑟 夫 写 道, 希 伯 来人告诉我们,只有摩西五书的分别为(翻译了他们72),并考虑到国王托勒密。
Aristeas speaks of the translation of the law (nomos), of the legislation (nomothesia), of the books of the legislator; now these expressions especially the last two, certainly mean the Pentateuch, exclusive of
the other Old Testament
[...] books: and St. Jerome (Comment. in Mich.) says: "Josephus writes, and the Hebrews inform us, that [...]
only the five books
of Moses were translated by them (seventy-two), and given to King Ptolemy.
在调查过程中,专家组有确凿证据证明贩运网络的作案手法以及屡次违反制 裁制度的行为,贩运网络由两个团体组成:(a) 罗伯特·蒙托亚、米哈伊尔·卡 皮罗弗雷德里克·乐峰和各自的公司;(b) 半官方个人团体,即卡德特·贝尔 坦(巴博的前安全顾问,现居住在加纳)和安 尔姆 · 塞 卡·亚波指挥官。
In the course of its investigations, the Group has documented with incontrovertible evidence the modus operandi of, as well as repeated violations to the sanctions regime carried out by a trafficking network that is composed of two groups: (a)
Robert Montoya,
[...] Mikhail Kapylou, Frédéric Lafont and their respective companies; and (b) a para-institutional group of individuals, namely Kadet Bertin (former security adviser of Mr. Gbagbo, now living in Ghana) and Commander Anselme Seka Yapo.
2009 年诺尔经 济学奖的得主是埃莉诺·奥斯特姆 和 奥 利 弗 · 威廉 姆 森 , 其中埃莉诺·奥斯特姆是首位荣获诺尔经济学奖的女性,获奖原因是她在公共财产资源管理制度 的概念化和实证调查方面作出了突出贡献。
In 2009, Elinor Ostrom became the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, in partnership with Oliver Williamson, for her work on the conceptualization and empirical investigation of institutions for the management of the common property resources.




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