单词 | 小野不由美 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 小野不由美—Ono Fuyumi (1960-), Japanese novelistSee also:小野n—Onon 不由—can't help (doing sth)
但由于在大多数发展中国家的绝大多 数专利申请人来自国外,因此可以采用分阶层收费制度获取一笔 不小的收入。 iprcommission.org | But because theoverwhelming majority of patent applications in most developing countries are from abroad, a comparable income may be generated with a tiered system. iprcommission.org |
因此,各国都必须尊重、保护和增进个人在自己宗教或信 仰团体内沟通的自由,与他人分享自己信念的自由,通过与信念不同的人进行沟 通而开拓自己视野的自由,珍惜和传播有关宗教或信仰问题的信息的自由,以及 采用和平沟通方式试图说服他人的自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, States have to respect, protect and promote the freedom to communicate within one’s own religious or belief group, to share one’s [...] conviction with others, to [...] broaden one’s horizonsby communicating with people of different convictions, to cherish and develop contacts [...]across State boundaries, [...]to receive and spread information about religious or belief issues and to try to persuade others by means of peaceful communication. daccess-ods.un.org |
联络小组通过以下 4 个工作组展开行动:第一工作组(由联合王国在国际海 事组织(海事组织)支持下召集),负责与军事和行动协调与信息交流以及成立区 域协调中心有关的活动;第二工作组(由丹麦在联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁 毒办)支持下召集),负责处理与海盗行为有关的法律问题;第三工作组( 由美国在海事组织支持下召集),负责处理航运业的自我意识和其他能力事宜;第四工 作组(由埃及召集),着力于改进关于海盗活动各方面问题的外交和新闻工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Contact Group operates through four working groups: Working Group 1 (convened by the United Kingdom with the support of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)) addresses activities related to military and operational coordination and information sharing and the establishment of the regional coordination centre; Working Group 2 (convened by Denmark with the support of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)) addresses legal issues related to piracy; Working Group 3 (convened bythe United States withthe support [...] of IMO) addresses [...]shipping self-awareness and other capabilities; and Working Group 4 (convened by Egypt) works on improving diplomatic and public information efforts on all aspects of piracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
我愿借此机会要求大韩民国不要与正在实施其 控制整个东北亚野心的美国同 流合污或沆瀣一气,牢 记依仗外国力量是自我毁灭之举,将给朝鲜民族带来 灾难性后果。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would like to take this opportunity to call for the delegation of the Republic of Korea not to collaborate or stand with the UnitedStates, which is pursuing its ambition tocontrol North-East Asia as a whole, bearing in mind that reliance on foreign forces is a self-destructive move that will have catastrophic results for the Korean nation. daccess-ods.un.org |
没有理由小费不缴税,因为小费是由工作服务所带来的奖金。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is nothing to preclude the taxation of tips, which are gratuities awarded for the performance of work. daccess-ods.un.org |
过去 我们并不知道野生小麦是如 此珍贵的资源 这个保护项目完全改变了 群众对野生小麦的认识 [...] 而且 在我们与 沙漠化做斗争的过程中 该项目还为我们 修建灌溉系统提供资金和技术支持 我们 通过在项目地区实施禁牧政策保护野生小 麦 并得到了当地群众的支持 netzhammerbreiholz.de | The project has completely changed public awareness [...] about this. And in our battle against desertification, we are receiving [...]concrete support from the project in the form of financial help and technical skills in the construction of irrigation systems. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
有人宣扬环境货 物和服务潜在的环境效益,但也有人关注,对各种各样拟议的“环境商品”,其 中大多数是与能源利用效率有关的制成品实施更加深入的自由化,会导致类似于 部门自由化的深切自由化效果,而其涵盖范围 不小,举例来说,占最不发达国家 所有进口的 20%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Environmental goods and services are promoted for potential environmental benefits while concern exists that deeper liberalization on a range of proposed “environmental goods”, mostly manufactured goods related to energy efficiency, can have deep liberalization effects similar to sectoral liberalization, and cover, for instance, 20 per cent of all imports for the least developed countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
操作时,由于加工时的行程范围与操作者接近了 100 mm,不但使操作者的作业负担得以减轻,在安全方面也有 不小的贡献。 moriseiki.com | By moving the table 100 mm closer to the operator from the machining stroke range during work setup, operator workload is greatly reduced and safety improved. moriseiki.com |
信托人及信托人与登记代理不会参与以美元计值的交易或活动或以美元作出任何付款(如有关 交易、活动或付款由美国人士进行,须受制於美国财政部外国资产控制办公室(Office of Foreign Assets Control)的制裁)。 htisec.com | Neither the Trustee nor the Trustee’s and Registrar’s Agent will participate [...] in transactions or activities or make any payments denominated inUS dollars, which, if carried out by a US person, would be subject to sanctions [...]of the Office of Foreign Assets Control. htisec.com |
阳光明媚的德文郡(Devon)犹如海滩上的浓缩奶油和新鲜蟹肉三明治,又如码头旁的苹果汁;在这里,可以感受海上冲浪课程,在崎岖的达特穆尔(Dartmoor)野营,或悠闲驱车欣赏乡间小道沿途的绵延青翠田 野美景。 visitbritain.com | Sunny Devon is clotted cream, fresh crab sandwiches on the beach and cider on the quayside; it's a [...] salty surfing lesson, camping [...] wild onrugged Dartmooranddriving leisurely downcountry lanes [...]with green fields rolling on both sides. visitbritain.com |
2011年10名「亚洲最具影响力设计大奖」得奖作品包括:让人反思和蕴含天地人关系的台湾米粮「掌生谷粒」;集全球公众的生活智慧,并於日本311地震40小时後迅速编修成的灾民资讯平台「OLIVE」;以书架作建筑结构和拓展空间的「武蔵 野美术大 学博物馆及图书馆」;重新运用建筑物间剩余空间以打破邻里隔阂的「Open Architecture Project」;为日本灾民於避难所提供私人空间的纸制隔板「Paper [...][...] Partition System」;传承中国文化及复兴传统手工艺的品牌「上下」;有助推动妇女劳动力的本地有机产品「区区肥皂」;运用以革命性开发的合成纤维作别开生面设计的创作展「Tokyo Fiber Senseware」;体现人类传统智慧的竹系组合家俱「Truss-Me」;以及挑战现代建筑结构和力学的「梼原木桥博物馆」。 dfaaward.com | Ten outstanding projects were the winners of the DFA Grand Awards last year, including "Green-in-Hand", the Taiwan native grains which bring us back to thinking about the relationship between earth and human; "OLIVE", a wiki-style site with a [...] collaboration of survival [...] tips from global citizens for March-11 earthquake victims in Japan; "MusashinoArt University Museum and Library", a library with walls of book-shelves [...]as a building [...]structure and space expansion; "Open Architecture Project", an extension of the public realm inserted in the spatial chasm between pre-existing buildings which promote activities and communication between the local inhabitants; "Paper Partition System", a set of simple cardboard sheets for craving privacy in refuge; "Shang Xia", a brand which brings the excellence of Chinese and other Asian craftsmanship into contemporary lifestyle through the encounter of heritage and innovation; "So…Soap! dfaaward.com |
另外,最近关塔那摩湾的前看守描述了一个“无名和官方不承认的” 建筑群,位于“三角洲营”北部1 英里之外,超出两块高地之间主路的视野,仅在“美国营”围墙外,但主要路口被封锁。据描述,这一未被承认的“无营地” 没有守卫塔,环绕铁丝网,建筑群的一部分“在外观上与其他监狱的审讯中心一 样”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The unacknowledged “camp no” is described as having had no guard towers and being surrounded with concertina wire, with one part of the compound having “the same appearance as the interrogation centers at other prison camps”. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,宗教或信仰自由权本身就包括可以自由选择以各种方式进行沟通,其中包 括在自己的宗教或信仰团体内进行沟通的自由,与他人分享自己信念的自由,通过与不同信仰的人进行沟通拓宽自己视野的自由,珍惜和发展跨越国家边界的接 触的自由,接受和传播有关宗教或信仰的信息的自由,以及以和平的沟通方式试 [...] 图说服他人的自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, the right to freedom of religion or belief itself encompasses various forms of freely chosen communication, including [...] the freedom to communicate within one’s own religious or belief group, to share [...] one’s conviction with others, to broaden one’shorizons by communicating with people of different convictions, [...]to cherish and develop contacts across State boundaries, to receive and spread information about religious or belief issues and to try to persuade others by means of peaceful communication. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,由于没有实现真正意义上的 分权,因此其作用的范围太小不足以 缩小地区之间的贫富差距,但对于提供公共 服务而言,其作用范围太大而无法提供高效率的公共服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | These however have been too small to leverage differences and to big to deliver efficient public services [...] because of lack of real decentralisation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们相信,如果你提供合适的工具和合适的环境,这些个人能够成功,这就是为什么我们如此自豪,在美国我们有这么多东西是 由美国人发明的——从技术到疾病的治疗到聚焦新能源,而且数不胜数。 embassyusa.cn | We believe that if you provide the right tools and the right climate those individuals can succeed, which [...] is why [...] we’re so proud thatin America we have so many things that have been invented by Americans -- fromtechnology to cures [...]for disease tofocusing on new energy, and the list goes on and on. eng.embassyusa.cn |
他感谢所有捐助方,不论规模大小,特别是美国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和欧洲联盟, 同时也呼吁所有捐助方给予近东救济工程处慷慨捐 款,以克服经费短缺问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | While he thankeddonors both small and large, andin particular the United [...] States, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and [...]Northern Ireland and the European Union, he called on all donors to contribute generously to UNRWA to overcome the funding shortfall. daccess-ods.un.org |
花恋女士香水的花香主调由野生山茶花组成,结合在香水行业中稀有的花香韵调,有着丰厚,清新,微妙,诱人,性感而与众不同的独特气息。 hk.eternal.hk | The floral heart of Wildbloom was composed around WildCamellia,“a rare flower in perfumery – rich, fresh, delicate, attractive, seductive anddifferent. hk.eternal.hk |
荷马茨次部长还在由美国大 使馆组织的圆桌讨论上会见了非政府组织的代表,其中包括集中关注打击野生物非法交易的重要国际和当地中国非政府组织,包括保护国际,自然之友,国际爱护动物基金,国际自然保护联盟,TRAFFIC,大自然保护协会,野生生物保护学会,世界自然基金会,自由地和野生救援。 embassyusa.cn | Under Secretary Hormats [...] also metwith NGO representatives in a roundtable discussion organized by the U.S. Embassy that included major international and local Chinese NGOs focused on fighting wildlife trafficking, including Conservation International, Friends of Nature, International Fund for Animal Welfare, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, TRAFFIC, The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society, World Wildlife Fund for Nature, FREELAND, and WildAid. eng.embassyusa.cn |
他的雕塑还有发表在最近出版的许多书籍,其中包括:不稳定的视野:当代亚裔美国人的艺术家和社会想象,在奥驰亚惠特尼美国艺术博物馆,美国亚裔艺术:历史,1850年至七○年;城市的艺术:纽约的百分比为艺术计划; [...] 前进的道路上:MTA的地鉄艺术。 caacarts.org | His sculpture was also featured in numerous books including recently published: [...] Unsettled Visions: [...] Contemporary Asian American Artists and the Social Imaginary; Whitney Museum of American Art at Altria, [...]Asian American Art: [...]A History, 1850-1970; City Art: New York’s Percent for Art Program; Along the Way: MTA Arts for Transit. caacarts.org |
缔约方决定设立一个由印度负责召集的非正式小组,以讨论议程项目 12;同时如上文关于议程项目 10 的第十节所述,另设立一个由美利坚 合众国 召集的非正式小组,以讨论议程项目 10。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The parties decided to establish an informal group, convened by India, to discuss agenda item 12 and, as described in section X above, on [...] agenda item 10, to establish a [...] second informal group, convened by the United States of America, to discussagenda [...]item 10. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
在 5 月 25 日第 6 次会议上,委员会进行了一次关于“电子科学、电子工程、 电子教育”的小组讨论会,由美国国 务院国务卿科学和技术副顾问 Andrew W. Reynolds 担任主持人。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 6th meeting, on 25 May, the Commission held a panel discussion on [...] “e-Science, e-Engineering, [...] e-Education”, moderated by Andrew W. Reynolds, Deputy Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State, United States Department [...]of State. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果由于某种原因不小心损 坏了映像文件,那么在某些时候可以加载该映像,并使用 Windows Explorer 从加载 的映像中拷贝出大多数文件和文件夹。 seagate.com | Incidentally, if the image file becomes corrupted for some reason, it is sometimes possible to mount the image and save most files and folders by copying them from the mounted image using Windows Explorer. seagate.com |