

单词 吃不消

See also:


eat v
absorb v
consume v
stammer v
eradicate v

External sources (not reviewed)

現時各方面的物價皆上升,這 令市民 ─ 我相信不單是我的選區的選吃不消 , 即 使是任何一個選區的 選民也會感吃不消。
Surges in prices in every sector have made the public ― I believe not only the voters in my constituency find it hard to bear; voters in other constituencies should feel the same, too.
[...] 過複雜而冗長的法律程序進行追討,不少受過高等教育的僱員也感吃 不消。
The story of "Fatty" is only the tip of the iceberg and under the existing system, it is necessary to claim compensation through complicated and prolonged legal
processes in many work injury cases, so even many
[...] employees with a higher level [...]
of educational attainment find this unbearable.
她補充,在該次立法會會議上不應就其他 不具立法效力的個別議員議案進行辯論,以免議吃不消。
She added that there should not be any other
debate on individual Members' motions with no legislative effect at that Council
[...] meeting in order not to overload Members.
如果再增加業務的邊際成本,實在使飲食吃 不消。
If the marginal costs of doing business are increased, the catering industry will
[...] really find it hard to bear any more.
現時 是連大集團也吃不消的,中小企的慘況更可想而知。
Even big consortia find it hard to absorb the additional cost, let alone SMEs.
報告預估,到了2020年,全美的平均家庭健保保費將達到$24,000,民眾大 吃不消。
In California, the average family health insurance premium has exceeded 20% of people’s income.
司長也知道,很多市民單是花在 房屋的開支已令他吃不消,而香港的教育制度又是否真的是一流?
The Financial Secretary is also aware that the housing expenses alone borne by many members of the public are already very difficult for them to stomach.
如果目前的情況長此下 去,難免有人擔心破欠基金吃不消。
The situation can be considered very serious.
If the current situation persists, it is just natural for people to worry that the
[...] PWIF will simply not be sustainable.
由於他們的傷殘情況而增加的開支,會令一般家 吃不消。
The additional expenses incurred by them due to their disabilities are more than those that ordinary families can shoulder.
但是當運輸網絡和設吃不消的時 候,才謀求方法 去改善,是遲鈍和被動的做法,更會阻礙本㆞經貿發展速度。
For instance, the Government will only consider the construction of additional road networks when the congestion on certain roads has reached an explosive stage.
如果對於那些月入超過最低工資,原本 想要保障的僱員,都僵化地要企業每一天詳細記錄及跟進他們的工 時,肯定會令廣大的中小吃不消, 甚 至員工本身亦未必喜歡,可能 會以為僱主想針對他們的上、下班時間,亦不是每家企業都是打卡這 麼簡單。
The companies may not be able to cope with the work and the employees may not like it. They may think that the employer is monitoring them on the times they start and finish work.
在 自 由
[...] 黨 的 調查中,經營者對於越來越多的規管 都 感吃 不 消 。
The survey of the Liberal Party shows that proprietors
[...] are fed up with increased regulation.
我這位病人由於年紀漸大所以不幹,但我想多說一點,便是如果我們繼 續同意或容許政府實行高地價政策,包括對商業樓宇也實行高地價政策,我 可以預告,無論我們怎樣保護這些港式茶餐廳,它們也會很快便從香港的商 業運作中消失,因為昂貴的租金和大集團的經營方法會令它 吃不消。
If we continue to approve or allow the Government to implement the high land price policy which has extended to commercial buildings, I can predict that no matter how Hong Kong style cafes are going to be protected, they will soon disappear from the business operation of Hong Kong as they cannot bear the high rentals and the modus operandi of the groups.
如今最低工資推行在 即,進一步大幅加價並不容易,因為消費者有可 吃不消。
Now that a minimum wage will be implemented soon, and it
will not be easy to further increase the price
[...] considerably because consumers possibly may not be able to cope with it.
政府對這項規則的批評,實際㆖是針對這項規則所牽涉的技術細則,令部分法吃不消,而且由於部分法官仍未能掌握該項規則,所以他們會向陪審團或自己(倘若 [...]
The Government's criticism of the rule in effect is that it involves technical details that
overwhelm some of our judges and that because
[...] some judges have not mastered the rule, [...]
they give inadequate warning or wrong warnings
to the jury or to themselves if they sit without a jury.
梁國雄議員表示,部分議員近期已因工作 繁重吃不消。
Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung said that some Members had been overwhelmed by heavy work recently.
根據香港工會聯合會去年六月在本港 15 個公共屋 所進行的㆒項問卷調查,顯示 很多要繳付雙倍租金的富戶都表示無法負擔外面私㆟樓宇的租金和價格,而有超過七 成的受訪「富戶」更 認為居屋的價格也令他吃不消,故 唯有繼續住在公屋。
According to a questionaire survey conducted by the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions in June last year covering 15 public housing estates over the territory, many double rent payers said that the rent and selling price of private premises were beyond their affordability.
現 在 ,地球 先生已吃 不 消 , 不能完全消 化 我們所 製 造 出 來 的 廢 物 , 而 “ 綠 色 生 活 ” 應 該 源自一種 危機感 , 我 覺 得我們今天的責任是要保 持 生 態 平 衝 , 我們人 類雖然 必 定會消 耗 大 自然的 資源, 但在消 耗 的 過 程 中 , 如 何 可以保 持 環境清潔 ?
Right now, Mr Earth has already started to find it hard to put up with the situation; it is now somewhat unable to completely absorb all the wastes produced by us.
首期出售公屋計劃失敗的最明顯病癥,是售價不能吸引公屋居民,房委會將公屋 售價訂為市值的五成半,這個價格表面看來十分吸引,但房委會似乎忘記了,本港近 年的樓價不斷飛昇,而 且經已脫離合理水平,㆒ 般㆗等入息家庭,對於購買私㆟樓宇, 已吃不消。
Such a price level appears to be very attractive but the Authority seems to have forgotten that the value of properties in the territory has continued to mount up in recent years and has gone beyond the reasonable level.
[...] 的委員會的兩天會議席上,他們便大呼 吃不消 ” , 當面的向立法會保安事 務委員會說,他們連處理當時的泄密事件,即在處理一些後遺症的補救方面 [...]
I still recalled their complaint at a two-day
meeting chaired by Mr LAU Kong-wah and me
[...] that they could not cope, and they even [...]
confessed to the Panel on Security of the
Legislative Council that the IPCC did not have adequate manpower to rectify the sequelae resulting from the incidents involving the leakage of confidential information at that time.
自由黨 和香港很 多 人的看 法 一樣, 對於失 業 援 助 金有所抗 拒 , 因為實 在 不希望重蹈 外 國的覆 轍 , 令 香港變 成福利社
[...] 會,人人靠 政 府 , 以 致政府 總 有 一吃 不消。
We just do not want to follow the old disastrous road already taken by foreign countries, which might turn
Hong Kong into a welfare society, whose government is bound to collapse at one point when
[...] every person is dependent on it.
不 過 , 如 果 我們邀 請 陳智思議員,我 相信他一定會積 極 參 與 , 因為他年青力 壯 , 可吃 得 消 。
Nevertheless, I believe that Mr Bernard CHAN will be happy to join if invited as he is young and energetic and will be able to cope with the task.
平时日消费吃饭等 使用SM,如果发觉就 不 足 时 就上网从OC转账过去SM。
For everyday usage, use SM.
我近來接到很多街坊的求助,特別是一些靠積蓄為生的“老友記”,他 們首當其衝,不夠用,就只消極 地 吃 少 一 些,甚至吃少一餐,少些出街, 有些人有病也不去看醫生,“死慳死抵”,面對着這些情況,司長,其實情 [...]
They have taken the brunt of inflation and they cannot make
ends meet, so they can only
[...] take such passive measures as eating less or even skipping a meal, [...]
going out less often and some
of them did not see a doctor even when they were ill.
我們既 然 不可能 硬 性 要 求 旅
[...] 客 在不同 時 間 過 境,因此, 當 局 應 該 開 放目 前 的 邊 境 禁 區 , 在 關 卡 附 近 設不 同特色 的 項目, 吸 引 旅 客 稍 作 逗 留 , 購消 閒 或 吃 、 喝 、 玩 、 樂 。
Since it is impossible for us to make travellers cross the border at different times, the authorities should open up part of the Frontier Closed Area and put in
place facilities with different
[...] characteristics near the border control point to attract passengers to stop over for shopping, eating or entertainment.
百 多 年 來 , 香 港 飲 食 業 絕 大部分 的 僱 主,不 單 止 包 員 工 伙 食 , 每 天 給 予 員 工 足夠時間用膳 , 而 即 使 員 工沒有上班 , 也 可以回公司吃 飯 , 用 膳 次 數 往 往不 止 一 次 , 有時候 甚至讓 員 工 留 在 公吃 完 消 夜 才 放 工。
For more than a century, an overwhelming majority of employers in the catering industry in Hong Kong have provided meals to their staff and give them ample time for meals, even if the staff do not have to report duty, they can still return to the restaurants to have meals.
中国一直被食品安全的负面新闻所困扰,所以 当要选择去哪个品牌的餐吃饭时, 消 费 者希 望 去 一 家 简 单 诚 信 、质 量 有 保 证 的 餐 馆 ,也不 足 为 奇 了。
China is inundated with negative stories concerning food safety, so when it comes to choosing a restaurant brand, it’s no surprise that what customers crave is simple—integrity and quality.
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关 不 歧 视 的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措消除 传 媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination [...]
in the media;
further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
但是我们对行政部门突然匆匆忙忙向执行局通报该系统初步试验的情况感到有点吃 惊, 因为行政部门尚未与我们的代表讨论该系统的教益,而该部门还迟 不 向 我 们提供数月 以来即将进行“分析”的这些数据。
We are somewhat surprised, however, by the Administration’s seemingly sudden haste to inform the Executive Board about the initial trial of the system, when it has not yet discussed the lessons learnt with our representatives and has delayed in providing us with data that have been “ under analysis” for months.




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