

单词 存款人

See also:

存款 n

deposits pl
deposit n
depositor n


bank deposit
save money in a bank

External sources (not reviewed)

不過,設有存款保險計劃的海 外國家之中,有公布獲其計劃完全保 存款人 的 百分比的最新統計數 字者並不多。
Nevertheless, few overseas deposit insurers have recently released statistics on the percentage of depositors fully covered by their schemes.
即使有些結構性產品是存款,但這些產品的持有人大都是大額 存款 人。
Even if they are deposits, the majority of the holders of structured products are large depositors.
修正案亦指明 獲豁免銀行須在可行的情況下,盡快以書面通知 存款人 有 關 的豁免詳情。
The amendment also provides that an exempted bank shall as soon as
[...] practicable inform its depositors in writing of the [...]
particulars of exemption.
《存保計劃條例》旨 在就存保委員會設立存保計劃以就存放 於 屬 存保計劃成員的銀行的存款在某 些 情況下存款人 提供 補償、設 立一個存保基金以支付該等補償,以及向 存保基金供款、獲得存保基 金 支付補償的 權利及 從 存保基金支付補償等事 宜 ,訂定 條文。
The DPS Ordinance provides for the establishment of a DPS by the Board for the purpose of providing compensation to depositors under certain circumstances in respect of deposits maintained with banks that are members of DPS; the establishment of a DPS Fund from which such compensation is to be paid; and contributions to the Fund, and entitlement to, and payment of compensation from the Fund.
(b) 轉告日後成立的存款保障委員會,有需要確保銀行不會 為行政上的方便而在合約中加入會損 存款人( 特別是 那些信託受人) 在存款保障計劃下享有獲得補償的權 利 的條款。
(b) relay to the future Deposit Protection Board the need to ensure that banks would not, for administrative
convenience, include
[...] in contracts clauses that would jeopardize depositors’ entitlement, particularly those beneficiaries of trusts, to compensation under the Deposit Protection Scheme.
須按照本條例支付予無力償付成員 存款人 的 補償款額,不得超逾存款人在該 無力償付成員清盤時會根據《公司條例》(第 32 章)第 265(1)(db)條享有優先權的款額。
The amount of compensation
[...] payable to a depositor of a failed Scheme member in accordance with this Ordinance shall not exceed the amount in respect of which the depositor would, on the [...]
winding up of the failed
Scheme member, be entitled to priority under section 265(1)(db) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32).
就設立香港存款保障委員會訂定條文;就存保委員會設立存款保障計劃以 就存放於屬存保計劃成員的銀行的存款在某些情況下 存款人 提供 補償,訂定條文;就設立一個存款保障計劃基金以支付該等補償訂 定條文;就向存保基金供款、獲得存保基金支付補償的權利及從存 保基金支付補償訂定條文;對其他條例作相應及其他修訂;以及就 相關目的訂定條文。
Provide for the establishment of a Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board; to provide for the establishment by the Board of a Deposit Protection Scheme for the purpose of providing compensation to depositors under certain circumstances in respect of deposits maintained with banks that are members of the Scheme; to provide for the establishment of a Deposit Protection Scheme Fund from which such compensation is to be paid; to provide for contributions to the Fund and for the entitlement to, and payment of, compensation from the Fund; to make consequential and other amendments to other Ordinances; and to provide for connected purposes.
修正案澄存款人的客戶才有權就客戶帳戶獲賠償, 存款人的 債務抵銷權在銀行清盤時已存在。
The amendment provides that only
a person who is the
[...] client of a depositor's client account shall be entitled to compensation, and that a right of set off exists in the winding [...]
up of the bank concerned.
(1A) 如計劃成員存款人或任何其 他人有權根據本分部就存款人存放 於 該計劃成 員的受保障存款獲得補償,則任何該等補償均須按 照本條例支付予存款人而非 任何其他人。
(1A) If a depositor of a Scheme member or any other person is entitled, in respect of the depositor's protected deposit with the Scheme member, to compensation under this Division, any such compensation shall be paid to the depositor, but not any other [...]
person, in accordance with this Ordinance.
(4) 在符合本分部的規定下,存款人有 受保 障 存 款 存 放於無力 償付成員,而他是根據不同的代理關係以代理人身分持有該筆存款,則該 等代理關係中的每一段代理關係的委託人有權就於指明事件的日期當日根 據該代理關係持有的該筆存款的部分從存保基金中獲得補償,而 存款人 沒有該權利。
(4) Subject to this Division, if a depositor of a protected deposit with a failed Scheme member holds the deposit as an agent under different agencies, the principal of each of those agencies, but not the depositor, is entitled, in respect of the portion of the deposit held under the agency as at the date of the specified event, to compensation from the Fund.
有關的主要建議包括擴大存保計劃的涵蓋範 圍,把用作抵押的存款納入保障範圍,以及把存 保計劃下每存款人獲得 補償的總款額上限由 10萬元提高至50萬元。
The main proposals included expanding the Scheme's coverage to include secured deposits and raising the limit on the total amount of compensation from $100,000 to $500,000 for each depositor under the Scheme.
陳議員詢 問,金管局會如何保障香港存款人 , 以 免其個人 資料被非法披露予海外機關。
Mr CHAN asked how the HKMA
[...] would safeguard depositors in Hong Kong from illegitimate disclosure of their personal information [...]
to overseas authorities.
[...] 會因為計劃成員資產不足而承受龐大的差額損失(即從清盤人收回的資金 不足以抵銷賠償存款人的支出) 。
If the assets available in the liquidation is insufficient to meet all the priority claims, it is possible that the Board will suffer a
larger shortfall loss (i.e. money recoverable from the liquidator not sufficient to
[...] cover compensation paid to depositors).
(d) 在該計劃成員變更 受保障存款的某 些條款或 條件或 變 更 有存款人或該計劃成員所享 有的某 些 權利或承 擔 的 某 些法律 責 任 前 ,以書 面通知 有存款的存款人 ,該筆 存 款在上述 變 更 作出時起 便 不 再 受存保計劃保障; 以及要 求有存款人 確認收 到 有 關 通 知 。
(d) to notify depositors of protected deposits in writing, before the Scheme member varies certain term or condition of the deposits or varies certain right or obligation of the depositors or Scheme member, that on the variation, the deposits are no longer protected by the DPS, and to request the depositors concerned to [...]
acknowledge receipt of the notification.
在有些法域,这些法律是政策框架的一个关键部 分,例如金融机构存款人提供 保护、便利征收税务、述及让某些种类的债权 [...]
人享有高于其他人(例如雇员)的优先权问题以及相关的地方性法律、企业和 文化框架等政策框架。
In some jurisdictions, they form a
key part of policy frameworks, such as
[...] those protecting depositors in financial institutions, [...]
facilitating revenue collection,
addressing priorities for certain categories of creditors over others (such as employees), as well as relevant legal, business and cultural frameworks in the local context.
(d) 在該計劃成員變更受保障存款的某些條款 或條件或變更有存款人或該計劃成員所享 有的某些權利或 承擔的某些法律責 任 前,通知 有存款的 存款人,該筆存款在上述變更作出時 起便不再受存 保 計劃保 障 (第 7條 )。
(d) to notify depositors of protected deposits, before the Scheme member varies certain term or condition of the deposits or varies certain right or obligation of the depositors or Scheme member, that on the variation, the deposits are no longer protected by the DPS (section 7).
我今早亦聽到鄭海泉先生對我 說,現在事情已經過了 8 年,當時是因為發生了國際商業信貸銀行事件,大
[...] 家好像很情緒化的想到是否由政府拿出公帑,不要 存款人 受 到 損害等,當 時有很多這類事情。
This morning, Mr Vincent CHENG also told me that eight years had already passed, that because of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International incident, everybody
seemed so emotional and questioned whether the Government should use any public
[...] money to protect depositors, and so on.
它指出的事实是,Y 公 司的公众形象是一家安提瓜公司,包括它不是一家信箱公司,其实际总部设在安
[...] 提瓜,通过其营销材料表明在安提瓜的存在,向安提瓜签 存款人 支 票 并从安提 瓜提供私人银行服务。
It stated the facts that the public face of company Y was that of an Antiguan company, including that it was not a letterbox company, having its physical headquarters in Antigua, indicating through its marketing
material its presence in Antigua,
[...] sending cheques from depositors to Antigua and [...]
providing private banking facilities from Antigua.
巴塞爾協議下,資本充足率要求銀行保持與風險加權資產相關的資本水準,以應對潛在的損失, 存款人 和 其 他放款者提供保護。
Under Basel guidelines, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) requires banks to maintain levels of capital in relation to
their risk weighted assets as a cushion for potential losses, thereby providing
[...] protection to depositors and other lenders.
除分別於2012年6月30日及2011年12月31日抵押予銀行的銀 存款人 民 幣 6.9百萬元及人民幣 0.9百萬元外,本集團並無其他任何抵押資產。
Except for the bank deposits amounts of RMB6.9 [...]
million and RMB0.9 million pledged to banks respectively as at 30th June,
2012 and 31st December, 2011, no other Group asset was under any charge.
如 果瑞士金融市场监督管理局针对瑞士某家银行或证券交易机构采 取保护措施或者强制清算程序时,瑞士银行和证券交易机构存 款人保护 协会的成员将提供资金,以便尽快 存款人 支 付 在银行 法下具有优先权的存款。
If the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) initiates protective measures or forced liquidation proceedings against a bank or securities dealer in Switzerland, the members of the Swiss
Banks’ and Securities
[...] Dealers’ Depositor Protection Association provide funds so that the deposits deemed preferential under the Banking Act can be paid out as quickly as possible to depositors.
尽管做出各种努力防止地方 TCI Bank
[...] Ltd.完全破产, 但仍因商业失败于 2010 年停业,对大约 4 000 名存款人和社区造成负面影响。
Despite various efforts to prevent its full liquidation, the local TCI Bank Ltd. went out of business in
2010 due to commercial failure, with the attendant negative impact on
[...] approximately 4,000 depositors and the community.
(c) 就該定義的(a)(ii)及 (iv)段而 言,如存款人由 2 個或 多於 2 個的人組成,該等 [...]
人是單一及延續的團體, 須與不時屬被動受託人或 受託人的人區別。
(c) for the purposes of paragraph (a)(ii) and (iv) of that
[...] definition, if the depositor consists of 2 [...]
or more persons, those persons are a single
and continuing body of persons as distinct from the persons who may from time to time be the bare trustees or trustees.
存 款 人 民 幣29,000元(二 零 零 八 年:人 民 幣29,000元)已 抵 押 予 一 家 銀 行,以 讓 本 公 司 一 位 承 辦 商 獲 發 出 銀 行 擔 保。
The bank balance of RMB29,000 (2008: RMB29,000) was pledged to a bank for issuance of bank guarantee to a subcontractor of the Company.
就下一存款人而言 ,退休金供款的主要責任已由 政府及僱主轉為由個人承擔。
For the next generation of savers, the responsibility for retirement provision has shifted substantially away from Government and employers towards the individual.
(1B) 如任何存款或其部分是存款人 以客戶帳戶為客戶持有的,而 存款人 亦 同時 根據某項信託或被動信託以受託人或被動受託 人的身分持有該筆存款或該部分,則為施行本 條例,該筆存款或該部分須視為由 存款人為 該客戶持有,而非由存款人以上 述受託人或 被動受託人的身分持有。
(1B) If a deposit, or portion thereof, held by a depositor in a client account for a client is also held by the depositor as a trustee or bare trustee under a trust or bare trust, the deposit or portion is, for the purposes of this Ordinance, taken as being held by the depositor for the client and not as such trustee or [...]
bare trustee.
虽然“审慎措施”一词并无商定的定义,但该定义的范围很广,包括保护 投人、存款人和保 单持有人的措施,以及为确保金融体系完整和稳定而采取的 [...]
While there is no agreed definition of “prudential measures”, the
scope is broad and includes measures to
[...] protect investors, depositors and policy holders, [...]
and measures to ensure the integrity
and stability of the financial system.
於二零零八年十二月三十一日,本集團的流動資產主要包括現金及現金等價物約人民幣 96,021,000元、存貨約人民幣1,111,282,000元、貿易及其他應收款項人民幣616,901,000 元、抵存款人民幣63,600,000元及定 存款人 民 幣 115,000,000元。
As at 31 December 2008, the Group’s current assets mainly included cash and cash equivalents of
[...] RMB96,021,000, inventories of approximately RMB1,111,282,000, trade and other receivables of RMB616,901,000, pledged deposits of RMB63,600,000 and time deposits of RMB115,000,000.
於二零一零年六月三十日,應付票據人民幣90,000,000元(相當於103,500,000港元) (二 零 零 九 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日:人 民 幣90,300,000元(相 當 於102,590,000港 元))以 已抵押銀存款人民幣90,000,000元(相當於103,500,000港元)(二零零九年十二月 三十一日:人民幣93,100,000元(相當於105,771,000港元))作抵押(附註14)。
As at 30
[...] June 2010, bills payables of RMB90,000,000 (HK$103,500,000 equivalent) (31 December 2009: RMB90,300,000 (HK$102,590,000 equivalent)) were secured by pledged bank deposits of RMB90,000,000 [...]
(HK$103,500,000 equivalent)
(31 December 2009: RMB93,100,000 (HK$105,771,000 equivalent)) (Note 14).




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