单词 | 基本概念 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 基本概念—basic conceptSee also:基本—basic 基本adj—fundamentaladj underlyingadj 概念n—conceptspl notionn idean conceptionn imagen
虽然《示范法》的基本概念和理想仍然提供 了根本的基础,但这些法院裁决中出现的各种问题表明需要进行额外的审查和 澄清。 daccess-ods.un.org | The basic concepts and ideals of the Model Law still provide a fundamental base, [...] but various issues which have arisen in [...]these court decisions demonstrate the need for additional review and clarification. daccess-ods.un.org |
本部分提供的基本概念的一般资讯,对於理解程式的工作方式十分有用。 seagate.com | This section provides general [...] informationabout basic concepts whichcould be [...]useful for understanding how the program works. seagate.com |
在各地区和多国办事处之间进一步统一非集中化方面 的术语仅限于在计划的制订和实施方面,对“跨学 科”和“多学科”等基本概念有统一的理解。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The need for greater harmonization of the terminology of decentralization across regions and clusters [...] is matched only by the need for common [...] understandingof basic conceptssuch as“interdisciplinarity” [...]and “multidisciplinarity” [...]in programme design and implementation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其目的是让与会者对停止武装冲突的基本概念、术语和模式有 共同的了解,并开始规划过渡性的安全事务安排及开展其他工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aim was to equip the participants with a common [...] understanding ofthebasic concepts, terminology and [...]modalities relating to the cessation [...]of armed conflict and commence planning for transitional security arrangements, among other tasks. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 WIPO 秘书处内部就应用这一基本概念所进行的对话,包括任何改进和必要的培训,未来也将做出重大 [...] 贡献。 wipo.int | Dialogue within the WIPO Secretariat on the [...] application ofthisconceptual framing, including [...]any refinements and, as necessary, [...]training can also make an important contribution going forward. wipo.int |
从更长远考虑,面对远非理想的现实情况,应该明确的是,虽然要坚持强调非集中化 战略的基本概念和原则,但应把实现一些初级目标看作是一个渐进的过程。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Taking the longer-term view, and in the face of a situation that is far [...] from ideal, it is clear that while [...] retaining the underlying conceptsand principles [...]of the decentralization strategy, the [...]attainment of some of the initial ideas and objectives has to be viewed as a gradual process. unesdoc.unesco.org |
各种利益攸关者根据包 容残疾人发展的基本概念参与并且加强了这些活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | These initiatives have been strengthened by the [...] participation of various stakeholders with disabilities, in [...] line with the fundamental concept of disability-inclusive [...]development. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于“发生灾害时的人员保护”专题,委员会审议了特别报告员的第三次 报告(A/CN.4/629),报告处理了中立、公正、人道原则以及尊重人的尊严的基本 概念。 daccess-ods.un.org | In relation to the topic “Protection of persons in the event of disasters”, the Commission had before it the third report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/629), dealing with the [...] humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and humanity, as [...] well as the underlyingconcept of respect for human [...]dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文主要针对一些对滚动调查的误解,介绍一些关於统计调查的常识,和滚动调查的基本概念,作为大众公民教育的一部份。 hkupop.hku.hk | The article mainly addressed some common misunderstandings surrounding [...] rolling polls, by [...] introducing some basic statistical knowledge of social surveys, as well as some fundamental concepts of rolling surveys. hkupop.hku.hk |
其他一些人认为,在对设施进行核 查以检测核材料是否转作他用方面,“重要量”这一基本概念是十分相关的尺 度,但在寻找未申报活动方面,这一概念是不相关的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Others expressed the view that the fundamental concept of significant quantity was quite a relevant yardstick in the verification of facilities for the detection of the diversion of nuclear materials, but this was irrelevant in the search for undeclared activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
保健方案的目标是在近东救济工程处的五个行动区内保护、维持和增进已登 记巴勒斯坦难民的健康,并按照联合国人道主义政策以及世界卫生组织的 基本概 念、原则和战略办法,在力所能及范围内满足他们的基本保健需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The goal of the health programme is to protect, preserve and promote the health of the registered Palestine refugees within the Agency’s five [...] areas of operations and [...] to meet theirbasic health needs within the available means, consistent with the humanitarian policies of the United Nations, as well as withthe basicconcepts,principles and [...]strategic approaches of [...]the World Health Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过本课程的学习,学员将掌握功能点分析方法的基本概念、功能点方法及 其组成部分以及国际功能点用户组(IFPUG)公布的最新版本的计数实践。 spr-global.com | At the completion of this course, participants will be [...] familiar with the basic concepts of Function Point [...]Analysis, the Function Point Methodology [...]and Components, and the most current version of the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) counting practices. spr-global.com |
它提供了一个很棒的概况,而且您可以在短短的几分钟之内了解 TFORMer 的基本概念。 tec-it.com | It providesagreat overview and you learn the basic concept ofTFORMer within [...] a minute. tec-it.com |
本节提供了可能有助于了解程序工作原理的有关基本概念的一般信息。 seagate.com | This section provides general [...] information about basicconcepts whichcould be [...]useful for understanding how the program works. seagate.com |
虽然你可能已经来到这里,而以后的日期,视频是非常有益的,因为它适用于基本概念,如移动平均线,支持线,蜡烛及其他。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Although you may have come here on a date rather [...] later, the video is quite instructive [...] because itappliesbasic concepts such as moving [...]averages, Support lines, candles and the like. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
卫生政策和发展保健的远景通过以下方面界定了改革的基本概念:发展 公共保健 系统;人 口 的初级 保 健 ; 通过直接派出医疗队 , 发 展公民保健 ;选择家 庭 医 生 ; 初 级 保 健 系统;通过为弱 势 类 别的公民制订 特 别 战略, [...] 例如为 罗 姆 人制 订 特 别 战略, 重 组二级 和 三级保 健 。 daccess-ods.un.org | The basic concept of the reform is defined by the health policy and the vision for [...] development of the health care [...] through: development of the public health care system; primary health care ofthe population;development of thehealth [...]care among citizens [...]through direct access of medical teams; selection of family doctor; primary health care system; reorganization of the secondary and tertiary levels through the development of special strategies for vulnerable categories of citizens, such as the Roma population, for whom a Roma Decade Action Plan has been prepared and it envisages health measures for the Roma population. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你对 IndexedDB 还不熟悉,你应该首先阅读有关 IndexedDB 的基本概念。 developer.mozilla.org | If you are not familiar with IndexedDB, you [...] should first read Basic ConceptsAbout IndexedDB. developer.mozilla.org |
大学基础课程是为海外学生而设,课程内容针对大学学科而设计,使学生对将来在大学所读的科目有基本概念。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | It is based on the undergraduate programs [...] offered at Australian universities, providing them with a better [...] understanding and foundationof the subjects [...]they will study. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
这种学说的起源是人类几乎一样古老,在旧石器时代考古证据表明海关不朽的基本概念。 mb-soft.com | The origin of this doctrine is almost as [...] old as humanity; archaeological evidence of customs in the Old Stone Age [...] indicates a rudimentary conceptofimmortality. mb-soft.com |
即便在私有实现部分使用平台相关的功能的情况下(这在许多情况下是很有可能的,在多数的实际情况下更有可能),BPEL4WS 中抽象流程和可执行流程间的基本概念的模型的连续性可能将包含在业务协议中的公共部分作为流程或角色模板进行输出和输入,同时保持协议的目的和结构。 huihoo.org | Even where private implementation aspects use platform-dependent functionality, which is likely in [...] many if not most realistic cases, the [...] continuity of thebasic conceptualmodel between abstract [...]and executable processes in [...]BPEL4WS makes it possible to export and import the public aspects embodied in business protocols as process or role templates while maintaining the intent and structure of the protocols. huihoo.org |
有意境的灯光是电影摄影的精髓,电影经常被认为是用光绘图的艺术,所以这门艺术需要 [...] 对胶片、灯光、色彩、滤光片有技术知识,对以上各种工具的工作原理有基本概念,如: 曝光、色彩理论及光学知识。 motion.kodak.com | Often referred to as painting with light, the art requires technical knowledge of film stocks, lighting [...] instruments, color, and diffusion filters, and an [...] understanding of their underlying concepts: exposure, color [...]theory, and optics. motion.kodak.com |
XAF内建工作流模块简化了设计和工作流的执行,您只需要知道与工作流设计相关的基本概念就可 以了。 evget.com | The XAF built-in Workflow module [...] simplifies design and workflow execution, requiring you to only [...] know the general conceptsassociated with [...]workflow design. evget.com |
本课程培训采用讲座形式,阐明基准比对的基本概念,以 及度量在基准比对 中的重要性。 spr-global.com | This seminar is a lecture, designed to [...] explain thebasicconcepts of benchmarking [...]and the role that measurement plays in the process. spr-global.com |
劳工组织国际培训中心的性别平等 [...] 和不歧视方案提供了“性别平等校园”关于基本概念、全 球发展事业中的性别平 等、将性别平等观点纳入预算编制和统计人员性别平等导论等课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The gender equality and non-discrimination programme of the International Training Centre of [...] ILO provides courses on the “gender [...] campus” concerning basic concepts, gender in global [...]development, gender budgeting and gender for statisticians. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以重申几点基本概念对于许多医疗人士来说非常重要,即使这些概念对他们来说并不陌生。 traditionsdavenir.info | It became evident that it would be profitable to [...] reviewseveral basic concepts, even if they [...]seem obvious to many health professionals. traditionsdavenir.info |
这项科技运作的基本概念即「资讯=知识=授权=行动(如降低用电量)」,但消费者却得面对种种资讯、讯息、广告(形同符号污染)排山倒海而来;其实他们最需要的是一切简化,为他们省电、帮他们解决问题。 thisbigcity.net | All thistechnology work on the premise that information = knowledge = empowerment = action i.e. reduced consumption, however consumers are widely acknowledged to be overloaded with information, messages, ads (its technically called semiotic pollution). thisbigcity.net |
建议读者在使用本软件进行深层次的实物期权分析之前,先熟悉 [...] 《实物期权分析:工具和方法》,第二版,(Wiley 2005)中有关实物期权的一些基本概念。crystalballservices.com | It is highly suggested that the user familiarizes him or herself with the fundamental concepts of real options in Real Options Analysis: [...] Tools and Techniques, 2nd Edition (Wiley 2005) prior to attempting an in-depth real options [...] analysis using this software. crystalballservices.com |
关于第 XIX/6 号决定,我们必须非常明确地表明我们在缔约方会议上指出的内容,即第 5 [...] 条国家为加快氟氯烃淘汰所做出的政治承诺是基于这样一个基本概念,即已经为初步淘汰 各类氟氯化碳工作而得到多边基金支持的所有企业将有资格获得氟氯烃淘汰供资。 multilateralfund.org | With regard to Decision XIX/6, we must indicate very clearly what we pointed out at the Meeting of the Parties, namely that the political commitment that Article 5 [...] countries made to accelerate HCFC [...] phaseoutwas based onthe fundamental notion that allenterprises [...]that had received support [...]from the Multilateral Fund to phase out CFCs initially would be eligible for funding for HCFC phase-out. multilateralfund.org |