

单词 殷切

See also:

roll of thunder
surname Yin
dark red

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] S/2006/507 和嗣后各项说明中商定的措施无疑是殷切需要之事。
In this regard, the full and effective implementation of the agreed measures in S/2006/507 and subsequent notes
[...] is certainly what is needed most.
维持现有管治模式的 决定,可提供较为稳定的环境,培育博物馆人材,以应付日后 殷切 需 求
The decision of maintaining the current mode of governance would provide a more stable environment for nurturing museum professionals who will be in great demand in the near future.
非 洲联殷切期盼 ,安全理事会能针对局势的紧迫要求,全面承担对索马里人民的 [...]
It is the
[...] African Union’s earnest expectation that [...]
this responsibility will be fully assumed towards the Somali people,
with the urgency called for by the situation.
由於需求仍殷切,預 期整個組合的租金 水平將繼續上升。
With demand remaining strong rental levels are expected to continue to rise across the portfolio.
由於市民對均衡並可持續發展的訴求日殷 切,我 們會繼續強化政府內部的發展審批程序和機制,確保各 有關部門能在發展過程中緊密協調。
In response to growing community aspirations for balanced and sustainable developments, we will continue strengthening the internal development approval process and mechanism to ensure efficient coordination of our group of developments in the development process.
展望未來,香港住宅物業市場有望繼續受惠 殷切 的 市 場需求、充裕的流動資金、低利率及供應有限等環境因素。
Looking ahead, the Hong Kong residential property market is likely to continue to benefit from an environment characterised by solid demand, abundant liquidity, low interest rates and limited supply.
鑒於長 者支援服務的需殷切,她 認為當局為這些服務預留的資源應 全部用於提高服務質素和縮短輪候時間。
Given the keen demand for support services for the elders, she opined that the resources earmarked for such services should be fully utilized to enhance service quality on the one hand and reduce the waiting time on the other.
冈比亚政府希望重申其对教科文组织的宗旨及目标之承诺, 殷切 希 望 全面参与本组 织的工作,所欠的会费 59,839 美元及 2650 欧元未付的原因是冈比亚遇到了无法控制之如下 情况:农作物歉收;雨下得晚而且没有规律,来自塞拉利昂、利比里亚、塞内加尔和几内亚 比绍等国难民的大量涌入而造成影响。
The contributions of US $59,839 and euros 2650 outstanding, have not been paid due to conditions beyond the control of The Gambia as follows: Crop failure; late and erratic rains; the impact of large inflow of refugees from Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal and Guinea Bissau, etc.
选择和解的人必须尊重自 2002 年以来取得的各项成果,并接受大部分阿富 汗人民殷切期待 ,即建立一个每一个阿富汗人均能享有《阿富汗宪法》所载各 项权利、一个和平而繁荣的阿富汗。
Those who choose to reconcile must respect the achievements made since 2002 and accept the aspirations of the majority of Afghans to a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan where each and every Afghan can enjoy his or her rights as enshrined in the Afghan Constitution.
如本公司日期為二零一零年六月十四日之公告所述,Fullmark Management Limited 之建議收購事項能讓本集團藉進入預期需求日 殷切 之 中華人民共和國保險市場,從而擴展其資訊科技顧問 服務範疇。
As disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 14 June 2010, the proposed acquisition of Fullmark Management Limited would provide an opportunity for the Group to expand its scope of IT consultancy services by pontificating in the insurance market in the People’s Republic of China, which is expected to have arising demand.
最后,我要表示我们深信,我们在建设和平领域 看到的新势头,以及各方在定期例行审查建设和平活 动之后提出的许多宝贵意见和建议,非但不会被浪
[...] 费,反而会很快导致在所有相关行为体之间出现新的 协同增效作用,并将产生人殷切期 望 的结果。
In conclusion, I would like to express our conviction that the new momentum witnessed in the field of peacebuilding, as well as the many valuable proposals and recommendations that have resulted from the regular and periodic reviews of peacebuilding
activities, will not be wasted but will soon lead to new synergy between all relevant
[...] actors and yield eagerly awaited results.
由於需殷切,該系列加入全新的mi6879 Mini電話,配備特大彩色液晶顯示屏,專為電話圖像、電話壁紙或來電圖像顥示而設。
With demand high, the new mi6879 “mini” joins the line-up with an extra-large color LCD, perfect for icons and images for wallpaper or Picture Caller ID.
最后,日殷切希望 ,一俟恢复稳定,利比亚将 根据其所加入的所有国际人权文书推行充分反映本 [...]
国广泛民意的根本改革,并将确保保护和促进本国人 民的人权。
Lastly, Japan hopes fervently that, once stability [...]
is restored, Libya will move forward with fundamental reforms that adequately
reflect the broad spectrum of the opinions of its people, in accordance with all the international human rights instruments to which Libya is party, and will ensure the protection and promotion of the people’s human rights.
飛達帽業主席顏禧強先生表示:「回顧年內,雖然面對歐債和國內不明朗經濟環境等因素, 但集團實行了多項策略性措施,包括收購美國高檔女裝帽品商 San Diego Hat Company, 令我們得以擴大歐美市場的發展,加上孟加拉外判廠房的投產,集團將可藉提升整體產 能,滿足市場對集團產品殷切需求
Mr Ngan Hei Keung, Chairman of Mainland Headwear, said, “During the year under review, although facing debt crisis in Europe and the uncertainties in the PRC’s economy, the Group has adopted strategic measures including acquisition of San Diego Hat Company, a high-end women’s headwear company in the US to boost the our development in Europe and the US.
[...] 计研究所代表的专长;“教科文组织在非洲”网站是协调教育专家网 络的有益工具;合作伙伴殷切期望,尤其体现在预算外资金的增长 上。
BREDA’s strong points include expert inputs from the Pôle de Dakar and representatives of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), its UNESCO Africa Intranet site – hub of
a network of education specialists – and
[...] its partners’ great expectations, which [...]
essentially results in greater inflows of extrabudgetary funding.
地產部門的基本溢利增加百分之八至港幣十 九億一千五百萬元,而租金收入總額則上升百分之二十
[...] 三至港幣三十二億五千七百萬元,反映寫字樓及零售樓 面需求持殷切。
Underlying profit in the Property Division increased by 8% to HK$1,915 million,
with gross rental income rising by 23% to HK$3,257 million, reflecting
[...] continued strong demand for office and [...]
retail space.
我们不但为 Farnell Element14 在 2011 年的新产品推广方式深表自豪和感谢,而且对贵公司未来的发展寄 殷切 的 期 望"。
We are very proud and thankful to have Farnell Element14 lead the way with our New Product Introductions in 2011 and have great expectation for the future".
憑 藉 其 經 驗 豐 富 之 管 理 層 、 龐 大 的 全 球 採 購 網 絡 、 組 件 式 的 業 務 模 式 、 長 久 的 客 戶 關 係,以 及 其 先 進 的 LOGON 系 統,林 麥 集 團 已 蓄 勢 待 發 , 迎 接 全 球 採 購 服 務殷 切 需 求 , 以 進 一 步 擴 大 其 於 國 際 市 場 上 之 發 展 。
With its experienced management team, extensive global network, modular business model, long-term customer relationships and advanced LOGON system, Linmark is riding on the escalating global outsourcing trend to continue its expansion in the international market.
該公司因 Seagate 服務事業的運營而有意發掘需要服務的市場,進而在這些市場善用該公司的領先技術與市場專業知識,並提供獨有的價值主張以滿足客戶日 殷切 的 需 求。
With Seagate Services, the company is interested in pursuing underserved markets where it can leverage leading technology and market expertise, and provide unique value propositions to address growing customer needs.
歐、美、日等先進國家較具環保觀念,對電動自行車需 殷切 , 我 國自行車業者向來深耕歐美日的自行車市場,將來也是電動自行車的潛力市場,另石油輸出國家組織的石油供給常因國際情勢的緊張而呈現較大幅的波動,傳統燃油車也直接受到衝擊,電動自行車也因此吸引了各國的投入研發與政策導入,雖目前仍有技術與環境的因素需尋求突破,未來存在相當大的商機而中國大陸廣大的消費場也是我國業者的重要著力點。
Europe, the United States, and Japan and other advanced countries than with
the concept of environmental protection and
[...] the keen demand for electric bicycles, [...]
our bike industry who has always been deep
plowing Western and Japanese bike market, the future is also the electric bike's potential market, another Petroleum Exporting Countries's oil supply often due to the international situation tension and showed substantial fluctuations traditional fuel vehicles are also directly affected by the impact of electric bicycles and therefore attract national investment in research and development and policy import, although there are still technical and environmental factors need to seek a breakthrough, there are considerable opportunities in the future important focus of the majority of the consumer field in the Chinese mainland is also our industry.
It is a fundamental expression of the professionalism that we strive for throughout our businesses and the personal integrity we expect of our employees.
勞工及福利局局長張建宗在評論最新失業數字時表示:「受惠於最近暢旺的商業活動,加上勞工需求在臨近年底時一般較 殷切 , 帶動總就業人數進一步增加,在二零一二年十月至十二月增加約23 [...]
400人至3 689 600人的紀錄新高。
Commenting on the latest unemployment figures, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, said, "Thanks to the recent
vibrant business activity and seasonal rise
[...] in labour demand towards the year-end, [...]
total employment increased further by
around 23 400 to a new record high of 3 689 600 in October - December 2012.
[...] 市場需求之研究,以及本集團對區內建築材料買賣擁有豐富經驗之管理隊伍,本集團發現 區內水泥熟料之需殷切,尤 以台灣為甚。
According to the Group’s research on market demand for cement clinker in Taiwan and certain South East Asian countries and the Group’s experienced management team in trading construction materials
in the region, the Group found that there was a
[...] strong demand for cement clinker in the region, particularly [...]
in Taiwan.
高级别小组一直努力最为客观地执行任务,深信非洲不会辜 负科特迪瓦人民追求民主与和平、谋求民族团结与和解 殷切 期 望
The Panel has endeavoured to carry out its mandate with the greatest objectivity and with the conviction that Africa cannot fail to fulfil the ardent aspiration of the Ivorian people for democracy and peace, in national unity and reconciliation.
在諮詢文件中,政府特別聲明 除了為應殷切需要 而在中區、灣仔北及東南九龍進行 的填海工程外,不會再在海港內進行填海工程。
Specifically, the consultative document contains the statement that the Government will not undertake any further reclamation in the Harbour apart from the works in Central, Wan Chai North and South East Kowloon to meet essential needs.
本集團集中高科技發展、鞏固於中國的 市場定位及維持與客戶的緊密關係,以及不斷致力提升廠房的生產力及擴大產能,令期內 業務得以持續增長,並成功滿足本地及國際市場對高增值印刷線路板日 殷切 的 外 購需 求。
High technology focus, robust market positioning in China and exceptionally strong customer relationships, as well as continued efforts in upgrading plant production capabilities and expanding capacities, enabled the Group to sustain business growth during the period and successfully meet increasing domestic and international outsourcing demands for high value-added PCBs.
巴勒斯坦人民已经经受了超 过 63 年的被驱逐的生活和以色列超过 44 年的军事占领,而以色列仍在压迫巴勒 斯坦人民,对巴勒斯坦土地实行殖民统治。同时,他也表达了巴勒斯坦人民殷 切期望 ,他们要求实现自身不可剥夺的权利,包括自决和回返的权利以及实现在 东耶路撒冷为首都的属于自己的独立、主权的巴勒斯坦国实现正义与和平的合理 的民族愿望,他们希望享有与国际大家庭的各个成员同等的自由和尊严。
Yet, he also conveyed the deep hopes of the Palestinian people for the realization of their inalienable rights, including their rights to self-determination and return, and their legitimate national aspirations for justice and peace in their own independent and sovereign State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, where they can live in freedom and dignity, equal among the community of nations.
神谷茂先生在照明和光源领域的极高造诣使他非常看好无极灯的发展前景,而因为宏源是无极灯行业的先驱和引领者,更因为宏源坚持不懈、勇于创新的精神,神谷茂先生选择了宏源无极灯作为传承照明精神的接棒者,宏源也自当不负老先生 殷切 期 望,将照明精神发扬光大,薪火相传、生生不息。
Mr. Shen Gumao’s great attainments in the lighting and illuminant industry make him believe in the future of induction lamps. Mr. Shen chose the Hongyuan induction lamp as the successor of inheriting lighting essence on the ground that Hongyuan was the forerunner and leader in the induction lamp industry, especially for his unremitting and innovative spirit.




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