

单词 殿下

See also:


palace hall

External sources (not reviewed)

摩洛哥 Lala Amina殿下洛哥的一场赛事中问候特奥会运动员。
HRH Lala Aminaof Morocco greets Special Olympics athletes at an event in Morocco.
谨随函附上 2010 年 6 月 6 日卡塔尔国首相兼外交大臣谢赫哈马德·本·贾 西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼给你的信(见附件)及其附文,即关于和平解决厄立 特里亚国和吉布提共和国边界争端的协定,该协定由厄立特里亚国总统和吉布提 共和国总统以及卡塔尔国埃米尔谢赫哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨殿下调 解人和见证人代表卡塔尔国于 2010 年 6 月 6 日签署。
I have the honour to enclose herewith a letter dated 6 June 2010 addressed to you by Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar (see annex), with its enclosure, the Agreement concerning peaceful settlement of the border dispute between the State of Eritrea and the Republic of Djibouti, signed on 6 June 2010 by the President of the State of Eritrea and the President of the Republic of Djibouti, and signed on behalf of the State of Qatar as mediator and witness by HisHighness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar.
主席(以法语发言):我现在请沙特阿拉伯外务大 臣沙特·费萨尔亲殿下
The President( spoke in French ): I now invite
[...] His Royal Highness Prince Saud [...]
Al-Faisal, Minister for Foreign Affairs of
Saudi Arabia, to take the floor.
这种情况促使卡塔尔埃米殿下后谢哈·莫 札·宾特·纳赛尔·阿勒米斯奈殿下科文组织 基础和高等教育特使的身份,于 1 月 15 日致信秘书 长,呼吁安全理事会和国际社会确保加沙的教育机构 受到必要保护,以便为加沙儿童及其家人提供一个安 全的避难所,使人道主义援助和基本物资得以进入, 病患和伤员得以疏散。
This situation prompted Her HighnessSheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned, Consort of His Highnessthe Emir of Qatar, in her capacity as UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education, to address a letter to the Secretary-General on 5 January, calling upon the Security Council and the international community to ensure the necessary protection for educational institutions in Gaza with a view to providing a safe haven for the children of Gaza and their families, allowing access to humanitarian assistance and basic materials and evacuating the sick and the wounded.
谨随函转递卡塔尔国埃米殿下后谢哈·穆扎赫·本·纳赛尔·米斯纳殿下国常驻联合国代表兼安全理事会主席让·莫里斯·里佩尔大使的 信(见附件)。
I have the honour to forward herewith a letter from Her Highness Sheikha Mozha bint Nasser Al-Missned, the Consort of His Highness the Emir of the State of Qatar, addressed to Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations and President of the Security Council (see annex).
Among the dignitaries in attendance at the ceremony is
[...] His Imperial Highness theCrown Prince [...]
会议向卡塔尔国埃米尔谢赫哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨殿下塔尔政 府和人民致意,感谢他们的支持、慷慨盛情,感谢他们承诺寻求持久解决达尔富 尔冲突。
The Conference paid tribute to His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, the Government and the people of Qatar for their support, their generosity and their commitment to finding a durable solution to the Darfur conflict.
[...] 成员也发了言:孟加拉国财政部长阿齐祖尔·伊斯拉姆、国际劳工组织社会保护 科执行主任阿桑·迪奥普、经合组织秘书长安赫尔·古里亚、非洲进步小组主任 迈克尔·基廷、荷兰马克西马公殿下及意大利前经济和财政部次长维托·坦 齐。
Statements were also made by the panellists: Azizul Islam, Minister of Finance, Bangladesh; Assane Diop, Executive Director, Social Protection Section, International Labour Organization; Ángel Gurría, Secretary-General of OECD; Michael Keating, Director,
Africa Progress Panel;
[...] Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima of the Netherlands; Vito Tanzi, former State Under-Secretary for [...]
Economy and Finance, Italy.
帕差拉吉帝雅帕·玛希敦公殿下位积极的 囚犯人权维护者;泰国尤其关注女囚犯的待遇问题, 并就此与会员国进行了许多关于良好做法的交流。
Thailand attached great importance to the treatment of female prisoners and had exchanged best practices in that area with Member States.
1995 年,为了在卡塔尔和整个区域加快人力发展,谢哈·玛亚萨·本·哈马 德·塔殿下设立卡塔尔教育、科学和社区发展基金。
In 1995, with the aim of accelerating human development in Qatar and the region, HisHighness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani decided to establish the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development.
33.在2009年9月14日第1 次会议上,斯里兰卡灾害处置和人权事务部长、 美国主管国际组织事务的助理国务卿和泰国帕差拉吉帝雅帕公殿下在理事 会上作了发言。
33. At the 1st meeting, on 14 September 2009, the Minister for Disaster Management and Human Rights of Sri Lanka, the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations Affairs of the United States and H.R.H Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand respectively delivered a statement to the Council.
由萨勒曼·本·阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·沙特(Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud)王殿下持的 利雅得发展高级委员会成立于公元1974年(1394H)。
The High Commission for the Development of Arriyadh, chaired by HRH Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, was established in 1974 (1394H).
[...] 金融促发展问题特别顾问荷兰公主麦西殿下持下,在世界各地开展了各种 活动。
In addition, UNCDF launched several new publications, and, with the support of UNCDF, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special
Advocate for Inclusive Finance for
[...] Development, Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima [...]
of the Netherlands, engaged in a full range
of activities around the world.
1 鉴于在卡 塔赫纳指出的普遍加入方面的挑战和我们做出的克服这些挑战的承诺,第二次审
[...] 议会议主席指定约旦王子米雷德·拉德·侯赛殿下主席的“普遍加入《杀 伤人员地雷公约》问题特使”。
In light of the universalisation challenges noted in Cartagena and commitments we made to overcome these challenges, the
President of the Second Review Conference
[...] appointed His Royal HighnessPrince Mired [...]
Raad Al-Hussein of Jordan to serve as the
President’s Special Envoy on the Universalisation of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.
公司共同创办人、首席执行官兼执行设计总监亨利克·菲斯科(Henrik Fisker)陪同王殿下了这一重要时刻。
His Serene Highness was joined during [...]
this momentous occasion by company co-founder, CEO and executive design director, Henrik Fisker.
该机构是根据2006年第401 号埃米尔令而设立的,由首殿下,其成 员包括有关大臣和其他公众人物,职能是加强家庭的团结、维护家庭的凝聚力并 [...]
Its membersarerelevant ministers [...]
and other public figures and its function is to strengthen family unity, to preserve
family cohesion and to develop the capacities of families in order to ensure security and social stability for all.
此 外,Wichayarangsaridh
[...] 女士还向委员会通报说,朱拉蓬·玛希多公殿下领泰国代表团出席将在里约热内卢举行的大会。
Additionally, Ms. Wichayarangsaridh informed the Committee
[...] that Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn [...]
Mahidol would lead the Thai delegation in Rio de Janeiro.
呼吁伊朗伊斯兰共和国将其所称改善同阿拉伯各国关系和进行对话及 实现缓和的愿望转化为言词及行动上的实际措施,真诚回应阿拉伯联合酋长国总 统谢赫哈利法·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈殿下海湾合作委员会中的阿拉伯国 家成员、阿拉伯国家、国际社会、友好国家和联合国秘书长发出的真诚呼吁,通 过直接、真诚的谈判或诉诸国际法院等途径,依照惯例及国际法公约和规则以和 [...][...]
平手段解决有关这三个被占领岛屿的争端,以期在阿拉伯湾区域建立信任并增进 安全和稳定
To call upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to translate its stated desire for improved relations with the Arab countries and for dialogue and détente into tangible measures, both in word and in deed, in the form of a genuine response to
the earnest appeals
[...] launched by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, and by the States membersof the Gulf [...]
Cooperation Council,
the Arab States, international groups, friendly nations and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, calling for a solution to the dispute over the three occupied islands by peaceful means in accordance with customary practice and the covenants and rules of international law, either through direct, earnest negotiations or through recourse to the International Court of Justice, with a view to building trust and enhancing security and stability in the Arabian Gulf region
以下专题小组成员作了演讲:孟加拉国财政部长阿齐祖尔·伊斯拉 姆、国际劳工组织社会保护科执行主任阿萨内·迪奥普、经济合作与发展组织秘 书长安赫尔·古里亚、非洲进步问题小组主任迈克尔·基廷、包容性金融部门联 合国咨询小组成员荷兰的马克西马公殿下及意大利原经济和财政副国务秘 书维托·坦齐。
Presentations were made by the following panellists: Azizul Islam, Minister for Finance of Bangladesh; Assane Diop, Executive Director, Social Protection Section, International Labour Organization; Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; Michael Keating, Director of the Africa Progress Panel; Her Royal Highness
Princess Máxima of the
[...] Netherlands, member ofthe United Nations Advisers Group on Inclusive Financial Sectors; and Vito Tanzi, former State Under-Secretary for [...]
Economy and Finance of Italy.
我见到过 Lala Amina 公殿下次。
I see herRoyalHighness Princess Lala [...]
Amina a lot.
继伊拉克国际高等教育基金开展的工作以来,谢哈·莫萨·本·纳塞尔·米 斯耐殿下2003 年发起了这项倡议,目的是履行承诺,落实受危机影响国家 受教育权利巴黎会议的各项建议。
Further to the work being done by the International Fund for Higher Education in Iraq, this initiative was launched in 2003 by Her Highness Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned with a view to fulfilling her commitment to implement the recommendations of the Paris Conference on the Right to Education in CrisisAffected Countries.
HRH The Prince of Wales founded the START Initiative to focus on sustainable living in the UK.
Zao Wou-ki has enjoyed various international exhibitions, representing France at the 40th International Exhibition of the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh in 1956 and the Venice Biennial in 1960, as well as receiving the Praemium Imperiale Award of Painting, Japan in 1994.
为此,2008 年开办了王殿下社区保健中心。
To this end, Her RoyalHighness the Princess Royal Community Care Centre, funded by DFID, was opened in 2008.
除挪威王殿下,出席此次启动仪式的还有挪威石油与能源大臣奥拉·博顿·穆厄、贸易与工业大臣特隆德·吉斯克、挪威国家石油公司首席执行官龙海歌(Helge [...]
Lund,)、挪威电力公司首席执行官克里斯蒂安·利宁-托内森(Christian Rynning-Tønnesen)和北诺福克希拉奥克斯比区当地政府官员。
In addition
[...] to His RoyalHighness the Crown Prince, [...]
the Minister of Petroleum and Energy Ola Borten Moe, Minister of Trade
and Industry Trond Giske, CEO of Statoil Helge Lund, CEO of Statkraft Christian Rynning-Tønnesen, together with the local government of North Norfolk in Sheila Oxtoby, where also present at the opening.
乌干达金贾, 2012 年 10 月 8 日 – 乌干达总统约韦里·卡古塔·穆塞韦尼今日出席了 250 兆瓦 Bujagali 水电站的落成仪式,同时出席的还有阿迦殿下项目合作方 Sithe Global(由 Blackstone 代表其投资人管理的一个基金持有多数股份)。
Jinja, Uganda 8th October 2012 – Uganda’s President, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, today inaugurated the 250MW Bujagali Hydropower Plant in the presence of the Aga Khan and project partners Sithe Global, a company majority owned by a fund managed by Blackstone on behalf of its investors.




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