单词 | 在本月 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 在本月 noun —this month nSee also:本月—this month • the current month
預期僱員再培訓局會在本月稍後 時間召開 會議後,公布本年度各項再培訓津貼數額的檢討結果。 legco.gov.hk | The result of this year's review on the amounts of retraining allowance is expected to be announced by the ERB after its Board meeting later this month. legco.gov.hk |
我欣见秘书长在本月印发 了有关联海稳定团的 报告(S/2010/446)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I welcome the report of the Secretary-General on [...] MINUSTAH issued this month (S/2010/446). daccess-ods.un.org |
(三) 政府留意到僱主聯合會在本月初建議會員機構明年的平均加薪 幅度應保持在 2.5%以下,並根據營運狀況及員工個人表現以一次 [...] 性花紅獎勵僱員。 legco.gov.hk | (c) The Government notes the recommendation made by the [...] EFHK earlier this month urging its member [...]companies to keep average salary increase [...]below 2.5% in the coming year and reward staff with one-off bonuses according to operational situation and employees' individual performance. legco.gov.hk |
就在本月初,印度尼西亚总统向议会提交了有关批准 《全面禁试条约》的法律草案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Just at the beginning of this month, the President of [...] Indonesia submitted a draft law on the ratification of the CTBT to Parliament. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,我们热烈欢迎联合王国 在本月 开始 担任主席之际宣布的创新做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that respect, we warmly welcome the innovations announced by the United Kingdom on the [...] assumption of its presidency this month. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如我們在本月較早 時候向立法會提 交的文件所述,由於小販政策對地區的影響密切,而區議會最為 [...] 瞭解區內情況及當區市民需要,我們建議強化區議會在地區小販 發牌和小販市集管理方面的角色,按照地區的具體情況及區內居 民的意願,向政府提供意見。 legco.gov.hk | As stated in our paper submitted to the Legislative [...] Council earlier this month, in view of the close [...]impact that may be caused by hawker [...]policy to districts and the fact that DCs have better understanding of the local situation and the needs of residents in that district, we propose to strengthen the role of DCs in terms of hawker licensing and hawker bazaar management at the district level. legco.gov.hk |
在本月早些时 候,占领国还批准在东耶路撒冷被占领土的非法定居点“Pisgat Ze’ev”内修建 [...] 40 个新的住房单位。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, earlier this month, the occupying Power [...] approved the construction of 40 new settlement units in the illegal settlement [...]of “Pisgat Ze’ev” in Occupied East Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
在作完这些介绍之后,秘书处代表介绍了 177 EX/56 号文件,并向专家们通报了在本 月举行 的参与计划部门间委员会最近一次会议之后所取得的进展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Further to this presentation, the representative of the Secretariat introduced the document 177 EX/56 and informed the experts of the progress made since the last meeting of the intersectoral committee on Participation Programme held this month. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于注 意到 2006 [...] 年就这一问题举行的上一次的辩论(见 S/PV.5474),又注意到就在本月份我 们审议了特设法 庭的进展情况和贡献以及安全理事会各反反恐委员 [...]会取得的成就和面临的挑战,我们认为,这次辩论的 时机极佳。 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting that our last debate on this [...] issue took place in 2006 (see S/PV.5474) [...] and that this very month we deliberated the [...]progress and contributions of the ad hoc [...]tribunals, as well as the achievements of and challenges to the Security Council counter-terrorism committees, we find that the timing of this debate is excellent. daccess-ods.un.org |
上月仍基本持平的平均產出價格 在本月 也 出 現上揚,升幅雖然尚小, 但有加速跡象,已創下14個月來最高紀錄。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Average tariffs also [...] increased during December, after remaining broadly similar in November. Output charges rose at an accelerated [...]pace that, although [...]modest, was the quickest in 14 months. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
最终选出的7幅图片将在本月出现 在平面广告中。 ba-repsasia.com | The seven selected images will appear [...] in print ads rolling out this month. ba-repsasia.com |
最后,厄立特里亚呼吁安全理事会给它适当捍卫自己的机会,严肃考虑我国 [...] 政府对上述监察组报告即将作出的充分和全面的答复,这一答复 将 在本月 提 交 给 安全理事会关于索马里和厄立特里亚的第 [...]751(1992)号和 1907(2009)号决议委员 会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, Eritrea calls on the Security Council to afford it the opportunity to properly defend itself by giving serious consideration to the forthcoming full and comprehensive reply of my Government to the above-mentioned [...] report of the Monitoring Group, which will [...] be presented this month to the Committee pursuant [...]to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 [...](2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea. daccess-ods.un.org |
记录拍摄的特别幕后花絮视频能 在本月 下 旬 在New York City黄色出租车上看到。 ba-repsasia.com | A special behind-the-scenes video from the shoot can be seen in New York City [...] yellow cabs starting later this month. ba-repsasia.com |
正如我们在本月初 CA World 2011 上分享给合作伙伴的一样,我们对 2012 [...] 年即将推出的新计划感到兴奋,那将帮助我们在云时代实现更大共赢。 arcserve.com | As we shared with our partners at CA World [...] 2011 earlier this month, we’re excited to [...]roll out updated programs in 2012 that [...]will help us achieve even greater mutual success in the era of cloud. arcserve.com |
例二:傳媒在報導特首董建華的最新評分結果時,可以說明「調查由港大民意研究計劃進行 , 在本月 初 以 電話隨機訪問千多名18歲或以上巿民,回應率愈六成 [...] …在九成半置信水平下,評分的抽樣誤差為1.4分,在統計上與上次調查結果相若。 hkupop.hku.hk | Example Two: In reporting Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa's latest rating, it could be mentioned that [...] "the survey was conducted by POP at the [...] beginning of this month, over a thousand people [...]aged 18 or above were interviewed [...]by telephone at random, with a response rate of over 60% … at 95% confidence level, the sampling error of the latest rating was less than 1.4 marks, so the change was not statistically significant. hkupop.hku.hk |
恩智浦将在本月英特 尔开发者论坛(IDF 2012)上展示其基于Thunderbolt的解决方案,CBTL05024的样片已经向特定客户供货。 xkzd.net | NXP will be on display this month Intel Developer [...] Forum (IDF 2012) Thunderbolt-based solutions CBTL05024 Samples supplier to the specific customer. xkzd.net |
例一:傳媒在報導市民對十大立法會議員最新評分結果時,可以說明「調查由港大民意研究計劃進行 , 在本月 初 以 電話隨機訪問千多名18歲或以上巿民,回應率愈六成 [...] …在九成半置信水平下,議員認知度的抽樣誤差少於三個百分比,支持度評分則少於1.4分。 hkupop.hku.hk | Example One: In reporting POP's latest ratings of the "Top Ten Legislative Councillors", it could be mentioned that [...] "the survey was conducted by POP at the [...] beginning of this month, over a thousand people [...]aged 18 or above were interviewed [...]by telephone at random, with a response rate of over 60% … at 95% confidence level, the sampling errors of legislators' recognition rates were less than 3 percentage points, while those of support ratings were less than 1.4 marks. hkupop.hku.hk |
判会议能够并且应当发挥带头作用,如奥巴马总 统 在本月 较 早 的时候所指出的那 样,“制止核武器的扩散并争取实现无核武器的世界”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Conference on Disarmament can and should [...] be at the forefront, as President Obama [...] said earlier this month, of “stopping the [...]spread of nuclear weapons and seeking a world without them”. daccess-ods.un.org |
今日推出了全新的为世界杯其赞助的9支球队量身定做的新版球衣, 并 在本月 早 些时候展示了全新的Elite系列超轻足球战靴。 labbrand.com | Nike, for example, unveiled new national-team kits for all nine of [...] the World Cup teams under its sponsorship and showcased its Elite Series [...] lightweight football boots earlier this month. labbrand.com |
我們在本月中與 「飛利浦宜居城市」合作,舉辦第三次Twitter討論會,過程相當愉快,節奏也很明快,我們提出有關於公民身分與城市的問題,對話也頗為精彩。 thisbigcity.net | We asked questions on the identity of citizens and cities, and the resulting conversations were fascinating (and kudos to @harry_verhaar - Philips’ Head of Sustainability – whose first Twitter experience was this tweetchat. thisbigcity.net |
交易者可以在任何时间,在本月开始 的比赛,但必须完成50轮匝行业。 fxpips.com | Traders can start the contest at any [...] time during the month, but must complete [...]50 round-turn trades. fxpips.com |
安全理 事会期待她在本月晚些 时候前往该国,并请她在返回后通报情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council looks forward to her trip to the [...] country later this month and requests a briefing [...]upon her return. daccess-ods.un.org |
ICCAT的科学委员会在本月的早 些时候报告称,蓝鳍金枪鱼的种群数量在东大西洋和地中海似乎都出现了10年以来的首次增加,而这也导致了要求提高捕捞限额的呼声。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The scientific committee of ICCAT [...] reported earlier this month that the populations [...]in the East Atlantic and Mediterranean [...]appear to be increasing for the first time in a decade, which led to calls for the limits to be increased. chinese.eurekalert.org |
此外,配備新一代座椅的仁川-雅加達每日航班亦 將 在本月 底 開 始運營。 ipress.com.hk | Additionally, flights on the Incheon-Jakarta route featuring the new seats will begin to operate daily [...] starting from the end of this month. ipress.com.hk |
在本月21日举 行的QClub北京活动上,来自Adobe的曹金明和RIAMeeting的郭少瑞与现场的一百多位技术人员,分别讨论了Flex 4 SDK的新特性,和AIR中的几个实用功能。 infoq.com | Microsoft has made available the Web Platform Installer, aka Web PI, a tool used to install the entire Microsoft web platform including: IIS7, Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition, SQL Server 2008 Express Edition, . infoq.com |
另外一個會影響 2012 [...] 年俄羅斯景氣的因素 在於國內投資 俄羅斯剛在本月中獲准成為世 界貿易組織 WTO 的新會員體 [...]然而就俄羅 斯的立場而言 開放投資遠比開放進口市場來 得重要 關於貨品貿易的關稅與非關稅措施部 分 依照俄羅斯目前執政黨的作法 [...]恐怕很難 在短期內大幅自主減讓關稅 某些產品甚至將 不降反升 這些作法也很可能會得到俄羅斯在 野黨的支持 然而就促進俄羅斯經濟結構脫胎 換骨的議題上 加入 WTO 最大的戰略目的應 是要引進國際上的新投資機會 平衡目前俄羅 斯經濟以國營事業帶頭的局面 apecscmc.org | Although Russia has just been accepted as a new [...] member of WTO this month, opening to investment [...]is much more important than opening [...]to the import market. In view of the policies under Russia’s current ruling party, the tariff seems unlikely to be substantially and voluntarily reduced in the short term regarding the tariff and non-tariff measures of trade in goods, with some products facing higher rather than lower tariff; these measure may probably also be supported by the opposition party. apecscmc.org |
截止到六月,在本财年的前 9 个月中,公司产生了 17.34 亿美元的运营现金流,资本支出 [...] 3.88 亿美元,因此自由现金流为 13.46 亿美元,为净利润率的 110%。 emerson.com | For the nine months ended in June, the [...] company generated $1,734 million in operating cash flow and spent $388 million on [...]capital expenditures resulting in free cash flow of $1,346 million or 110 percent of net earnings. emerson.com |
首個巡展題為《新的疆界:托馬斯•科爾與美國風景畫的誕生》,所展作品來自進行合作的這四家博物館,在盧浮宮的會議室展出到4月16日﹔ 5月至8月在本頓市展出﹔9月至2013年1月在亞特蘭大展出,巡展結束后將以英法兩種文字出版作品介紹。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The first exhibition, New Frontier: Thomas Cole and the Birth of Landscape Painting in America, includes paintings from all the partner museums and will be on display in the auditorium of the Louvre until 16 April. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
在这方面,本月初主 持了支持巴勒斯坦经济和加 沙重建问题的国际会议的埃及再次呼吁以色列确保 立即、无条件和持续地开放通往加沙地带的过境点, [...] 允许人员流动和让货物及重建物资进入加沙,结束不 断升级的人道主义危机和重建被摧毁的一切。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, Egypt, which hosted the International [...] Conference in Support of the Palestinian Economy for the Reconstruction [...]of Gaza early this month, renews its call for Israel to ensure the immediate, unconditional and sustained reopening of its crossing points with the Gaza Strip in order to allow for the movement of people, goods and reconstruction materials into Gaza, put an end to the continuously escalating humanitarian crisis, and rebuild what was destroyed. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,在埃及担任本月阿拉 伯集团主席之际, 我谨呼吁联合国所有机构,包括安全理事会,参与 落实6月2日通过的阿拉伯国家联盟决议要求的内 [...] 容,即必需保护叙利亚境内的平民和为此为联合国 监测团提供必要的手段,以及根据《联合国宪章》 有关条款采取必要措施和做出决定,以便制止在阿 拉伯叙利亚共和国发生的针对平民的攻击。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, on the occasion of Egypt’s presidency of the Group of [...] Arab States for this month, I would like to call [...]for the participation [...]of all United Nations bodies, including the Security Council, in implementing what was called for by the resolution of the League of Arab States adopted on 2 June on the need to protect civilians in Syria and provide the United Nations Supervision Mission with the necessary tools to do that, as well as to take the necessary measures and decisions according to the relevant articles of the Charter of the United Nations in order to put an end to the attacks that are targeting civilians in the Syrian Arab Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |