

单词 低声

低声 adjective ()

soft-spoken adj


低噪声 adj

low noise adj

噪声低 adj

low noise adj

低声下气 v

humble v

See also:


sound n
voice n
tone n

External sources (not reviewed)

如果没有预先得到主办方的核准而声量超过了 75 db,参展商将会收到口头的警告且会被要求 低声 量。
If the noise level exceeds 75 db without the
prior approval from the Organizer, the exhibitor will receive a verbal warning and will
[...] be requested to lower the volume.
它已经成为高精度参考标准,并用于中等频率范围 低声 压 级 的测量。
It has become established as a
high-precision reference standard and is used in the medium frequency ranges and
[...] for measurements at low sound pressure levels.
好面子,所以不 太会去作乱作坏。只要有低声下气 求助或夸奖 崇拜,他们就会拍胸脯帮忙到底。
Their faces can be serious and unsmiling but, whether you are begging or praising them, they will not refuse to help.
但是,我们要测量低于0级的声音,因此,在1984年,我们推出了“非 低声 压 级 的声音测量系统”,包括4179型及其相关的2660型前置放大器。
But we wanted to measure sounds below
zero-level, so, in 1984, we introduced a
[...] system for “very-low-level sound measurements” [...]
consisting of Type 4179 and its
associated preamplifier, Type 2660.
When the three fairies reach the border, Tinker Bell whispers to Periwinkle to meet her at the border tomorrow.
根据阀门负荷不同,可不同程度地 低声 压 级
Depending on the
[...] valve load, the sound pressure level is reduced to varying [...]
Maxim 的
[...] MAX44250/MAX44251/MAX44252 属于 20 V、超高精度低噪声、低漂移放大器,采用获得专利的自动修正归零技术可实现近零 [...]
DC 失调和漂移。
Maxim's MAX44250/MAX44251/MAX44252 are 20 V,
[...] ultra-precision, low-noise, low-drift amplifiers [...]
that offer near-zero DC offset and
drift through the use of patented auto-correlating zeroing techniques.
Analog Devices 的 ADMP521 是一款高性能、低噪声、低功耗 、数字输出底部收音孔式全向 MEMS 麦克风。
The ADMP521
[...] from Analog Devices is a high performance, ultra-low-noise, low power, digital [...]
output bottom-ported, omnidirectional MEMS microphone.
ADI公司为每一种应用和市场提供种类齐全的精密 低 噪 声 、 低 功 耗 和高共模抑制比(CMRR)的仪表放大器。
Analog Devices offers a complete
[...] line of precision, low-noise, low-power in-amps [...]
with excellent CMRR (common mode rejection
ratio) for every application and market.
东北大学电讯研究所•大学院文学研究系的寺本涉研究员,立教大学现代心理学系的日高聪太助理研究员,和产业技术综合研究所的杉田阳一主任研究员,发现 将左右变动的光配合起低声音交 替的场景持续呈现3分钟后,在同一位置上只呈现点灭的光和声音时,人脑中静止的光点将会向事前呈现的左右变换的光点一样呈现。
However, it has been unknown how and how fast the brain connects and learns the relationship between visual and auditory signals. This study presented the
pioneering evidence showing that strong
[...] association between sound sequence and visual [...]
motion is easily formed within a short
period and that, after forming the association, sounds are able to trigger visual motion perception for a static visual object.
ADAS1126是一款32通道、电流数字、模数转换器(ADC),内置32个低功耗 低 噪 声 、 低 输 入电流积分器、同步采样保持、具有可配置采样速率和最高24位分辨率的高速、高分辨率ADC。
It contains 32 low power, low noise, low input current integrators, simultaneous sample-and-holds, and a high speed, high resolution ADCs with configurable sampling rate and resolutions up to 24 bits.
Low flicker, electrical noise emission and total [...]
harmonic distortion (THD) also add to the final quality that FPCs feed into the grid.
其采用了我公司最新的读出集成电路技术, 声低 , 像 素速率高,不影响灵敏度。
The use of our latest read out integrated circuit
[...] technology provides low noise and high pixel [...]
rate without compromising sensitivity.
相比 于常规的CCD ,信号声低得多, 信号敏感度高得多。
By contrast, with conventional CCDs these are characterized by a much higher signal
[...] sensitivity and very low signal noise.
POS88Ⅴ打印机是一种新型行式热敏打印机,打印速度快、 声低 、 可 靠性好、打印质量高、 无需色带,免除了日常维护的烦恼。
[...] is a new type line thermal printer, it features in fast speed print, low print noise, high [...]
reliability, perfect print
quality and ribbon needless, avoiding the vexation of regular maintenance.
Gen4中正在申请专利的Display Armor技术能够对各种显示屏产生的噪声提供前所未有的抗噪性,甚至包括ACVCOM LCD等高声、低成本的显示屏。
The patent-pending technology of Display Armor applied to Gen4 can provide an unprecedented ability to resist noise in various display screens, even in high-noise、low-cost display screens, such as ACVCOM LCD,
etc. This enables the
[...] designers to reduce the thickness of the product by eliminating the air gap between the display screen and sensor.
The SC2500 series offers an extremely high
[...] sensitivity and a low noise operation.
目前,小型风电热 叶片的成型制备主要是采用注塑(Injection)工艺技术,具有成本低、环保、可循环使用, 适合于小尺寸的热塑性复
[...] [...] 合材料构件结构与加工成型一体化设计优点,北京纳盛通新材料科技有限公司用长玻纤增强聚丙烯复合材料 (LFT-PP)注塑成型制备小型风电叶片,可生产0.46-2.35m的热塑性复合材料小型风电叶片,具有更好的综合力 学性能和成型加工性能,特别是密度低、高刚性、耐低温抗冲击性能好、耐蠕变性好, 声低 , 产 品综合成本降 低30-40%。
It will bring more contribution to the development of wind-light complementary generating system integration technology small wind turbine industry of China.
本集團的整體風險管理計劃將焦點集中於金融市場的不可預見事情上,並務求 低對 本 集團財務表現所構成之潛在不利影響。
The Group’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance.
ADR45xx 系列基准电压源在 -40°C 至
[...] +125°C 完整的工作温度范围内,频率 声低至 0.5 ppm,最大温度系数为 2 [...]
ppm/°C,长期漂移典型值仅 25 ppm/1 千小时,具有不受时间和温度变化影响的高精度性能,适合许多精密应用。
With low
[...] frequency noise of 0.5 ppm, maximum [...]
temperature coefficient of 2 ppm/°C over the full operating temperature range
of -40°C to +125°C, and a typical long-term drift of only 25 ppm/1khr, the ADR45xx series of voltage references provide high accuracy over time and temperature variations critical for many precision applications.
主要行动涉及:评估和管理全球变化对水循环的影响;作 为一种稀缺资源对水进行管理;低 与 水 有关的风险。
The main actions were on: assessing and managing the impact of global change on the water cycle; managing water as a scarce resource; and mitigating waterrelated risks.
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主 声 明 (S /PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世界不同区域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
[...] 模的生产商;实施困难;没有科学基础;制定标准不公开透明;没有解决标准争议的程 序声称这些标准比公共标准安全可能会误导消费者。
Several delegations pointed out that private standards had a negative impact on export and economies in their countries, especially on small scale producers; they were difficult to implement; they were not based on science; their development was not open
and transparent; there was no dispute
[...] settlement procedure for these standards; [...]
and claims stating that these standards were
safer than public standards might mislead consumers.
教科文组织办事处中缺乏具有专业知识的国际工作人员,在过去的计划实施中 落下缺乏连续性的声,在 众多的教科文组织小规模经常方案活动中吸收一小部分教科文组 [...]
The lack of professional international staff in the UNESCO
[...] office, its spotty reputation for programme [...]
delivery in the past, the absorption of
its small number of staff in numerous small UNESCO regular programme activities, did not make the country office a likely partner for larger-scale collaboration.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11
[...] 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表声 称的 损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系; ( g) 声称的 损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 [...]
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material;
(f) the claimant has
[...] established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim [...]
are substantially
consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
鑒於香港經濟持低迷, 失業率高達5.3%,同時消費物價指數已 連續3年下滑,通縮日益惡化,而本港各類公共交通服務的收費依 然高企,交通費佔了市民生活開支一個甚大的比例,本會促請政 府與各公共交通機構磋商,鼓勵各機構因應其個別營運情況,調 低收費 或提供優惠給乘客,以減輕市民負擔。
That, as Hong Kong's economy
[...] remains in the doldrums with the unemployment rate rising to 5.3%, the Consumer Price Index falling for three consecutive years, and the worsening deflationary situation, while the fares of various public transport services remain high, and transport expenses account for a large proportion of the public's living expenses, this Council urges the Government to discuss with various public transport operators and encourage them to take account of their respective operating conditions and reduce their fares or [...]
offer concessions to
passengers, thereby alleviating the burden on the public.
但是,还可以采取其他的行动加强所实现的淘汰,例如采取有 利环境的生产做法、低进口 替代品价格的新奖励措施和正确地查明影响作物的具体害虫 或疾病。
However, other actions could also be taken to strengthen the phase-out achieved, such as the adoption of environment-friendly production practices, new incentives to reduce the price of imported alternatives and the correct identification of the specific pests or diseases affecting crops.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步低空氣 、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式破碎機; 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管 制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以及立例管制化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.
但是,如果有条件解释声明实 际上 的“行为好像”一保 留,是否符合保留允许性条件的问题对于条约关系的内容和(甚至存在)并没有实 际的影响。
However, in the event that the conditional interpretative declaration actually “behaves like” a reservation, the question of whether it meets the conditions for the permissibility of reservations does have a real impact on the content (and even the existence) of treaty relations.




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