单词 | 低廉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 低廉 adjective —inexpensive adjlow adj低廉 —cheapExamples:低廉的 adj—budget adj (价格)低廉的 adj—keen adj See also:廉—honest • incorruptible • surname Lian • investigate (old) • side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old)
(m) 工作人员或其合格家庭成员旅行时如乘坐比核定的标 准 低廉 的 舱 位,联 合国只按旅行人员所付数额给付实际乘坐舱位的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | economical standard than the one approved, the United Nations shall pay only for the standard actually used at the rate paid by the traveller. daccess-ods.un.org |
一成员指出,如 果进行这样的改造,例如在坦桑尼亚联合共和国为销毁农药进行的改造,费用并 不 低廉, 而且会引起严重问题。 multilateralfund.org | One Member pointed out that where such retrofitting had been undertaken, in the United Republic of Tanzania for pesticides for example, it had not been cheap and had caused serious problems. multilateralfund.org |
向家长提供的信息 如果您要求这一地区的任何免费或 低廉 的 法 律及其它相关服务的信息或当您或校区提起 [...] 正当程序申诉时,校区必须向您告知该信息。 spsfc.com | The school district must inform [...] you of any free or low-cost legal and other [...]relevant services available in the area if you [...]request the information, or if you or the school district file a due process complaint. spsfc.com |
因此政府必須盡快制定預防為主導的醫療政策,為重要疾病 [...] 成立委員會,專責統籌預防工作的資源投放及㆟力調動,設定清楚具體的目標,加強 及提供收費低廉的基 層健康服務,尤其是預防心臟病、腦血管病、癌症和愛滋病。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the Government must formulate a medical policy that is prevention-oriented as soon as possible and set up a committee for major diseases to co-ordinate the input of resources and deployment of manpower in relation to prevention of diseases, to establish [...] clear and specific objectives, and [...] strengthen and provide low-cost primary health [...]care services, in particular, for the [...]prevention of heart diseases, cerebrovascular disease, cancer and AIDS. legco.gov.hk |
我們應該設法制訂㆒套可以靈活應變的架構,㆒方面提供優良的私營醫療服 務,另㆒方面則是水準良好而低廉的 公營服務,以照顧那些經濟情況不足以負擔私營醫療 [...] 服務的㆟士。 legco.gov.hk | We should seek to establish a framework that is flexible enough to accommodate at one end [...] sophisticated private medicine and at the other a [...] good standard, very low cost public sector [...]service for those whose circumstances are [...]insufficient to enable them to obtain private medicine. legco.gov.hk |
制订的海洋污染快速评价计划,将试验并提供便于使用、价 格 低廉的 化学和生物标志物,这些标志物可用于污染评价和改进环境管理工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participating nations and donor organizations must recognize the need to sustain commitments beyond initial training and technology transfer programmes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
要解决这个问题,需要先看一下中小企业的需求特点:首先,中小企业电脑数量少,用户数少,所以不需要特别高端的数据库,而以适用为主;其次,中小企业工作流简单,所以不需要特别复杂的功能,而以实用为主;再次,中小企业IT人才缺乏,所以需要产品的易用性和维护性俱佳;最后,中小企业资金有限,所以需要产品的价格相 对 低廉。 oapdf.com | To resolve this problem, you need to look at the needs of small and medium-sized features: First of all, a small number of small and medium-sized computer, the number of users, therefore, I do not need special high-end database, and to the application of the main; Secondly, the small and medium-sized simple workflow, so function does not require particularly complex, and will be skills-oriented; again, the lack of small and medium-sized IT professionals require easy-to-use products and superior [...] maintenance; Finally, the [...] small and medium enterprises with limited funds, so the need for relatively inexpensive products. oapdf.com |
上述平台的工作需要得到相关利益团体的 支持,同时以实际和成本低廉的方 式来加强各利益攸关者的伙伴关系,这是 WIPO 提出的技术解决 方案,也是在具有公信力的中介机构之间出现的商业模式。 wipo.int | The work being undertaken in the Stakeholders’ Platform VIP Initiative needs to attract the support of relevant interest groups while advancing strong partnership among stakeholders in a pragmatic and cost effective way as technical solutions are developed by WIPO and business models emerge among the Trusted Intermediaries. wipo.int |
联合国维和行动 成本低廉、卓 有成 效,联合国和西方国家应鼓励中国增加在维和行 [...] 动中的参与力度。 crisisgroup.org | As a low-cost and effective means [...] of contributing to international peace and stability, China should be encouraged to continue [...]increasing its participation in peacekeeping, and the UN and Western countries should continue to provide support to and encourage China in its peacekeeping efforts. crisisgroup.org |
然而,因特网问题 对于发展中国家的大学和科研机构来说是至关重要的,并且不久可能会成为发展中国家中 等、甚至于初级教育的中心问题,因为因特网接入与建造图书馆存储图书相比成本 要 低廉 的多。 iprcommission.org | However, Internet issues are crucial to universities and scientific research in the developing world, and may soon be central to secondary and even primary education in developing nations since Internet access will be much less expensive than the construction and stocking of libraries. iprcommission.org |
现在看来,汽车、电子产品和服装等一些商品和服务 的产出,可能还会集中在一些劳动力成 本 低廉 、 工 人文化水平和 受教育程度相对较低的一些国家。 fgereport.org | The production of goods and services such as automobiles, electronic goods, and clothing is likely to continue to take [...] place in other countries where [...] there are lower labor costs and workers with lower literacy [...]levels and educational attainment. fgereport.org |
2011 年 2 月 4 [...] 日,四个农民提出申诉,指控Htoo公司企图以十 分 低廉 价 格收购他 们的土地;他们的申诉在法庭上被驳回,理由是土地为一个政府项目而收购,尽 [...]管那是一家私人公司。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 4 February 2011, four farmers lodged a complaint about attempts by [...] the Htoo Company to acquire their [...] land at a greatly undervalued amount; their complaint [...]was rejected in court on the grounds [...]that the land was being acquired for a Government project, even though the company is private. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果在供氣和排氣系統中的壓力條件下的測量,以及用於監測過濾器或在儲罐和洗滌設備的電平檢測所需的測量盡可能準確,耐腐蝕性介質中,但價 格 低廉。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | For the measurement of the pressure conditions in supply and exhaust systems as well as for monitoring filters or level detection in tanks [...] and washing equipment is required to measure as precisely as possible, are resistant to [...] aggressive media, yet inexpensive. en.developmentscout.com |
为促进残疾人按自己选择的方式和时间享有个人行 [...] 动能力(包括使用无障碍信号指示器和路牌)以及为便 于其以低廉费用 获得各种形式的援助(人力、动物或 [...]辅助技术和设施)而采取的措施 - 《违反和惩治法》自今年起完全生效,这使得各市政厅、区域 政府和各部委获得了相应的预算资金,以用于弥补和完善无障 [...] 碍设施的条件,实现残疾人的自由通行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Measures to facilitate the personal mobility of persons with disabilities, including the use of signal indicators [...] and street signs for accessibility, in the [...] manner and the time of their choice, [...]as well as their access to forms of assistance [...](human, animal, or assistive technologies and devices), at an affordable cost The full entry into force of the Offences and Penalties Act this year will encourage appropriate budget management by municipalities, regional governments and ministries in order to redress and improve accessibility conditions for the free movement of persons with disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
及时、有效地预防冲突,而非在危机 升级时才作出反应,肯定是维护和平与安全的更高 效、更低廉的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Providing timely and effective conflict prevention, rather than reacting once the crisis has escalated, is certainly a more efficient and less expensive mechanism for preserving peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
价格虽然已经下降,但全球经济衰退使更多家庭重新陷入贫穷状态,从而延 续了粮食不安全状况,因为国际粮食价格的下降未能给地方市场上带来价格更加 低廉的粮食(见图六)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although prices have declined, the global economic recession is pushing households back into poverty and therefore sustaining food insecurity, since a decrease in international food prices has failed to translate into more affordable food at local markets (see figure VI). daccess-ods.un.org |
低廉的劳 动力成本对于投资者来说也是另外的一个优势。 paiz.gov.pl | Low labor costs is another [...] advantage for investors. paiz.gov.pl |
波德拉谢省劳动力成本低廉并有 大量合格的工人,再加上乐 于助人的地方政府为活跃在该地区分区内的投资者提供“ [...] 极具竞争力的咨询” ,进一步 加大了对投资者的吸引。 paiz.gov.pl | Podlaskie’s low labor costs and the [...] availability of qualified workers coupled with a helpful local government providing [...]“competitive consulting” add to the incentives for investors active in subzones located in that region. paiz.gov.pl |
例如,政府和赞助机构可以检查其软件采购政策,更多地考虑价 格 低廉 的 商 用软件产品, 包括可以广泛使用和获取的通用和开放源码产品。 iprcommission.org | For example, governments and donor organisations could review their software [...] procurement policies with a view to giving [...] greater consideration to low cost business software [...]products, including generic and open-source [...]products that are widely available.25 The second problem is that where the source code of software is also protected, this may make it harder to adapt the products for local needs. iprcommission.org |
这种薄电镀层可以防止腐蚀并且价格非 常 低廉。 schaeffler.cn | This thin, electroplated layer does not give corrosion a chance to develop and is very economically priced. schaeffler.us |
與其使用住宅電話的 折扣,您家可能有資格獲得一台月費 低廉 的手機。 workingfamiliescredit.org | Instead of using the discount on your home phone, your household may qualify for a free [...] cell phone at a low monthly rate. workingfamiliescredit.org |
差价合约 (CFD) 是一种简单而成本低廉的合 约,可以交易广泛的金融产品,允许对指定的证券或衍生产品在合约规定日期及其终止日期之间的差价进行交易。 activtrades.cn | CFDs are simple, inexpensive contracts that [...] allow trading on a broad range of financial instruments, trading on the difference [...]of the value of a specific security or underlying security matured between the date the contract is stipulated and the date it terminates. activtrades.co.uk |
最近出现的网上欺诈行为之一就是在租房网站上 以 低廉 的 租 金出租高端物业,然后通过信誉良好的汇款机构(如 [...] Skrill (Moneybookers)和西联汇款)从潜在租户那里骗取付款。 moneybookers.com | One of the most recent scams to appear online involves offering [...] exclusive properties at low rents on housing [...]websites, then taking fraudulent payments [...]from potential tenants via reputable money-transfer agencies, such as Skrill (Moneybookers) and Western Union. moneybookers.com |
(n) 审议并酌情修改国家政策、方案和立法,以确保为所有妇女所提 供医疗保险和服务的质量保险、价格 低廉 和 便于获取程度,同时考虑到妇 女各种各样的需要,并采取关键性措施,进一步执行《关于人口与发展的 国际会议行动纲要》,10 尤其要关注在减少孕妇死亡率方面实现具体指 标、提高由技术娴熟护理协助的生育比例,尽可能提供安全有效计划生育 和节育手段的范围,并减少艾滋病毒/艾滋病的风险 daccess-ods.un.org | (n) To review and, as appropriate, revise national policies, programmes and legislation to ensure high-quality, affordable and accessible health care and services for all women, taking into account the diverse needs of women, and to undertake key actions for the further implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development,10 paying particular attention to achieving the specific benchmarks to reduce maternal mortality, to increase the proportion of births assisted by skilled attendants, to provide the widest achievable range of safe and effective family planning and contraceptive methods and to reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS daccess-ods.un.org |
有效的操作和低廉的维 护成本,不仅减少了能源的消耗,而且最终 会抵扣购买成本。 vacuubrand.com | Efficient operation and low service costs not [...] only save resources but ultimately offset purchase costs. vacuubrand.com |
国家饮酒政策的主要问题是,酒类因为价 格 低廉 而 易 得,销售点众多,酒 类销售时间限制只在一些地方当局适用(允许饮酒旅游),酒后驾车事故数量增 加。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main problem in the state’s alcohol policy is the availability of alcohol due to cheap price, a large number of sales outlets, and time restrictions on sale of alcohol applicable only in some local authorities (allowing for alcohol tourism), as well as increased number of incidents of drunken driving. daccess-ods.un.org |
我在以上段落曾間接提到這項敵人,「中產階級日漸擴大,社會富裕的初期跡象即為家庭購車」,這句話即反映出文化因素,首先,社會認為搭公車是比較低下的交通方式,普納的公車乘客在社會階級大多較低,因為票價確 實 低廉 , 但 在快速西方化與現代化的印度,平價與否大多不及地位考量,而汽車即為地位最顯著的象徵,是故政府若要投資於永續運輸,恐怕不易成功。 thisbigcity.net | Pune’s bus customers tend to be from the lower classes of society, since the bus does present an incredibly affordable method of transport. In the rapidly westernizing and modernizing India, however, affordability often comes second to status, and the car is the strongest sign of status. thisbigcity.net |
在这方面,指出《罗马一号条例》规定的限制使得做小生意的卖方不愿 [...] 意在欧洲进行跨国界销售,而“蓝色按钮”旨在使消费者能够得到更广泛的产 品和更低廉的价格。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the point was made that small business vendors were unwilling to sell cross-border in Europe due to the restrictions imposed by the Rome I Regulation, and [...] the “Blue Button” was designed to provide consumers with the ability to secure a wider [...] range of products and lower prices. daccess-ods.un.org |