单词 | 啻 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 啻—only (classical, usually follows negative or question words)less common: (not) just Examples:何啻—(literary) far more than not limited to 不啻—no less than tantamount to like (sth.momentous) as good as just as 不啻天渊—no less than from heaven the abyss (idiom); differing widely worlds apart the gap couldn't be bigger
他说,必须以编撰文书的方法来界定此概念,并且还说某种形式的通用标准不啻为有益之策。 daccess-ods.un.org | He stated that instrumental tools to be used to define this concept were important, and added that some forms of universal criteria might be useful. daccess-ods.un.org |
种姓制即是显着的实例,种姓制导致了颇大部分人口遭鄙 视贬斥,不啻为侵犯人权的现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Caste systems are striking examples of systems that lead to the stigmatization of large parts of the population, potentially amounting to violations of human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
取消对塞拉利 昂实行的制裁,不啻重要地表明,我国确实正在冲突 后复苏进程中沿着正确的道路前进。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lifting of the sanctions imposed on Sierra Leone serves as an important signal that we are indeed moving along the right path in our post-conflict recovery process. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,成为ICSID一方对名誉的好处被低估,这不啻于鼓励各国脱离该体系,玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔和委内瑞拉最近都这么做了。 project-syndicate.org | Moreover, the devaluation of the reputational benefit of being a party to the ICSID encourages countries to leave the system, as Bolivia, Ecuador, and Venezuela have recently done. project-syndicate.org |
司 法 和 行 政 改 革 当 然 可以啻造出一 个 更 佳 的 政 府 架 构 ﹐但 人 们 热 切 期 望 的 好 处 迟 迟 未 兑 现 ﹐ 因 为 一 个 机 构 的 成 功 有 赖 於 人 事 的 好 坏 ﹐ 而 俄 国 当 时 缺 乏 受 过 训 练 的 法 学 家 和 能 干 的 行 政 专 才 。 hkahe.com | The judicial and administrative reforms admittedly laid the foundation of a better system of government, but here again the benefits so eagerly anticipated were deferred, for the success of an institution depended primarily upon the men who worked it and Russia lacked trained jurists and competent administrators. hkahe.com |
然而在许多家庭、饭店或办公室,这不啻为理想的解决方案,因为可以释放更多的室内空间,实现更好的陈设创意。 bang-olufsen.com | In many homes, hotels or offices, however, it is the ideal solution because it opens up the floor space to a more creative interior. bang-olufsen.com |
俄罗斯联邦代表说,工作组在圣彼得堡举办的讲习会不啻为成功之举,并 着重指出,专家的参与得以对一些涉及种族主义和种族歧视问题展开广泛的讨 论。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of the Russian Federation stated that the workshop held in Saint Petersburg had been a success and highlighted the participation of experts, which had allowed the broad discussion of issues relating to racism and racial discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
这对必须保留自家国际品 牌的全球企业来说不啻为一个理想的解决方案。 moneybookers.com | Adaptable nationally, Quick Checkout Enterprise is the solution for global businesses that need to offer their own international branded solution with highly customizable interfaces, while remaining in complete control of all payments locally. moneybookers.com |
听任自然灾害和类似紧急情况的灾民自生自灭,不给予人道主义援助,不啻是危害生命和伤害人的尊严。 daccess-ods.un.org | The General Assembly has therefore made it abundantly clear in its resolutions 43/13191and 45/10092that the abandonment of the victims of natural disasters and similar emergency situations without humanitarian assistance constitutes a threat to human life and an offence to human dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
此系列完美平衡成熟韵味与前卫设计,对於像 LeBron 一样的摩登雅痞运动员而言,不啻为理想之选。 nike.com | The collection is a balance of sophistication and edge, one that's ideal for the refined athlete of modern times--much like LeBron himself. nike.com |
它一直反对暂停实施死刑,主张全面取消死刑, 因为囚犯在不知道自己是否会被执行死刑的情况下 必须等候多年,对他们而言暂停实施死刑不啻是一种 折磨,美国监狱的情况就是这样。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had always opposed a moratorium and had advocated full abolition on the grounds that a moratorium was a form of torture because, as occurred in American prisons, it amounted to torture for prisoners to wait for years without knowing whether they would be executed. daccess-ods.un.org |
来文方还报告,Karma 先生应享有的公平审理权所含的最起码保障未得到 遵循,其情节之严重,不啻为任意剥夺自由之举。 daccess-ods.un.org | The source also reports that Mr. Karma’s minimal guarantees as enshrined in the right to a fair trial have not been observed and they are of such gravity as to amount to an arbitrary deprivation of liberty. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于国家层面诸多目标部门和各级主管机构及其他行为方的参与,考虑到 一些临时性的举措,要实现全国执行人权教育的连贯一致,不啻为一项具有挑战 性的任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the many target sectors and various authorities and other actors involved at the national level, coherent national implementation of human rights education may present a challenge, giving priority to ad hoc initiatives. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为动保组织,可 利用组织优势帮助志愿者联系合适的动物医院,帮助志愿者降低治疗费用,也不啻为一种实 际而客观的帮助。 animalsasia.org | Regarding the treatment of disease, the animal protection organisation should respect the decision of the volunteers and use its resources to contact hospitals to obtain the lowest cost of treatment available. animalsasia.org |
委员会认为,当面临被 遣送至第三国的寻求庇护者仍可诉诸补救办法时,就必须让他们有合理长的时间 诉诸剩余的补救办法,然后才可执行遣送措施,否则,这类补救即为名存实亡, 形同虚设,不啻为摆设的措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee considers that, when further domestic remedies are available to asylum-seekers who risk deportation to a third country, they must be allowed a reasonable length of time to pursue the remaining remedies before the deportation measure is enforced; otherwise, such remedies become materially unavailable, ineffective and futile. daccess-ods.un.org |