

单词 文艺演出

See also:


literature and art

演出 n

performances pl
show n
production n


performing arts

External sources (not reviewed)

大会特别会议内容包括新闻部安排 文艺演出 , 演 出目的是显示这一场合的 庄重性。
The special Assembly meeting
[...] also featured artistic performances facilitated [...]
by the Department of Public Information and
designed to illustrate the solemn nature of the occasion.
在 Bissorã 和比绍等地举行的有关社区冲突 文艺演出 , 促 使人们讨论如何以和 平方式处理冲突和建立冲突预防团体。
Theatrical performances in the towns of [...]
Bissorã and Bissau, touching on communal conflicts, allowed for discussions on peaceful
ways of dealing with conflicts and the establishment of conflict-prevention groups.
教科文组织于 2003 年 3 月 21 日例外地庆祝了“国际消除种族歧视日”。当时组织了
[...] 各种宣传活动(与教科文组织俱乐部的青年人举行会晤;就歧视现象发生的过程和机制进行 讨论;就反对种族主义这一主题放映记录片,组 文艺演出 、 戏 剧演出、招贴和广告展览等 活动)。
On 21 March 2003, UNESCO made a special effort to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination by organizing various awareness-raising activities (meetings with young members of UNESCO Clubs, debates on the processes and
mechanisms of discrimination,
[...] showing of documentary films, live performances, plays, exhibition [...]
of posters against racism, etc.).
[...] 与挑战”的圆桌会议,对上海职业技术教育与培训机构的实地考察,以及一场由各职业技术 教育与培训机构的学生和毕业生表演的、展现职业技术教育与培训相关主题的盛 文艺演出。
The host country also organized a round table on “TVET in China: Development and Challenges”, field visits to
TVET institutions in
[...] Shanghai and a spectacular cultural show on TVET-related [...]
themes performed by students and graduates of TVET institutions.
艺术文化活动(音乐会、芭蕾舞、独唱音乐会、大 演出 、 造 型 艺 术 、摄影等)均 将突出本地的特点,但又不忘记从蒙特雷市的个性看它们又属于全世界,该市的“墨西哥风 格”是多种文化相互交流融合的结果。
Artistic and cultural activities (concerts, ballets, soloists, major events, plastic arts, photography, [...]
etc.) will combine the
local with the universal, reflecting the city of Monterrey itself, whose Mexican “personality” is a blend of many cultures.
论坛将分为三大部分:(i) 对话,包括就与教科文组织《世界文化多样性宣言》(2001)和 教科文组织文化领域的公约有关的专题举行大量讲座、公开对话和研讨会;(ii) 展览:有关考 古文艺复兴、文化分 层、非洲、美洲和欧洲当代艺术和“从战争到人的尊严”专题的五大展 览;(iii) 文化表现形式:借助于 2005 年教科文组织《保护和促文化表 现形式多样性公约》, 举办音乐、戏剧、舞蹈、即兴表演和虚 艺 术 的多 场 演出。
The Forum will be divided into three main sections: (i) dialogues, with a rich offer of lectures, public conversations and symposia on various topics related to the principles of
the UNESCO Universal
[...] Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) and of UNESCO conventions in the field of culture; (ii) exhibitions, comprising five major exhibitions on archaeology, the Renaissance, cultural stratifications, contemporary African, American and European art, and on the topic “from war to human dignity”; (iii) cultural expressions, with a full programme of music, drama and dance events, free performances and virtual events, drawing upon the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection [...]
and Promotion of
the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
应当强调的是,2007 年除在三家音乐机构(国家交响乐团、管风琴演奏厅 和“摩尔多瓦音乐会”)内部开演出 活 动的 9 家专艺术团外,另外成立了 2 家 新的艺术团体:“Ginta Latină”文化艺术中 心下属吉卜赛歌舞团和管风琴演奏厅下 属手风琴师合唱团“Concertino”。
It is to be underlined that in 2007, besides the 9
professional artistic
[...] groups which have their activity within three concert institutions (the National Philharmonic, The Organ Hall and “Moldova-Concert”), another 2 new groups have been founded: The Choir of Gypsy Songs and Dances within the Culture and Art Centre “Ginta [...]
Latină” and the
Choir of Accordionists “Concertino” within the Organ Hall.
2007 年,在国家文化、娱乐和体育总出 中 , 9.4%用 文 化 遗产 、 文 学和艺术,21.5%用于音乐和演艺术 ,22.6%用于广播、电视、电影和摄影, 10.2%用于社会文化活动,23.7%用于体育、比赛、计算机和互联网,5.8%用于 博彩以及自然和环境,余下的 4.9%用作固定资本形成。
In 2007, of the total
[...] national expenditure on culture, recreation and sports, 9.4% were spent on cultural heritage, literature and visual arts, 21.5% were spent on music and performing arts, 22.6% on [...]
radio, television, cinema
and photography, 10.2% on sociocultural activities, 23.7% on sports, games, computers and internet, 5.8% on gambling as well as on nature and environment, and 4.9% were spent on fixed capital formation.
自1997年起,她退出演艺圈, 全心投入儿童心理学的工作。
Siao has retired from show business since [...]
1997 in favour of her work in child psychology.
通过第一次非正式思考,出了三 位作家之间的五大共性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会文化方 面的排斥现象以及 ( v ) 艺 术 , 特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, [...]
poetry as a form of
unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
2002 年发起的全文化多样性联盟有 140 个成员,他们是从演艺术方 面的小型和微 型企业、创作人员、管理人员和多国公司,到基金会、非政府组织、政府机构和在各种创造 性产业方面有专门知识的个人。
Launched in 2002, the Global
[...] Alliance for Cultural Diversity has 140 members ranging from small and micro-enterprises, creators, managers in the performing arts, and multi-national [...]
companies to foundations,
NGOs, governmental bodies, and individuals with expertise in the various creative industries.
本框架是在 1986 年文化统计框架的基础上修订的版本,经过修订后的文化统计方法充分考虑 了 1986 年以文化领域出现的 新概念,其中也包括与新技术(它们对文化以及人们同文化打 交道的方式产生了显著的影响)、非物质遗产 演 变 中 的 文 化 实 践和政策相关的概念。
Based on the 1986 Framework for Cultural
Statistics, this revised version of UNESCO’s cultural statistics methodology takes into account new
[...] concepts that have emerged since 1986 in the field of culture, including those related to new technologies – which have so drastically transformed culture and the ways it is accessed – intangible heritage, and evolving cultural practices and [...]
应在总部举行以地方演艺术家 为主角 文 化 活 动,主题是强调非洲裔及其 文化遍及全球。
A cultural event featuring local performance artists should be held [...]
at Headquarters with a theme that highlights the presence
of African descendants and culture across the globe.
关于残疾人在文化生活的参与方面,在这里列举 2009 年的两项重大改
[...] [...] 进:博物馆无障碍导览(GVAM),该系统可以为所有用户,也包括残疾人,提供 互动参观,其中包含了为感官障碍残疾人提供的无障碍资源,如字幕、音频描 述、音频导航或手语等;及 2009 年 1 月 29 日颁布的第 CUL/174/2009 号令,其 中规定从三月份起隶属文化部 及国立音乐及 演艺 术 研 究院管理的博物馆对残 疾人免收门票,残疾人只出具相 应证 文 件 即 可。
It facilitates the design of accessibility resources essential for persons with sensory disabilities, such as subtitles, audio-description, audio-navigation and sign language; while Order /CUL/74/2009 of 29 January 2009, regulating public visits to State-owned museums assigned to and managed by the Ministry of Culture and the National Institute of Scenic Arts and Music, states that entry
shall be free
[...] from March onwards for persons with disabilities on presentation of the appropriate supporting document, adding that free entry is also available to a companion [...]
and where that that person is essential to the visit of the disabled person”.
将开展一系列活动:成立一个合唱团 演出 一 场 话剧,协助纳布卢斯、伯利恒和加沙 巴勒斯坦教育区 20 所 ASP 网络学校的学生和 45 名教育人员举办一个儿艺术/摄 影展览。
A series of initiatives to be carried out: setting up a choir; perform a theatre play; and coordinate an exhibition of children’s arts/photographs with the students and 45 educators from 20 ASPnet schools in the Palestinian educational districts of Nablus, Bethlehem and Gaza.
在这一方面,同美洲的非洲血统人民的 演艺 术一 样,宝莱坞实际上正在创出表现出 其 集体想象力的具有国际意义的产品。
In this regard, Bollywood, like the performance arts of people of African ancestry in the Americas, [...]
is in fact producing things of
universal importance as products of their collective imagination.
據政府當局所述,政府根據下述政策目標,致力保存、推 廣及發展粵劇:(a)發展粵演出場地 ;(b)培育粵劇專業人才,繼 承傳統及鼓勵創作;(c)推動粵劇教育及拓展觀眾,鼓勵社區及民 間參與;(d)促進粵港澳合作,推文 化 交 流;(e)保存粵劇精粹, 並展示本港文物珍 藏;及(f)推廣粵劇為重點旅遊項目。
According to the Administration, the Government was dedicated to the preservation, promotion and development of Cantonese opera under the following
policy objectives: (a) to develop performance venues for Cantonese opera; (b) to nurture Cantonese opera professionals, preserve the tradition and promote creative works; (c) to promote Cantonese opera education, audience building and community
[...] participation; (d) to foster cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and promote cultural exchange; (e) to preserve the essence of Cantonese opera and showcase treasure of Hong Kong's cultural heritage; and (f) to promote Cantonese opera as a major tourist attraction.
已有三个国家(安哥拉、刚果民主共和国和莫桑比克)向设在 南非的非文艺复兴国际合作基金 出 为 开放式远程教学进行教师培训提供资 金的建议。
Three countries (Angola, the Democratic Republic of the
Congo and Mozambique)
[...] have submitted proposals for funding teacher development through open and distance learning to the African Renaissance and International [...]
Cooperation Fund in South Africa.
如果没有人反对,我是否可以认为,大会希望 在不构成先例的情况下,在今天会议的安排中增列 华盛顿特区非洲血统社团科学部主任里克·基特尔 斯先生的发言和一文化演出?
If there is no objection, and without setting a precedent, may I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to include in
today’s meeting a
[...] statement by Mr. Rick Kittles, Scientific Director of Washington, D.C.-based African Ancestry Incorporated, and some cultural presentations?
在例外情况下,经雇主所在 地(居住地)的劳动监察员许可,可以要求 15-17 岁和没有义务上学的未成年人在 晚上 23:00 之前从文化、 体育或广告领域的创造活动,如果是参加 演艺术 机 构的艺术活动,则可以在晚上 24:00 之前,条件是工作不得损害未成年人的 健康、安全、发育或道德,也不得干扰未成年人的学习。
Exceptionally, with the permission of a labour inspector of the location (residence) of the employer, minors who are 15–17 years of age and not subject to the obligation to attend school may be required to work as persons engaged in
creative activities in
[...] the areas of culture, sport or advertising during night time until 23.00 or, in the event of participation in the artistic activities of performing arts institutions, [...]
during night
time until 24.00 on condition that the work does not harm the health, safety, development or morality of minors or interfere with their studies.
我们 希望在所有尚未这么做的地方进行颂扬,以鼓励和表 文艺 创 作,使非洲终能自 己出声响
We want awards to be established, everywhere where they
do not yet exist,
[...] to encourage and reward literary and artistic creation so that Africa [...]
can at last tell its own story.
(c) “知识产权”在某个国际定义中包括以下各方面的权利: 文 学 、 艺 术 和 科学作 品,演艺术家 的表演以及唱片和广播节目,人类一切活动领域内的发明, 科学发现,工业品外观设计,商标、服务标记以及商业名称和标识,制止不 [...]
正当竞争,以及在工业、科学、文学或艺术领域内由于智力活动而产生的一 切其他权利。
(c) “Intellectual property” in one international definition
includes “the rights
[...] relating to literary, artistic and scientific works, performances of performing artists, phonograms, [...]
and broadcasts, inventions
in all fields of human endeavor, scientific discoveries, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, and commercial names and designations, protection against unfair competition, and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.
正如小組委 員會第II期研究報告的公眾意見匯編 出 , 藝術界期望西九文 化區可提供足夠的場地,較長期地 演文 化 藝 術節目。
As pointed out in the Compendium to the Subcommittee's Phase II Report, the arts community has expected that WKCD would provide enough venues for staging arts and cultural programmes [...]
for longer periods of time.
1941 年,富 兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福总统在其 1941 年发表的国 情文演说时,提出了安 全应建筑在世界上每一个人 均享有的人的四项基本自由,即言论自由、信仰自由、 免于匮乏的自由和免于恐惧的自由基础之上的思想。
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in his 1941 state of the union address, brought forth the idea that security is founded upon every individual in the world being able to enjoy four essential human freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
这次活动由来自喀麦隆国家芭蕾舞团的传统鼓 手们拉开序幕,并有以下方面演出 : 马里的Khaira Arby、赤道几内亚的一个演艺术团、洪都拉斯的一名Garifuna艺术家、美利坚合众国的Melba Moore、美国 [...]
的Randy Weston五重奏乐队和牙买加的摩根传统组织。
The event opened with traditional drummers
from the National
[...] Ballet of Cameroon, and also featured Khaira Arby of Mali; a performing arts ensemble from Equatorial [...]
Guinea; Aurelio
Martinez, a Garifuna artist from Honduras; Melba Moore of the United States of America; the Randy Weston Quintet of the United States; and Morgan Heritage of Jamaica.
这次双年展的表演,该艺术团将果陀夫斯基剧场和勒寇克剧场的训练方法、京剧的把式、街舞以及 演艺 术 融合到即兴表演中,呈现兼具主 文 化 和 边缘文化特色的作品。
For this program, the ensemble melds improvisation, theatre practices from the Grotowski and Lecoq lineages,
Chinese Opera training, street dance,
[...] and performance art to produce work that straddles both mainstream and fringe culture.
演出”照搬了出生于底特律的麦当娜(她是挪用 文 化 的 身体性并将之重新改编便于大众消费的大师)的舞蹈编排, 并再现了锐舞、朋克、嘻哈、折手舞、浩室音乐以及滑板文化等这些美国/底特律亚文化的历史时刻。
The Circuit” lifts
[...] choreography from Detroit-born Madonna, a master of appropriating subcultural physicality and reimagining [...]
it for
popular consumption, and reenacts historical moments from American and Detroit subcultures including rave, punk, hip-hop, juggalo, vogue, house, and skate cultures.




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