

单词 发气


发脾气 n

tantrum n


jet engine


high-spirited and vigorous



发脾气 v

rage v


get angry

External sources (not reviewed)

这些颜料并不仅仅可分散于水,而且还让基于铝颜料的, 发气 的 金 属效果涂料配方成为可能。
These pigments are not just water-dispersible, but also permit
the formulation of aluminium-based, metal-effect coatings that
[...] are resistant to gassing and thus more stabile [...]
for storage.
高温会引起氧化,导致铜金颜料颜色变深,铝颜 发气 的 风 险增加,而两种颜料的金属感都会下降。
High temperature can cause oxidation, resulting in a more intense colour (with bronze pigments), a
reduction in brilliance (with bronze and aluminium pigments) and an
[...] increased risk for gassing (with aluminium [...]
此外,在颈部及胸腔进行针灸亦有可能 发气 胸。
Acupucture carried in the neck and chest
[...] may also cause pneumothorax.
最新的行动包 括:建立伙伴关系,参加可持续发展委员会(纽约,2010 年 5 月)等论坛,发气候变 化、 可持续发展教育的电子媒介资源(CD-ROM)来倡导可持续发展教育;与亚太地区的媒体和 教育部长共同致力于在国际公认的发展目标方面提高对可持续发展教育意义的认识;向拉丁 美洲及加勒比地区的政府提供技术支持,以监测和评估各国“十年”活动的实施情况;教科 文组织教席开发了一个可持续发展教育研究和教学的网上互动平台。
Some examples of recent action include: building of partnerships and advocating for ESD at fora such as the Commission on Sustainable Development (New York, May 2010) and through the development of an electronic-medium resource (CD-ROM) on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development; work with media and education ministries in Asia and the Pacific to increase awareness of the relevance of ESD in relation to internationally agreed development goals; provision of technical support to governments in Latin America and the Caribbean to monitor and evaluate national implementation of the Decade in their countries; development by UNESCO Chairs of an interactive online platform on research and teaching of ESD.
世界气象组织(气象组 织)着重介绍了其正与气象卫星协调小组和地球观测卫星委员会开展的在发 气候方 面天基架构的合作,这既包括卫星和传感器又包括产品形成、传播和使 用者培训。
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) highlighted its ongoing cooperation with the
Coordination Group
[...] for Meteorological Satellites and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites in developing a space-based architecture for climate, ranging from [...]
satellites and sensors
to product generation, dissemination and user training.
(a) 资金支持针对若干活动,其中包括:加强适应和满足适应的费用需求、 风险评估和管理(日本经团联);将气候变化的不利影响降至最低(国际 气候行动网络);为适应进行新清洁和可再生能源技术的 发 、 气 候科 学 研究和灾害应对(国际工会联合会);风险管理框架中的预防和保险 因 素(慕尼 黑 气候保险计划,风险问题研讨会);实施气候观测系统的 区域行动计划和 “ 气候信息促进 非洲发展方案”( 气候观测系统, MISC.6);湿地的保护和恢复(国际湿地组织);优先考虑妇女和其它脆 弱群体的适应倡 议 以及国家政策和方案(环境与发展妇女组织/全球两 性平等与气候联盟)
(a) Financial support should be directed at a number of activities, including: strengthening, and meeting the costs of, adaptation, risk assessment and management (Keidanren); minimizing the adverse effects of climate change (CAN); R&D of new clean and renewable energy technologies for adaptation, climate science research, and disaster response (ITUC); prevention and insurance components of a risk management framework (MCII, risk workshop); the implementation of GCOS regional action plans and the Climate for Development in Africa Programme (GCOS, MISC.6); wetlands conservation and restoration (Wetlands Int.); and adaptation initiatives and national policies and programmes that prioritize women and other vulnerable groups (WEDO/GGCA)
粮农组织助理总干事兼亚太区域代表 Hiroyuki Konuma
先生介绍了过去两年 度粮农组织在本区域的主要活动。4 他着重介绍了粮农组织在以下主题领域帮助成
[...] 员国所做的努力:粮食安全和农业政策;食品安全和价值链 发 ; 气 候 变化适应和 减缓;可持续自然资源管理;跨界传染性疾病的快速应对;自然灾害快速应对。
Mr Hiroyuki Konuma, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific, reported on the major FAO activities in the region in the past biennium.4 Mr Konuma highlighted FAO’s efforts to assist member countries under the following key thematic areas: food security and
agricultural policy; food safety and
[...] value chain development; climate change adaptation [...]
and mitigation; sustainable natural
resources management; rapid response to transboundary infectious diseases; and rapid response to natural disasters.
性急:厌倦了被秃头,尤斯塔斯获得的实验 发 素 , 勇 气发 现 有 一个爆炸性的副作用。
Hothead: Tired of being bald, Eustace obtains an experimental hair tonic, which Courage finds has an explosive side-effect.
在新疆油田,卡特彼勒天气发动机 被用于天然气回注工程。
In the Xinjiang oil field, Cat gas engines are used for natural gas re-injection.
已采取的执行措施,以期由阿拉伯经济与社会发展基金会与世界银行资 助一项关于连接所有阿拉伯电网和评价使用天 气发 电 力 的研究。
The executive measures that have been taken with a view to the financing by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development and the World
Bank of a study on linking all the Arab electricity grids and evaluating the use
[...] of natural gas to produce electricity.
宝华 SNG II-系列气发生器 为复合系统,为有氮气供给要求而设计的,由宝华螺杆压缩机,一个氮气膜片和一台宝华活塞压缩机组成。
The BAUER SNG Series
[...] II Nitrogen Generators are complete [...]
systems designed for the on-demand supply of nitrogen gas, utilizing
BAUER rotary screw compressors, a nitrogen separation module, and an integrated BAUER reciprocating compressor to supply product gas at up to 6000 PSI.
Caterpillar(卡特彼勒)是世界上最大的土方工程机械、建筑机械和矿用设备的生产商,也是全世界柴油机、天 气发 动 机 、工业用燃气轮机以及柴电混合动力机组的主要供应商。
Caterpillar is the world's leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives.
利用太阳能的基本目标是实现电网平价:与现有发电技术(例如,利用煤、石油和天 气发 电 )的规模经济匹配的每瓦成本性能。
Solar energy's fundamental goal is grid parity: cost-per-watt
performance that matches the economies of scale of existing power generation
[...] technologies like coal, oil, and natural gas.
钢铁企业将采用来自鼓风炉 废能的干熄焦发电技术,改造所有鼓风炉 气发 电,并实施转炉煤气回收。
Iron and steel enterprises will apply coke dry quenching and power generation from the waste energy from blast furnaces, renovate all blast furnace gas power generation, and implement converter gas recovery.
宝华 SNG II-系列气发生器为全封闭,一体化及模块式系统,消除在使用外购高压储气罐所引发的危险和不便。
The BAUER SNG Series
[...] II Nitrogen Generators is a self-contained, [...]
fully integrated, modular system that eliminates the hazards
involved with the handling of high pressure cylinders as well as the burden of merchant supplied nitrogen gas.
电 弧 的 热 量
[...] 和 射 线 可 能 会 与气 发 生 反 应 ,形 成 高 毒 [...]
The heat and rays of the arc can react with vapors to form
[...] highly toxic and irritating gases.
中国MCC 目前正在西澳州建设中澳铁矿项目(Sino Iron Project),此外MCC 还将承接昆士兰的中国优先(China First)
[...] 项目,而中国电工设备总公司还将有史以来首次在发达国家内( 维多利亚州) 承接发电厂项目,与HRL 合作建设一座双燃料、天然气和合 气 燃 气发 电 站
China’s MCC has been building the Sino Iron Project in Western Australia, and now MCC will undertake the China First project in Queensland, and China National Electric Equipment Corporation will undertake the first ever power plant in a developed nation
(in Victoria), where they are cooperating with HRL to
[...] deliver a duel fuel, natural and synthetic gas-fired power plant.
如氨肥工业中应用的 U G I水气发生炉 就达4000余台;生产工业燃气 气 化 发 生 炉 近5000台,其中还 包括近年来引进的两段气化炉和生产城市煤气和化肥的Lurgi炉。
For example, in ammonia-fertilizer industries, the number of UGI water-coal gasifier exceeds 4000 UGI; more than 5000 gasifiers including two phases gasifier and Lurgi gasifier are used for producing industrial fuel gas.
鉴于此,博世积极开发了应用于商用车领域的博世天 气发 动 机 管理系统,可以分别应用于单燃料和双燃料发动机。
Seizing the opportunity, Bosch supplies CNG system - a complete engine management system for natural gas applications, which can be applied in both monovalent and Dual Fuel system.
对泡沫塑料工序的改造包括对现有的 9 台高压发泡机中的 8 台进行改装,以便使用 环戊烷;安装 4
[...] 台环戊烷/多元醇混料站;在发泡工序车间安装安全通风设备、气体监 测装置、气发生器和消防系统;安装 3 台环戊烷储罐,包括管道。
The conversion of the foam operations will involve modification of eight of the existing nine high-pressure foaming machines for cyclopentane; installation of four cyclopentane/polyol mixing stations; equipping the foaming
areas with safety ventilation, gas
[...] detectors, nitrogen generators and fire extinguishing [...]
systems; and installation of three
cyclopentane tanks, including piping.
我经常听到一些对北京气发表的 灾难性的言论,比如这句“呼吸一天的北京空气等同于吸了一包香烟。
I often hear apocalyptic statements about air pollution, especially the idea that breathing Beijing's air is like smoking a pack a day.
公司阿根廷业务总经理Güimar Vaca Coca表示:“新的气发现证 明,巴卡穆埃尔塔页岩层在较浅深度即有超压,这有可能扩大内乌肯盆地已知的范围,进而有望扩大Americas Petrogas、内乌肯省乃至整个阿根廷的油气资源储量。
Mr. Güimar Vaca Coca, Managing Director of the Company''s Argentina operation, said "This new discovery proves that the Vaca Muerta is over-pressured at a shallow depth and could increase the known extent of the Neuquén Basin, which could potentially increase hydrocarbon resources for Americas Petrogas, the Neuquen Province, and Argentina as a whole.
这些矿物对许多产品来说是必不可少的——从珠宝、医疗设备、信息技术设备和消费电子产品到 气发 动 机
These minerals are essential to
many products – from jewelry, medical devices, information technology equipment and
[...] consumer electronics to jet engines.
梅赛德斯奔驰汽车研发部门的Thomas Weber告诉《Technicity》,“关于 气发 动 系 统是否会取代原有的燃油发动系统已经不再是我们关心的问题了,关键是这场变革将在什么时候开始。
Thomas Weber of Mercedes-Benz Cars Development tells Technicity, “There’s no question any more as to whether electric drive systems will take their place beside combustion engines; it’s only a question of when this will happen.
沼气利用、加强气发展技 的术与范围的目前状况
Current status of biogas utilization, technologies and scope for enhancing biogas development
其中包括气发生器的必 要性、将提供气发生器 的数量、所需真空泵的数量、泡沫塑料业务的合理性、作为安全备用的发 电机的容量以及接受资助的资格,或者是在缺乏接受资助资格的情况下,对建筑物进行一系列改造, [...]
Among those were the need for a nitrogen generator and the number of nitrogen generators [...]
to be provided, number of vacuum
pumps needed, rationalisation of foam operations, capacity of an electrical generator as safety back-up, and eligibility or lack thereof on a number of changes to the building, such as installation of fire fighting systems and digging of foundations.
1995年,MWM燃气发电机 组开始进入中国市场。公司先后为中国国内40多个大型项目提供了近百台 气发 电 机组,其中包括北京、上海、厦门等地的垃圾填 气发 电 项 目;北京、西安、青岛等地的污水 气发 电 项 目;蒙牛牧场生物 气发 电 项 目,青海格尔木、胜利油田和新疆塔里木油田的天然气供能项目;山西兰花大宁、西山煤电、淮南煤矿等的煤气供能项目。
MWM gas genset entered into China market starting from 1995, it has served for more than 40 large scale projects, totally about hundred gas gensets in China,such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen etc. landfill gas projects; Beijing,Xian and Qingdao etc. sewage projects; Mengniu farming biogas project; Qinghai Germu, Shengli [...]
Oil Field and Xinjiang
Talimu Oil Field for natural gas projects; Lanhua Daning, Xishan Coal Power and Huainan Coal Mine coal gas projects.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天气管道 ,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达 发 展项目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State
capital of Sittwe, and
[...] parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development [...]
Project which, if
completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
这份调研报告将有助于我们的公司进一步了解挪威船级社在中国第十二个五年计划所开启的天 气发 展 中 将如何发挥更加积极的作用,”挪威船级社大中国区能源部总经理张志平先生(Stone Zhang)说。
This project will further help us understand how DNV can play an even more active role into the Natural Gas developments that the 12th Five Year plan will open up for ,” says Mr. Stone Zhang, Director of Operations, DNV China Energy.




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