

单词 凯尔特人

See also:

凯尔 n

Kyle n


Kate (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

如果沿着古罗马人凯尔特人的足 迹徒步 旅行,您将发现很多工业文化的印记,届时请用心灵和法国 [...]
Go hiking in the footsteps
[...] of the Romans or Celts, discover historical [...]
industrial culture and experience French atmosphere of life.
我认凯尔特人会赢 得联赛冠军已成定局,事实上他们正忙着迎接胜利而且也没有什么可以对他们造成威胁的。
I think it’s a pretty foregone
[...] conclusion that Celtic are going to win [...]
the league, despite the fact they are labouring towards
the finish line without any real threat from anywhere else.
(f) 认识凯尔特人民只有在能够积极参与国家事务的社会里才是自由的。
(f) Recognizing that the Celtic peoples will be free only in a society that will give to all the means to [...]
participate actively
in national affairs, in other words to control production, exchanges and services and the exploitation of national resources for the benefit of all.
对铁器时凯尔特人来说 ,榉树是重要的神树。
For the Celts in the Iron Age, the beech [...]
tree was an important and mythical tree.
栩栩如生的历史和民俗凯尔特人、 罗马人、阿勒曼尼人 和施陶芬人,王公和贵族都在这儿留下了他们的足迹。
Charming: entertainment and fun – a delightful array of leisure activities between the Neckar river and Lake Constance.
西奥大加扎克与门票在波士 凯尔特人 的 比 赛中,一个黑眼豆豆演唱会,但西奥计划扎克磁带,演唱会,导致扎克结束他们的友谊,造成西奥学习,他可以不买的朋友一样昂贵的礼物。
Theo lavishes Zack with expensive gifts like
[...] tickets to a Boston Celtics game and a Black [...]
Eyed Peas concert but Theo plans to have
Zack tape the concert, which results in Zack ending their friendship, causing Theo to learn that he cannot buy friends.
动物女神:凯尔特(Celtic)人坟冢 发现的青铜罐上雕刻的图案,位于伯尔尼州的克莱赫威尔(Grächwil)地区。
Mistress of the animals: decoration from a
[...] bronze pot found in a Celtic burial mound in Grächwil, [...]
Canton Bern.
从旧石器 时代到新石器时代留下的文化遗迹;作为伊比利亚半岛原住民族 凯尔特人 和伊 比利亚半岛人;希腊、腓尼基和迦太基殖民地;罗马人、西哥特人、穆斯林和其 他出现在半岛上、并留下大量考古资料和遗迹的中世纪王国的人民;大量世上独 一无二的壁画艺术、城堡、大教堂、城市、中世纪城镇等等。
The presence of cultures since the
Upper Palaeolithic
[...] and Neolithic; Celts and Iberians as autochthonous peoples of the Iberian peninsula; Greek, Phoenician and Carthaginian colonies; Romans, Visigoths, Moors, and the peoples [...]
of the medieval
peninsular kingdoms have all left vast archaeological remains; a concentration of cave art sites that is unique in the world, castles, cathedrals, medieval cities and settlements, etc. In this regard, the Government of Spain, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, is implementing a series of policies for the conservation of heritage, both tangible and intangible.
凯尔特人时代 ,人们已经将石墨应用于陶器生产中了,很多年后的1565年,英国的牧羊人发现了一种闪亮的无烟煤颜色的物质,这种物质非常适用于画画和书写,牧羊人将这种材料命名为“plumbago”。
A long time after the era of the Celts, who already had [...]
used graphite in the production of ceramics, English shepherds in
the year 1565 found a glossy anthracite-coloured mineral that was excellently suited for drawing and writing, and they gave it the name "plumbago".
但至于谁会取得第二的位置这还是个迷,自2006年以来第一次(并且自1996年以来这仅是第二次),有除 凯尔特人 和 流 浪者之外的其他队伍赢得前两名的席位。
But it’s the race for second place that is enticing us all, and for the first time since 2006
(and only the second time since 1996), we will have
[...] someone apart from Celtic and Rangers finishing [...]
in the top two spots.
Czechomor还为歌迷们提供了一个极好的机会,可以追寻深深根植于波西米亚和摩拉维亚文化之中 凯尔特人 的 踪 迹,同时又与布列塔尼和爱尔兰音乐有特殊的关系。
Czechomor also provides an excellent opportunity for
[...] fans to trace back Celtic echoes that lie [...]
deeply rooted in the cultures of Bohemia
and Moravia but which are related to the music of Brittany and Ireland in particular.
以下候人获得所需多数票当选: 尔 莎 · 凯 利 (阿根廷)(142 票)和 安东尼·阿莫斯·乐凯(特立尼达和多巴哥)(137 票)。
Having obtained the required majority of votes,
[...] the following candidates were elected: Elsa Kelly (Argentina) (142 votes) and Anthony Amos Lucky (Trinidad and Tobago) (137 votes).
[...] 188 周年以及 2009 年 6 月 24 日在委内 瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国阿拉瓜州马凯 市 召 开美 人 民 玻利 瓦 尔 联 盟 / 人 民 贸 易协 定第六特别首 脑会议之机,重申他们对古巴共和国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 两国总统于 [...]
2004 年 12 月 14 日签署的联合声明所载原则的承诺。
The Heads of State and Government of the countries members of the Alternativa Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América — Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP) (Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America — Peoples’ Trade Agreement), on the occasion of the 188th anniversary of the patriots’ victory in the Battle of
Carabobo and of the
[...] ALBA-TCP Sixth Extraordinary Summit, held in the city of Maracay, Aragua state, Bolivarian Republic of [...]
Venezuela, on 24 June
2009, reaffirmed their commitment to the principles set out in the joint statement of 14 December 2004, signed by the Presidents of the Republic of Cuba and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
凯尔特联盟 的目的和目标注重国籍,注重一个民族为每 人 保 留的价值观 (用自己的语言、音乐表达的文化特征和传统),以及政治、文化、社会和经济结 构,这反过来有利于保护社区。
The aims and objectives of the Celtic League demonstrate an emphasis on nationality, on the [...]
values that a nation preserves
for each generation (cultural identity and traditions, expressed through, for example, its own language, music) and on the political, cultural, social and economic structures, which in turn preserve the community.
委员会委员克里斯蒂娜·沙内女士,连同科内利斯·弗林特曼先生、奈杰尔·罗德利爵士、尔特·凯林先生和费边·奥马尔·萨尔维奥利先生共同签署的四份 人 意 见 ,附于本意见 之后。
The texts of four individual opinions by Committee members Ms. Christine Chanet jointly with Mr. Cornelis Flinterman, Sir Nigel Rodley, Mr. Walter Kaelin and Mr. Fabían Omar Salvioli are appended to the text of the present Views.
(ii) 阿尔凯·喀汗 ·马尔古兰(1904 -- 1985 年)由于在促进世界更多了解哈萨克以及 更广大的中亚地区的科学人文方 面的重大贡献而享有国际盛名。
(ii) Alkei Khakan Margulan (1904-1985) is internationally recognized for his major contribution to the world’s knowledge of Kazakh, and more widely, Central Asian sciences and humanities.
不错,爱尔兰的历史( history)可以追溯到公元前6000年,并且先后经历 凯尔特 民 族 的诞生、基督教的产生、北欧海盗和诺 人 的 入侵、伯爵之战(就是天主教贵族都纷纷离开爱尔兰因为他们不愿承认英国女王的统治)、天主教解放、阿尔斯特志愿军的形成、自治法案的制定、复活节起义以及爱尔兰共和国( Republic) 和北爱尔兰 ( Northern Ireland)的形成。
Well, yes. Ireland’s history dates back to around 6000BC and covers major events like the arrival of the Celts, Christianity, the Vikings and the Normans, as well as our more modern history, including the formation of the  Republic and  Northern Ireland.
行程包括沿途在埃克塞特、普利茅斯和彭赞斯等风景如画的海滨城镇停留;这是最适合休闲旅游和家庭度假的车游天下!在布里斯托尔、纽基、巴恩斯特布附近还有许多高尔夫球场,2010年莱德杯高尔夫球赛就是在南威尔 凯尔特 庄 园 度假村举办的,高尔夫爱好者在欣赏周围 人 美 景的同时,还可以在那里玩上几轮。
The region also has a number of golf courses near Bristol, Newquay, Barnstable, plus, Celtic Manor Resort in South Wales which hosted the 2010 Ryder Cup, where golf enthusiasts can play a few rounds while taking in the stunning surrounding landscapes.
安理会听取了下人员所 作的通报:塞尔维亚共和国总统博 里斯·塔迪奇先生、负责科索沃问题的秘书长特别代表兼联合国科索 特 派 团 (科 索特派团)团长兰贝托·赞尔先生 、伊夫 · 德 凯尔 马 邦 先生(代表欧洲联盟) 以及科索沃的斯肯德·希塞尼先生。
The Council was briefed by Mr. Boris Tadić, President of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Lamberto Zannier, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Kosovo and Head of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), Mr. Yves de Kermabon, on behalf of the European Union, and Mr. Skender Hyseni of Kosovo.
特鲁加尔、布 拉斯基奇、纳莱迪里奇 和马丁诺维奇及科尔迪奇和尔凯兹 案 件 中,审判厅不要求为确定这种犯罪要素的 存在而指称或证明武装冲突的性质。
In the cases Strugar, Blaskic, Naletilic and Martinovic, and Kordic and Cerkez, the Trial Chamber did not require [...]
pleading or proof of
the nature of the armed conflict to satisfy the elements of this crime.
我谨代表尼泊尔政府感谢秘书长人 给 予 尼泊 尔和平进程的支持,也感谢他向安理会提交的最新 报告(S/2009/1),其中建议根据我国的请求把联合 国尼尔特派团 (联尼特派团)的任务限期再延长 6 个月。
On behalf of the Government of Nepal, I would like to thank the
Secretary-General for his personal support for
[...] the peace process in Nepal and for his latest report to the Council (S/2009/1) recommending extension of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) by another six months, at our request.
同样,如文件 A/64/805 所示,在按照联合检查 组《章程》第 3 条第 2 款规定进行了协商,包括与经
[...] 济及社会理事会主席和秘书长(作为联合国系统行政 首长协调理事会主席)进行了协商之后,我谨向大会 提出候人——热拉尔·比罗 先生(法国)、伊特 万· 波斯塔先生(匈牙利)、帕帕·路易斯·法尔先生 (塞内加尔)、吉汗·特尔齐先生(土耳其)——以供任 命为联合检查组成员,任期五年,从 2011 年 1 月 1 日开始,至 2015 年 12 月 31 日结束。
As further indicated in document A/64/805, as a result of the consultations held in accordance with article 3, paragraph 2, of the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit, including consultations with the President of the Economic and Social Council and with the Secretary-General in his capacity as Chairman of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board
for Coordination, I
[...] submit to the Assembly the candidatures of Mr. Gérard Biraud (France), Mr. István Posta (Hungary), Mr. Papa Louis Fall (Senegal) and Mr. Cihan Terzi (Turkey) for appointment as members [...]
of the Joint Inspection
Unit for a five-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2011 and expiring on 31 December 2015.
以下专家在圆桌会议上发了言:消除种族歧视委 员会主席安尔·凯末尔先生 ;《德班宣言和行动纲 领》执行情况独立知名专家小组成员埃德娜·玛丽 亚·桑托斯·罗朗女士;有效执行德班宣言和行动纲 领政府间工作组主席穆罕默德·西亚德·杜阿勒先生 阁下;以及非洲人问题 专家工作组成员 Verene Shepherd 女士。
The following experts made presentations during the round tables: Mr. Anwar Kemal, Chair of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; Ms. Edna Maria Santos Roland, member of the group of independent eminent experts on the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action; His [...]
Excellency Mr. Mohamed Siad Douale, Chair
of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action; and Ms. Verene Shepherd, member of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.
回顾千年发展目标中的两个目标,一个是呼吁普及初等教育,另一个是呼吁 消除教育中的两性差距,以及“全民教育”达 尔 行 动 框架的两项目标:(a)扩 大和改善综合幼儿保育和教育工作,尤其是针对最容易受到伤害和处境最不利的 儿童的这项工作;及(b)确保使所有的青年人和成人享有平等的机会,参加有关 的学习和生活技能计划,从而满足其学习需求,又回顾《残疾人权利公约》第 24 条,我们敦促会员国在各自国家综合教育战略中考虑残 人 , 特 别 是 儿童的受教 育权。
Recalling two of the Millennium Development Goals, one calling for universal access to primary education and the other calling for an end to gender disparity in education, and
two goals in the
[...] “Education for all” Dakar framework of action: (a) expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children; and (b) ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes, and article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, we urge Member States to consider the right to education for persons with disabilities, especially children, in their [...]
overall national education strategies.
另外,经主席提议,主要委 员会任命尼加拉瓜国家政策部长兼大会主席特别顾问保罗·奥基 特-凯 利 为工 作组主席兼报告员,并由马吉德·阿卜杜拉齐兹(埃及)和约翰·勒 尔 德 (挪 威) 提供支助。
Also on the proposal of its Chairman,
[...] the Main Committee appointed Paul Oquist-Kelly, Minister of National Policy of Nicaragua and Special Adviser to the President of the General [...]
Assembly, to
be Chairman-cum-Rapporteur of the Working Group, with the support of Maged Abdelaziz (Egypt) and Johan Løvald (Norway).




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