单词 | 汭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 獭—otter汭—river-bendExamples:海獭—sea otter 树獭—sloth (family Bradypodidae)
该网络使水獭、河狸、狼等稀有动物有机会重新生活在它们曾 消失几个世纪的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The network makes it possible for rare animals, such as otters, beavers and wolves, to repopulate areas from which they have been absent for centuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样,甲基汞 的少量环境浓度可以很容易地累积到鱼(如梭子鱼、鲈鱼)、以鱼为食的野生动物(如水獭)以及人的 潜在有害浓度。 zeromercury.org | Small environmental concentrations of methylmercury can thus readily accumulate to potentially harmful concentrations in fish (e.g. pike, bass), fish-eating wildlife (e.g. otters) and people. zeromercury.org |
西高地白梗最初是在不列颠群岛繁殖;中世纪时,该犬种用来猎捕诸如兔子、老鼠、狐狸、獾和水獭之类的小型啮齿类动物和有害动物。 eukanuba.com.cn | Terriers were originally bred, mainly in the British Isles, during the Middle Ages for hunting smaller rodent and vermin such as rabbits and rats, foxes, badgers and otters. fr.eukanuba.ch |
他们很快就排除了这起灾难最可能的“凶手”:一种可引起黄疸的细菌,因为在死去的任何一只海獭体内都未发现此细菌。 chinese.eurekalert.org | They quickly ruled out the scourge's most likely source: a bacterium known to cause jaundice, as it wasn't found in any of the dead otters. chinese.eurekalert.org |
她发现,海獭的内脏是亮黄色的,这是一种明确的肝损伤迹象。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The animals' insides, she found, were bright yellow—a sure sign of liver damage. chinese.eurekalert.org |
但六,獭兔,白骑士变得可疑。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | But Six, Rex, and the White Knight grow suspicious. seekcartoon.com |
最后在热带雨林中他们也看到了敏捷的长臂猿,俏皮的水獭,卷尾猴和蜜袋鼯。 systematic.edu.my | Lastly at the Tropical Trek, they observed agile gibbons, playful otters, capuchins and sugar gliders. systematic.edu.my |
像所有的树獭,霍夫曼的树懒的大部分时间花在从树上挂倒,移动速度非常缓慢,代谢极为缓慢。 zh.northrup.org | Like all sloths, Hoffman's Sloths spend most of their time hanging upside-down from trees, move very slowly and have extremely slow metabolisms. northrup.org |
尤其是,土着人民海洋哺乳动物委员会已成为结合管理和共同管理制 度的主要机构之一,处理白鲸、北极熊、海豹、海獭、虎头海狮、海象和其他海 洋哺乳动物事宜。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, the Indigenous People’s Council for Marine Mammals has become one of the key bodies incorporating management and co-management regimes dealing with beluga whales, polar bears, harbour seals, sea otters, Steller sea lions, walruses and other marine mammals. daccess-ods.un.org |
加利福尼亚海獭吃的东西,有一些同样也是我们喜欢吃的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The kinds of things that sea otters eat in California are some of the same things we like to eat, too. chinese.eurekalert.org |
世界最大数量的野生毛皮:貉子皮,海狸,狼皮,渔貂,水獭,麝鼠,猞猁,猞猁猫,十字狐,小狐狸,灰狐,红狐,獾,扫雪鼬,松鼠,紫貂,狼,狼獾,臭鼬,獾,负鼠,海狸鼠,环尾猫和熊。 nafa.ca | World’s largest offering of wild fur: Raccoon; Beaver; Coyote; Fisher; Otter; Musquash; Lynx; Lynx Cat; Cross Fox; Grey Fox; Red Fox; Badger; Ermine; Squirrel; Can/Am Sable; Wolf; Wolverine; Skunk; Badger; Opossum; Nutria, Ringtails and Bear. nafa.ca |
皮毛收获者拍卖公司(FHA),”这就是全世界购买野生皮毛的地方”,将举行信息发布会,就各种品种的野生毛皮进行定级,包括北美 麝鼠,水貂,水獭,浣熊,貂鼠,鼬鼠,狐狸,郊狼和海豹。 efurmedia.com | Fur Harvesters Auction Inc. (FHA), “Where the World Comes to Buy Wild Fur”, will be hosting information sessions on the grading of several wild fur species, including muskrat, mink, beaver, raccoon, marten, fisher, fox, coyote and seals. efurmedia.com |
世界上数量最大,质量最优,种类最丰富的野生毛皮;包括貉子皮,海狸,狼皮,渔貂,海豹,水獭,猞猁,猞猁猫,紫貂,野生水貂,红狐,十字狐和灰狐,麝鼠以及松鼠,扫雪鼬,獾,负鼠,海狸鼠,环尾猫,臭鼬,熊,狼和狼獾。 nafa.ca | The largest , finest and most diverse offering of Wild Fur in the world: Raccoon; Beaver, Coyote; Fisher; Otter; Lynx; Lynx Cat; Can/Am Sable; Wild Mink; Red/Cross and Grey Fox; Musquash; as well as Squirrel, Ermine, Badger, Opossum, Nutria, Ringtails, Skunk, Bear, Wolf and Wolverine. nafa.ca |
加拿大温哥华— 2007年4月,当一些海獭在加利福尼亚的蒙特利湾海岸开始出现死亡时,野生动物管理部门召集了海獭研究专家玛丽莎•米勒来调查此事。 chinese.eurekalert.org | VANCOUVER, CANADA—When several sea otters began showing up dead in April 2007 along the coast of California's Monterey Bay, wildlife officials called otter expert Melissa Miller to investigate. chinese.eurekalert.org |
至于其他的可能性,“海獭不用药,而且作为海洋哺乳动物,它们不吃有毒的蘑菇或其他植物。加利福尼亚的天气也不至于疯狂到我们能看见15只海獭被雷电击中”,米勒于2月8 日在美国科学促进会(《科学.现在》的出版社)2012年年会上表示。 chinese.eurekalert.org | As for other possibilities, “Sea otters don't take drugs, they don't eat toxic mushrooms or plants because they're marine mammals, and California weather isn't so crazy that we'd see 15 sea otters struck by lightning,” Miller said here today at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (which publishes ScienceNOW). chinese.eurekalert.org |
该发现公布后,加利福尼亚官方人员采取了措施来控制平托湖中海藻的爆发。不过,米勒表示,此发现亦表明了海洋哺乳动物,如海獭是如何充当了近岸海域生态系统的警示信号的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Since the discovery, California officials have taken measures to control the outbreak at Pinto Lake, but the discovery illustrates how marine mammals like sea otters act as warning signals for near-shore ecosystems, Miller said. chinese.eurekalert.org |
这主要是一个适应自己的饮食 - 尽管它们是杂食动物,并会吃昆虫,小型爬行动物,和腐肉当他们有机会,树獭,主要以树叶,芽和芽生存。 zh.northrup.org | This is largely an adaptation to their diet--although they are omnivores and will eat insects, small reptiles, and carrion when they have an opportunity, sloths subsist mainly on leaves, shoots and buds. northrup.org |