

单词 偶数的

See also:


pair n

External sources (not reviewed)

分接变换 监控装置错误连接! ) TAPGUARD260 显示一偶数的分接位 置,但是分接开关处于 奇数的分接位置,反之 亦然。
TAPGUARD260 is displaying an evennumbered tap position, but the on-load tap-changer is in an odd-numbered tap position or vice versa.
如果不需要区分奇数页偶数页的页 眉或页脚(FooterIsShared 属性为 False),请在奇数页中设置页眉和页脚的属性。
If you do not need to distinguish between headers or footers for odd and even pages (the FooterIsShared property is False), then set the properties for headers and footers on odd pages.
他们对三位一的教义是偶数时Didymus 的 前 进 ,确实是非常接近的罗马学说,后来在亚他那修信条体现。
Their doctrine of the Trinity is an advance even upon that of Didymus, and is very near indeed to the Roman doctrine which was later embodied in the Athanasian creed.
由于联大第五委员会的工作实行两年一周期制,联合国养恤金制度现在仅 偶数年 (即非预算的)的联大会议审议。
Due to the biennialization of the work of the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly,
the United Nations pension system is now considered
[...] by the Assembly only in even-numbered years (i.e. non-budget years).
它们在第一页,奇数页偶数页都 可以是不 的。
They can be different for the first, the odd and the even pages.
在任何特定的时间内,由于雌、雄性个体的潜在 偶的数 量 有限, 所以,几乎没有个体有机会同时比较两个或更多潜在配偶的特征。
Thus, it seems likely that few individuals had the opportunity to compare simultaneously the characteristics of two or more potential mates.
两部分不连接, 其中的分区按 1 至 6 编号,奇数对应 A 部的分区,偶数对应B 部分的分区。申 请区域是一处海床,其许可证以前由美利坚合众国于 1974 [...]
年授予海洋矿业公司, 当时该处称为 USA-3。
They are numbered 1 to 6, the
[...] odd figures corresponding to subparts of part A, the even numbers corresponding [...]
to subparts of part B.
The area under application is based on a part of the seabed where a licence was formerly granted by the United States of America to Ocean Mining Associates (OMA) in 1974 and was referred to as USA-3.
福伊特采用各种技术和组织安全性措施以保护由我们管理的所有个 数 据 不 会受第三 的偶 然 或 有意操控、丢失、破坏或未经授权访问。
Voith employs technical and organizational security
measures, in
[...] order to protect any personal data administrated by us against [...]
accidental or intentional manipulations, loss, destruction or unauthorized access by third parties.
使用XtraReports, 你能够创建复杂的风格来精确的控制一个报表的外观,你甚至可以将他们选择性地应用来反映特定的说明(例如,针对 的偶数 和 奇 数风格)并将它们存储在不同的工作表中。
You can even apply them conditionally to reflect certain states (for instance, even and odd styles for rows) and store them in separate sheets.
如果允许 这种可能性,便应偶数仲裁 员无法达成一致并产生僵 的 情 形 作出规定。
When introducing this possibility the situation that the even number cannot reach agreement and a deadlock arises, should be regulated.
理论上,由很多热电偶构成的热电半导体制冷/发电装置既可成比例放大,也可成比例缩小,只要热 偶的数 量 和热电半导体制冷/发电元件L / A比值保持不变,设备的性能就不会改变。
In theory, a thermoelectric device consisting of many couples can be scaled up or down in size, and as long as the number of couples and thermoelectric element L/A ratio are maintained, the devices will have equivalent performance.
1991年,大会第四十六届会议决定联合国养恤金制度有关项目 偶数 年 审 议 (第 46/220 号决议),但安排由第五委员会和大会负责在联合国两年期方案预算 议程项目下审查和批准同联合国合办工作人员养恤基金开支有 的 一 切 事项,包 括养恤基金两年期预算(见 A/54/206)。
At its forty-sixth session,
[...] in 1991, the General Assembly decided to consider the item related to the United Nations pension system in even-numbered years (resolution 46/220), with the arrangement, however, that the review and approval of all matters related to [...]
the expenses of the
United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, including the biennial budgets of the Fund, would be taken up by the Fifth Committee and the Assembly under the agenda item for the United Nations biennial programme budget (see A/54/206).
当在一个奇数档位运行时,一偶数 档 位将被预选择,或者根据档位部分 2 中 的 换 档策略切换到空挡。
When driving in an odd gear, an even gear will be preselected or a switch to neutral depending on the shifting strategy in Part Gear 2.
该代表指出,世界卫生大会还要求世卫组织总干事在每 偶数 年 份 向卫生大会 报告在审议提交食品法典委员会采取行 的 事 项 方面取 的 进 展,以及落实母乳替 代品国际销售规范报告的状况。
The Representative indicated that the WHA had also requested the Director-General of WHO to report to the Health Assembly each even year, along with the status of the implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes report, on progress in the consideration of matters referred to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for its action.
[...] (1, 3, 5, 7), 而离适配卡表面较的端口为偶数通道 (2, 4, 6, 8)。
The SATA port furthest away from the surface of the
adapter is always the odd numbered channel (1, 3, 5, 7), while the port closest to the
[...] adapter is the even numbered channel (2, 4, 6, 8).
此外,联合国各项基金和计划将周期统一 偶数 年 ,也使教科文组织在 C/4 和 C/5 文件方面实现了一定程的吻合
In addition, the switch of cycles for the United Nations Funds and Programmes to even years has created a significant degree of alignment vis-à-vis UNESCO also, both in regard to the C/4 and the C/5 documents.
为涉及支助和经常预算的拟议资源使用目的以及费用发生及计算 的 而设 定的财政 期间应当一致,并应包括连续两个历年,第一个历年应 偶数 年。
The financial period for the purpose of both the proposed utilization of resources and the incurring of and accounting for expenses in respect of the support and regular budget shall be aligned and shall consist of two consecutive calendar years, the first of which shall be an even year.
如果LO-PRO II具偶数层数(4,6, 8),将第一块导流板放置在设 的 右 前方(鼓风机一侧,并且位于底盘 的右侧,参考图4-3)。
If the LO-PRO II has an even amount of trays (4, 6, 8), place the first downcomer toward [...]
the front (or blower side) of the
unit and to the right side of the sump (as shown in Figure 4-3).
为拟议使用综合和经常预算之的而 设 定 的 财 政 期间应包括连续两个历年 (以下称预算期间),第一个历年应 偶数 年。
The period for the purpose of the proposed utilization of the integrated and regular budgets shall consist of two consecutive calendar years (hereinafter referred to as the budget period), the first of which shall be an even year.
需要注的是,如果数集合中包含 偶数 个 数 字 , 函数 MEDIAN 将返回位于中的两个数的平均值。
It should be noted that, if the parameter set contains the number of even-numbered months, MEDIAN function returns the number is in the middle of the average of the two.
审议世界人口趋势报告的时间安排** 经济及社会理事会回顾其第
1996/2 号决议第 9 段,并且为了确保秘书长关
[...] 于世界人口趋势的双年度报告与最新人口估计和预测保持一致,决定将人口与发 展委员会审议该报的时间改为偶数 年 份 ,为此决定,委员会将在 2014 年举行 [...]
The Economic and Social Council, recalling paragraph 9 of its resolution 1996/2 and in order to ensure that the biennial report of the Secretary-General on world demographic trends is aligned with the most recent demographic estimates and projections, decides to change the timing of the consideration of the report
by the Commission on Population and
[...] Development to even-numbered years and, accordingly, [...]
decides that the Commission will
next consider the report on world demographic trends at its forty-seventh session, in 2014.
委员会通过了一项决定,决定偶数 年 审 议秘书长关于世界人口趋 的 双年 度报告,以确保报告与最新人口估计和预测保持一致。
The Commission adopted a decision to consider the biennial report of
the Secretary-General
[...] on world demographic trends in even-numbered years, in order to ensure that the [...]
report would be aligned
with the most recent demographic estimates and projections.
这个有用的PDF格式的工具,你可以选择在任何PDF文 的 网 页 ,页面范围:全部, 数 , 偶数 , 部 分(例如:1,3,5,7-10)。
With this helpful PDF tool, you can select any pages in PDF files by page ranges: All, Odd, Even, Part (e.g.: 1, 3, 5, 7-10).
将打印行分类安装于Xaar 760或1001喷头上不的奇数和偶数喷嘴 ,只是一项并不复杂的操作,但“切割”一词含义甚广,因此不应称此处的功能为“切割”。
The splitting of a print line into odd and even nozzles on a Xaar 760 or 1001 head is a trivial form of slicing and should NOT be called "slicing" as the term implies much more sophistication.
偶氮染料和颜料均为混入一种数种 与 芳香化合物耦合在一的偶氮族(‐N=N‐) 材料的着色剂。
Azo dyes and pigments are colorants that incorporate one or several azo groups (-N=N-) bound with aromatic compounds.
奇数羽状复叶偶数羽状 复叶,30-60(-90)厘米;小叶(5-)9-21,对生; 小叶柄(2-)6-12毫米; 小叶叶片长圆状椭圆形,椭圆形,或者卵形, (7-)17-26 * 4-10厘米,基部一对小叶最小,幼时膜质,成熟时近革质到革质, 阳光下具可的透明的极小的点, 两面无毛, 次脉在中脉两边各(8-)11-20,纤细,基部偏斜,楔形到宽楔形或有时一边为圆形,边缘全缘,先端尾状渐尖到钝。
Leaves odd- or even- pinnate, 30-60(-90) cm; leaflets (5-)9-21, opposite; petiolules (2-)6-12 mm; leaflet blades oblong-elliptic, elliptic, or ovate, (7-)17-26 × 4-10 cm with basal pair smallest, membranous when young, subleathery to leathery when mature, with visible transparent tiny spots under sunlight, both surfaces [...]
glabrous, secondary veins
(8-)11-20 on each side of midvein and slender, base oblique and cuneate to broadly cuneate or sometimes one side rounded, margin entire, apex caudate-acuminate to obtuse.
的,档位部分2包括偶数档位 和离合器 K2。
Similarly, Part Gear 2 house the even gears and clutch K2.
委员 会由 44 个成员国和 8 个准成员组成,每两年举行一届会议,会议 偶数 年 举 行,为期 5 天, 以审查拉加经委会秘书的工作 ,并核准其两年期工作方案。
The Commission is composed of 44 members
and 8 associate
[...] members and holds biennial sessions during even-numbered years for five days, to review the work of the [...]
ECLAC secretariat
and approve its biennial programme of work.




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