

单词 付清

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然他不反对敦促缔约方尽 早支付它们的捐款,但必须牢记,这些捐款事实上只需在应付的年付清
Although he did not object to urging Parties to pay their contributions as early as
possible, it was important to remember that contributions
[...] were in fact being paidduring the year in [...]
which they were due.
它还加强了“谁污染谁付 费原则”,即污染者必须付清染的费用。
It also fosters the “Polluter Pays Principle” in that the polluter must
[...] pay forthe cost of cleaning up the pollution.
任何股款的催缴,须於董事会通过授权催缴股款的决议时视为已作出,而催缴股款可一次 整付清期缴付。
A call shall be deemed to have been made at the time when the resolution of the Board authorising the call was passed and may be madepayable either in one lump sumor by instalments.
若构成索偿的事件发生於 过期缴费期内而逾期的保费仍付清非您的保单正在行使 暂 停 缴 费,即 使 您 其 後 缴 交 逾 期 未 付 的 [...]
保 费,我 们 也 不 会 考 虑 该 等 索 偿。
If an event that constitutes a claim occurs
[...] during thelate payment period and the outstanding premium remains unpaid, we [...]
will not consider the
claim even if the outstanding premium due is subsequently paid unless your policy is on a premium holiday.
[...] 但除非现存留置权涉及一笔现时应付的款项,或者是现存留置权涉及现时须清偿或解除的负债或 委聘,又或在述明及要付清应付的款项,或指明负债或委聘并要求予以清偿或解除的书面 [...]
Subject to these Articles, the Company may sell in such manner as the Board determines any share on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless some sum in respect of which the lien exists is presently payable, or the liability or engagement in respect of which such lien exists is liable to be presently
fulfilled or discharged nor until the
[...] expiration of fourteen(14) clear days after [...]
a notice in writing, stating and demanding
payment of the sum presently payable, or specifying the liability or engagement and demanding fulfilment or discharge thereof and giving notice of the intention to sell in default, has been served on the registered holder for the time being of the share or the person entitled thereto by reason of his death or bankruptcy.
A call may be madepayable either in one sum or by instalments.
(d) 倘「专用卡」因任何理由被「会员」或「「生」暂时停止或终止使用,由「会员」因使用其「专用卡」根据「本章则」欠下「「 生」之一切款项(不论是否已志入「专用卡户口」或不论於「专用卡」暂时停止或终止使用之前或之後产生或发现)需即付清须经「「生」要求及(如适用)於产生或发现时即付清
(d) Upon suspension or termination of a Card by the Cardmember or by Hang Seng for whatever reason, all sums owing by the Cardmember to Hang Seng in connection with his/her Card or otherwise under these Terms (whether debited to the Card Account or not and whether incurred or discovered before or after such
[...] or termination) shall become immediately due andpayable withoutdemand and (where applicable) upon incurrence [...]
or discovery of the relevant indebtedness.
the loan was unsecured, bore interest at the best lending rate from time to time plus 3% per annum and
[...] was fully settled during the year.
於股东(无论单独或联同任何其他人士付清本公司支付的催缴股款 或应付分期付款连同应付利息及开支(如有)前,该股东概无权收取任何股息或红利 或(无论亲自或委任代表)出席任何股东大会及於会上投票(除非作为另一股东的受 委代表)或计入法定人数或行使作为股东的任何其他特权。
No Member shall be entitled to receive any dividend or bonus or to be present and vote (save as proxy for another Member) at any general meeting either personally or by proxy, or be reckoned in a quorum, or exercise any other privilege as a Member until all calls or instalments due by him to the Company, whether alone or jointly with any other person, together with interest and expenses (if any) shall have been paid.
如在执行主任提出要求两个月后,该成员仍未交付其缴款,应中止该 成员在理事会、行政和财务委员会及经济委员会的表决权,直至付清为 止。
If, at the expiration of two months after the request of the Executive Director, that Member has still not paid its contribution, the voting rights of that Member in the Council, the Administration and Finance
Committee and the Economics Committee shall be suspended until such time as
[...] it has made full payment of the contribution.
若公司结业,其资产可在成员间分配,但如不够偿还所有实付资本,此类资产应在各成员 按其已付资本所占公司资本比例承担相应损失或是在结业清付所持股份的股本後进行分 配;若公司停业,其资产可在成员间分配,且在停业时足以偿还所有实付资本,其超出部分应 按在结业时各成员已付资本付清所持股份的股本所占公司资本的比例进行分配,但本条 款不应损害在特殊条件下发行的任何股份持有人的权利。
If the Company shall be wound up and the assets available for distribution among the members as such shall be insufficient to repay the whole of the paid up Capital, such assets shall be distributed so that as near as may be the losses shall be borne by
the members in proportion
[...] to thecapital paid up or which ought to have been paidup at the commencement of the winding up on the shares held by them respectively and if in a winding up the assets available for distribution among the members shall be more than sufficient to repay the whole of thecapital paid up at the commencement of the windingup the excess [...]
shall be distributed
among the members in proportion to the capital at the commencement of the winding up paid up or which ought to have been paid up on the shares held by them respectively.
5.5 会费与垫款应在收到以上第5.3和5.4条所述总干事通知 后三十天内视为到期并须全付清者以有关年度第 一天为期限,两者中以较迟日期为准。
in full within thirty days of the receipt of the communications of the Director-General referred to in Regulations 5.3 and 5.4above oras of the first day of the year to which they relate, whichever is the later.
签于以上情况,委内瑞拉玻利维亚共和国政府请您转告联合国教科文组织大会,我们 将在年底之付清于 2000-2001 年度欠款的 1,282,555 美元,及周转基金的预付款。
In view of the above, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela wishes to inform the General Conference of UNESCO that, before the end of the year, it will pay US $1,282,555, equivalent to the amount owed for the period 2000-2001, and its advance to the Working Capital Fund which, as it has been informed by the Organization, is the minimum required to maintain the right to vote.
如果秘书处没有收到关于货物运抵伊拉克的所 需确认书,安全理事会可以选择取消其余据称货已到 但付清的信用证,伊拉克政府应对本组织、其 代表和代理人自石油换粮食方案开始以来在这方面 开展的一切活动给予全面豁免。
Absent the receipt by the Secretariat of the requisite confirmation of arrival of goods in Iraq, the Security Council has the option of cancelling the remaining letters of credit with outstanding claims of delivery, subject to the provision by the Government of Iraq of a comprehensive indemnity with regard to all activities of the Organization, its representatives and agents in connection with the oil-for-food programme since its inception.
学生在就读或退学时, 如有任何未清缴的费用或款项, 学校有权优先使用就读保证付清费用或款项。
The school has a first right to settle any outstanding fees or amounts owing to the school, either during the student’s attendance at the school, or after the student’s withdrawal, using the Placement Deposit.
[...] 几个已结束的维持和平特派团处于赤字状态,并强调 该集团请求所有国家尽付清
Recalling that several closed peacekeeping
missions were in deficit, she reiterated the Group’s request that all countries
[...] should settle theirarrears soon [...]
as possible.
(vii) 余下集团和私人公司集团之间的任何未偿付集团间余额将全付清而余下集 团和私人公司集团之间无任何借款、贷款或债务;及
(vii) any outstanding intra-group balances between the Remaining Group and the Privateco Group will be settled in full such that there will not be any borrowings, loans or liabilities between the Remaining Group and the Privateco Group; and
h. 在不损害旅客行李及物品之任何留置权的情况下,旅客同意承运人有权扣押属于旅客或旅客随行之任何行李或 物品,直至旅付清承运人之款项。
Without prejudice to any lien over Guest's baggage and goods, Guest agrees that Carrier shall be entitled to prevent any baggage or
goods belonging to or traveling with Guest from leaving the Vessel until all sums owed
[...] to Carrier by Guest havebeen paid.
他们明确指示单一区域付清度各工作组集中力量开展工作,以期在美 洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟/人民贸易协定下一届首脑会议上签署成立单一区域付清度的条约。
Theygave clear instruction to SUCRE working groups to focus their work with a view to the signing of the treaty establishing SUCRE at the next ALBA-TCP summit.
33.13 因这两种情况而产生的费用,可包括抚恤年金、因伤病不能工作而领取的每月补助金、一付 清久残疾偿金以及医疗、住院和其他有关费用。
33.13 The costs incurred on both those accounts may include death annuities, monthly benefits for incapacity resulting from injury or illness, lump-sum indemnities for permanent disabilities and medical, hospital and other related expenses.
朱巴的谈判代表最初暗示输送 费安排应该替换——而非补充——所给出的 26 亿美元的 现金交付,但在之后的几轮谈判中,他们又说如果同 意,输送费可以从最初商定的四年付清26 亿美元中 扣除。
Juba’s negotiators initially signalled that transit fee arrangements should replace – not complement – the $2.6 billion cash transfer on offer, though in later rounds of negotiations, they said that transit fees, if agreed, could be deducted from the $2.6 billion grant over the course of the initial four-year period.
关于警察的分部门战略初稿也已完成,并 在几个未决问题得到解决后,付清黎俱 乐部成员国的拖欠付款,并对开采自然资源所获特 [...]
别收入进行透明的财会结算,当局的请求可在本月 底之前提交基金组织执行董事会审批。
Subject to the resolution of a few pending issues, for
[...] example, the clearance of paymentarrears to members [...]
of the Paris Club and the transparent
accounting of exceptional revenue from the exploitation of natural resources, the authorities’ request could be submitted for approval to the IMF Executive Board before the end of this month.
如就任何股份未全清付(是否目前应付、一段固定时间内催缴 或应付) 股款,本公司应对该每一股份 (全额缴足股份除外) 拥有第一及 优先留置权;而且如果某一股东或其遗产对本公司欠有任何债务或责任, 本公司对於以其名义登记 (不论是单独或与他人联名) 的每一股份 (全额 缴足股份除外) 亦拥有第一及优先留置权,不论该等债务或责任是否在本 公司收到关於任何该股东以外的人之任何衡平法或其他权利的通知之前 或之後发生,不论等债务或责任的时间是否已到,亦不论该 等债务或责任是否是该股东或其遗产与其他人 (不管是否股东) 的共同债 务或责任。
The Company shall also have a first and paramount lien and charge on all shares (other than fully paidup shares) standing
[...] registered in the name of a shareholder, whether singly or jointly with any other person or persons, for all the debts and liabilities of such shareholders or his estate to the Company and whether the same shall have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such shareholder, and whether the period for the paymentordischarge of the same shall have actually arrived or not, and notwithstanding that the same are joint debts or liabilities of such shareholder or his estate and any other person, whether a shareholder of the Company or not.
(c) 在不影响第24及25项条文之情况下,当「「生」、「会员」任何一方取消或终止「专用卡」,或「赛马团体」或「合股人」经已
[...] 结单」或不时向「「生」查询当时「专用卡户口」、「赛马团体户口」及「合股人户口」之尚余结欠,以便支付欠款,而利息及财 务费用(如适用)会一直积累至欠款完清付
(c) Without prejudice to the provisions of Clauses 24 and 25, when a Card has been cancelled or terminated by the Cardmember or Hang Seng or when a Syndicate or a Partnership has been dissolved or when a Syndicate Account or a Partnership Account has been terminated, it is the duty of the Cardmember, the Syndicate Treasurer or the Managing Partner to request for updated Account Statement or to inquire with Hang Seng from time to time on the outstanding balance of the Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account for
repayment purpose and interest and finance charge (where applicable) shall continue to accrue
[...] thereon until full repayment.
[...] 作为一项或多於一项储备,按董事酌情决定用於应付对本公司申索 或责任或或有事项,清付借贷资本或平衡股息,或用於可恰 当运用本公司溢利的任何目的上;而在作出此等运用前,可按董事 [...]
适当的投资(包括本报公司购回自身证券或就收购自身证券提供任 何财务援助)上,以致毋需将任何构成一项或多於一项储备的任何 投资与本公司的任何其他投资保持独立及有所区别。
The Directors may, before recommending any dividend, set aside out of the profits of the Company such sums as they think fit as a reserve or reserves which shall, at the discretion of the Directors, be applicable for meeting claims
on or liabilities of the Company or
[...] contingencies or forpaying off any loancapital [...]
or for equalising dividends or for
any other purpose to which the profits of the Company may be properly applied, and pending such application may, at the like discretion, either be employed in the business of the Company or be invested in such investments (including in the repurchase by the Company of its own securities or the giving of any financial assistance for the acquisition of its own securities) as the Directors may from time to time think fit, and so that it shall not be necessary to keep any investments constituting the reserve or reserves separate or distinct from any other investments of the Company.
(b) 董事会可保留任何就或关于本公司有留置权的股份的股息或款项,并可将 之用于或用清付该留置的负债、债项或债务。
(b) The Board may retain any dividends or other moneys payable on or in respect of a share upon which the Company has a lien, and may apply the same in or towards satisfaction of the debts, liabilities or engagements in respect of which the lien exists.
本公司全清付及有关应计利息前,本公司将向中国数码抵押Listar销售股份, 就此,本公司将向中国数码寄存Listar销售股份之股票,及有关Listar销售股份经正式签 署之过户文件。
Pending full settlement of the Consideration and theaccrued interest thereon by the Company, the Listar Sale Shares will be pledged by the Company in favour of Sino-i and, to this end, the Company shall deposit with Sino-i, the share certificates representing the Listar Sale Shares together with duly-executed transfers in respect of the Listar Sale Shares.
2.3.4 待 创 新 科 技 署 署 长 接 纳 项 目 的 已 审 计 的 帐 目 ( 请 参 阅 第 五 章 第 5.4 段 ) 及 最 後 报 告 (请 参 阅 第 五 章 第 5.6 段 )後 , 政 府 方 会 发 放 最 後 一 期 的 小 型 企 业 研 究 资 助 计 划 拨 款 ,清 付未 提 供 的 资 助 款 额 。
2.3.4 The last instalment of SERAP Fund will be disbursed to settle any outstanding Government’s contribution after CIT has accepted the audited accounts (please refer to paragraph 5.4 of Chapter V) and final report (please refer to paragraph 5.6 of Chapter V) of the project.




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