

单词 二分



minim (music)


binary division (in bacterial reproduction)


one half

External sources (not reviewed)

二分法是 对此类特定合作伙伴关系的双重挑 战。
This dichotomy presents a dual challenge for this particular partnership.
(1) 立法會及全體委員會的會議法定人數為不少於全體議員二分之一,包括立法會主席或全體委員會主席在內。
(1) The quorum of the Council and of a committee of the whole Council shall be not less than one half of all its Members including the President or Chairman.
根据第 62/53 号决定的(a)(二)分段, 该国政府已致函臭氧秘书 处,请求根据《议定书》第 [...]
4 条将该国视为全面遵守了管制措施的缔约方。
In line with subparagraph (a)(ii) of decision [...]
62/53, the Government had already written to the Ozone Secretariat requesting
to be considered under Article 4 of the Protocol as a Party in full compliance with the control measures.
However, regarding passenger transport by rail
the average per-capita transport performance in China is about
[...] half of the respective value for the [...]
same year in Germany.
[...] 定同样适用于前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭的法官,因为 两法庭规约第 13 条之二和第 12 条二分别有 此规定,但由于两法庭的任务期即 [...]
将结束,有新的常任法官当选并因任职超过三年而有资格领取养恤金的可能性极 小(A/66/617,第 18 段)。
The Committee notes that, while this provision applies equally to the judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda by virtue of articles 13
[...] bis and 12 bis, respectively, of their statutes, [...]
with the impending completion
of the Tribunals’ mandates it is highly unlikely that any new permanent judges will be elected and become eligible for pension benefits by serving for more than three years (A/66/617, para. 18).
令人惊讶的是,估计全球人口中约有三分之一 二分 之 一的人,维生素D的水平不够理想。
Surprisingly, estimates are that approximately one-third to one-half of the global population has suboptimal vitamin D levels.
二分之一 活动得到了为数可观的预 算外捐款,这一点既说明该计划有能力获取资金,又 说明这种筹资方式往往是不可靠的,在资金管理方面 尤其如此。
Substantial extrabudgetary funding was provided for about half of these activities, which demonstrated the ability of this programme to attract funding but also the ongoing instability engendered by this type of funding, in particular with regard to management.
一般而言,卷一和二分别载 有届会主要会期中通过的决议和决定,卷三则载有续会期间通过的 决议和决定。
[...] volumes I and II contain resolutions and decisions adopted during the main part of the session, respectively, and volume [...]
III contains resolutions
and decisions adopted during the resumed part.
[...] 年共有三分之一的 需求者获得了有针对性的援助(在 2007 年则是二分之一)。
In 2008 the significant broadening of the criteria for the granting of targeted social assistance by the
State resulted in every third person in need (as
[...] compared with every twelfth person in 2007) receiving [...]
such assistance.
委員會就此事進行了研究,考慮到《基本法》第七十五條的規定, 立法會舉行會議的法定人數是“不少於全體議員 二分 之 一 ”,委員會認 為,法定人數應維持於30名議員,因30名議員肯定是“不少於全體議員二分之一”,不論“全體議員”被理解為60名或少於60名議員。
In consideration of Article 75 of the Basic Law (BL), which provides that the quorum of the Council shall be "not less than one half of all its Members", the Committee considered that the quorum of the Council should be maintained at 30 Members, as 30 Members is "not less than one half of all its members" irrespective of whether "all its members" should be taken to mean 60 or less than 60.
牢牢固定接头本体、将螺母紧二分 之一圈以使其停在 12 点钟的位置。
While holding the fitting body steady, tighten the nut one-half turn to the 12 o’clock position.
在讨论各项单独活动以及环境规划署和开发计划署原先所提关于氟氯烃淘汰管理计 划的的相应总费用时,秘书处注意到第 62/10 号决定,执行委员会在该决定中决定,对于
旨在在《蒙特利尔议定书》时间表之前淘汰氟氯烃、并系根据第 60/15 号决定提交的氟氯 烃淘汰管理计划,可供实现
[...] 100%的淘汰使用的全部供资,应根据可供实现第 60/44 号决 定 f(十二)分段的表格所规定削减 35%的消费量的供资来进行推断。
In discussing the individual activities and the corresponding total cost of the initial HPMP submission with UNEP and UNDP, the Secretariat noted decision 62/10 where the Executive Committee decided that for the HCFC phase-out management plans which addressed phase-out of HCFCs ahead of the Montreal Protocol schedule and had been submitted in line with decision 60/15, the total funding available for achieving 100 per cent phase-out would be extrapolated from that available
for meeting the 35 per cent reduction in consumption as prescribed in the
[...] table in subparagraph f(xii) of decision 60/44.
此外,蘇鑰機亦指出,大部分市民對立法的意見都很一致,並呼籲政府及其執政聯盟認真地聽取民意:「不要再搞『請吃飯看戲』等小動作…製造 二分 』 、 「有人反對、也有很多人支持」的假象,更不要再說市民被人「誤導」,這只是在侮辱人民的智慧。
Besides, So pointed out that most of the people did indeed share a common view regarding the legislation, he called for the government and its coalition to listen to public opinion carefully, and "not try stupid acts like offering free meals and movie tickets to the citizens
on July 1… to create false
[...] impression that the public is divided… They should never [...]
say again the public is "misled" as this
only insults the intelligence of the people.
该委员会指出,宣称其中一种权利不在法院的管辖之内,将是“武断的, 而且违背两组权利不可分割和相互依赖的原则”。51 实际上,正是因为这两类权利不可分
[...] 割的特质,使得在实践中,在法院适当角色的问题上,不可能 二分 法 下的角色制度化。
The Committee states that to declare this one category of rights to be beyond the reach of courts would be “arbitrary and incompatible with the principle that the two sets of rights are indivisible and interdependent”.51 The indivisibility of the two categories of rights, in
fact, makes it a practical impossibility to
[...] institutionalise a bifurcation with respect [...]
to the appropriate role of courts.
2007 年和 2009 年在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的类似会议的公报已分别作为 S/2007/421 号文件附件二和 S/2009/303 号文件附二分发。
The communiqués of the similar meetings held in Addis Ababa in 2007 and 2009 were circulated as annex II to document S/2007/421 and annex II to document S/2009/303, respectively.
倘董事會並 未於送交要求之日起計 21 日內妥為召開須於其後 21 日內舉行的大會,則請
[...] 求人本人或擁有所有請求人全部表決 二分 之 一以上的任何請求人可盡可能 按接近董事會召開大會的相同方式召開股東大會,惟按上述方式召開的任何 [...]
If the Board does not within 21 days from the date of deposit of the requisition proceed duly to convene the meeting to be held within a further 21 days, the requisitionist(s) themselves or
any of them representing more than one-half
[...] of the total voting rights of all [...]
of them, may convene the general meeting in
the same manner, as nearly as possible, as that in which meetings may be convened by the Board provided that any meeting so convened shall not be held after the expiration of three months from the date of deposit of the requisition, and all reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionist(s) as a result of the failure of the Board shall be reimbursed to them by the Company.
城市地区最贫穷的家庭住所内有饮用水供 水管的可能性只是最富有家庭的 二分 之 一
In urban areas, the poorest households
[...] are 12 times less likely than [...]
the richest to have a piped drinking water supply on the premises.
(e) 董事会所有会议的法定人数应超过董事人数的一半,行使不少 二分 之 一 的总投票权。
(e) A quorum for any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be a majority of the Directors exercising not less than one-half of the total voting power.
在荷兰, 自愿协议已经带 来了额外能源效率的提高, 如果没有这些协议就不 可能实现;荷兰制造业节能量平均有四分之一二 分之一 能归因于协议及其支持措施的政策组合。
Countries chose to cooperate with each other in order to share costs, spread risks, avoid duplication, access facilities, enhance domestic capabilities, support specific economic and political objectives, harmonize standards, accelerate market learning and create goodwill.
这项特别措施要求参加 比例制竞选的候选人名单上必须男女各半;因此,在 有党派提名参选、拥有多个议员席位的选区中,名单 上提出的候选人二分之一 必须是妇女。
The special measure requires that the candidates on the lists for proportional races be listed alternately by gender; thus for multi-seat constituencies where there will be party lists, every other candidate on the lists must be a woman.
由於第1–2項普通決議案有超二分 之 一 的贊成票數,因此該等普通決議案獲通過為本 公司的普通決議案。
As more than one-half of the votes were cast in favour of ordinary resolution nos. 1 to 2, the ordinary resolutions were duly passed as the ordinary resolutions of the Company.
尽管增长迅速,2030 年中国的人均交通能源消耗同欧洲 经济合作发展组织和德国相比还是低 二分 之 一
Despite this sharp increase, transport energy consumption per capita in China in 2030 will still be less than half compared to OECD Europe and Germany.
注意:若选择晶体/陶瓷振荡器或外部时钟作为时 钟源,时钟频率将二分频, 然后作为系统时钟 (F SYS )提供给 [...]
CPU,供其正常工作。所以若想得到 8MHz 的系统时钟,晶体/陶瓷振荡器或外部时钟 必须设为 16MHz。
Note that when choosing Crystal / Resonator or external clock, the clock
[...] frequency will be divided by two after [...]
feeding into chip.
83 第三,在对法庭的弹劾过程中,巩发党控制的议会 彰显了巨大实力,巩发党拥有超过半数的议会席 位,只要能再争取另外 10%席位的支持——不管是 像弹劾宪法法庭事件中的军方支持,还是来自其他
[...] 党派的支持——就能满足弹劾任何政府成员所需要 的议会上下二分之三的席位。
With over half of the seats, the party has the ability to impeach any public official if it is able to secure the support of an additional 10 per cent of representatives – either from
the military bloc or, as in the tribunal case, other parties – to reach the
[...] required two-thirds majority in both houses.
When focused on the hyperfocal distance, the depth of field extends from one-half the hyperfocal distance to infinity.
在2011年8月22 日举行的第一次会议上,人权理事会审议了工作安排, 包括发言时间限制:理事会成员国限时三分钟,理事会观察员国家,非理事会成 员国观察员及其他观察员限二分钟。
At its 1st meeting, held on 22 August 2011, the Human Rights Council considered the organization of its work, including speaking time limits, which would be three minutes for statements by States Members of the Council and two minutes for statements by observer States of the Council, observers for non-Member States of the Council and other observers.
在管理局 2000 年第六届会议上,大会决定,经财务委员会的建议, 将周转基金数额增加到 438 000
[...] 美元,约占 2001 年至 2002 年财政期间年度预算 开支的二分之一
At the sixth session of the Authority, in 2000, the Assembly decided, on the recommendation of the Finance Committee, to increase the level of the Fund to
US$ 438,000, which amount represented
[...] approximately one twelfth of the annual estimated [...]
expenditures for the financial period 2001-2002.
该产品突破常规闭路粉磨系统“粗、细粉 二分 离 理论,将物料“一分为三”,即粗粉、中粗粉和细粉,该产品系统配置简单、成本低谦,能大幅度提高磨机产量。
The product breaks out the conventional
closed-circuit grinding
[...] system, the two separation theory of “coarse and fine powder”, and makes from one [...]
to three, the coarse powder,
middle coarse powder, and fine powder, the configuration of this product system is simple, and the cost is low, and it can greatly improve the mill production.
基督联盟是不是另一个工会的性质直接 二分 之 一,但hypostasis联盟中的两个之一,因此,他们是不同而不可分割的,和其他交流与每个行为研究。
The union in Christ is not a union of two natures directly with one another, but a union of the two in one hypostasis; thus they are distinct yet inseparable, and each acts in communion with the other.
銀河娛樂集團總裁及首席營運總監萬卓祺先生表示:「對於再度與Double R Racing車隊合作,以及能夠繼續支持澳門格蘭披治大賽車這項重要的國際盛事,把世界頂級賽車手帶到澳門,我們感到 二分 興 奮
Commenting on the announcement, Mr. Michael Mecca, President and COO, Galaxy Entertainment Group said: “We are incredibly excited to be once again partnering with Double R Racing and continuing to support the Macau Grand Prix’s rich heritage of bringing the best drivers in the world to the city.




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