

单词 首度

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平治AMG的E 50 AMG於日內瓦汽車首度亮相 ,見證平治AMG由純粹總成過渡至總成以及生產的重要轉捩點。
Mercedes-AMG premieres the E 50 AMG at [...]
the Geneva Automobile Salon, marking Mercedes-AMG's evolution from pure assembly
to assembly and manufacturing.
150.4 倘根據第 149.3
[...] 條採用報章廣告方式送達,須被視為於該等通知或文 首度 刊 發 當日已送 達。
150.4 if served by advertisement in newspaper in accordance
with Article 149.3, shall be deemed to have been served on the day on which such
[...] notice or document is first published.
有 關 標 的 股 票 之 成 本 以 本 公 司 之A股 股 票 於 深 圳 交 易 所首 度 同 意 有 關 本 計 劃 之 董 事 會 之 前 的 一 個 交 易 日 的 收 市 價 為 基 準 為 每 股 人 民 幣'0.0'元。
The subscription price is RMB30.05 per share, being the closing price of the Company’s A shares as quoted on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the trading day immediately preceding the date on which the board meeting for reviewing the share incentive scheme was convened for the first time.
[...] Fine Wines 的年度品酒盛事於今首度由香 港伸延至澳門,並將於11月28日假澳門威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店的高級意大利餐廳碧濤意國漁鄉舉行。
The annual fine wine tasting fair in Hong Kong organised by one of China’s
leading fine wine importers, ASC Fine
[...] Wines, will for the first time be extended [...]
to Macao at The Venetian  Macao Resort
Hotel’s Portofino Restaurant on November 28.
本次 2012
[...] 台北新車大展展出包括於國首度登 場 首 演 的 全新 911 Carrera S 及經典的911 [...]
Carrera 4 GTS,中置引擎的 Boxster S,以操控及輕量化性能掛帥的 Cayman R,四門四座跑車 Panamera
系列展出最新發表的 Panamera Diesel 及以節能為號召的Panamera S Hybrid 跟Panamera 車系旗艦車款馬力高達 550 匹的 Panamera Turbo S,至於在台灣銷售最受歡迎的 Cayenne 運動休旅車也在現場展出。
The 2012 Taipei International Auto
[...] Show featured the first ever appearance of [...]
the brand new 911 Carrera S in Taiwan, as
well as the iconic 911 Carrera 4 GTS, the mid-engined Boxster S, and the sweet-handling and ultra-light Cayman R; the 4 door Panamera sports car line also launched the Panamera Diesel, the energy efficient Panamera S Hybrid, and the flagship model of the line, the 550-horsepower Panamera Turbo S. As for the Cayenne, the most popular model in Taiwan was also on display at the auto show.
在汽車工業領域,LED首度應用 是在1992年,一開始是提供給第三煞車燈用的。
AUDI announced that LED (LIGHT EMITTING DIODE) will be fully applicable in PARIS MOTOR SHOW 2007.
上述系列产品隶属于新的产品类别SILPURAN® UR, 该产品类别在医疗用品设计及制造展览会上 首度 向 公 众亮相。
These product lines belong to a new class of SILPURAN® UR products to be presented to the public for the first time at MD&M. SILPURAN® UR is especially targeted toward long-term medical applications such as port access systems or disk and joint implants.
Since debuting last year at Shanghai [...]
United Family Hospital & Clinics (SHU), Endo Venous Laser Treatment (EVLT) for varicose
veins has become a popular solution for the painful condition.
澳門威尼斯人®-度假村-酒店將於2013年2月22日及23日為澳 首度 帶 來 於日本人氣飆升的新世代搖滾舞樂團 “伎樂天”( Samurai Rock Orchestra) ,並假金光綜藝館™呈獻只此兩晚的《伎樂天 『弦光舞影』奇技之旅》。
The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel is bringing one of the hottest performance groups from Japan, Samurai Rock Orchestra, to the CotaiArena™ stage on February 22 and 23, 2013, with a two-night-only performance SRO Concert in Macau 2013 that combines rock music, energetic dancing and highly-skilled acrobatics in one extravaganza.
全新LEAP® CHAIR COACH® 特別版座椅,是兩間國際知名品 首度 合 作 的成果,為業內開創先河。
The Leap Chair Coach
[...] Edition is the first product to result from this first-of-its-kind partnership [...]
between the office furniture
manufacturing and high-end consumer goods industries.
In 2010, Bosch brought its exciting event - the "Bosch Power Tools Cordless Race" from Europe to China.
莱恩斯特还包括欧洲最大型同时也是最壮观的新石器时代遗址——纽格兰奇(Newgrange)、充满活力 首度 都 柏林、有着舒适而青翠乡间的威克洛以及有着众多诺曼建筑和热闹气氛的基尔肯尼。
Leinster includes Newgrange, Europe's greatest and most stunning Neolithic monument, the vibrant capital city of Dublin, the luxurious verdant countryside of Wicklow, and Kilkenny with its rich Norman architecture and lively atmosphere.
本 公 司董 事 預 期,應 用 上述 準則或 詮 釋不會對 本集 團首度 應 用期 間的 財務 報表 造成 重大 影 響。
The directors of the Company anticipate that the application of the above standards or interpretations will have no material impact on the financial statements of the Group in the period of their initial application.
梅賽德斯-奔馳香港有限公司營運總裁魏德博士說: 首度 於 香 港展出的全新C 63 AMG 轎跑車,糅合超卓性能及矚目設計於一身,為今天開幕錦上添花。
To leave a remarkable impression
of today, the new Mercedes-Benz C 63 AMG
[...] Coupé makes its first debut in Hong Kong, [...]
which offers the perfect synthesis of
extraordinary performance and expressive design.
除了已獲全球車迷一致肯定的Porsche-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe(PDK)雙離合器自手排變速箱 首度 搭 載的引擎自動啟閉功能之外 ,Panamera還擁有了多項首次應用於豪華性能跑車級距中的創新科技,包括於各個懸吊彈簧上皆裝載額外氣瓶的全新保時捷自主調整氣壓式懸載系統,以及頂級Panamera [...] [...]
Apart from the PDK Porsche-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe or
[...] Double-Clutch Gearbox and the first Start-Stop system [...]
in conjunction with automatic transmission,
the technical innovations the Panamera is introducing for the first time in a production model in the luxury performance class include Porsche’s new adaptive air suspension with additional air volume on-demand in each spring as well as active aerodynamics featuring a rear spoiler with multi-dimensional adjustment moving up at the appropriate speed on the top-of-the-range Panamera Turbo.
Dior 首度於配 方中加入睫毛護理活性成分,使睫毛更加柔軟、閃亮及明顯動人。
For the first time at Dior, a lash [...]
care active ingredient has been added to the formula to make the lashes suppler, shinier and visibly more beautiful.
香港大學李嘉誠醫學院臨床腫瘤學系腫瘤遺傳實驗 首度 發 現 核糖核酸(RNA)編輯現象會令正常細胞變成癌細胞,導致罹患肝癌。
The Cancer Genetic Laboratory of the Department of Clinical Oncology, The University of Hong Kong
(HKU) Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine,
[...] discovered for the first time a ribonucleic [...]
acid (RNA) editing event which predisposes
to liver cancer by transfrorming normal liver cells into tumour cells.
香港大學李嘉誠醫學院研究團隊與醫管局多家醫院合作 首度 在 KC NJ2基因附近的染色體17q24.3發現甲狀腺機能亢進(甲亢)的其中一個併發症—甲狀腺間歇性癱瘓(TPP)的致病基因變異。
A team of researchers at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), working with other experts from Hospital Authority hospitals, has discovered a DNA variation located on chromosome 17q24.3 near KCNJ2 gene was significantly associated with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP).
Following the
[...] success of this first endowment, the Foundation [...]
is exploring relationships with other universities.
最初的理论是在1973年首度引进 美国医学界;亚舍-哈珀(Asher-Harper)研究提出将HCG管理和一天摄取500卡路里热量相结合的饮食方法可以作为对抗肥胖的一种有效工具。
The original idea was first introduced to the [...]
American medical community in 1973; the Asher-Harper study proposed that the
combination of HCG administration and a 500-calorie-a-day diet would be an effective tool against obesity.
如上表B所示,本公司先前已於2010年8月23日特別股東大會上,獲股東們同意通過(從2010年8月當時 首度 公開 發行募集資金餘額)分配$2,001,000,作為一般營運資金以供集團現有營運之需,並因應額外營運資金需 求。
As shown in Table B above, the Company had previously obtained approval at the EGM on 23 August 2010 to allocate $2,001,000 (of the balance IPO proceeds then in August 2010) to be used as general working capital requirements for the Group’s existing operations as well as to cater to its additional working capital purposes.
以調查整體樣本計算,特首的支 度首 次 跌破50分,而支持率淨值則為負14個百分比。
In terms of total sample, his support rating has dropped
[...] below 50 for the first time, while his [...]
net approval rate now stands at negative 14 percentage points.
在亚洲及太平洋地区,总干事出访了下列会员国:在庆祝婆罗浮图神庙保护运动结束 二十周年而召开的第四届婆罗浮图问题国际专家会议(2003 年 7 月 4-8 日)之际访问了印度 尼西亚(2003 年 7 月 2--6 日);最近加入本组织的第 189
个会员国,赢得独立(2002 年 5 月 20 日)后刚好一年多的东帝汶(2003
[...] 年 7 月 6--7 日);两次访问度,首先是2003 年 7 月 9--11 日在举行国际部长级会议“文明对话:探索新前景”之际,其次是 [...]
2003 年 11
月 9-13 日在新德里召开的教科文组织全民教育高层工作组第三次会议时;孟加拉国(2003 年 11 月 13--17 日),在此期间,他签订了促进技术和职业教育项目的业务运作计划;不丹(2003 年 11 月 17--20 日)---这是总干事自该国于 1982 年加入本组织以来的首次访问。
In the Asia and the Pacific region, the Director-General paid official visits to: Indonesia (2-6 July 2003) on the occasion of the Fourth International Experts’ Meeting on Borobudur (4-8 July 2003) which marked the twentieth anniversary of the closing of the Borobudur Safeguarding Campaign; Timor-Leste (6-7 July 2003) the Organization’s 189th and newest Member State, just over
one year after it attained independence
[...] (20 May 2002); India, first, from 9 to 11 July [...]
2003, on the occasion of the International
Ministerial Conference “Dialogue among Civilizations: Quest for New Perspectives” and, from 9 to 13 November 2003, on the occasion of UNESCO’s Third Meeting of the High-Level Group on Education for All hosted in New Delhi; Bangladesh (13-17 November 2003) where he signed a Plan of Operations for a Technical and Vocational Training project; Bhutan (17-20 November 2003) – this being the first visit by a Director-General since the country joined the Organization in 1982.
谨通知你,上海合作组织成员国已经签署 2010 年 6
[...] 月 10 日至 11 日在塔什 干举行上合组织第十次度首脑会 议《宣言》(见附件)。
I have the honour to inform you that the member States of the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization have signed the attached
[...] declaration at the tenth annual summit of the Organization, [...]
which was held in Tashkent on
10 and 11 June 2010 (see annex).
如今清楚的是,一个国家遭受全球金融危机冲击的 度 , 首 先 取 决于其金融、 经济和银行系统的稳定性和健全度,并取决于这些系统内在防御机制的强度。
Today, it is clear
[...] that a country’s degree of vulnerability to the impact of the global financial crisis depends first and foremost on [...]
the stability and soundness
of its financial, economic and banking systems and on the strength of those systems’ built-in defence mechanisms.
在九 七 金 融 風 暴 下 , 該度 首 次受到考驗, 多間銀 行發生了 擠 提事件 , 即 使大如渣 打 銀 行 也 出 現 擠 提,由此說 明,現行做 法 難 以 有 效 穩 定 存戶信 心 , 只有推行 存 款 保 險 制 度 , 才能發 揮 功 效 。
This shows that the current practice cannot effectively stabilize depositors' confidence, and this can be achieved only with the implementation of the deposit insurance system.
對於上述的調查結果,民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「市民對董建華施政方針的滿意 度首 次 跌 破一成,而對整個特區政府的滿意程度亦只有一成二,正正反映了市民對現狀的不滿。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, made the following observations on the latest findings: "The fact that people's
satisfaction with CE's policy direction fell
[...] below 10% for the first time, and that their [...]
satisfaction with the entire government
was only 12%, is a clear reflection of their dissatisfaction with the current situation.
同样,《日内瓦度报告 》也回顾称,缔约国还在卡塔赫首 脑会 议上强调,如果没有可持续的筹资方法,支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务, 这无疑将对执行进程产生不利影响。
As well, the Geneva Progress Report recalled that at the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties [...]
also highlighted that, without
a sustainable means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings, which no doubt would adversely affect the implementation process.
此外,拟将驻巴基斯坦首席 安保顾问员额改叙为 D-1 职等,原因是,按照其规模、复杂 度 和 承 担的责任, 再加上复杂的人道主义紧急情况,驻巴基斯坦安保管理系统堪比一个大型维持和 平行动。
In addition, the
[...] post of the Chief Security Adviser in Pakistan is proposed to be reclassified to the D-1 level as, in terms of size, complexity and degree of responsibility, [...]
in combination
with a complex humanitarian emergency, the security management system in Pakistan is considered comparable to a large peacekeeping operation.
计划托管基金(预算外项目)总体开支的净增长为 3.5%(2490
[...] 万美元),主要是由于 各研究所(包括本双度首次列 入的教科文组织终身学习研究所)以及其他特别帐户和信托 [...]
基金开支的增加,而巴西是例外,减少了 2200 万美元。
The overall net increase of 3.5% ($24.9 million) in expenditure on Programme Fiduciary Funds (extrabudgetary activities) was principally
due to the institutes (with the
[...] inclusion of UIL for the first time this biennium), [...]
and other Special Accounts and Trust
Funds, with the exception of Brazil where expenditure showed a decrease of $22 million.




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