

单词 私事

私事 ()

personal matters

See also:


private adj
personal adj
selfish adj


matter n
work n
affair n
item n

External sources (not reviewed)

这 种想法使人想起力图宽容对妇女或儿童的家庭暴力,将其作为 私事 ” 的 陈词滥 调,而不承认这类行为构成的罪行。
This thinking is reminiscent of archaic arguments that sought to
condone domestic violence against
[...] women or children as a “private matter”, rather than [...]
recognizing the crimes that such acts constitute.
必须再次强调,自秘书长提交其上一份关 于安理会第
[...] 1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告以来,黎巴嫩军队和安全机构没有 报告过一起武器私事件。
It must again be underlined that the Lebanese Army and security apparatus have made no reports on incidents of arms smuggling since the date
the Secretary-General submitted his last report on the implementation of resolution 1701
[...] (2006) to the Security Council.
3 月 5 日,在阿比让附近的阿格伯维尔,“多佐” 猎人对一私事的暴力干预导致 5 人受伤。
On 5 March, in Agboville near Abidjan, five people were injured when dozos
[...] violently intervened in a private matter.
雙卡槽設計,無論處理公私事,或 穿梭不同地區都與你隨時隨行,分秒接通,聯繫最強。
No matter you are handling business or private matters, even if you are [...]
commuting between different places, the Dual SIM
slot design allows you to communicate with people in a more convenient way.
我希望并相信,新的一年将给世界各国 和各国人民的私事务带 来更大的和平与安宁。
I hope and trust that it will bring greater peace and serenity, to
[...] both the public and private affairs of peoples and [...]
nations around the world.
由国务院协调的防核走私外联倡议寻求改善走私威胁最大的国家预防、 发现和应对核私事件的能力。
The Nuclear Smuggling Outreach Initiative (NSOI), coordinated by the Department of State, seeks to improve the
ability of countries where the smuggling threat is greatest to prevent,
[...] detect, and respond to incidents of nuclear smuggling.
家庭法案件以非公开庭审形式审理,目的是保护显然涉及极其敏感和私 事项的案件当事人的身分。
The objective is to protect the identity of the parties to what are clearly cases involving
[...] very sensitive and private matters.
国务院的核贩运应对小组可以提供一系列援助,帮助其他政府有效应对 核私事件。
The Department of State’s Nuclear Trafficking Response
Group (NTRG) can provide a range of assistance to help other Governments respond
[...] effectively to nuclear smuggling incidents.
为您的最终用户提供帮助他们在工作 私事 之 间 无缝切换的免提音频解决方案 – 无论他们在哪里、无论他们正在使用什么、无论何时 [...]
– 从您的 IT 解决方案获得最大效益。
Offer your end users hands-free audio
solutions that help them switch
[...] seamlessly between work and private tasks – wherever they [...]
are, whatever they’re using, at
any time – and get the most out of your IT solutions.
直到最近,这一严重的社会问题一直隐藏在公众视线之外,在多数情况下,人们将其看 私事。
Until recently, this serious social problem was hidden from the public view and
[...] considered mostly a private matter.
私事務的相關問題應送交 CIT 的 隱私總監。
Questions regarding privacy issues should be directed to CIT's Chief Privacy Officer.
如需了解更多信息,请参阅《企 业政策》第 118 条“事与私事的关系”的内容)。
(For more information, refer to Corporate Policy #C-118
[...] Interrelation of Business and Personal Affairs).
如果被判刑罪犯尚未收押,并且不构成可能潜逃或以其他方式阻挠执行驱逐 令的危险,审案法官可给予犯罪人合理时间(不超过 1 个月)处私事。
If the sentenced offender remains at liberty and there is no danger that he or she might abscond or otherwise obstruct the execution of the expulsion order, the judge
presiding over the case may allow the offender reasonable time (not more than one month) to
[...] arrange his or her personal affairs.
[...] 全部权利,如果一位成人/教师对他们进行殴打则被认为是正当合法的形式,实施惩罚被认 为私事。
Some of the reasons why such violence takes place is because children are not full adults and thus are not considered as having full rights,
beating is considered a legitimate form of justice if an adult/teacher does it and
[...] discipline is considered a private matter.
委员会请缔约国在其下次定期报告中纳入有关资料说明囚犯 私 营 公司 从 事 劳动的工作条件以及为保障他们的劳动权利所采取的措施,例如视察员。
The Committee requests the State party to include information in its next periodic report on
the conditions of work of prisoners
[...] performing labour for private companies as well [...]
as on the measures taken to safeguard
their labour rights, such as inspections.
配额制度确保了向残疾人分配一定 比例的培训和就业机会,并确保他们能 事私 营 项 目、获得贷款、有指定的专用 停车位和享有应得的交通权益。
A quota system ensures that a certain proportion of training and employment opportunities are allocated to
persons with disabilities and that
[...] they are able to undertake private projects, obtain [...]
loans, have designated parking spaces
and transportation entitlements.
在加入 Blackstone 之前,Blank
[...] 先生是旧金山 Texas Pacific Group (TPG) 的经理,事私募股 权投资交易的评估和执行。
Prior to joining Blackstone, Mr. Blank was an Associate at Texas
Pacific Group (TPG) in San Francisco, where he was involved in the
[...] evaluation and execution of private equity transactions.
對傳統大學來說,舉辦新課程和吸引新學生報讀都是輕而易 舉事,〔私人公 司〕卻要通過非常繁複的註冊及審核程序。
It is easy for the traditional universities to introduce new programs and to attract new students into the programs.
[...] 成员强调了私立标准对质量和高质量市场准入的积极效应,但其他许多成员表达了下列 关注:在进口环节采私立标准造 事 实 上 的贸易壁垒,尤其对发展中国家制造了难度; 遵守这些标准要求私立机构的多重认证,对小规模生产者成本不菲;在很多情况下私立 [...]
定过程缺乏透明度和包容性;在某些情况下,这些标准不符合《卫生及植物检疫措施协 定》的要求。
While some WTO members had underlined the positive aspects of private standards on quality and access to high quality markets, many other members had expressed
the following concerns:
[...] the application of private standards at the import stage resulted in de facto barriers to [...]
trade, and created difficulties
especially for developing countries; complying with these standards required multiple certification by private bodies, with a high cost for small producers; in many cases private standards were more restrictive and prescriptive than government standards and Codex standards and often had no scientific basis; the process by which private standards were set lacked transparency and inclusiveness; and in some cases such standards did not meet the requirements of the SPS Agreement.
我所以提出這條問題,因為知道政府在招聘㆟員擔 ,因為知道政府在招聘㆟員擔 ,因為知道政府在招聘㆟員擔 ,因為知道政府在招聘㆟員擔 任公營機構的專業職位時 業團體並不承認可用以事私㆟執業的㆒些專業資格 業團體並不承認可用以事私㆟執業的㆒些專業資格 業團體並不承認可用以事私㆟執業的㆒些專業資格 業團體並不承認可用以事私㆟執業的㆒些專業資格。
The reason I ask this question is that I
[...] understand that in relation to recruitment in the public sector for professional posts the Government recognizes professional qualifications, some of which are not recognized by the professional bodies in Hong Kong for the purpose of private practice.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和 事 司 法 机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共 私 营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 [...]
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in
particular anti-corruption
[...] bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including [...]
the management of public
resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
進出口銀行是一家享有獨立地位之美國政府機構,主要 事私 營 出 口融資,提供多元化 之融資機制,包括直接貸款、營運資金擔保、出口信貸保險,以及提供融資協助外國買 [...]
Ex-Im Bank is an independent U.S. government agency
[...] principally engaged in private export financing, [...]
and it provides a variety of financing
mechanisms, including direct loan, working capital guarantees, export-credit insurance and financing to help foreign buyers purchase U.S. goods and services.
在 2011 年实质性会议上,理事会第 2011/242 号决定注意到秘书长的说明: 转递联合国教育、科学及文化组织总 事 关 于 遗传 私 权 和 不歧视的报告 (E/2011/108),其中请机构间生物伦理委员会继续定期讨论遗传隐私权和不歧视 问题,以确定需要进行一致或共同努力的领域,并处理影响加强这一领域合作的 [...]
At its substantive session of 2011, the Council, in its decision 2011/242, took note of the note by the
Secretary-General transmitting the
[...] report of the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on genetic privacy and non-discrimination [...]
(E/2011/108), invite
the Inter-Agency Committee on Bioethics to continue to regularly address the issue of genetic privacy and non-discrimination in order to identify areas calling for concerted or joint efforts and address major gaps and constraints affecting enhanced cooperation in the field.
主席先生 主席先生 主席先生 主席先生,我以為公務員事務司仍然有點兒答非所問 ,我以為公務員事務司仍然有點兒答非所問 ,我以為公務員事務司仍然有點兒答非所問 ,我以為公務員事務司仍然有點兒答非所問,因為我詢問政府有否任何計劃 ,因為我詢問政府有否任何計劃 ,因為我詢問政府有否任何計劃 ,因為我詢問政府有否任何計劃, ,, , 更改聘請專業㆟員擔任專業職位時所訂的專業資格
[...] 更改聘請專業㆟員擔任專業職位時所訂的專業資格 更改聘請專業㆟員擔任專業職位時所訂的專業資格,轉而只承認本港各有關專業團體承 ,轉而只承認本港各有關專業團體承 ,轉而只承認本港各有關專業團體承 ,轉而只承認本港各有關專業團體承 認可用以事私㆟執業的專業資格?
MR SIMON IP: I think we are still slightly talking at crossed purposes, Mr President, because I am asking whether the Government has any plans to change the professional qualifications for the purpose of appointing officers to
professional grades in
[...] relation to qualifications which only the professional bodies in Hong Kong would recognize for private practice?
[...] 命条件不仅载有关于利益冲突的一般规定,还载有关于接受礼品和荣誉称号、在 组织外任职、事私人投 资管理的规定以及财务申报的规定。
The terms of appointment specify that the executive heads are subject to the code of conduct of the organization, and include not only a general clause on conflict of interest but
also stipulations on gifts and honours, non-profit
[...] service, outside employment, private investment management, [...]
and FDS.
王先生在1995年与别人共同成立了纳斯达克经纪自营商,专门研究在美国证券交易所和费城证券交易所 事私 募 股 份的合并和收购,并随后管理一个美国国内的对冲基金。
Alex Wang co-founded a NASD broker dealer in 1995
[...] that specialized in private placements to merge [...]
and acquire options specialist books
on the Philadelphia and American Stock Exchanges and subsequently manages a domestic hedge fund.
[...] 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條 例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 [...]
官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。
That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to
complete the review of the applicability of
[...] the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the [...]
CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in
these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.




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