

单词 用力



applied force
active force


the weak force (in particle physics)


abuse of power

External sources (not reviewed)

旋转荷电棒时不用力过 大,否则会损坏。
Do not press too hard when rotating it or it could be damaged.
用力推或 击打保险拴的末端,以锁上活塞保险拴。
Push hard or hit end of safety lock, to engage piston safety lock.
全新系列的 Orbit 3 模块使第三方传感器,如力、作 用力 和 温 度传感器能够通过通用协议连接到同一网络。
The new range of Orbit 3 modules enable third party sensors,
[...] such as pressure, force and temperature, to [...]
connect to the same network using a common protocol.
扭矩的反用力通过 低摩擦力的键被传递到中心柱或扭矩反 用力衬 垫
The torque reaction is transferred to the center column through low friction keys or torque reaction pads.
还注意到,潜在影响的用力可能 受到非《公约》附件一所列缔约方的体制 [...]
Also noting that the impacts of
potential consequences may be influenced by the
[...] institutional capacity and regulatory [...]
framework in Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention
[...] 荒漠化,过去及未来的环境及全球变化,地质学和考 古学的关系,文化遗产和地质用力 ( 如 滑坡、地 陷、地震、海岸退化)以及地质对人类健康的影响等 [...]
Very successful projects dealt with monitoring, assessment and prediction of geological hazards, desertification, past and future environment and global change, interrelation of
geology and archaeology, cultural heritage
[...] and geological forces (e.g. landslides, [...]
collapsing ground, seismic shocks and
coastal degradation), and the impact of geology on human health.
切勿过用力,因为这将刮花喷 嘴区域。
Do not apply excessive force as it could scratch [...]
the nozzle area.
行[8.2] 中輸入工作循環參數和行[8.7, 8.8,
[...] 8.11, 8.12]中輸入彈簧尺寸後,用力需要壓縮彈簧至目標長度,自動執行強度檢查。
After entering parameters of the working cycle in section [8.2] and dimensions
of the spring in rows [8.7, 8.8, 8.11,
[...] 8.12], the working forces needed to squeeze [...]
the spring to the desired length and the
strength check are performed automatically.
此外,這些地區均認為釣魚活動是以休閒為主,對海洋 資源的用力度較商業捕魚為低,所以他們有意識地鼓勵當地漁民投入 [...]
支援釣魚愛好業的業務,例如載客、提供培訓,大大降低漁民對商業性 捕魚的依賴,於是便能更好地保育海洋。
Besides, in these places, as fishing activities are primarily recreational in nature and thus consume less
marine resources than commercial fishing,
[...] there are conscious efforts to encourage local [...]
fishermen to engage in businesses supporting
the angling trade, such as the provision of passenger services and training, which will greatly reduce fishermen's dependence on commercial fishing, thereby facilitating better marine conservation.
使用已用力拧过 ,稍微带一点湿的博纳清洁垫,并用博纳拖把对地板表面进行彻底清洁。
Use a slightly dampened, well wrung-out [...]
Bona Cleaning Pad, and thoroughly clean the floor surface with your Bona Mop.
因为内部的弹簧没有动作,所以不会有自动接头产生的反 用力。
As the internal spring is not
[...] activated, no counterforce occurs due to [...]
the auto joint.
此外,西亚经社会将通过其在区域协 调机制中的领导用,力求促 进联合国相关实体间的协商进程,确定可在哪些优先领域提供集 [...]
Moreover, through its leadership of the regional coordination
[...] mechanism, ESCWA strives to facilitate consultation [...]
processes among the United Nations
entities concerned, leading to the identification of priority areas where collective support for development interventions could be provided, whether at the level of the ESCWA region or in the broader context of the Arab region.
因有效负载和回转架的重心偏离支柱轴线,因此产生一个倾斜力矩,导致了作用在上下支柱轴承上水平方向的反 用力。
Since the centre of gravity of payload and framework is offset from the
pillar axis, a tilting moment is generated, resulting in
[...] horizontal reaction forces the upper and lower [...]
pillar bearings.
必须始终彻底排空充气罩囊内的空气,方 法用力向后 拉抽气注射器并轻轻拉动充 气管。
The cuff must always be fully deflated by firmly pulling back on the deflating syringe and gently pulling on the inflation line.
除 Solartron 数字传感器之外,网络还允许连接各种各样第三方传感器,包括压力、温度和 用力 传 感 器。
In addition to Solartron digital transducers, the
network allows a wide range of third party
[...] sensors to be connected, including pressure, temperature and force transducers.
绑架者试图获取婴儿宾克,但它发现和打击并可以击晕威高的手,抛出Norby用拖把棒弹射器到空气中,对自己的对面笼子里的酒吧 用力 投 掷 埃迪。
The kidnappers try to retrieve Baby Bink but it notices them and bashes Veeko’s hand, throws Norby into the air using a mop-stick as a catapult, and hurls Eddie against the bars of the cage opposite its own.
决定设立一个常设论坛,缔约方可借以报告政策和措施的 用力 和 影 响,由 此形成一种共同平台,让缔约方能够就其与这些影响有关的具体需要和关切提供 信息,并找出最大限度地减少附件一缔约方所采取的这些政策和措施对非附件一 缔约方的不利影响的途径
Decides to establish a permanent forum as a means for Parties to report impacts and consequences of policies and measures; this would offer a common space where Parties may provide information on their specific needs and concerns relating to such consequences, and identify ways to minimize negative consequences of the policies and measures adopted by Annex I Parties on non-Annex I Parties
(f) 說明政府當局如何確保電力公司的股東會承擔因不遵守
[...] 排放總量上限規定而須繳付的罰款,令該等費用不會轉 嫁到力用戶身上。
(f) advise how the Administration could ensure that a fine for non-compliance with the
emission caps by a power company would be borne by its shareholders rather than being
[...] passed on to its electricity customers.
必须把我们的集体力用于 向阿富汗人民证明,我们把他们的福祉当作我国和平 [...]
Our energies must be channelled collectively [...]
to prove to the Afghan people that we consider their welfare to be central
to the endeavour for peace and stability in the country.
[...] (具體名單另行公布),全面禁止甲胺磷等五種高毒有機磷農藥在農業上使用,只保留部 分生產力用於出口。
Since 1 January 2007, registration certificates for products containing the five highly toxic organophosphorus pesticides including methamidophos (a list would be
announced separately) had been invalidated
[...] and agricultural use of these highly [...]
hazardous organophosphorus pesticides had been totally banned.
在同次会议上,副主席 Javad Amin Mansous(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)发了言,介 绍 2009 年 1 月 28 日至 30 日在曼谷举行的“改善农业生力、 用 水 效 率和农村 生计能力开发讲习班”闭会期间活动结果。
At the same meeting, a statement was made by the Vice-Chairman, Javad Amin Mansour (Iran (Islamic Republic of)), on the outcome of the
intersessional event
[...] on the theme “Capacity development workshop for improving agricultural productivity, water use efficiency and [...]
rural livelihoods”,
held in Bangkok from 28 to 30 January 2009.
同样, 尽管我曾希望在担任首席辩护人期间,把大量时间和 力用 于 重点关注遗产、外 联工作以及建立可真正制衡检察官庞大权力的法庭支柱,却不得不把过多的时间 用来管理所谓一次性费用结构,这种结构或许在理论上意图良好,但程序繁琐, 不切实际,不仅费时,而且引发了塞拉利昂初级和高级辩护律师之间的内部斗争 和冲突,以及我们在审判团队中国际辩护律师和国内辩护律师之间的冲突。
Likewise, although I had hoped to focus a significant portion of my tenure as Principal Defender on legacy, outreach and building a pillar of the Court that could serve as a real counterbalance to the overwhelming power of the Prosecutor, I had to spend an inordinate amount of time administering a perhaps well-intentioned in theory, but bureaucratic and unrealistic, so-called lump sum fee structure, that not only wasted much time, but also led to internal struggle and conflicts between junior and senior defence lawyers within Sierra Leone, and clashes between international and national defence lawyers we mixed into trial teams.
因此,该战略的主要目标是,有助于确保按照本组织的使命和《2008--2013 年中期战 略》(34 C/4 批准本),以及必须避免工作重叠和加强联合国系统内部协同作用的要求,以
[...] 突出重点、高效和统筹的方式将教科文组织的才能、人力和 力用 于 满 足会员国与气候变化 有关的需要。
The main goal of the Strategy is therefore to help ensure that UNESCO’s competencies, human and financial resources are targeting the needs of Member States related to climate change in a focused, efficient and integrated manner, consistent with the Organization’s mandate, the Medium-Term Strategy for
2008-2013 (34 C/4 Approved), and the necessity to avoid
[...] overlap and to enhance synergies within [...]
the United Nations system.
C3是2012年最重要的销售力用户大 会,技术与行业领导者将齐聚一堂,以最新云端、移动与社交技术帮助企业改造他们的销售机构,在全球范围促进最成功的销售效力工作。
C3 is the number one
[...] Sales Effectiveness user conference of 2012, [...]
bringing together the top technical and industry leaders
to help companies transform their sales organizations with the latest cloud, mobile, and social technologies driving the most successful sales effectiveness missions across the globe.
( 例如,非正规信贷和实物汇寄) ;一般的文化因素。专家们认识 到,为使转账正规化,十分重要的是,使正规渠道更便于使用、负担得起、高效 率、有竞力、用户友好和透明。
Experts recognized that in order to formalize
[...] transfers, it was important to make formal channels more accessible, affordable, efficient, competitive, user-friendly [...]
and transparent.
对一些用水户来 说,节水所引发的“费用”可能会超过节水本身带来的收益,比如,一些农民可能发 现投入劳动力来开展节水还不如将同等劳 力用 于 去其他工业企业打工获得的收益 高,这些用户可能就会停止这种节水行为。
For some users, the ‘cost’ of saving may exceed the benefit so they may discontinue the use at a higher level – for example some farmers may find that the labour cost of water saving is less than the value of their labour in other industries, whereas others will find it worthwhile to use less water and grow some higher value crops.
在以下具体预防犯罪领域进行了研究或传播了研究结果:规划国家技术援 助方案;闭路电视的最有效用;评 估法院分流方案;预防网络犯罪和身份犯 罪;犯罪置换的风险和预防犯罪举措促成犯罪的影响;预防金融犯罪;欺诈和 洗钱;预防恐怖主义活动和资助恐怖主义行为;禁毒执法对策;减少与酗酒有 关的力;亲密伴侣实施的力或凶 杀;人口贩运;以及关于重罪和有组织犯 罪以及预防山林纵火的会议。
Specific areas of research and dissemination of findings related to crime prevention include: planning for a national programme of
technical assistance; the
[...] most effective use of closed-circuit television; evaluations of court diversion programmes; the prevention of cybercrime and identity crime; the risks of crime displacement and criminogenic effects of crime prevention initiatives; the prevention of financial crime; fraud and money-laundering; the prevention of terrorist activities and the financing of terrorism; law enforcement responses to drugs; the reduction of alcohol-related violence; intimate partner violence and [...]
homicide; human trafficking;
and conferences on serious and organized crime and on bushfire arson prevention.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的 使 用 ;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 [...]
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly
as a consequence of the
[...] increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization [...]
of video conferencing,
combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
[...] 述维持和平所需核心能力——体现出从仅仅确保军队、警察和文职人员的实地部署 向配备必要力用以执 行特派团必需任务的转变——已被维和部和外勤部高级管理 [...]
In addition, the development of a global field support strategy and a clearer enunciation of the core capabilities needed for peacekeeping, reflecting a shift away from just ensuring deployment of military,
police and civilian personnel on the
[...] ground to needed capabilities to perform mission-essential [...]
tasks, have been established
as immediate priorities by the senior management of DPKO and DFS, and have added to the policy planning and training workload of the Division.
各分庭把大部分力用于: (a) 建立为审案所必需的法规框架,特别是迅速 通过一套重要的《程序和证据规则》以及《拘留规则》和三套《程序指引》;(b) [...]
与 国际实体(红十字国际委员会和国际刑事警察组织(国际刑警组织))谈判达成协 定;(c) 与书记官处合作建立为开展司法活动所需要的实用基础结构。
The Chambers devoted most of their efforts to: (a) building [...]
the legal and regulatory framework necessary to try cases, in
particular by expeditiously adopting a set of important Rules of Procedure and Evidence, as well as Rules of Detention and three Practice Directions; (b) negotiating agreements with international entities (the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)); and (c) collaborating with the Registry in order to set up the practical infrastructure required to carry out judicial activity.




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