

单词 献上

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External sources (not reviewed)

您会看到许多城镇都举行澳新军团日游行和典礼,最后还将在纪念馆和战争纪念碑 献上 花 圈
You’ll find many towns have an ANZAC Day parade and ceremony culminating in the laying of memorial wreaths at a monument or war memorial.
教科文组织 与英联邦广播协会(CBA)合作推出和分发的关于议会和选举播报最佳做法研究报告,以及 将出版物“公共广播事业:一项比较法律服务”翻译成俄文并予以分发等工作都对这些结果 作出了献,上述出版物将被用作审查中亚地区广播立法和规章制度的一本参考书。
Contributing to those results was a study on best practices of parliamentary and election broadcasts published and distributed by UNESCO in cooperation with the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) as well as the translation into Russian and distribution of the publication, Public Service Broadcasting: A Comparative Legal Service to be used as a sourcebook for reviewing broadcast legislation and regulatory systems in Central Asia.
2010 年 9 月 22 日星期三举行高级别会议,以便对国 际生物多样性年做出献,上午 9时至 10 时举行全 体开幕会,随后于上午 10 时至下午 1 时和下午 3 时 至 5 时举行专题小组会,并于下午 6 时至 7 时举行全 体闭幕会,同时考虑到大会第六十五届会议高级别全 体会议定于下午 3 时至 6 时举行。
The General Assembly would further decide to hold a high-level meeting as a contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity, pursuant to paragraph 23 of resolution 64/203, on Wednesday, 22 September 2010, consisting of an opening plenary meeting from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., consecutive thematic panels from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and a closing plenary meeting from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., taking into account that the plenary meeting of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly is scheduled from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
2011 年是国际化学年,教科文组织与该中心关系的重点将放在化学为人类福利作出的 献上 ,并在联合国可持续发展教育十年(2005--2014 年)的框架内,强调化学在保护自然资源方面的 重要性。
The year of 2011 was the International Year of Chemistry and UNESCO’s relationship with the Centre will highlight the contributions of chemistry to the well-being of humankind and will emphasize the importance of chemistry in sustaining natural resources in the context of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014.
在罗马书15:15-16中,保罗说:「但我稍微放胆写信给你们,是要提醒你们的记性,特因神所给我的恩典,使我为外邦人作基督耶稣的僕役,作神福音的祭司,叫 献上 的 外 邦人,因著圣灵成为圣洁,可蒙悦纳。
In Romans 15:15-16, Paul states: "Because of the grace given to me by God, that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the Gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
回想大卫王是如何在献上为其 他领袖和以色列全 国树立榜样的(代上 29:1-20)。
Recall how King David’s giving was an example to other leaders and to the whole nation of Israel (1Ch 29:1-20).
外层空间事务厅作为机构间会议的秘书处报告了科学和技术小组委员会 2010 年 2 月 8 日至 19 日第四十七届会议作出的一些决定,其中涉及第三次联合 国探索及和平利用外层空间会议(第三次外空会议)各项建议执行情况审议工 作的前进道路,以及有必要将努力重点放在和平利用外层空间委员会对可持续 发展委员会主题群工作可作出的 献上。
The Office for Outer Space Affairs, as the secretariat of the Inter-Agency Meeting, reported on the decisions of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee at its forty-seventh session, held from 8 to 19 February 2010, regarding the way forward in its consideration of the implementation of the recommendations of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Use of Outer Space (UNISPACE III) and the need to focus efforts on the contribution by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space to the thematic cluster of work of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
Oris同样地为Frank Williams先生的F1车献上一只限量表款。
Oris also dedicated a limited edition watch to Sir Frank Williams’ Formula One team.
(c) 有关导航卫星系统科学、技术和应用的教育与培训:在有了经过处理
[...] 的存档数据后,最后一项工作就是,展开科学调查,根据这类数据开发相关技 术和应用,并且在国际科学献上发 表 研究结果。
(c) Education and training in GNSS science, technology and applications: with processed and archived data available, the final process was to conduct scientific investigations and
develop technology and applications based on the data, and to publish
[...] findings in the international scientific literature.
当然每一个基督徒在用膳之前,无论在 公开场合,或自己家中,都要低 献上 感 谢
Certainly every Christian should bow his head and give thanks before eating his meals, whether in public or at home.
让开年第一期《华商》为献上我们 对2007年的期盼和展望,以及对新财政预算案的期许。
Chinese Enterprise therefore takes this opportunity to present in this issue our Budget wish-list for 2007, expectations and aspirations, and to express our warmest wishes to all for a wonderful year ahead.
为这些同工在中国期间结出的所有属灵果子,以及许多被他们的事工影响的生命,向 献上 感 谢
Give thanks for all the spiritual fruit these co-workers have seen during their years in China and for the many lives that have been impacted by their ministry.
作为一名身在华盛顿的年轻女子,她结交了很多有影响力的政客,包括詹姆斯·布坎南总统和南卡罗来纳州参议员约翰·C· 卡尔霍恩,卡尔霍恩在促使她为南方做 献上 发 挥 了作用。
As a young woman in Washington, she befriended many influential politicians, including President James Buchanan and South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun, who played a role in shaping her dedication to the South.
因此,把这些酝酿、准备的劳累交给Glorious 吧!我们保证为了您献上所有 的美好。
So, please give that planning and preparation to Glorious. We ourselves guarantee everything will be the best to satisfy our customers.
当他在访问巴黎附近的俄罗斯公墓时——那里埋葬着许多“白军”的中心人物和俄罗斯的移民,普京为俄罗斯诗人Ivan Bunin和法国抵抗运动的英雄Vika Obolenskaya的坟献上了花环。
When he visited the Russian cemetery near Paris – where many central figures of the “White movement” and Russian emigrants are buried – Putin placed wreaths on the graves of Ivan Bunin, a Russian poet, and Vika Obolenskaya, a hero of the French resistance.
我 们将会在报告中解释,我们认为应该关注于新兴市场对全球经济增长的 献上 , 或者说是国内生产 总值的绝对值增量(IGDP)。
As we shall explain in the report, we think the focus should be placed on the contribution of EMs to global growth or, in other words, incremental gross domestic product.
上海世博会新州周除了举办学术和商业活动外,还邀请新州艺术 献上 1 30 多 场精彩演出节目,这也是上海世博会所有参展机构中文化表演活动最集中的一次演出。
In addition to the academic and business aspects of the NSW Week at the Shanghai World Expo, the event also hosted over 130 performances by NSW artists – the greatest concentration of cultural performances by any exhibitor at the World Expo.
他们仍然是都灵的老大,他们的球迷仍然期待他们面对强硬对 献上 漂 亮 一仗。
They are still the big brother of Turin and their fans are still looking forward they deliver the best performance against the strong opponent.
护理学学生所带来独具特色的舞蹈为活动掀开了序幕,在活力无限的宝莱坞舞蹈后马不停蹄 献上 动 感 十足的街舞表演,来宾们都看得乐不可支。
The event started with an extraordinary dance performance by the nursing students.
Oris依惯献上诚挚 祝福,希望车手们与全体团队在星期日的比赛中都能拥有好运、博得佳绩。
As ever, Oris wishes the team and the drivers all the very best for the race on Sunday.
你是否有一个向献上颂赞 和感谢之祭的 地方?
Do you have a place where you offer sacrifice of praise and Thanksgiving to the Lord?
一切仪式,典礼,献祭,悔罪,忏悔,任何宗教组织献 上重复的祷告,都无法产生新生。
All the rites, rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices, penance, confessions or repetitious prayers of any or of all organized religions can ever produce the new birth.
随后,毕业生、家长、教师一起出席了毕业庆祝午宴,陈琪雯和黄子键首先致辞恭喜所有的毕业生,Hubert Gaca和Archana Sharma之后共同切开了庆祝毕业的蛋糕,最后所有的学生为教 献上 礼 物 来表达他们的感激之情。
Finally, the ceremonial cake was cut by Hubert Gaca and Archana Sharma, and every student presenting their thank-you gift to their teachers for all the support they had given them over the years.
就目前而言,员工和股东的利益关系良好,BeThe1希望通过让专业人士免费进入求职市场,以及为公司提供高品质的人力资源服务,对这种情况的良性发 献上 绵 薄 之力。
We are currently witnessing a reconciliation of employee and shareholder interests, and BeThe1 hopes to make a modest contribution to this development by offering professionals free access to the job market and by providing companies with high-quality services in the field of human resources.
在以色列人的历史中,看到神 怎样的工作:从带领以色列民出埃及、入迦南,在士师时代的介入,往后藉先知的教 导、警告、安慰、呼唤回转,至主耶稣的诞生、事奉、在十 上 的 献上 , 很 清楚看到 神的作为。
From leading the Israelites out of Egypt into Canaan, His active intervention during the period of Judges, the prophetic teachings, warnings, consolations and call for repentance, up to the life and sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, we can clearly see God in ACTION, we can also see Love in ACTION.
[...] 假计划,使用你们宝贵的年假,节省你们的钱,带领团队,动员你们的 小组,启动你们的孩子们,预备你们的见证和信息,整理行装,离开你 们舒适的家献上你们 的礼物,爱及关心那些在宣教禾场的同工。
In my book Impacting Nations – New Life Churches Missions Handbook, I wrote “to a generous church, as you pray regularly, give financially, go to encourage, change your vacation plans, utilize your precious annual leave, save your money, lead teams, mobilize your cell groups, launch your children, prepare your testimonies and messages, pack your
bags, leave the comfort of your
[...] homes, bring your gifts, love and care for those on the missions field, a BIG thank you”.




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