单词 | 殚精竭虑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 殚精竭虑 —leave no stone unturnedless common: exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); to think sth • through thoroughly rack one's brains See also:殚竭 v—exhaust v 殚竭—use up
这项举措值得称道的是,通过汲取地方以及西方和 非西方法律传统,殚精竭虑寻求 普世价值观。 daccess-ods.un.org | The initiative is noteworthy in its deliberate effort to seek universal values by drawing upon local and international law from Western and non-Western legal traditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有这些事实都清楚地证 明,美国殚精竭虑地谋求其政治企图,单方面挑战公 认的国际法和国际社会的一致要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | All these facts prove clearly that the United States leaves no stone unturned in pursuing its political agenda, and that it unilaterally defies recognized international law and the unanimous demands of the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
BARC创办人兼首席执行官Carsten Bange博士说:“这个现象反映了微策略公司一直以来对平台质量与绩效 的 殚精竭虑 , 以 及对于客户成功的精诚奉献。 microstrategy.com | This is a reflection of MicroStrategy’s continued focus on the quality and performance of the platform as well as its dedication to its customers’ success,” said Dr. Carsten Bange, Founder and CEO of BARC. microstrategy.it |
带着这些压力, 最终我们会变得精疲力竭,进而可能会导致产生抑郁, 焦 虑 , 精 力 衰 竭 和 其 它生理疾病。 hongfook.ca | With these stresses, we might end up with exhaustion, and this can lead to depression, anxiety, burnout and physical illnesses. hongfook.ca |
在加沙地带和西岸极度紧张情况下生活和工作的工作人员经常感到困倦和 精疲力竭,越来越难以取得优质成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Staff living and working under conditions of extreme stress in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank frequently suffer from fatigue and burnout, making it increasingly difficult to produce quality results. daccess-ods.un.org |
各代表团希望提出新的建议草案,并 鼓励第二委员会下届主席团考虑精简 议 程和改进委 员会工作方法的必要性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Delegations looking to table new draft proposals and the next Bureau of [...] the Second Committee were [...] encouraged to take into consideration the need to streamline the [...]agenda and improve the working methods of the Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
斯里兰卡报告说,船队发展计划将考 虑 到 资源 枯 竭 的 情 况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sri Lanka reported that fleet development plans would be carried out in view of the depleted status of the resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
他相信公務員會繼續以專業精神,竭 誠為社會的利益工作。 legco.gov.hk | He believed that civil servants would continue to exercise professionalism and dedication in their work for the interest of the community. legco.gov.hk |
这一进程之所以取得成功,主要是因为地方行为 者怀有这样的意愿,他们因暴力精疲 力 竭 , 意 识到即 将结束的冷战将不再助长敌对行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The success of this process was primarily the result of the willingness of local actors, who were exhausted by violence and aware that the imminent end to the Cold War would cease to fuel hostilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
委員關注到,對於警方於2011年 8月 18日在港大校園內使 用武力把有關的3名學生(下稱"該 3名學生")從梁銶琚樓LG2樓層 推至梯間一事,港大與警方各有不同的意見。 legco.gov.hk | Members expressed concern about the discrepancies of the views of HKU and the Police in respect of the Police's use of force to push the three students concerned ("the Three Students") from LG2 of KK Leung Building into the stairwell on HKU campus on 18 August 2011. legco.gov.hk |
錄音技術的出現,令音樂走向永琚A且 引發鋼琴家對現場演奏及錄音室演出作出反思,朝向鑽研每粒音符。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The pianists of the early twentieth century had non-intellectual, gracefully sensuous, charming qualities that wee vanishing. Rosenthal, Hofmann and Rachmaninoff combined technical perfection not only with spontaneity but with the appearance of improvising. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在提请注意一些建议之后,他说,特别委员会期 望能够本着编制报告时的精神考虑其 报 告,这 种精 神就 是不带任何敌意地查明事实,并采取行动,减 轻人民的苦难,推动确保相关领土安全和实现持久 [...] 和平的整个进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | After drawing attention to a number of recommendations, he said that the [...] Special Committee expected its [...] report to be taken into account in the spirit in which it had been [...]prepared — which was to [...]ascertain the facts without rancour and take action to ease the suffering of the people, and facilitate the overall process of ensuring security and bringing about sustainable peace in the territories concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,教科文组织还应考虑找机会精 简 某些内部管理程序。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the same [...] time UNESCO should consider opportunities to [...]streamline some of its internal administrative processes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当应用这章的知识和策略时,要考虑 到 患 精 神 疾 病的亲人的独特性,他们认为什么是可行 的,并尊重他们的意愿。 hongfook.ca | When applying the knowledge and strategies in [...] this chapter, consider the uniqueness of your loved one with mental illness, who [...]knows what suits him [...]or her most and whose wishes should be respected. hongfook.ca |
队员们虽然精疲力竭,但 仍意气风发:他们不仅赢得了此次为期三天的锦标赛,还帮助推广了全球根除脊髓灰质炎的创新战略。 unicef.org | The players are exhausted, but triumphant: Not only did they win the three-day tournament; they also helped spearhead an innovative new strategy in the global fight to eradicate polio. unicef.org |
与国际有色宝石协会(ICA)联合举办专场推介酒会,向全球ICA成员和宝石界大腕重磅推介博览会与产业园;拜会美国宝石贸易协会(AGTA)总裁道格拉斯·哈克(Douglas Hucker)先生并举行座谈会,AGTA将组织美国珠宝展商组团参加博览会;联系美国东岸西岸华人珠宝厂商会,会长王先生(Johnny Wang)将于3月组团来湘考察并商议合作事项;拜会ICA前任主席安琚·科迪(Andrew cody),其将携全球独一无二的欧泊化石极品在博览会举办特展,并组织20位欧泊展商来长参展;拜会美国宝石学院(GIA)相关负责人,专程听取其专家演讲,并商议GIA来华合作办学及开展宝石科普与鉴定活动事宜。 changsha-show.com | The delegation also contacted NCAJA , National Chinese American Jewelry Assosiation,the president of which Mr. Johnny Wang will come to Hunan in May with a delegation to discuss on cooperation issues; visited the former president of ICA Mr. Andrew Cody, who will bring his one and only top quality opal piece to Changsha for a special exhibition, and will also organize 20 other opal exhibitors to participate in CMGS; met with relevant persons in charge at GIA, listened to the talks given by their experts, discussed with them about cooperation on opening schools in China, developing gemology popularization and gem identification etc. changsha-show.com |
哥 伦比亚一定会本着合作与友谊的精神 , 竭 力 支 持他们 理应享有的对和平与繁荣的正当渴求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Colombia is determined to lend [...] every support, in a spirit of cooperation and [...]friendship, to their just desires for the peace and prosperity they deserve. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些没有辍学的孩子,一般上午工作,下午上学,但是到了下午他们总 是 精 疲 力 竭 , 在课堂上打瞌睡。 unicef.org | Those who do not drop out work in [...] the morning and attend school in the afternoon, but they are [...] too exhausted to concentrate and often fall [...]asleep at class. unicef.org |
脆弱,不稳定,消耗,最终到消散,这个过程在诗意的审美中安静的被刻画着:一场盛放过后的烟花表演,一 曲 精 疲 力 竭 却 没有听众的生日颂,一道平淡无奇转瞬即逝的光,在一个寂静的空间里,稍不注意,就一一错过。 shanghaibiennale.org | In a silent space, this process is poetically and aesthetically described: a fully launched fireworks show, a well-performed birthday concert with no audience, an ordinary but transient flush of light. shanghaibiennale.org |
应该加强环境保护、保养文化和再生能源的使用,以帮助阿拉伯地区的会员国对付 全球性环境问题如污染和自然资源的 枯 竭 问 题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Strengthening should be accorded to the protection of the environment, a culture of maintenance, and the use of renewable energies so as to help Member [...] States in the Arab region to tackle global environmental problems such as [...] pollution and depletion of natural resources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这证实了审计委员会在上文对 以下做法表示的疑虑:即花费太多精 力 去寻找其他节减费用的途径,而忽略就待 分配工程开展完善的招标过程所能产生的节减。 daccess-ods.un.org | This confirms the Board’s doubts expressed above about expending too much effort to find savings beyond those resulting from a sound bidding process for the work that remains to be assigned. daccess-ods.un.org |
我的孙子现在正在排练,10 年,但我德国 Elise 德国 Elise 已精疲力竭的线 程和现在我有这种音乐,复制到庞特维奇奥宫,明天我们可以比在一起学习。 zh.cantorion.org | My grandson is now going to rehearse, 10 years, but my Für Elise Für Elise was worn to threads and now I have copied this music, to Ponte Vecchio, tomorrow we can than studying together. cantorion.org |
鼓励保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会遵照大会通过的第 33 C/91 号决议精神, 考虑修订其《议事规则》第 41 条第 1、2、3 和 4 款,将本组织的六种工作语言都 包括在内。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Encourages the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the [...] Intangible Cultural Heritage [...] to work in the spirit of 33 C/Resolution 91 of the General Conference and to consider amending paragraphs [...]1, 2, 3 and 4 of [...]Rule 41 of its Rules of Procedure in order to include in it the six languages of the Organization. unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港電燈有限公司秉承以客為主、服務為先 的 精 神 , 竭 誠 為 客戶提供高質素的服務。 hkelectric.com | As a customer-focused and service-oriented company, we are dedicated to providing you, our valued customers, with excellent services. hkelectric.com |
然而,教科文组织自己也估算了的里亚斯特国际理论物理中心(ICTP)离职回国补助 金(金额为 63 万美元)、国际理论物理中心和代尔夫特水教育研究所(IHE)年累积假期 (金额为 212.6 万美元)等长期福利的价值;这些价值没有把当前的金额 和 精 算 估值 考 虑在 内。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 29. UNESCO carried out itself, however, the valuation of repatriation grants for the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste – amounting to US $630,000 – and of accumulated annual leave for ICTP and the Institute for Water Education (IHE) in Delft – amounting to US $2,126,000. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在過去或現 在,均有眾 多 真實例子, 顯 示法 定機構的非執行主席於履 行本身 職責時,都 本 着服務 社 會的精 神 , 竭盡所能,投入大量時間和 精力。 legco.gov.hk | There are numerous actual examples of non-executive chairmen of statutory bodies in the past and at present who devote a lot [...] of his time and [...] efforts to their work in performing their duties as the nonexecutive chairmen in the spirit of providing [...]a service to the community. legco.gov.hk |
在这些计划范围内开展实施了大量活动,包 括 精 心 制定 考 虑 公 共 与私营部门利益的国家政 策;开展培训活动;出版指导手册;以及利用世界图书及版权日活动倡导读书学习,而这些 [...] 活动都可以归入“全民图书”和“建设学习社会”两个专题的范围。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Numerous actions were initiated and [...] implemented under the programmes and [...] include: the elaboration of national policies taking into account the [...]concerns of both the public [...]and private sectors; training; publication of guidelines; and the promotion of the value of reading by initiating activities on the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day – activities, which come under the two central themes: Books for All and Towards a Reading Society. unesdoc.unesco.org |
联委会忆及,大会原则上核准了这些建议,但在 [...] 开始执行时,精算估值呈现出明显的盈余上升趋势。 他说,考虑到目前精算估 值的情况,不需要考虑新的 福利措施,但联委会将继续把其他建议保留在议程上 [...]并列为优先事项。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling that the General Assembly had approved those recommendations in principle, but with implementation to begin when the actuarial valuation showed a clear upward pattern [...] of surpluses, he said that in the [...] light of the current actuarial valuation, no new [...]benefit measures could be considered [...]at present, but that the Board would keep the remaining recommendations as a priority on its agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认为,在审查过程中,理事会应 考 虑精 简其 工作方案,办法是每年召开两届常会,会期共计 8 周, [...] 剩下的第三届为期两周的会议将并入现有的普遍定 期审议工作方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | We feel that, during the review process, the [...] Council should consider streamlining its programme [...]of work by meeting in two regular sessions [...]for a total of eight weeks every year, with the remaining third session of two weeks to be added to the existing programme for the Universal Periodic Review. daccess-ods.un.org |
应向各国提供技术援助,因为依照《公约》第三十三条第一款所述协 调 精 神, 各国应考虑在政 府内设立或指定一个协调机制,以便利在不同部门和不同级别采 取有关行动,为残疾法和政策提供支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Technical assistance should be [...] provided to States as [...] they should consider the establishment or designation of a coordination mechanism within Government [...]to facilitate [...]action in support of disability law and policy in different sectors and at different levels, in keeping with the spirit of coordination reflected in article 33, paragraph 1, of the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |