

单词 期货合约

See also:

合约 adj

contractual adj

合约 n

contractor n
treaty n

合约期 n

contract period n
contract duration n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 公司的专家对市场三角洲专业市场交易平台交易,让观众观 期货合约 的 订单流,以及交易的数量和方向。
In the virtual Trading Room the company’s clients can watch FXOpen Company experts’ trade on the Market Delta professional trading platform,
allowing the viewers to observe the order flow, as well as the amount and
[...] direction of transactions in futures contracts.
答:ActivTrades公司的CFD产品是基 期货合约 的 ,所以日-日融资成本已经体现在交易价格中了。
A: No, ActivTrades' CFD products are based
[...] on the underlying Futures contract and so [...]
the day-to-day financing cost is already
reflected in the trading price.
同样期货合约应该 增加定金数额,以此减少只 会带来价格波动、造成不确定性以及缺乏市场预见度 [...]
Likewise, deposits on futures contracts should [...]
be raised, as a way to discourage speculative transactions that only contribute
to price volatility and create uncertainty and a lack of market predictability.
知名的国际分析师指出,商品或基本产品 30%到 40%的价格上涨可以归咎期货合约的 投 机影响。
According to well-known international analysts, 30 to 40 per cent of the price increases for
commodities or basic products can be ascribed to the impact or influence of
[...] financial speculation on futures contracts.
在中东,迪拜黄金和商品交易所(DGCX)计划在2006年后期启动一份螺纹 期货合约。
In the Middle East, the Dubai Gold and Commodities
[...] Exchange (DGCX) is planning to launch a rebar futures contract in the latter [...]
part of 2006.
由于当天的1十月2012有可能进行谈判,BM交易 期货合约 的 S&P 500。
Since the day of 1 Oct. 2012 is possible to negotiate on
[...] the BM & FBovespa futures contract of the [...]
S & P 500.
瑞士法期货合约于 1972 年开始在芝加哥商业交易所交易,而期货期权交易始于 1985 年。
Swiss franc futures contracts in 1972, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange began trading futures and options trading began in 1985.
该组织活动包括钢铁和废钢行业的价格风险管理措施的发展,例如废 期货合约。
Activities include developing price risk management tools for the steel and scrap industries,
[...] e.g. steel scrap futures contracts.
类似的投机行 为也渗入了能期货合约,推 高了油价。
Similar speculative behaviour also filtered
[...] through to energy futures contracts, pushing [...]
up the price of oil.
ActivTrades 的 CFD 交易基期货合约的远期到期日,这意味着没有隔夜费的调整,远期的价格已经包含了需要的费用。
ActivTrades CFDs are based on Futures contracts which expire on a specific date, this means [...]
there are no overnight adjustments,
the underlying Futures price already accounts for these.
对外汇,我们提供高达1 / 400 的杠杆,我们的差价约和期货合约 也 为 高倍杠杆。
We are able to provide our clients with leverage up to [...]
a maximum of 1/400.
ActivTrades 差价合约缘于在特定日期到期 期货合约。
ActivTrades CFDs are based on Futures contracts which expire on a specific date.
PR News – 中福金融(MFFX)推出新的交易工具;差价 约 、 商 品 期货合约及 指数。
PR News – MFFX launched new trading
[...] instruments; CFDs, Commodities Futures Contract and Indices.
钉住”功能使客户能够向市场下达特定交易指令,跟 期货合约。
Pegging" capability enabling clients to place specific orders into the
[...] market tracking futures contracts.
此外,交易室是分析主要货币 期货合约 将 被 的地方。
Moreover, the Trading room is the
[...] place where futures contracts on major currencies will [...]
be analyzed.
钢铁指数The Steel
[...] Index通过独特的价格采集估算程序,每周为您呈现独立、精准和经充分考证的钢铁参考价格,可用于财务结算钢 期货合约 或 其 它场外交易(OTC)中远期价格风险管理产品的价格结算。
As a consequence of its unique price collection and calculation processes, The Steel Index provides independent, accurate and fully verifiable weekly steel reference prices that can be used as the
settlement prices for
[...] financially-settled steel futures contracts or other Over-The-Counter [...]
(OTC) forward price risk management products.
欧元套汇汇期货合约报价为每欧元相对另一货币如英镑等的价值 期货合约 到 期 进行实物交易,时间为交易月份的第三个星期三,地点为芝加哥商业交易所清算所指定的发行国银行。
The euro exchange
[...] rate arbitrage offer futures contracts for each euro relative to another currency such as the value of the pound, and so on; futures contracts [...]
due for in-kind transactions,
the time for the third month of trading Wednesday, will take place at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Clearing House designated by the State Bank issued .
Deal Smart 系统旨在用于分析外汇交易市场 期货 和 差 价 合约 OTC 工具和外汇批发市场的图表。
The Deal Smart program is designed to work with graphs of all OTC instruments and
[...] wholesale FX markets for Forex, Futures and CFDs.
期货一样,差合约 (CFD) 是一款杠杆产品。
Like Futures, CFDs are a leveraged product.
使用我们的 MetaTrader 5 平台,您能够通过与交期货相同的方式来交易差 合约 (CFD),其中指令簿多达五档。
Using our MetaTrader 5 platform you will be able to trade CFDs in
[...] the same way that you trade on Futures, with an order book up to 5 levels.
其他的例子包括1980年4月11日通过的 《联合国国际货物销合同公约》和 1974年 的《约国际货物买卖时期限公 约》。
Other examples include the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- CISG of 11 April 1980 and
[...] the New York Convention of 1974 on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods.
在推出之初,tpSWAPDEAL平台将支持以欧元计价的利率掉期,跳空与蝶形策略,相符到期 货 价 差 ,以 合约期 限 基 础掉期交易。
Initially tpSWAPDEAL, which forms part of Tullett Prebon's rapidly expanding electronic broking services, will support trading in Euro denominated IRS, gap and butterfly strategies, matched maturity futures spreads, and tenor basis swaps.
第四十三条 接受交货的义务 当货物到达目的地时,要求交付货物的 货 人 应 在运 合 同 约 定 的 时间期 限内,在运合同约定的地点接受 货 , 无此种约定的,应在考虑到合同条款和 行业习惯、惯例或做法以及运输情形,能够合理 期 的 交 货 时 间和地点接受交货。
When the goods have arrived at their destination, the consignee that demands delivery of the goods under the contract of
carriage shall accept
[...] delivery of the goods at the time or within the time period and at the location agreed in the contract of carriage or, failing such agreement, at the time and location at which, having regard to the terms of the contract, the customs, usages or practices of the trade and the circumstances of the carriage, delivery could reasonably be expected.
货流集约化程度的提高在很大程度上促使形成新型的国家海运船队, 土库曼斯坦的货船、油船、轮船 期 驶 往 里海沿岸各国的港口,按照同外国公 司签订合同租船运货。
The growth
[...] in freight traffic has been fostered not least by the new vessels of the national fleet. Turkmen freighters, tankers and ferries are regularly chartered by foreign companies to transport freight to the ports of Caspian Sea States.
但是,我们与德国的某电力集团签订了到2015年为止供 货 物 的 长 期合约 , 与 此同时我们的再生事业也在市场树立了韩国第一的位置,此外,NANO [...]
Instead, we did our best to secure our business
for prosperous growth in the year of
[...] 2012 by achieving long term sales contract with German [...]
major power plant until year 2015,
and confirming top regeneration company in Korea, profitable management of NANO China and the completion of world first R & D building for SCR catalyst in Feb. 2012.
所使用的套期保值工具有远合同、32 期货、33 约定选 择权34 等基本工 具,也有一些复杂的组合( 如利率上下限期权、场外交易,以及其它工具) ,具体 使用依最终用户转移风险的战略而定。
The hedging instruments used range from the basic types such as forward contracts,32 futures,33 options,34 to complex combinations (e.g. collars, over-the-counter, tools, among others.
还确定了下列辅助行动:(a)加强本区域行动信息的收集、分析和传播以 用于定向干预行动;(b)加强本区域的法医信息能力;(c)应用先进侦查技术;(d) 在本区域各进口港(包括铁路和无水港)制订有效的集装箱管制方案;(e)防止 滥用 1975 年《国际公货运公约》和《阿富汗过境贸易协定》,确保国家立法 和条例经过评估并合这些 协定的规定。
The following supporting actions were also identified: (a) to enhance the collection, analysis and dissemination of operational information in the region for target-oriented intervention actions; (b) to enhance forensic information capacity in the region; (c) to apply advanced investigative techniques; (d) to establish effective container control programmes at ports of entry (including railway and dry ports) in the region
and; (e) to prevent the
[...] misuse of the 1975 TIR Convention and the Afghan Transit Trade Agreement by ensuring that national legislation and regulations are assessed and brought in line with [...]
the provisions of those agreements.
在 2008 年 5 月 6 日和 7 日于德 黑兰举行的第二次三方部长级会议上,达成如下一致意见:(a)在各边界的商定 具体地点建立试点边界联络处;(b)在尊重国家主权基础上尽快开始基于情报的 联合行动,并在 12
[...] 之间阿富汗过境贸易协定》和 1975 年阿富汗和伊朗伊斯兰共和国之间《关于国 际公路货运通行证制度下国货运 海关 公 约 》3 对贸易实行管制的准则;(d)建立 一个合情报 规划机构,以德黑兰为行动总部,能够为联合行动提供支助并在 离行动最近的各地设点。
At a second triangular ministerial conference held in Tehran on 6 and 7 May 2008, it was agreed: (a) to create pilot border liaison offices at agreed specific locations along each of the borders; (b) to commence intelligence-based joint operations, respecting national sovereignty, as soon as possible and to start at least one operation within 12 months; (c) to formulate guidelines for controlling trade under the Afghan Transit Trade Agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan and
the 1975 Customs
[...] Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets3 between Afghanistan and Iran (Islamic [...]
Republic of);
and (d) to establish a joint intelligence planning cell in Tehran with operational headquarters, capable of supporting joint operations and located in those areas closest to action.
(h) 如果符合该条例,董事可在他的董事职位以外,按各董事决定的期间和(关
于酬金或其他的)条款,在本公司持有任何其他职位或有收益的职位(除 审计师的职位外),任何董事或准董事不应因为他与本公司就他担任其他
[...] 职位或有收益的职位或作为卖方、买方或其他的 期 签 定 合约 而 被 撤职, 而任何该等合约或任何由本公司或其代表签定而任何董事有利益的合约 [...]
位或由此而成立的受信责任,向本公司交代从该合约或安排所得的任何利 润。
(h) Subject to the Ordinance, a Director may hold any other office or place of profit under the Company (other than the office of auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and on such terms (as to remuneration and otherwise) as the Directors may determine and no Director or intending Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company either with regard to his tenure of any such other office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or otherwise, nor
shall any such contract, or any
[...] contract or arrangement entered into by or on behalf [...]
of the Company in which any Director
is in any way interested, be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company for any profit realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relation thereby established.




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