




for example
for instance





External sources (not reviewed)

已经举办了面向政府官员和整个公众的若干研讨会和其他活 动办展览,以就腐败及其影响进行教育。
A number of workshops and other events such as exhibitions have been held, targeted at Government officials and the public in general, to educate on corruption and its effects.
售 後 保 养 服 务 属 於 会 计 单 [...]
位 内 的 最 後 交 付 项 目,一 旦 售 後 保 养 服 务 成 为 唯 一 尚 未 交 付 的 成 份,递 延 收 入 则 应 在 售 後 保 养 服 务 期 余 下 期 间 按 此 例 确 认。
For example, if after-sales [...]
maintenance services represent the last delivered element within the unit of accounting, once
such services have become the only remaining element to be delivered, deferred revenue should be recognised on a pro-rata basis over the remaining term of such services.
某一特派团结束任务之后,该特派团即不再对向其 提供服务的区域服务中心提供员额,服务中心的规模就相应缩小。
When a mission
[...] is closed, for example, its [...]
contribution to the regional service centre servicing it ceases, and the size
of the service centre is reduced accordingly.
赞同这一看法的委员还表示,第 10 条草案应以鼓励的语气来措辞灾害超出本国应对能力时,受灾国“应当”寻求外部援助。
The members of the Commission who shared this perspective indicated that draft article 10 should be worded in hortatory terms to the effect that affected States “should” seek external assistance in cases where a disaster exceeds national response capacity.
还需要作出特别努力,就影响国内流离失所者的权利、合法利益及实现持久 解决办法的前景的一般立法和政策建议关于和解和过渡时期司法或减少 灾害风险的政策,与国内流离失所者进行协商。
Special efforts also need to be made to consult IDPs on general legislative and policy proposals affecting their rights, legitimate interests and prospects to achieve a durable solution, e.g. laws on reconciliation and transitional justice or policies on disaster risk reduction.
售 後 支 援 服 务 属 於 会 计 单 [...]
位 内 的 最 後 交 付 成 份,一 旦 售 後 支 持 服 务 成 为 唯 一 尚 未 交 付 的 成 份,递 延 收 入 则 应 在 售 後 支 援 服 务 期 余 下 期 间 按 比 例 确 认。
For instance, where post-contract [...]
support is the last delivered element within the unit of accounting, the deferred revenue
is recognised ratably over the remaining post-contract support term once post-contract support is the only undelivered element.
还允 许 她 们 享受进一步的好处可能 一段时间不上班,以抚养 5 岁以下孩子,或照顾残疾孩子。
They are also allowed further benefits such as the possibility of taking time off to raise a child under the age of five or to look after a child with disabilities.
合作形式如下:向国际法庭提供文件,解除人的保密义务,以使他们能够 在国际法庭的法律程序中作证,向在共和国塞尔维亚境内的人转交传票和其他拘 票,向证人和他们的家人提供保护,监控在塞尔维亚境内居住的临时被释放的被 告,与检察官办公室、国际法庭秘书处和庭长通信和直接联系,包括提供所有必 要的技术援助,在搜捕在逃被告和将他们转送到至法庭上提供支持和合作,以及 其他形式的合作责战争罪行的检察官办公室与前南问题国际法庭检察官 办公室通过交换这些机构的电子数据库所载数据和其他活动进行直接合作。
The forms of cooperation are as follows: submission of documentation to the Tribunal, release of persons from the obligation to keep secrets to be able to testify in the proceedings held before the Tribunal, submission of summons and other writs to persons in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, provision of protection to witnesses and members of their families, control over the defendants who are temporarily set free and are resident in the territory of Serbia, correspondence and direct contact with the Prosecutor’s Office, the Secretariat and the Chair of the Tribunal, including all required technical assistance, provision of support and cooperation in searching for defendants at large and their transfer to the Tribunal, other forms of cooperation, suchas direct cooperation between the Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes and the ICTY Prosecutor’s Office through an exchange of data contained in the electronic databases of these institutions and other activities.
国家当局可 以在不暗示法律承认事实上的当局的情况下承认其所提供的关于一个人身份的初 步推定事实证明文件。
National authorities, for instance, may recognize papers provided by de facto authorities as prima facie factual proof of personal status without this implying legal recognition of the entities providing the papers.
尤其是,有必要研究一 些因素目周期,新项目种类接受和新方法论通过的原则,符合补偿项目条 [...]
件的国家一方面确定如何能够使围绕消耗臭氧层物质的特别问题/要求与《蒙特利 尔议定书》相符合,另一方面当探讨通过诸如芝加哥气候交易所这样的现存市场集
In particular, there is a need to
[...] look at elements such asthe project [...]
cycles, the rules for acceptability of new project
types and new methodologies approval, the countries eligible for offset projects to determine how the special issues/requirements surrounding ODS and the Montreal Protocol can be incorporated on the one hand, and on the other, what considerations countries must take into account when exploring opportunities for financing through existing markets such as CCX.
某组织要开展隔离田 间研究试验,若能事先准备好报告手段与联系人名单,并确立恰当的 [...]
流程,适时向有关政府机构报告未获授权的释放情况,则会对试验的 运行大有裨益。
For example, if an organization [...]
is involved in conducting confined field research trials it would be useful for the organization
to have a defined process in place for reporting an unauthorized release to the relevant government authorities, when appropriate, and having reporting tools and contact lists readily available.
在这 种情况下,实行延长工作年限的政策取灵活的退休新工作安排,有弹性 [...]
的工作环境以及对有残疾的老年人进行职业康复培训,都是必要的,使老年人可 以将有薪酬的就业和其他活动结合起来。
In this context, policies to extend employability, [...]
such as flexible retirement new work arrangements, adaptive work environments
and vocational rehabilitation for older persons with disabilities are essential and allow older persons to combine paid employment with other activities.
而生 物多样性的付款却要中转之后才能进行益 于生物多样性的林业活动或土地退化区域的恢复。
Payments for biodiversity may be made through a proxy – such as biodiversity-friendly forestry practices or the rehabilitation of degraded areas.
例如, 假若无法获得政府内部对政策条文的看法政策草案的看法,以及这一看法所依据的 背景信息,人们将很难对政策的制定提出有用的意见。
It is difficult, forexample, to provide useful input to a policy process without access to the thinking on policy directions within government, for example in the form of a draft policy, as well as the background information upon which that thinking is based.
我们欢迎在建设和平工作的某些领域采取积极 措施动国际文职能力审查的执行程序;确保 联合国拥有适当的高级领导能力;加强与世界银行和 其它利益攸关方的伙伴关系。
We welcome the positive measures adopted in certain peacebuilding areas, such as the start of the implementation process of the international civilian capacities review, ensuring appropriate United Nations senior leadership capacities, and strengthening partnerships with the World Bank and other stakeholders.
各地有 700 多个提供心理和医 学社会援助的儿童教育机构,61 个封闭式专门教育机构和 35 个开放式专门教育 机构(针对有违法和反社会行为、需要特殊教育和专门辅导的未成年人),约 70 所士官武备学校和寄宿制士官武备学校,1 900 多个针对有能力限制儿童的专门 (校正)教育机构,以及普通教育和其他教育机构为此类儿童开办的校正班。
The regions have more than 700 schools for children in need of psychological and social assistance, 61 special closed educational facilities and 35 special open educational facilities (for children who have committed offences and antisocial acts and require special teaching conditions and a special educational approach), some 70 cadet academies and boarding schools and more than 1,900 special educational institutions for children of limited learning capacity (and also a network of special classes (groups) for such children in general education and other schools).
The Circuit,”for example, looks [...]
at the construction and reconstruction of personal identity as showcased in the work of
Vaudeville-era comics who played versions of themselves, such as George Burns and Gracie Allen, Abbott and Costello, Shaw and Lee, and The Marx Brothers.
有关当局也应兼顾其他温室气体来源的减排 工作烷,因为该种气体也占本港百分之十五的碳排放量。
It would be of equal importance to tackle other sources of GHG emissions, such as methane, as they had contributed almost 15 per cent of total CO
,一台威力工业网络的 IDS-5011 串行设备服务器可连接到交通信号装置或交通信息显示系统,将传统串行输入和输出重要数据从串行格式完美的转换成以太网格式。
An ORing device server,such asIDS-5011, can be connected to the traffic signal device or traffic information display system with traditional serial inputs and outputs to seamlessly convert such important data from serial to Ethernet format.
付款方式为实物偿付,以提供投入的方式(例如农具)起到了促进和改善作 用渡到使用有机肥料。
Payments were made in-kind in the form of provision of inputs (such as farm tools) to promote and implement improvements such as a transition to organic fertilizers.
对一般费用及行政或 管理费用,通常可以根据相对规模,在所有方案之间进行分摊。
As anexample, general and administrative or management costs can generally be allocated across all programmes, based on relative magnitude.
这样的规定 并非而毫无道理的,但是,当公共机构甚至拒绝执行某些很简单的操作从数据库中 自动提取某种格式的信息时,该规定可能被当作这一拒绝的依据,而实际上在其他情况下, 这一操作会被认为是信息权的一个组成部分。
This is not unreasonable, but it might be relied upon as a basis for refusing to perform even quite mechanical operations, such as extracting information in a particular form automatically from a database, which would otherwise normally be understood as included under the right to information.
在图 7.3(a)中,即使在转动臂位于与挡块相接触的位置上时投入电源,最初执行的程序是 朝向 0°移动的情况下,依然正常动作,警报器不报警。
For Fig. 7.3 (a), if the power is turned on at the position where the arm is at the stopper, the first program to be executed, for example motion of "0" degrees, will allow the driver to operate the actuator without an alarm.
依你的冲突性质而定,监察员可以—(a) 帮你探索你的行动选项;(b) 提供有关联合国政策、程序和做法的广泛信息;(c) 介绍你去找联合国系统的适当办公室或个人;(d) 提供辅导;(e) 进行调停或穿梭外交;以及 (f) 与其他办事处联系,介绍你的请求,以转达你的关切或取得信息。
Depending on the nature of your conflict, an ombudsman can,for instance: (a) help you to explore your options for action; (b) offer extensive information about United Nations policies, procedures and practices; (c) refer you to the appropriate offices or persons in the United Nations system; (d) provide coaching; (e) offer mediation or shuttle diplomacy; and (f) communicate with other offices about your request to convey your concerns or receive information.
委员会网站上的《资产冻结:用语说明》指出,当一个会员国接到信息某一笔资金是 意图交付给一个列在名单上的实体的,就应当实行资产冻结。
The Assets Freeze: Explanation of Terms on the Committee’s website explains that, where a Member State has information, for example, that particular funds are intended for a listed entity, it should apply the assets freeze.
,12月13日第 111/99/M 号法令关于生物学及医学应用方面保障人 [...]
权及人类尊严之法律制度重申任何医学行为只有在当事人自由地作出知情同意以 后方可进行。
Forinstance,Decree-Law [...]
111/99/M, of 13 December, on the protection of human beings’ dignity and identity in biological
and medical application reaffirms that any medical act can be carried out only if the person involved freely gives his/her informed consent.
我们相信,应从预算程序和规划程序这一特定领域着手,切实解决残疾人及 其家人所面临的问题,这是指要尊重残疾人的尊严;在这方面,我们已经积累了 一些与相关民间社会组织开展工作的经验,并就此开发了若干技术议程,在其中 阐明了当前各国鲁在这方面的动态,并阐明了在这方面开展努力并对相 应行为模式和习俗进行修正这两种工作模式齐头并进的重要性。
We believe that taking a realistic approach to the use of budgetary and planning measures to address the problems faced by persons with disabilities and their families is a way of showing respect for the dignity of persons with disabilities.




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