单词 | 廿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 廿—twenty (20), in a limited number of set expressionsExamples:廿八躔—the twenty-eight constellations 廿四史—twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in modern editions)
文章引述的民意调查数据指出,52%被访市民原则上反对廿三条立法,44%则反对其原先的具体建议内容。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to the public opinion data, the article pointed out that 52% of the respondents opposed the legislation in principle; another 44% opposed the original proposed legislation content. hkupop.hku.hk |
透过提出廿一世纪领袖的两个因素,玛泽人力发展谘询服务提供实质及创新的解决方案,配合你和你公司的理想。 chi.mazars.cn | By addressing the two factors oftwenty-first century leadership, Mazars People Development Consulting service offers practical and innovative solutions to meet you and your company's aspirations. mazars.cn |
以闹钟或找一个可靠的人在半夜和清早时叫醒自 己 – 延慢性低血糖可在酒後的廿四小时内随时出 现。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | Set an alarm or have a responsible person wake you up through the night and early morning – a delayed low blood sugar can occur anytime up to 24 hours after drinking alcohol. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
我们在二零零七年十一月廿二日谘询立法会工务小组委员会,及在二 零零七年十二月十四日获立法会财务委员会通过把 8011YD 号项目的一部分 提升为甲级,按付款当日计算,估计所需费用为 4 亿元,用以向地铁提供资 助,藉以支付项目在获授权实施前的设计阶段所支出的费用。 legco.gov.hk | We consulted the Public Works Sub-committee at its meeting on 22 November 2007 andobtained the approval of the Finance Committee on 14 December 2007 to upgrade part of 8011YD to Category A at an estimated cost of $400.0 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide funding support to the MTRCL to cover the design phase expenditure up to scheme authorization. legco.gov.hk |
SYLVIE FLEURY除了曾於巴黎的MERCEDES BENZ Center展出自己对时装及汽车迷恋的录像作品以外,亦是廿位参与CHANEL MOBILE ART的艺术家之一。 think-silly.com | Sylvie Fleury showed a video based on fashion and automobile at the Mercedes Benz Center previously, as well as being one of the twenty contributing artists in Chanel Mobile Art. think-silly.com |
香港大学民意研究计划」在今年六月中进行的电话民意调查中,曾就廿三条立法事宜向巿民问了三条问题:(一)整体嚟讲,你喺原则上支持定反对特区政府就基本法第二十三条立法? hkupop.hku.hk | The Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong, in a public opinion telephone interview conducted in mid-June of this year, asked citizens three questions concerning the legislation of Article 23 issue: 1) Generally do you support or oppose the legislation of Article 23 by the SAR government in principle? hkupop.hku.hk |
满足全球化,快速发展的企业需求,拥有自我管理能力的雇员将被称为「廿一世纪领袖」。 chi.mazars.cn | Matching the needs of a global and fast-changing organisation with the aspirations of self-managed employees is called 21st century leadership. mazars.cn |
特别版本外观充满独特细节:全新BiancoMonocerus白色车身为主调、哑白色涂装车顶及倒後镜、由车头伸延至车顶的哑金间线、前後扰流器上的廿周年标记、哑黑车尾定风翼、限量版哑金色Cordelia轮圈及黑色制动卡箝等等。 think-silly.com | The appearance of the special edition was teemed with unique details: Innovative BiancoMonocerus solid white finish on its exterior, matt white coating on the roof and mirrors, matt gold strips running from its front bonnet to the roof and [...] the engine bonnet, the front and rear spoiler [...] stampedthe 20th anniversary logo, [...]matt black rear wing, limited edition matt [...]gold Cordelia wheels and black brake calipers etc. The interior is designed in black, with Q-Citura on top Alcantara leather, and embroidery of “HK20” on the seats’ headrests adds personality to this limited edition. think-silly.com |
延续“迈向光辉的十年”牧函中提出的精神,强调我们的三个身分:香港人、中国人和天主教徒,加深认识中华民族、中华文化、中国人和中国教会的关系,并进一步探讨世界和宇宙更广阔的幅度和意义,将廿一世纪新科学和发现(包括新宇宙论、进化论、生物学、量子物理学、天文学、生态学等),配合对信仰的探讨、与知识分子进行交谈和互相启发。 catholic.org.hk | It emphasized our three identities: citizens of Hong Kong, Chinese citizens and Catholics, and encouraged us to know more about Chinese people, Chinese culture and the relationship between Chinese citizens and the Church in China. It also emphasized the need to explore the wider dimension and meaning of the world and [...] universe, to make use of new sciences and [...] discoveries ofthe twentyfirst century [...](new theories of cosmology, evolution, biology, [...]quantum physics, astronomy, ecology etc.) to further explore on faith, and to develop dialogue with the learned so as to achieve mutual enrichment. catholic.org.hk |
第廿二条:本公司经营方针及其他重要事项以董事会决议行之,董事会除每届第一次 会议由所得选票代表选举权最多之董事召集外,均由董事长召集之并任为 主席,董事长缺席或不能执行职务时,由董事长指定副董事长代理之;无 副董事长或副董事长缺席或不能执行职务时,董事长指定常务董事一人代 理之;其未设常务董事者,指定董事一人代理之,董事长未指定代理人者 ,由常务董事或董事互推一人代理之。 compal.com | In case there is no vice chairman or the vice chairman is absent or unable to perform his power or authority, the chairman may designate one managing director to act on his behalf, or where there is no managing director, one of the directors to act on his behalf. compal.com |
一、协会:代表横跨廿三个国家、近千间赌场以及旗下八万名员工的欧洲赌场协会(ECA),其会长─高德斯密特(Ron Goudsmit)日前说道:「Clarion Gaming执行团队全体动员将ICE展推至新的阶段,并将产业的利益摆在首位。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Chairman Ron Goudsmit of the European Casino Association (ECA): an organization which represents near 1,000 casinos and about 80,000 employees across 23 countries, stated "Clarion Gaming's executive management and taskforce will bring ICE to a new level and put the industry's interests first. taiwanslot.com.tw |
比约十二世一九五五年九月二十日由国务院致函义大利第二十八届社会周:L’Osservatore Romano 一九五五年九月廿九日。 catholic.edu.hk | Pius XII's letter from Secretariat of State to 28th Italian Social Week, Sept. 20, 1955; L'Osservatore Romano, Sept. 29, 1955. catholic.edu.hk |
廿一、对本雇佣合约任何条款(包括附表) 作出的变更、修改、取消或增订,不得终绝或减 少本雇佣合约赋予雇员的任何权利、利益或保障,并由雇主及雇员签署修订,否则 均属无效;而雇主亦须将雇佣双方已签署的修订副本交给雇员保存。 afcd.gov.hk | 21. Any variation, amendment, cancellation or addition to any terms of this employment contract (including the Schedule) must not extinguish or reduce any right, benefit or protection conferred upon the Employee by this employment contract, and must be duly signed by both parties, otherwise it shall be void. afcd.gov.hk |
立塔(Giorgio Gennari Litta)表示,「尽管世界整体局势不稳,但第廿届SAGSE展在参展厂商及进场人数方面,仍替全球业界订定了良好的基准,而我们也对展会成果感到满意。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Chairman Giorgio Gennari Litta of Monografie emphasized “although the overall situation of the world is not stable, the 20th SAGSE still set a good benchmark for the global industry in terms of exhibitor and visitor numbers. taiwanslot.com.tw |
(廿一)专案促销支出 专案促销所支付之佣金及配合行动电话门号销售所给付之手机等补贴款,按权责 基础於交易发生时认列为当期费用,帐列推销费用项下。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Commissions and cellular phone subsidy costs pertaining to the Corporation’s promotions are recognized as marketing expenses on an accrual basis in the current period. english.taiwanmobile.com |
成年申请者必须年满廿二岁或以上并具足够能力可直接报读第一年,申请者须通过性向测试及入学面试。 ipass.gov.hk | Mature applicants of aged 22 or above and with demonstrated ability may apply for admission into the 1st year. ipass.gov.hk |
注 9 : 如雇员受聘在多於一份政府服务合约中工作,必须在本雇佣合约第廿二及廿三条款中填写 所有有关的采购部门之名称。 afcd.gov.hk | Note 9: If the Employee is employed by the Employer to work under more than one government service contract, the names of all relevant procuring departments have to be filled in Clause 22 and Clause 23 of this employment contract. afcd.gov.hk |
德斯蒙德(Paul Desmond)的音乐,加上自家原创及改编的作品编在一起,成为廿一世纪引领时尚的新颖爵士乐。 yp.mo | Relating to the original sound of Cool Jazz in the 1960s, the musicians of pure desmond founded the group in the year 2002 to dignify the music of the Paul Desmond Quartet (with Jim Hall, Gene Cherico and Connie Kay) and to carry it over into the 21st century by programming it together with the group’s own original compositions and adaptations of songs of our time. yp.mo |
二零零一年林教授的专利「口服疫苗」获美国 麻省理工学院选为五项促成商业与科技变革的专利之一,又获美国时代杂志选为廿一世纪最重要的十大发明之一。 chaoda.com.hk | In 2001, Professor Lam’s “Edible Vaccine” was named by Massachusetts Institute of Technology as one of the five patents that would transform business and technology and was also named by Time Magazine as one of the ten most important professions in the 21st century. chaoda.com.hk |
在写作之时,我们的怜悯事工包括三处养护公寓、“新兵训练营”、两处照顾智力和生理残障者的中心、大约廿五位中国员工、八位来自海外的同工、许多来自不同国家,前往我们的公寓和怜悯团队一同事奉的志工,还有住在怜悯事工家庭中约125个孩子(其中75%有定期的赞助者)。 amccsm.org | At the time of writing, our mercy ministry includes three foster apartments, ‘boot camp', two centres caring for the intellectually and physically challenged, around 25 local Chinese staff, eight co-workers from overseas, many individual volunteers coming from various countries to help in our homes and mercy teams, and around 125 children in our mercy ministry family (75% of whom have regular child sponsors). amccsm.org |
由二零零五年二月十六日起,香港电话有限公司及由二零零八年十一月廿八日开始,联同 Hong Kong Telecommunications [...] (HKT) Limited 将客户的电话号码及地址资料(只限於电话号码,街道编号,街道名称及(如适用)大厦名称)交予香港消防处,以便该处能迅速辨认紧急电话由何处地点打出。 pccw.com | Starting from 16 February 2005, PCCW-HKT Telephone Limited, together with Hong [...] Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited since 28 [...] November 2008, have been providing [...]subscribers’ telephone number and address [...]information (limited to telephone number, street number, street name and, if applicable, the name of building) to the Hong Kong Fire Services Department for their prompt identification of the location where the emergency calls are made. pccw.com |
但是有一部份的确是因为心脏产生血块或菌块掉落,堵住脑血管而产生脑中风。某些天然补品,可预防和缓解中风,如多廿烷醇;中风后,可以使用甘氨酸和长春西汀,等。 cn.iherb.com | Certain natural supplements may support the prevention of strokes, such as policosanol; and for after a stroke, glycine, and vinpocetine, among others. iherb.com |
个 人 方 面,本 人 有 幸 荣 获 「安 永 企 业 家 奖(中 国)」的 国 际 商 业 殊 荣,不 但 是 社 会 及 商 界 对 本 人 作 出 认 同 及 鼓 励,更 是 对 维 达 全 体 员 工 过去廿五年努 力成 果 之表 彰。 vindapaper.com | This award not only represents the business community’s recognition and encouragement for me, but also a symbol of commendation for the past 25 years of dedication from Vinda International’s whole staff. vindapaper.com |
香港,二零一零年四月廿一日指金融租赁公司(出租人)与客户(承租人)订立的合 [...] 约协议,据此,承租人只须於指定期间内定期付出预先 协定的租金(租赁供款),即可使用租赁资产,而租赁 资产的所有权於合约期结束时自动转让予承租人,或附 带「购买选择权」可於合约期内以事先协定的价格购买 租赁资产。 cflg.com.hk | Hong Kong, [...] 21 April2010 It is a contractual [...]agreement between the financial leasing company (Lesser) and the client (Lessee) [...]by which the Lessee is entitled to benefit from the leased assets during a specified period of time against periodical installments agreed upon beforehand (leasing installments), provided that the ownership of the leased assets is transferred at the end of the contract’s duration to the lessee automatically, or against an already agreed upon amount with the “option to buy” the leased asset during the contract’s duration. cflg.com.hk |
国 泰 航 空 九 月 份 的 乘 客 及 货 运 量 大 幅 下 跌 , 与 去 年 同 期 比 较 , 乘 客 量 下 降 了 百 分 之 十 二 点 一 , 仅 录 得 八 十 七 万 一 千 一百廿六人次 ; 而 货 运 量 则 跌 了 百 分 之 十 二 点 二 , 至 六 万 一 千 四百廿吨,此 乃 受 全 球 经 济 滑 落 及 美 国 恐 怖 袭 击 影 响 。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific Airways saw passenger and cargo numbers decline substantially during September due to the general economic slowdown and the impact of the US terrorist attacks on travel and tourism demand. swirepacific.com |
为支持癌症教育,本院综合肿瘤科中心於2006年3月24日参与由医院管理局临床肿瘤科中央统筹委员会、香港防癌会及香港临床肿瘤学会联合举办之「透视廿一世纪鼻咽癌新疗法」活动。 hksh.com | In support of cancer education in Hong Kong, the Comprehensive Oncology Centre (COC) of the Hospital participated in the programme "Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: New Treatment Perspectives in 21st Century" jointly organized by the Hospital Authority's Clinical Oncology Central Coordinating Committee, Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society and Hong Kong Society of Clinical Oncology on 24 March 2006 at the Hospital Authority Building. hksh.com |
澳门全艺社将组织五名澳门艺术家参加於台北举行的“Art Taipei 2011 台北国际艺术博览会”,展期由八月廿六日至廿九日,展览地点为台北世界贸易中心展览大楼一馆。 afamacau.com | AFA will organize five Macao artists to attend the 'Art Taipei 2011 International Art Fair' which will take place from 26 to 29 August,2011,at the Taipei World Trade Center. afamacau.com |
正如俗语所讲,强者愈强;Concept 2 室内赛艇机 C 型号是世界上最受欢迎的赛艇机,除了得到最佳划手的垂青,更是最佳锻炼心肺功能的产品,与及在最近 UltraFit 健身器材大奖中赢得整体最佳家庭产品的美誉;现在,室内赛艇机D型号经已来临,标榜着全新改良功能集於一身,其中包括一个全新的表现监控器;D 型号丁是一部廿一世纪的机器。 rowsport.com | The Concept 2 Indoor Rower Model C was the most popular rowing machine in the world, winning best rower, best commercial CV product and best overall home product in the most recent UltraFit Fitness Equipment Awards. rowsport.com |