单词 | 安好 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 安好adverb—welladv安好—safe and soundExamples:不安好心—have bad intentions 安排好v—settlev 安装好的adj—mountedadj 安排好的adj—setadj
折回头时,每走一步路都想一个人,轻诉对他/她的祝福「愿你快 乐、安好」。 avatarepc.com | For each step you take on your return, think [...] of someone and whisper theblessing, “May you be happyandwell. avatarepc.com |
将走纸链一个一个打开并安好以防止纸张滑动。 printronix.com | Open and load the tractors one at a time to prevent the paper from slipping. printronix.cn |
在西班牙邪教普里西利安好奇的论文被发现仅在1889年。 mb-soft.com | The curioustreatises of the Spanish heretic Priscillian were [...] discovered only in 1889. mb-soft.com |
但爲了您的安全请您务必扣好 安全带,以保护心律调整器不受到损害。 biotronik.com | For your own safety,you should always wearasafety belt – it will not damage the pacemaker. biotronik.com |
各部门安全工作由部门经理负责,贯彻执行公司有关劳动保护、安全生产规程,搞 好安全生产,检查不安全因素,督促执行隐患整改。 elantas.cn | He/she makes sure that all internal procedures with regard to safety, environmental protection and health are well implemented. elantas.com |
这意味着,很多计程车其实并不预备安装安全座椅,所以您要自己准备 好安全座椅并且安排能放置安全座椅的汽车。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | This means that a lot of taxis are not actually equipped to install a seat, so be prepared by using car seats and arranging for vehicles that are able to support them. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
现在,几乎所有在北京和上海的出租车都有乘客安全带,您应当在乘车时系 好安全带。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Most modern taxis in Beijing and Shanghai have passenger seatbelts that you should use. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
采取适当的安全防范措施,例如:穿戴和使用 个人防护装置,并在驾驶或乘坐公司车辆时系好 安全带。 tenneco.com | take appropriate safety precautions including wearing and using personal protective equipment and using seat belts while driving or riding in a Company vehicle. tenneco.com |
为 确 保 安 全 生产工 作 , 本 集 团 严 格 按 照 矿 山 生产的相关 法 律 法 规要求 , 建 立 、 健 全 安 全 生产管 理 体 系 , 自 上 而 下 逐 步 形 成 了一个 职能健 全 、 指挥有 效 、 反 应 快 速 的 安 全 生 产 组 织 体 系 ; 通过安 全 生产制 度 化 、 标 准 化 建 设 , 层层落 实安全 生产任 务 指 标 ,做好 安全隐患 排 查 治 理 , 有 效 提 高 了 公 司 的 安 全 管 理 水 平 。 cre8ir.com | An all-round, comprehensive, effective and quick-reacting system that controlled production safety was gradually established. The Company’s standard of production safety control was enhanced by institutionalization of the safety control system; standardization of construction work procedures and elimination of potential safetyissues with preventive measures by fulfilling thesafety control duty at every tier of the Company. cre8ir.com |
在收监之前,对于负有养育子女责任的女性,应当允许她们为子女做好安排,考虑到儿童的最佳利益,包括可以留出一段合理的暂不拘押的时 间。 daccess-ods.un.org | Prior to or on admission, women with caretaking [...] responsibilities for children shall be [...] permittedto make arrangements for those children, [...]including the possibility of a reasonable [...]suspension of detention, taking into account the best interests of the children. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要活动有做好安排将样品和相关文件安全运送到经过世界反兴奋剂机构认证 的或世界反兴奋剂机构另行批准的实验室,并做 好安排将样品采集文件安全运送到 反兴奋剂组织。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The main [...] activities are arranging forthe secure transport of Samples and related documentation to the WADA accredited laboratory or as otherwise approved by WADA, andarranging for the secure transport [...]of Sample collection documentation to the ADO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
系好安全带为惊心动魄的边缘,你的座位在迪斯尼的家庭喜剧冒险G-Force的行动,并笑了出来,大声乐趣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Buckle up for thrilling edge-of-your-seat [...] action and laugh-out-loud fun in Disney’s family comedy adventure G-Force. seekcartoon.com |
此外,所有拘留设施都已作好安排,使被拘留者可以向拘留设施的上级管 理机构和主管部委提出投诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further, all detention [...] facilitieshavearrangements in place whereby [...]detainees could submit complaints to the agencies under [...]which the facilities are located as well as to the minister responsible for the agency. daccess-ods.un.org |
一查证”是指要求运载危险化学物品的车辆做到持证驶入,没有通行证的不得驶入;“二提醒”是提醒司乘人员系 好安全带,不系安全带不发卡、不放行,还有提醒驾驶人不要疲劳驾驶,做好交通安全宣传资料发放;“防三超”是指一旦发现车辆涉嫌超限运输(超长、超宽、超高)、超员(包括营运客车、旅游客车及非营运客车超员、货车驾驶室超员、货车车厢违法载人等)、灯光不全等违法行为,禁止其通行,并及时向高速交警报告。 sdgxsz.com | Verify " refers to the requirement that the carrying dangerous chemicals into the vehicle to the holder, without a permit shall not enter; " two " [...] remind remind passengers [...] to fasten the safety belt is not fastened safety belt, not issuing, does not release, and to remind the driver not driver fatigue, make traffic safetypropaganda material [...]issue; " three super [...]" refers to the once suspected of transfinite transport vehicles ( long, wide, ultra-high), overcrowding ( including operating passenger cars, sightseeing buses and non operating bus overcrowding overcrowding, truck cab, car illegal manned etc.), light is not congruent illegal, prohibited its passage, and promptly to the high-speed traffic police report. sdgxsz.com |
倘若在飞行前提示中能接 获通知,得知会遭遇乱流,我会系好安全带留在组员座 位上。 tacare.org.tw | ... I would have remained strapped in my jump seat if informed prior to departure of any expected turbulence. tacare.org.tw |
学校将全力确保学生在校车上的安全,比如:提供每个座位设置安全带的校车,同时 在行驶过程中,校车助理会随时检查学生是否系 好安全带等。 ncis-nanchang.com | The school makes every effort to ensure student safety during the bus service, e.g. providing buses with seat belts and having bus assistants checking at key points along the journey that all student riders are wearing them. ncis-nanchang.com |
为确保卫生而把水井封好,安装合适的水 泵,训练社区自我维护水井和自我服务,如出现严重问题,则有工程技术人员提 供帮助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The wells are [...] hygienically sealed and fitted with appropriate pumps that the communities are trained to maintain and [...]service themselves, with [...]help from engineers available for serious problems. daccess-ods.un.org |
在委员会会议期间举行时,工作组会议应做 好安排,使出席该委员会会议的所 有代表团能够参加。 codexalimentarius.org | When convened during a session of a Committee, a working group should be scheduled so as to allow participation of all delegations present at the session. codexalimentarius.org |
无法系好安全带 坐直的儿童,如果不抱着,则必须放在 FAA 认可的婴儿座位上。 united.com | Children unable to sit upright with the seat belt fastenedmust be carried in an FAA-approved infant seat if not being held by an adult. united.com |
按照关于潜在财务资源和根据第十九次缔约方会议第 [...] XIX/6 号决定第 11(b)段之规 定增加资源以最大限度发挥氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的环境惠益的机会的第 54/39(h)号决定, [...] 开发计划署指出,印度政府和行业部门的工作重点一直是确保选择和推广环境友好、安全且 成本高效且不牺牲性能的氟氯烃替代品。 multilateralfund.org | In response to decision 54/39(h) on potential financial incentives and opportunities for additional resources to maximize the environmental benefits from HPMPs pursuant to paragraph 11(b) of decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties, UNDP indicated that the focus of the Government of India and the [...] industrial sector has been to ensure that [...] environment-friendly, safe and cost-effective [...]alternatives to HCFCs that do not compromise [...]performance are selected and promoted. multilateralfund.org |
它不仅好安装设定,透过 DSM 作业系统,还相当容易使用。 synology.com | It’s easy to set up and, thanks to the DSM operating system, it’s also very accessible to use. synology.com |
定好安装板(109)位置,确保马达顶部远离横杠。 graco.com | Position mounting plate (109) to [...] ensure top of motor will clear the crossbar. graco.com |
根据人体工程学设计的新型驾驶室, 密封性能良好,安全舒适。 sdlg.cn | The new cab is designed according to human factors engineering, with [...] good sealing performance,safety andcomfort. sdlg.cn |
每个中心最好安排一名专业工作人员和一名行政工作 人员专门负责该项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ideally one professional staff member [...] and one administrative staff member would be dedicated to the project in each Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
一旦您确定了最有可能起火的方位并制订 好安全逃生路线,以便最大程度地降低风险,请务必定期与全家人演习逃生计划。 cn.lubrizol.com | Once you recognize where a fire is most likely to [...] start and develop safetyroutines to minimize [...]the risk, be certain to practice escape [...]plans regularly with every member of the family. lubrizol.com |
主管当局或机构应制定一项制度,并应培训有关工作人员,评估儿童的需 要,使之与潜在寄养照料者的能力与资源相称,并使所有有关人员作 好安置准备。 daccess-ods.un.org | The competent authority or agency should devise a system, and should train concerned staff accordingly, to assess and match the needs of the child with the abilities and resources of potential foster carers and to prepare all concerned for the placement. daccess-ods.un.org |
BeoLab 15 可依据您的喜好,安装於耳部高度以上或以下的墙面位置,无需担心技术上的限制,提供出色的平衡音效,让您在最佳聆听位置享受完美的聆赏体验。 bang-olufsen.com | BeoLab 15 canbe wall-mounted above orbelow ear [...] height according to your taste without worrying about technical restrictions, [...]giving you great balanced sound that hits the acoustic sweet spot of a perfect listening experience. bang-olufsen.com |