

单词 威风凛凛

See also:

威风 adj

prestigious adj

External sources (not reviewed)

我们建议在学校 举办全球停战活动的主题为“终止恃凛 弱”,因为恃凛弱是 全世界校园暴力事 件的主要形式。
Wewouldsuggestthatthetheme for Global Truce activities in school is ‘ending bullying’, since bullying is the predominant form of violence in schools the world over.
使馆的总体设计也体现了选址的艺术,馆舍建筑坐北朝南,以利于充分采光,同时,也可抵御北京冬 凛 冽 的 寒 风。
The art of geomancy comes into play with the buildings lying at a traditional
north-south orientation, maximizing the use of sunlight as well as protecting
[...] against the harsh winds during Beijing winters.
在一些地区,平民生活逐步军事化,包括儿童在内的平民卷入情报工作或军 事行动,都将平民置于受游击威胁 和 袭击 风 险 之 中。
In some areas, the progressive militarization of civilian life and the involvement of civilians, including children, in
intelligence work or military actions are
[...] putting civilians at risk of being threatened and attacked by [...]
guerrilla groups.
黎巴嫩贝鲁特,2013年3月25日 —凛冽的寒风中, 我们忙着卸载成箱的捐赠物资——一批簇新的鞋子,附近的孩子们正在锋利的岩石、碎玻璃和泥地上赤脚奔跑着。
BEIRUT, Lebanon, 25 March 2013 – Children run barefoot across the sharp rocks, broken glass and dirt, as we offload boxes of donated new shoes in the bitter wind.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、
[...] 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安 威 胁 和 紧急情 况,以及对核放射威胁级 紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生 风 险 管 理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and
plant pests
[...] and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to [...]
food and agriculture.
看到叙利亚人民陷于可悲的冲突是 令人痛心和遗憾的——该国人民热爱和平并大凛 然地捍卫其主权和自决权。
It is painful and regrettable to see the deplorable conflict afflicting the Syrian people — a people who love peace and nobly defend their sovereignty and right to self-determination.
河北张家口】2010年12月17日,在北 凛 冽 的 寒 风 中 , 苏黎世保险“冬日暖阳”志愿者团在公司中国区首席执行官(候任)胡晓勤女士的带领下,动身赶往张家口市张北县战海乡中心小学,去为那里的近400名学生捐赠棉衣。
On Dec. 17th, 2010 in the cold wind in North China, led [...]
by Ms. Hu Xiaoqin, CEO of Zurich in China, volunteers of Zurich
in China "Winter Sunshine" program left for Zhanhai Town Central Primary School in Zhangbei County of Zhangjiakou to donate winter clothing for nearly 400 students there.
2009/10 年冬天异凛冽和 漫长,造成冬小麦存活率很低和春季作物种植和 主季水稻插秧延迟。
The winter of 2009/10 was unusually severe and prolonged, resulting in a low survival rate of winter wheat and delays in planting spring crops and transplanting mainseason paddy.
大会 2004 年 4 月 4 日第 61/263
[...] 号决议强调联合国有 必要建立一个全面的安全和安保政策框架, 威 胁 和 风 险 的 评估、与东 道国的合作、费用分摊安排以及安全和安保部的业务提供依据,并请秘 [...]
In its resolution 61/263 of 4 April 2007, the Assembly emphasized the need for a comprehensive safety and security policy framework at
the United Nations that would
[...] provide the basis for threat and risk assessment, cooperation [...]
with the host countries, cost-sharing
arrangements and operations of the Department of Safety and Security, and requested the Secretary-General to present such a framework to the Assembly at the first part of its resumed sixty-second session.
不受国际管制的新型合成药物市场千变万化,要求加大对 监测和报告的投入,以评估这些药物带来 风 险 和 威 胁。
The constantly evolving market of ever newer synthetic substances not under
international control requires investment in monitoring and
[...] reporting to assess risks and threats posed by these [...]
安全和安保部的人员配置目前包括由支助账户供资的 13 个专 业人员、2 个一般事务(其他职等)和 3 个安保事务职等员额,详情如下:区域业
务司维持和平行动支助处(支助处)的编制包括 11 个安保协调干事(1 个 P-5、4 个 P-4、4 个 P-3 和
[...] 2 个行政助理(一般事务(其他职等))及威 胁 和 风 险股 1 个安 全情报干事(P-4);安保和安全处特派团支助股的编制包括 [...]
1 个训练协调员(P-3)、 一个协理训练干事(P-2)和
3 个训练干事(安保事务职等)。
The staffing establishment of the Department of Safety and Security currently includes 13 Professional, 2 General Service (Other level) and 3 Security Service posts funded from the support account as follows: the Peacekeeping Operations Support Section of the Division of Regional Operations comprises 11 Security Coordination Officers (1 P-5, 4 P-4, 4 P-3 and 2 Administrative Assistants (GS
(OL))) and 1 Security Information
[...] Officer (P-4) in the Threat and Risk Unit; the Mission [...]
Support Unit of the Security and Safety
Service includes 1 Training Coordinator (P-3), 1 Associate Training Officer (P-2) and 3 Training Officers (SS).
中期 安全计划》旨在通过查明现风险和 威 胁 、 确定适当的优先应对措施以及提出主要从正常预 算中出资的资金建议,加强总部的安保措施。
The MTSP is aimed at reinforcing security arrangements
at Headquarters through
[...] identification of existing risks and threats, elaboration of [...]
prioritized and adequate responses,
as well as proposals for financing, primarily from the regular budget.
[...] 止了具体安全事件发生,但地方当局和乍得安全部队的能力仍然有限,无法在乍 得东部的广大地区建立安全,因而那里的平民依然受到抢劫行为和其 风 险 的威 胁。
Although specific security incidents have been deterred, the local authorities and Chadian security forces still have limited capacity to establish
security over vast areas of eastern Chad in which the civilian
[...] population remains at risk from banditry and other threats.
Novell 的安全管理解决方案的效率和有效性已经过许多组织验证,这些组织需要收集安全信息,以抵御有针对性的安 威 胁 、降 低 风 险 并 确保合规。
Security Management solutions from Novell have proven efficient and effective for organizations that need to
collect security information to protect against
[...] targeted security threats, decrease risk, and ensure regulatory [...]
一些代表团认为,地球静止轨道是一种有限的自然资源,存在饱和风 险,从而威胁到在这一环境中进行空间活动的可持续性;对地球静止轨道应当 予以合理使用;所有各国,无论其目前的技术能力如何,都应当有机会在公平 [...]
条件下利用地球静止轨道,同时特别考虑到发展中国家的需要以及某些国家的 地理位置。
Some delegations were of the view that the geostationary orbit was a
limited natural
[...] resource that was at risk of becoming saturated, thereby threatening the sustainability [...]
of space activities
in that environment; that its exploitation should be rationalized; and that it should be made available to all States, under equitable conditions, irrespective of their current technical capabilities, taking into account in particular the needs of developing countries and the geographical position of certain countries.
可在文本中加入“所采取的旨 在提高预期寿命的措施,包括通过解决社会中存在威胁生命的风险”之类的措辞。
Wording to the effect of “measures taken to
increase life expectancy, including through
[...] addressing the risk to life to be found in society”, could be included in the text.
虽然这方面的发展便利了信息获取和人际沟通,并在许多方面惠及儿童, 但是它也对儿童安全、个人发展和福祉构成 风 险 和 新 威 胁。
Although this development has facilitated access to information and communication between people and has been
beneficial for children in many ways,
[...] it also poses new risks and threats to children’s [...]
safety, personal development and well-being.
根据委员会提出的关于依照安全理事会第 1810(2008)号决议第 8 段考虑对
[...] 决议执行情况进行全面审查的方式的报告,审查将涉及三个领域:评估各 风险 和威胁的 变化情况;解决具体的关键问题;找出执行决议的新的可能办法。
According to the report of the Committee on modalities for considering a comprehensive review, in accordance with paragraph 8 of Security Council resolution 1810 (2008), the review was intended
to address three areas: to assess
[...] the evolution of risks and threats, to address specific [...]
critical issues and to identify
possible new approaches for the implementation of the resolution.
[...] 部门的重中之重,目的是查明出现了哪些对实现本组织的目标 威 胁 的 风 险 或因素,并确定 已经有效消除了哪些风险,以及需要建立什么样的机制来应对剩下的风险。
Completing the Organization-wide risk assessment is an important priority
for management to identify the emerging risks or
[...] factors that can threaten the achievement [...]
of the Organization’s objectives
and identify which risks are already being effectively addressed and what mechanisms need to be established to address the remaining risks.
因 此,让我们联合做出努力,采取行动应付核武器存在本身构成 风 险 和 威 胁 , 鉴 于其人道主义后果,只要使用这些武器就将构成危害人类罪。
Let us therefore join efforts and take action to
[...] deal with the risks and threats posed by the [...]
sheer existence of nuclear weapons, given
their humanitarian consequences – weapons whose mere use would constitute a crime against humanity.
The probe also has a HIOVERRIDE
sensor that can shut off the feed pump if the water level in the sump
[...] rises too high and threatens to flood the blower.
在这方面,他回顾安全理事会在第 1963(2010)号决议中强调预防风险和威 胁 的 演变以 及消除有利于恐怖主义蔓延的各种条件,并更加重视 [...]
安全理事会第 1624(2005)号决议,该决议是反恐执行 局一项十分积极的行动计划的主题。
In that connection, he recalled the emphasis placed by the Security Council, in its
resolution 1963 (2010), on prevention, the
[...] evolution of risks and threats, and addressing [...]
the conditions conducive to the spread
of terrorism, and increased attention on Security Council resolution 1624 (2005), which had been the subject of a very positive plan of action by CTED.
他回顾该部自从在 2005
[...] 年设立以来,预算大致 没有改变。他说,拟议的预算将帮助解决关键领域(例威胁与风险的 分析和信息的管理)的问题。
Recalling that the Department’s budget had remained relatively unchanged since its establishment in 2005, he said that the
proposed budget would help address problems in vital
[...] areas such as threat and risk analysis and information [...]
主要活动包括监测和评估全球威胁 和 风 险 , 提 供安保风险管理指导,并制定旨在为成功交付方案提供有利环境的其他政策和做 [...]
Key activities include monitoring and
[...] assessing global threats and risks; providing [...]
guidance on security risk management; and developing other
policies and practices aimed at creating an enabling environment for successful programme delivery, while maintaining the safety and security of UNICEF staff and assets.
2004-2007 年政府开展各项 相关活动的主要目标在于加大跨部门干预力度,减少死亡率、发病率、残疾率,
[...] 为各类居民平等享受医疗服务和社会福利创造条件,倡导健康的生活方式,减少 对健康构威胁的风险因 素,从而最终提高全体居民的健康水平。
The main aim of the activities undertaken during 2004–2007 have been directed to improve population health and wellbeing through support of the inter-sector interventions directed to the decrease of mortality, morbidity and excessive disability, creation of conditions for equal access to medical and social services for all
categories of population, promotion of the healthy way of life and
[...] reduction of the risk factors which threaten health.
与之形成补充的是一项 有关偷运移民情况的业务和战略分析培训方案,由三个阶段组成,涉及以下三
[...] 调查;(b)加强对一国有关偷运移民活动具体情况进行战略分析的执法能力,以 查明总体趋势风险和威胁, 并制定应对政策;以及(c)使高级管理人员熟知如 [...]
This is complemented by a training programme on operational and strategic analysis of the smuggling of migrants, consisting of three phases relating to the following goals: (a) strengthening law enforcement capacity in carrying out operational analysis of cases involving the smuggling of migrants to effectively support investigations; (b) strengthening law enforcement capacity in conducting strategic analysis of a country’s specific situation with regard to the
smuggling of migrants, in order to identify
[...] overall trends, risk and threats and develop policies [...]
in response; and (c) familiarizing
senior management with how operational and strategic analysis enables them to effectively assign and manage these activities.
( 例如风) 的威胁而 加剧的困难条件下努力发展。它强调指出,多米 尼加努力打击歧视现象;采取了措施规定妇女担任公职的比例;制定了国家性别 平等计划;采取了措施,帮助歧视受害者诉诸法律。
It highlighted efforts to combat discrimination, the measures establishing quotas for women participation in public positions, and the national plan on gender equality and the measures taken for victims of discrimination to have preferential access to tribunals.
联合国行动在全球 和具体国家面临威胁和风险无 论在数量和规模上都在不断扩大,再加上开发署 [...]
Expanding numbers and scope of global and
[...] country-specific threats and risks to United Nations [...]
operations, coupled with UNDP’s
increasing focus on post-conflict situations and early recovery, have created challenging operating environments that require enhanced vigilance.




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