

单词 不受约束的

受约束的 adjective

stringent adj

不受约束 ()


See also:

不受 adj

free from adj



约束 v

bind v
restraint v
inhibit v


limit to

约束 n

austerity n

External sources (not reviewed)

如果军方继续行使不受约束的权力,占据中心舞台,文官治理和整个 民主改革进程将受到影响。
If the military continues to exercise unchecked powers and occupy centre stage, civilian rule and the overall democratic reform process will be undermined.
We need tobacco control and the
[...] regulation of the unfettered food and beverage [...]
关于答辩权,正如大会议事规则第 73 条中阐明 的那样,所设的不受约束的答辩权是一种只有联合 国会员国才能享有的权利。
On the right of reply, the unfettered right of reply as contemplated by rule 73 of the rules
of procedure of the General Assembly is a
[...] right enjoyed only by States Members of the United [...]
Nations, as the rule states.
它们目前享的不受约束的权 利应该同平衡的责任相符。
Their currently unchecked rights should be commensurate with balanced responsibilities.
然而,在令人困扰的众多例子中,警方获得了禁止示威的明确 不受约束 的酌处权。
However, in a troubling number of instances, the police are
[...] given explicit, unfettered discretion to prohibit [...]
通常在丛 林法则中,当一头象获胜并且变得非常强悍成 不受 约束的杀手时,它被称为凶狠的恶象。
Normally, in the law of the jungle, when an elephant prevails and becomes overpowering and becomes an absolute killer, it is called a rogue elephant.
[...] 实上,如其来文和其他不成功的申请者的证据所示,登记制度过于广泛地授予登 记官员酌处权实际上等于给予了他 不受约束的 酌 处 权,他们会毫不迟疑地利用 该权力根据其意愿随时拒绝登记申请。
The author claims that, in effect, as his communication and testimonies of the other unsuccessful applicants show, the overbroad grant of discretion to registration officials by the
registration regime amounts in practice to a
[...] grant to them of unfettered discretion, which [...]
they employ without hesitation, to reject
registration applications as and when they like.
因此,当事人事先根据与决定相关的信息, 不受约束的 情 况 下表示 同意,是一个必要条件。
Therefore prior free consent of the person, based on information appropriate to the decision, is a necessary condition.
政策必须促进在婚姻和家庭关系方面的性别平等,并确保妇女做决定、包 括关于生孩子的数目和间隔时间的决定,是自由的 不受约束的 , 并 且确保食物 和其他资源在家庭内平等分配。
Policies must promote gender equality in marriage and family relations, and ensure that women’s decision-making, including regarding the number and spacing of children, is free and unconstrained and that food and other resources are equally distributed within the household.
表 3 提供了业务照常情况不受约束的增 长 )和波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 政府提议的约束情况之间的比较。
The comparison between the business-as-usual scenario (unconstrained growth) and the constrained scenario proposed [...]
by the Government
of Bosnia and Herzegovina is provided in Table 3.
非法的,未经报批不受约束(IUU)的 捕 捞 给全球鱼类和海洋以及渔民们的安全带来严重威胁。
Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a serious threat to the health of the world’s fisheries and oceans, and the secure and safe employment of fishers.
和Nielsen观点之所以不同原因之一是因为Spool对于可用性任务的概念 – 正如Hudson(2001)所指出的,Spool提倡一种开放式的,相对来 不受约束的 可 用 性测试,这种测试需要更多的测试用户以找出站点潜在的可用性问题。
One reason for this difference with Nielsen is Spool’s
conception of the usability
[...] task – as Hudson (2001) has pointed out, Spool advocates an open-ended, relatively unconstrained [...]
usability test,
which requires many more users in order to see potential usability problems with the site.
[...] 供一个更广阔的发展平台,同时指出它作为一项消除贫困的通用战略具有一定的 局限性,并不受约束的商业 化的弊端表示关注。
It examines the growth of microfinance, which has the potential to provide a broader development platform, while pointing out its
limitations as a universal strategy for poverty eradication and concerns about
[...] the drawbacks of unfettered commercialization.
国家法律载述对人权的保障,主要有两个原因:首先,把对个人权利的干预 限制在根据国际人权法能够允许的范围,其次,防止这些措施的任意 不受约束 的使用
National laws contain human rights safeguards for two main reasons: to limit interference with the rights of individuals to what is
permissible under international human rights law; and to prevent
[...] the arbitrary or unfettered use of these measures.94 28.
(1) 准则 4.4.1 和 4.4.2 的效果是,保留及其引发的反应不 更 改 也 不 排 除 适用 当事方受约束的其他 条约规则或习惯规则。
(1) The consequence of guidelines 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 is that a reservation and the
reactions that it elicits neither modify nor
[...] exclude the application of other treaty or customary rules that bind the parties.
A a) 科学研究方面的任何决定或作法只能在当事人知情并不受任约 束、不受诱导的情况 下,事前征得当事人明确的同意后才能作出或 实施。
A a) Any decision or practice in the field of scientific research shall only be made or carried out with the prior, free, without inducement, informed and express consent of the persons concerned.
按照以往年度的消费趋势,2012 至 2020 年,不受约束地增长的情况 下,秘鲁的 氟氯烃消费量预计每年将增长 6%。
On the basis of consumption trends for past years, HCFC
consumption in Peru is expected to grow
[...] on a yearly basis by approximately 6 per cent using an [...]
unconstrained growth scenario from 2012 to 2020.
然而不应将这解释为是指,各受 其 尚 未批 准或加入的国际文书和区域文 的约束。
However, this should not be interpreted as meaning that States are bound by international and regional instruments that they have not ratified or acceded to.
b) 任何有关某人的医疗诊断和或治疗事宜的决定或作法只能(shall should)在当事人知情不受任何 约束的 情 况 下,事先征得当事人明 确的同意(因为根据了解到的情况,该决定是适宜的),并在当事人 不断参与的情况下作出或实施,但国内法规定的符合保护人的生 命、尊严和自主权原则的情况例外。
b) Any decision or practice regarding the Medical diagnosis and or treatment of a person shall should only be made or carried out with the prior, free, informed and express consent of the person concerned, based on information appropriate to the decision, and with the ongoing participation of such person, except as provided for in domestic law, consistent with the protection of human life, dignity and autonomy.
第 14 段从名单上删除了利比亚国家石油公司和 Zueitina 石油公司,因此 两家公不再受资产冻结的约束。
Paragraph 14 de-listed the Libyan National Oil Corporation and the Zueitina Oil Company, which are
[...] therefore no longer subject to the asset freeze.
这种看法认为,虽然一 条约可禁止对其条款提出保留,但这并不是说,一国同 受 一 条 约约束不 能 取决 于对该条的某一解释。
According to this view, although a treaty may prohibit the formulation of
reservations to its
[...] provisions, it does not follow that a State cannot subject its consent to be bound by the treaty [...]
to a certain interpretation of that treaty.
不受其监护人约束的情况 下签订经法律规定其监护人必须参与签订 的合同、而且因为无精神行为能力或因为作出了不容社会接受的行为 而受到监护的人。
Someone placed in guardianship owing to mental incapacity or socially unacceptable conduct, when [...]
entering, independently
of his guardian, into a contract in which the guardian is required by law to be involved.
( 选出条约或约不受约束条款) 下作的声明 旨在对作出声明的缔约方适用条约的某些规定时排除修改其法律效果,因 此应视为真正的保留,在任择条款下作出的声明具有提高声明义务者义务的效 果,使其超出缔约方根据条约所应负的义务,并且不影响到对它们的生效。
However, they are also very different in nature: while statements made under an exclusionary clause (or an opting-out [...]
or contracting-out clause)
purport to exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty as they apply to their authors and must therefore be viewed as genuine reservations, those made under optional clauses have the effect of increasing the declarant’s obligations beyond what is normally expected of the parties under the treaty and do not affect its entry into force in their case.
无人陪伴的未成年不受“安 全第三国”或“显然没有理由的要求”等原的约束,他 们的庇护申请将按优先次序获得审查。
Unaccompanied minors are not subject to the “safe third country” or “manifestly unfounded claim” principles and [...]
their asylum applications are examined in the order of priority.
如果有效保留意在更改条约某些规定的法律效力,当缔约国或缔约组织反对 该保留但不反对条约在它与保留方之间生效时,提出反对的缔约国或缔约组织与 保留方在其条约关系不受保留 意在更 的 条 约规 定 的约束。
To the extent that a valid reservation purports to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty, when a contracting State or a contracting organization has raised an objection to it but has not opposed the entry into force of the treaty between itself and the author of the reservation, the objecting State or organization and
the author of the
[...] reservation are not bound, in their treaty relations, by the provisions of the treaty as intended to be [...]
modified by the reservation.
例如,《最后文件》文本严重淡化了对核武器国 家降低其武库的实战状态以及停止开发和实质性改 进其核武器的承诺;文件并没有要求核武器国家废 除核武器在其军事理念中的作用,或者 受 一 项具 有法约束力的文书 以禁止核武器;文件没有要求 从无核武器国家的领土上撤出核武器;没有包含《条 约的不结盟国家缔约国集团要求设定的全面消除 核武器的具体时限;特别是,文件没有呼吁以色列, 这一对中东无核武器区构成唯一障碍的国家,停止 开发核武器,并无条件地签订《不扩散条约》。
For example, the text of the Final Document had significantly watered down the commitments for nuclear-weapon States to reduce the operational status of their arsenals and to cease the development and qualitative improvement of their nuclear weapons; it did not oblige the nuclear-weapon States to abolish the role of nuclear
weapons in their military
[...] doctrines or to accept a legally binding instrument for the prohibition of nuclear weapons; it did not call for the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territories of non-nuclearweapon States; it did not include the [...]
specific timeline for
the total elimination of nuclear weapons called for by the Group of Non-Aligned States parties to the Treaty; and, in particular, it failed to call upon Israel, the only obstacle to a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, to cease the development of nuclear weapons and to accede to the Non-Proliferation Treaty without preconditions.
虽然不能正式适用于前南斯拉夫在 1991-1992 年期间发生的解 体过程,但考虑到前南斯拉夫早在 1980 年就同意受《维也纳公约》约束 这一事实,以及南斯拉夫联盟共和国自 1992 年 4 月起就是该公约缔约国, 通过类推维也纳条约法公约第 18 条,不会想 到,一个以通知加入的方式 表示同意被视为受《关 于国家在条约方面的继承的维也纳公约 约束的国 家,会在某个独特情况中采不符合 公约第 34 条所载规则的行动,而在大 量其他情况中则采取完全符合该规则的行动。
Although not formally applicable to the process of the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia, which occurred in the 1991–1992 period, in light of the fact that the
former Yugoslavia
[...] consented to be bound by the Vienna Convention already in 1980, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been a contracting State to that Convention since April 1992, one would not expect, by analogy to article 18 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, a State which, through notification of its accession, expresses its consent to be considered as bound by the Vienna Convention on Succession [...]
of States in Respect of Treaties to act in a singular case inconsistently with the rule contained in article 34
of that Convention, while in a great number of other cases to acting in full conformity with that rule.
生产特殊裂变材料而设计或配备的设备或材料,提供给任何无核武器国家以用于 和平目的,除非这种源材料或特殊裂变材料受原子能机构各项保障监督措施的约 束;并遵守
[...] 1995 年条约审议和延期大会第 2 号决定第 12 段的规定(印度除外), 加拿大将只批准同符合以下条件的无核武器国家进行涉及可能会扩散的物品的 核合作:已作不获取 核武器或其他核爆炸装置的具有国际法 约束 力 的 承 诺, 已受原子能机构对其所有核活动的保障监督措施。
Consistent with its obligation not to provide source or special fissionable material, or equipment or material especially designed or prepared for the processing, use or production of special fissionable material to any non-nuclearweapon State for peaceful purposes unless the source or special fissionable material is subject to IAEA safeguards, and with decision 2, paragraph 12, of the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review and Extension Conference, with the exception of India, Canada will only authorize nuclear cooperation involving proliferationsignificant items with those non-nuclear-weapon States that
have made an
[...] internationally legally binding commitment not to acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices and that have accepted IAEA safeguards [...]
on the full scope of their nuclear activities.
(6) 短语“较早地”一词旨在保持做法在日后的广泛灵活性以 不 排 除 诸如 “保的提出者同意受约束”和 “取得缔约国或缔约组织地位”之间任何时间 滞后的可能性。
(6) The phrase “at an earlier date” seeks to preserve broad flexibility for practice in the future and,
for example, the
[...] possibility of not eliminating any time lag whatsoever between the expression of the consent of the author of the reservation to be bound by the treaty and the acquisition [...]
of the status
of contracting State or contracting organization.
如果“未经过辐照的直接使用材料”定义适用,那么某些形式的核材 料如果从经过辐照的状态转变到未经过辐照的状态,那么这些材料将受“禁产约”的约束,反 过来说,一旦未经过辐照的核材料变成经过辐照的核材料, 便不 再受禁产条约约束。
If the “unirradiated direct use material” definition applied, certain forms of nuclear
material would become
[...] subject to an FMCT when moving from the irradiated form to the unirradiated form, and conversely, unirradiated nuclear material might no longer be subject to an FMCT once irradiated.




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