单词 | 迷幻 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 迷幻 —psychedelicless common: hallucinatory Examples:迷幻药—psychedelic • dimethyltryptamine (DMT) • hallucinogen See also:迷—confused • enthusiast • crazy about • bewilder 幻 n—fantasy n 幻 pl—hallucinations pl
對㆒些有迷幻藥 癮的青少年來說,違法出售危險藥物及咳藥水的藥房,是他們的「便利藥房」,這些已 [...] 經是公開的秘密。 legco.gov.hk | To those young people who [...] are dependent on hallucinogens, drugstores are [...]their "convenience shops" for the unlawful sale [...]of dangerous drugs and cough syrup, and this is already an open secret. legco.gov.hk |
這位天才的年輕藝術家,很明顯還沉醉于兒時 那 迷幻 世 界 ,籠子裏的猴子,草地上的秋千,這些都讓 [...] Swatch 腕表充滿了快樂和愉悅。 swatch.com | This talented young artist clearly keeps at least one foot in the [...] monkey-barred, swing-set playground of his [...] childhood-steeped fantasy world, which makes [...]for Swatch watches that tickle and please. swatch.com |
足夠的迷幻與興 奮,可喜是Kasabian並沒有忘記旋律;Tom和Serge無論在主音及和唱都編排得恰到好處,極盡發揮二人的美妙聲線。 think-silly.com | With heaps of psychedelic and ecstasy in [...] Kasabian’s melody, the best qualities of the vocal of Tom and Serge are at work in this album. think-silly.com |
基督書院之教職員生不應擁有或服用有害之物質,例如:未經醫 師開處方之興奮劑、或迷幻藥。 christs-college.org | Members of the Christ's College [...] community will refrain from having or using harmful substances such as [...] un-prescribed stimulants, or hallucinogenic drugs. christs-college.org |
这些万花筒似的、迷幻般的多姿多彩的意象和图案闪耀着生命的光辉,并随着时尚的步伐而快速变换。 swatch.com | These kaleidoscopic, psychedelic tapestries of image [...] and pattern shine with life, and fairly snap at the heels of fashion. swatch.com |
这些毒品包括,甲基苯丙胺,迷幻药和 K 他命。 crisisgroup.org | For a comprehensive study of the narcotics trade in the Golden Triangle, see Kramer, Jelsma and Blickman, “Withdrawal Symptoms in the Golden Triangle: A Drugs Market in Disarray”, op. cit. crisisgroup.org |
的确,这个建筑是为Philippe [...] [...] Parreno的一部科幻短片《火星来的男孩》准备的,他以此为主角拍摄了这部影片:神秘的夜空,缓慢移动的星光,水牛在水田里踩下的脚印,它用力拉动和没入池塘水面的身影,炯炯有神的牛眼睛,慢慢变亮的灯泡,白天田野上空的太阳,塑料棚与周围的树木被风吹动的诗意画面,以及片尾黑幕时一个苍老男人的吟哦,渲染出一种令人过目不忘 的 迷幻 氛 围。 alternativearchive.com | Indeed, the building was originally constructed for Philippe Parreno’s architectural sci-fi film The Boy from Mars; he made the film with the building as the lead actor: the mysterious night sky, the slowly moving starlight, the footprints left in the rice field by the buffalo, its silhouette pulling hard and submerging into the pond, the buffalo’s bright and piercing eyes, the slowly illuminating light bulbs, the sun above the field during the daytime, the poetic tableau of the plastic canopy and the surrounding trees blown by the wind, and the chanting of [...] an aged man at the end of the film, all [...] contributed to a hallucinatory atmosphere that [...]was hard to forget after viewing. alternativearchive.com |
以極具個人風格及被形容為「迷幻」 的 聲線獲得音樂圈高度評價的林宥嘉,在出道後不久便囊括多個由台灣、香港、中國、新加坡及南韓所頒發的最佳新人獎。 yp.mo | Highly praised by the music industry for his [...] distinctive and dreamy vocals, Lin soon [...]won multiple newcomer awards in Taiwan, [...]Hong Kong, China, Singapore and South Korea. yp.mo |
在工作室中,当年让乐队成员们走到一起的那种激情和灵感重新被点燃,化作直击人心的不和谐之声、让人窒息的鼓点、令人目眩的吉他以及切切恳求的歌词,并通过这样的方式将他们来自挪威西海岸 的 迷幻 曲 风 变成了更加凝重的肃穆。 norway.org.cn | In the studio, the fire that originally had them come together was once again relit, resolving into squeaking dissonances, [...] death-bringing drums, piercing guitars and pleading lyrics and thereby swapping [...] their west coast psychedelia for darker matter. norway.cn |
懷舊、迷幻是整 張專集的主題,〈Orphans〉和〈Chemtrails〉這兩首跟Cat Power合唱的曲目,輕盈美麗的音符加上點點潮濕陰暗的 輕 迷幻 氣 味 ,最好的Beck回來了。 think-silly.com | With nostalgia and psychedelic as the theme; the vocal of Cat Power in ‘Orphans’ and ‘Chemtrails’; beautiful notes with a light, dewy psychedelic flavour, the best of Beck has returned. think-silly.com |
热情、迷幻和少许俏皮,指环摇身一变成为鸡尾酒杯。 piaget.com.cn | A zest of wit, a dose of fancy and a hint of mischief have transformed this ring into a playful cocktail glass! en.piaget.com |
因此,“政治 化妝”是捨本逐末的不務正業,有時候甚至是政治家 的 迷幻 藥 和 快樂丸,讓 施政者在民調和掌聲中迷失,面對機關算盡後的弄巧反拙,最終是得不償 失,曾蔭權又何必沉迷呢? legco.gov.hk | However smart such calculations may be, they may backfire and the outcome may be counter-productive and one will stand to lose more than he will gain, so why should Donald TSANG indulge himself in this? legco.gov.hk |
他们把Pink Floyd的迷幻, Led Zeppelin节奏, The Who的旋律融合成了一种令你无法抵挡的摇滚乐,氛围饱满的键盘声以及所有你能想象出的动人电子音效也尽在其中。 yugongyishan.com | They take Pink Floyd psychedelia, Led Zeppelin stomp, and The Who-inspired choruses and charge them full of big-rock beats, atmospheric keyboards and all kinds of electronic whooshes. yugongyishan.com |
自游的吉他手王辉以及刺猬前贝斯手博宣的加入,将确保70年 代 迷幻 摇 滚 的热爱者,会如同欧洲前卫的DJ们一样热爱NOVA HEART最终呈现出的现场声音效果!这张将于2011年底在欧洲发行的专辑,用欧洲知名DJTelonius的话来说已经“备受关注”。 yugongyishan.com | Supporting acts include 6th Generation Rockers Mr. Graceless bringing a fresh interpretation of Beijing Rock to the stage, and hot new electronic newcomers Wanderlust. yugongyishan.com |
飾以珠寶與銀色鏈條的露指皮手套與凌亂的拉斯塔法里式髮辮混搭出奢華的嬉皮風,Michel [...] Gaubert打造出彌漫著1970年代果阿風情 的 迷幻 顫 音 配樂,與一切相得益彰。 chanel-news.chanel.com | Jeweled leather and silver-chained fingerless gloves and [...] disheveled rasta dreadlocks give a luxuriant hippie twist to the 1970s Goa vibe of [...] Michel Gaubert’s psychedelic soundtrack. chanel-news.chanel.com |
费舍尔的迷幻剂试验表明,的沉淀物在甲醇和乙醇中获得收益率是不的95%的信心水平(酒吧图中的溶剂的名称,标志)统计学差异;卯木沉淀的产量显着甲醇和乙醇比在乙腈溶液中,这又是明显比在THF。 jove.com | Fisher's LSD test indicates that the precipitate yields obtained in methanol and ethanol are not statistically different at the 95% confidence level (signified by the bar over the names of solvents in the figure); the yield of Ugi precipitate is significantly greater in ethanol and methanol than in acetonitrile, which in turn is significantly greater than that in THF. jove.com |
2008年成立于蒙特利尔的Final Flash是一支迷幻民谣 乐队,他们一出道就在加拿大音乐周和蒙特利尔流行音乐节等各种场合进行了演出,立马获得不少粉丝的欢心和媒体的注意,其中包括洛杉矶的North [...] Star媒体公司。 spli-t.com | This much buzzed-about Montreal [...] quintet has had a whirlwind year, catching [...] the attention of fans and media with their [...]unique brand of psychedelic folk-rock, [...]and landing a record deal and shows at Canadian Music Week and SXSW in the process. spli-t.com |
爵士音乐先锋查理.帕克,因神乎其技的萨克斯风吹奏而名留历史,35岁不到的生命即油尽灯枯;吉米.汉德里克融合黑人蓝调 、 迷幻 摇 滚 的乐风,被称为吉他之神,28岁时即撒手人寰,成名到逝世仅四年时间。 ravenelart.com | Jimi Hendrix 11942- 19701 "The God of Guitar" had sealed his reputation by the time he was 28 years old by playing blues-influenced jazz fused with rock-and-roll, only to pass away a short 4 years later. ravenelart.com |
草間彌生回顧展2011年於龐畢度藝術中心展開,繼而昆士蘭美術館、泰德美術館、惠特尼美術館,及日本各大美術館規模龐大而炫迷的展出,讓草間彌生的藝術魅力如火如荼的在全世界漫延開來,不僅藝術殿堂的美術館,歐美亞洲的LV精品店亦在草間虛實交錯 的 迷幻 圓 點中裝置出驚心動魄的美感時尚。 artmap.com.tw | Not only in the palaces of art museums, simultaneously, the LV boutiques in Europe, USA, and Asia also install their fashion aesthetic with Kusama’s dazzling dots alternating the fictional and real world. artmap.com.tw |
一个科幻迷的科幻网站 ,收集了大量科幻小说。 business-china.com | Science fiction confuses science fiction website, collected science fiction novel. business-china.com |
物妖》,結合馬戲式的情境、現代舞的張力和戲劇性的效果,加上令人目眩的雜技元素,構成一幅 魔 幻迷 人 的 意象。 yp.mo | Together they have conceived and perfected a mix of performing [...] genres wrapped in a dreamlike circus universe [...]inhabited by wandering acrobats and oddly beautiful creatures. yp.mo |
教育部门还应对了该双年度期间出现的各种重大挑战,尤其是全球经济的严重衰退 和前途的变幻莫测。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It also responded to key challenges that emerged during the biennium, in particular the severe global economic downturn and uncertainty about the future. unesdoc.unesco.org |
中心會密切留意有關迷迭香 提取物安全性的科學新資訊,以及有關規管的國際發 展。 cfs.gov.hk | The CFS would keep in view of the new scientific information on [...] the safety of rosemary extract as well [...]as the international development regarding its regulatory control. cfs.gov.hk |
不过,我希望你们能看到最后结果--我对自己就不抱过 多 幻 想 了--但 是,预见未来对不是做预见未来买卖的人来讲的确是一件难事。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Well, I hope that you will – I personally am not over-optimistic – but it is clear that predicting the future, except for those who make a business of it, is a difficult exercise. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其中一個小組委員會(即研究在香港實施聯合國 安全理事會就制裁事宜所作決議的小組委員會)已獲准在本屆任 [...] 期的餘下會期繼續工作;一個小組委員會(即研究雷曼兄弟相關 迷你債 券及結構性金融產品所引起的事宜小組委員會)正請求內 [...]務委員會通過其在本屆任期的餘下會期繼續工作;而另外兩個 小組委員會(即殘疾人士及長者住宿及社區照顧服務事宜小組委 [...] 員會和樓宇安全及相關事宜小組委員會) 則已工作不超過12個 月。 legco.gov.hk | Of these, one subcommittee (i.e. the Subcommittee to Examine the Implementation in Hong Kong of Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council in relation to Sanctions) had obtained approval to continue its work in the remaining sessions of the current term; one subcommittee (i.e. the [...] Subcommittee to Study Issues Arising from Lehman [...] Brothers-related Minibonds and Structured [...]Financial Products) is seeking the endorsement [...]of the House Committee to continue its work in the remaining sessions of the current term; and the other two subcommittees (i.e. the Subcommittee on Residential and Community Care Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly and the Subcommittee on Building Safety and Related Issues) have been working for less than 12 months. legco.gov.hk |
有时候我们只要保存整个幻灯片 中的部分内容,那可以用PowerPoint打开要制作网页 的 幻 灯 片文件,接着点击菜单“文件-另存为网页”,在弹出的“另存为”窗口中点击“发布”按钮,弹出“发布为网页”窗口,选中 “ 幻 灯 片编号”,在后面的选择框内输 入 幻 灯 片 的起始编号和结束编号,如果需要显示备注的话,还要把“显示演讲者备注”选中,然后设置一下支持的浏览器版本,一般都是选择第一个“Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0或更高”,最后选择网页保存的目录,可以点击浏览按钮来选择,全部设置好后点击“发布”按钮就可以了(如图2)。 oapdf.com | Sometimes we just save the [...] parts of the slide, then you can use PowerPoint to create web page slide open the file, then click the menu "File - Save as Web Page" in the pop-up "Save As" window, click " release "button, pop-up" Publish to Web "window, select the" slide number "input box in the back of the choice of the starting number and ending slide numbers show [...]notes if you need it, [...]but also to" show the speaker Notes "is selected, then set about to support the browser version, generally choose the first" Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0 or higher, "and finally select the saved web page directory, you can click the Browse button to select, all set up and click "Publish" button on it (Figure 2). oapdf.com |
鑒於香港經濟持續低迷,失 業率高達5.3%,同時消費物價指數已 連續3年下滑,通縮日益惡化,而本港各類公共交通服務的收費依 [...] 然高企,交通費佔了市民生活開支一個甚大的比例,本會促請政 府與各公共交通機構磋商,鼓勵各機構因應其個別營運情況,調 低收費或提供優惠給乘客,以減輕市民負擔。 legco.gov.hk | That, as Hong Kong's economy remains [...] in the doldrums with the unemployment [...]rate rising to 5.3%, the Consumer Price Index [...]falling for three consecutive years, and the worsening deflationary situation, while the fares of various public transport services remain high, and transport expenses account for a large proportion of the public's living expenses, this Council urges the Government to discuss with various public transport operators and encourage them to take account of their respective operating conditions and reduce their fares or offer concessions to passengers, thereby alleviating the burden on the public. legco.gov.hk |
如果基督教不存在于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须降下来的德米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成为感染邪教和半异 教 迷 信 , 在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新约圣经“,三,牛津大学,1911年,第398页)。 mb-soft.com | If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached in Alexandria, and [...] had already become infected by [...] heretical and semi-pagan superstitions in the second century, [...]we may provisionally conclude [...]from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398). mb-soft.com |