

单词 部落间

See also:

部落 n

tribes pl
clan n
horde n
bole n

fall onto
write down
rest with
leave out
fall or drop
lag or fall behind
decline or sink
get or receive
be missing
leave behind or forget to bring
(of the sun) set
(of a tide) go out

External sources (not reviewed)

促进对话作为实部落间和解 的适当渠道,并加强达尔富尔承认的和解机 制。
Promoting dialogue as an appropriate channel to achieve
[...] reconciliation among tribes and consolidating [...]
the reconciliation mechanisms recognized in Darfur.
2010 年琼莱州和两赤道部落间冲突 继续造成儿童死伤和绑架事件,共 10 [...]
名儿童(包括 4 名女孩)被打死,2 名受伤,138 名(包括 38 名女孩)被绑架。
Inter-tribal conflicts in Jonglei State [...]
and the Equatorias continued to account for the deaths, injuries and abduction of
children in 2010; a total of 10 children, including 4 girls, were killed, 2 were injured and 138, including 38 girls, were abducted.
政府军与武装运动之间、武装运动之间的交火以部落间战争 继续造成更多平民流离失所,苦难加重,妨碍人道主义准入和人道主 义援助的提供。
Clashes between
[...] Government forces and armed movements, between armed movements, as well as inter-tribal fighting continue [...]
to create further
displacement and suffering among the civilian population and hinder humanitarian access and the provision of humanitarian assistance.
12 月 25 日以来,达尔富尔混合行动一直在积极支持当地政府发起部落间和解 会议,包括提供后勤援助。
Since 25 December, UNAMID has provided active
support, including logistical assistance, to the
[...] reconciliation conference between the tribes initiated by local [...]
这些武器的存在并可获得相关弹药,助长了武装徒匪 行为和犯罪,还增加了这类行为 部落间 争 斗 的致命性。
The presence of these arms and the availability of the relevant ammunition facilitate armed banditry and crime.
自 2009 年 1 月以来部落间冲突和与上帝军有关暴力估计已经致使 2 [...]
500 人死亡和 359 000 人 流离失所。
An estimated 2,500 people have died and 359,000 have been displaced since January 2009 as
[...] a result of intertribal conflict and [...]
LRA-related violence.
在达尔富尔部落间争斗 及苏丹政府和反叛运动之间的冲突造成新的流离失 所现象,导致到 [...]
2011 年 6 月底,达尔富尔共有 260 万境内流离失所者。
In Darfur, inter-tribal fighting and clashes [...]
between the Government of the Sudan and rebel movements caused further displacement,
resulting in a total of 2.6 million internally displaced persons from Darfur by the end of June 2011.
[...] 其成员包括政治和宗教领袖以及社会和民间机构,此 委员会对解部落间的许多分歧做出了贡献,已经导 致流离失所者返回自己的村庄和城市。
In accordance with Libya’s social heritage, reconciliation committees have also been established, which include political and religious leaders and social and civil institutions that
contributed to the settling of many
[...] differences among the tribes, which led to the [...]
return of displaced persons to their villages and cities.
综合起来,三个因素 使南部苏丹至少有 40%的民众面临重大威胁:(a) 部落间冲突和与上帝军有关的 暴力;(b) 普遍缺乏粮食;(c) 南方苏丹政府早先遭受财政冲击。
A convergence of three factors is putting at least 40 per cent of Southern Sudan’s population at serious risk: (a) intertribal conflict and LRA-related violence; (b) a massive food gap; and (c) the earlier fiscal shock to the Government of Southern Sudan.
According to local authorities, the security
[...] situation and inter-tribal relations in [...]
Southern Kordofan have steadily improved.
[...] 下的罪行是由苏丹政府最高当局作出的一项战略决 定引起的,而不是由冲突部落间冲 突 或气候变化造 成的。
The work of the Court has documented that the crimes in Darfur are the consequence of a strategic decision taken by the highest
authorities of the Government of the Sudan, and are not the
[...] by-product of a conflict, intertribal clashes or [...]
even climate change.
为争夺牲畜而发生部落间暴力 仍对苏丹南方各地平民构成重大威胁,民间 火器泛滥又为之火上浇油。
Inter-tribal violence linked to cattle [...]
disputes and exacerbated by the prevalence of civilian firearms, continues to present
a significant threat to civilians across Southern Sudan.
在这之前,还发生过两部落间的事 件:一次是在 2008 年 12 月 4 日,据 [...]
说有 20 名 Fallata 男子在 Al-Tomat 被 Habaniya 部族的人杀死;另一次是 2008 年 12 月 11 日,据说大约 700 名来自 Salamat 和 Fallata 部落的武装人员对
Wad Hagam 村发起反攻,打死了 28 名 Habaniya 部落的成员。
The attack followed two other
[...] incidents between the tribes: on 4 December [...]
2008, 20 Fallata men were allegedly killed by Habaniya tribesmen in Al-Tomat;
and on 11 December 2008, 28 members of the Habaniya tribe were reportedly killed when a group of approximately 700 armed men from the Salamat and Fallata tribes launched a counter-attack on Wad Hagam village.
在2009 年,一个非政府组织建议联苏特派团在保护平民方面起更积极的作用,在特别是 高风险地区部落间暴力 问题方面,应更好地界定在何种情况下会提供保护,并 [...]
In 2009, an NGO recommended that UNMIS undertake a more proactive civilian protection role by better defining the circumstances under which it
will provide protection — particularly
[...] with regard to inter-tribal violence in high-risk [...]
areas — and making corresponding
adjustments to deployment, resources and operational orders.
近几个月来达尔富尔族裔间战事较少,这部分归功于苏丹政府值得称道的推部落间和解 的工作,也归功于这些族裔自身的建设性行动和达尔富尔混合行动 [...]
The relatively few instances of intercommunal fighting that have occurred in Darfur in recent months are attributed in part to commendable work
on the part of the Government of the
[...] Sudan in promoting inter-tribal reconciliation, [...]
as well as the constructive actions
of communities themselves and the support provided by UNAMID to traditional, community-level conflict resolution mechanisms.
苏丹政府已翻过达尔富尔战争的一页, 并将其所有的潜力和资源用于发展该地区,用于该 地区的重建和恢复生活在那里的不 部落间 的 和平 共处。
We now see a Darfur in which the Sudan has gone a long way towards implementing the Doha Document for Peace, a Darfur in which the authorities have begun to carry out their duties in accordance with that agreement.
会议商定,索马里的不安全状况,包括持续 部落间 冲 突 、持续暴力、非法 木炭交易、挪用资金、海盗、绑架、恐怖主义和对人权的践踏和侵犯,皆因该国 [...]
The Conference agreed that insecurity in Somalia,
[...] including sustained inter-clan conflict, persistent [...]
violence, illegal charcoal trading,
the misappropriation of funds, piracy, kidnapping, terrorism and human rights abuses and violations, is exacerbated by the crisis emanating from the deficiency of the State structures and institutions in large parts of the country.
这将避免条约究 竟具有国家、还是国际法律地位问题产生任何混淆,因为一方面 部落 与 部落之 间具有 的法律约束力,而另一方面则是具有国际性质的协定和一些有时被误称为 “现代条约”的其他形式的协定和安排。
This will prevent any confusion with regard to the national and international legal status of treaties as legally binding nation to nation, on the one hand and, on the other, agreements with international character and other forms of agreements and arrangements, which sometimes carry the misnomer “modern treaties”.
[...] 果智利能在常设委员会会议、缔约国会议和审议会议上说明 落 实 这些 时 间 表的 最新情况,将使双方受益。
In this regard, the analysing group noted that both
could benefit if Chile provided updates
[...] relative to these timelines at meetings of the [...]
Standing Committees, Meetings of the
States Parties, and Review Conferences.
[...] 办公室和两性平等问题咨询股的活动,所有这些单位都与民族团结政府、苏丹南 方政府、苏丹国家警察、苏丹南方警察局、苏丹南方人权委员会、北方和南方监 狱当局、间社会、政党部落领导 人、多方捐助者信托基金以及国家和国际非 政府组织结成伙伴关系。
The component incorporates the activities of the Mission’s United Nations police, Civil Affairs Division, Rule of Law and Human Rights Sections, Communications and Public Information Office, and Gender Advisory Unit, all of which work in partnership with the Government of National Unity, the Government of Southern Sudan, the Sudan National Police, the Southern Sudan Police Service, the Southern
Sudan Human Rights
[...] Commission, the Northern and Southern prison authorities, civil society, political parties, tribal leaders, the [...]
Multi-Donor Trust Fund
and national and international NGOs.
在这方面,混合行动将继续与达尔富尔所有利益攸关方,如政府 官员、政党、议员、包括妇女组织和妇女主导的组织及社区团体在内的 间 社 会、 境内流离失所者、难民代表部落领 导 人互动,以便通过建设性的公开对话,为 和平与安全创造有利环境。
In that regard, the Operation will continue to engage all Darfurian stakeholders, including government officials,
political parties, elected
[...] legislators, civil society, including women and women-led organizations, community groups, internally displaced persons, refugees representatives and tribal leaders, in order [...]
to create a conducive
environment for peace and security through constructive and open dialogue.
我们必须确认,塞拉利昂若无其至高无上 部落 首领和其他传统领导人、其穆斯林和基督教领袖、其 多样而活跃的间社会 、其妇女组织、其往往英勇无 畏的记者以及该国的艺术家尤其是其音乐家的贡献, 便不会有今天的面貌。
We must recognize that Sierra Leone would not be where it is today without the
contributions of its
[...] paramount chiefs and other traditional leaders, of its Muslim and Christian religious leaders, of its diverse and active civil society, of [...]
its women’s organizations,
of its often courageous journalists and of the country’s artists, above all its musicians.
为了平衡繁荣的沿海区域与发落后 的 西 部 和 东 北地区 间 日 趋 加大 落 差 , 政 府设法引导国內投资和外资,特別是促进劳力密集型的制造业到内地和相对较小的城 市投资、设厂,保持有较高附加价值的行业如研究、管理、财务、保险和设计等留在 大城市里。
To balance the growing disparities between the prosperous coastal strip and the underdeveloped western and north-eastern regions, the Government tries to redirect domestic and foreign investments, in particular labour-intensive manufacturing to inland areas and relatively smaller cities, leaving higher-value-added activities like research, management, finance, insurance and design in the big cities.
在工作状态下,高速电机通过传动装置带动立式传动轴转动,物料通过设在选粉机室 部 的 进料口进入选粉室内,再通过设置在中粗粉收集锥的上下两锥体 间 和 通 粉管 落 在 撒 料盘上,撒料盘随立式传动轴转动,物料在惯性离心力的作用下,向四周均匀撒出,分散的物料在外接风机通过进风口进入选粉室的高速气流作用下,物料中的粗重颗粒受到惯性离心力的作用被甩向选粉室的内壁面。
In the working status, high speed motor drives the vertical shaft rotation
through gearing, material goes into powder selecting room through feeding port set on the upper of powder selecting machine
[...] chamber, and falls on the spreading plate through flux powder pipe and the space between the up cone and the down cone set in the coarse powder collecting [...]
cone, and spreading plate rotates follows vertical shaft, material is scattered around uniformly under the action of inertial centrifugal force, the scattered material in the external fan goes into powder selecting room under the action of high speed airflow through air intake, the coarse particles in material is thrown to the powder selecting chamber inner wall under the action of inertia centrifugal force.
(A/64/284/Add.1)时,他说,在按照第 60/266 号决 议第九段和第 61/276 号决议第二十段(大会在这两
[...] 个决议中强调了加强地区和特派团之间的合作的重 要性)的内容促进区域采购办事处概念发展的过程 中,花费了一些间来落实采 购治理结构的所部 分。
Turning to the addendum on procurement governance arrangements within the United Nations (A/64/284/Add.1), he said that it had taken some time to put in place all the components of the procurement governance structure to facilitate the development of the concept of regional procurement office pursuant to resolutions 60/266, section IX, and 61/276,
section XX, in which the General Assembly had emphasized the
[...] importance of enhancing regional and inter-mission cooperation.
总务委员会还不妨提请大会注意,每一天的 发言名单都应部落实, 不论需要多少工作 间 , 都 不应将任何人推迟到次日发 言。
The General Committee may also wish to bring to the attention of the Assembly that the list of speakers for each day shall be completed and no speakers will be transferred to the next day, notwithstanding the implications for hours of work.
[...] 方必须至迟于 2011 年 9 月建立有效机制和具体间表,以便 落 实 奥 巴马总统提 出的各项基准及所有其他基于国际合法性的政治权限,从而启动严肃的政治进程 [...]
Further, in connection with President Obama’s speech, the Palestinian leadership has underscored
the necessity for the Security
[...] Council and the Quartet to terms of reference that are [...]
based on international legitimacy in
order to launch a serious political process towards the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对 部 专 门 知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续间的协 同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 [...]
460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的
111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of
in-house expertise,
[...] where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever [...]
possible; $121,200 under
travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.




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