

单词 洋铁箔

See also:


ocean n


foreign adj

silver dollar or coin

metal foil
bamboo screen
door screen

External sources (not reviewed)

箔电阻 器和电流传感器应用于各种需要高精度和高稳定性的应用,例如医疗测试设备、高性能音频设备、精密测量仪器以及航空航天与军事应用。
Our foil resistors and current [...]
sensors are used in applications requiring a high degree of precision and stability, such
as in medical testing equipment, high performance audio equipment, precision measuring instruments and aerospace and military applications.
其职业生涯的亮点包括开发了北美最大的联运设施之三、联合太 洋铁 路 之 二以及 BNSF Railway 铁路之一。
Career highlights include the development of three of the largest intermodals in North America, two
[...] for the Union Pacific Railroad and one for the BNSF Railway.
西多伦多钻石项目将从 GO Transit
[...] 的西部岔道口(Georgetown铁路线)分流加拿大太 洋铁 路 的 北多伦多货运专线。
The West Toronto Diamond project will
[...] separate Canadian Pacific Railway’s North Toronto [...]
freight line from GO Transit’s Weston
Subdivision (Georgetown line).
本集團截至二零零八年六月三十日止六個月的資本開支約為 28,600,000 港元,主要用於建 設新的箔生產 線及提升其他生產設備。
The Group incurred capital expenditure of approximately HK$28.6 million for six months ended 30 June
2008, mainly related to the
[...] construction of a new aluminium foil production line and [...]
the upgrade of other production facilities.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印洋海域 深海港口以及平行公路、高 铁 路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal [...]
project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项
目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed
[...] on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil [...]
and natural gas pipelines
that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
最近的注 意力集中铁肥化对海洋环境 的影响(见第 202 段)。
Recent attention has focused
[...] on the impact on the marine environment of iron [...]
fertilization (see para. 202 below).140 182.
常青线将在BARNET高速由地下转为地上,沿着加拿大太 洋铁 路 线 在地表行驶,到达满地宝站,此站位于满地宝公车总站。
It will travel at ground level along the south side of
[...] the Canadian Pacific Rail (CPR) tracks [...]
to Port Moody Station, located at the
Port Moody transit exchange site.
墨西哥提供 详细资料说明在公共安全、边界管制以及 洋 、 机场 、 铁 路 和 多式联运安全方面 采取的各种步骤,包括更新危险物质、材料和废物管理框架。
It provided detailed information on the various steps taken in the areas of public security, border control and maritime, airport, rail and multimodal transport security, including the updating of the regulatory framework for the transport of dangerous substances, materials and waste.
2010 年 5 月,巴拉圭和巴西正式展开一个由巴西开发银行提供资金的项目,将巴拉圭 的铁路系统与从巴西巴拉那瓜到智利安托法加斯塔城的铁路连接起来,从而形成 一洋际铁路走廊。
In May 2010, Paraguay and Brazil formalized a project funded by the Brazilian Development Bank to link Paraguay’s
railway system with the
[...] railroad linking Paranagua in Brazil and the Chilean city Antofagasta, in effect creating an inter-oceanic railway corridor.
台灣1998年市場需求量約90,000公噸/年,主要為電絕緣材 ( 銅 箔 基 板 、電子電機組件)、塗料、土木建築、複合材料(網球拍王國代工廠) …等,其佔有率(如下圖)。
The 1998 domestic market demand of Taiwan is 90,000 MT, which is mainly applied for insulation (CCL and electronic encapsulation), coating, civil engineering, CFRP (tennis rocket), and etc….
電解箔由於 兩面粗糙度不同,較粗糙的一面再經處理後,與預浸基材熱壓時,可和樹脂產生很大接著力,較適合做為FR-4等硬質 箔 基 板 之原料。
Upon the rough difference of EDCF two sides, the rougher side is warm-pressed with laminated fiber plate, due to adhesive property with resin, and good for FR-4 type hand copper clad.
新型表涂树脂VINNACOAT® LL 8100可实现箔与聚 苯乙烯、 聚丙烯和聚乙烯等非极性塑料的有效密封。
The novel surface coating resin
VINNACOAT® LL 8100 allows effective
[...] sealing of aluminum foils to non-polar plastics [...]
such as polystyrene, polypropylene and polyethylene.
這樣的實驗利用簡單的器物,諸如發酵粉、水、白醋、 箔 紙 、 衛 生紙、植物染料、食鹽、鞋盒以及網球。
Such experiments use simple items, such as baking soda, water, white
[...] vinegar, aluminum foil, tissue paper, vegetable [...]
dyes, table salt, shoeboxes, and tennis balls.
這本年冊內載2008發行的郵票和小型張各一套,年冊設計美觀大方,並採用精裝硬皮封面設計,封面圖案「土鼠」茶壺以紫外線 (UV) 光油印刷來凸顯其生肖造型,再配合 箔 燙 壓 字樣。
This album contains the full collection of 2008 stamp and souvenir sheets, an elegant and protective hard cover is designed together with the application of UV varnish to
highlight the teapot image of Lunar animal “Earth Rat”, while the characters
[...] are printed with hot foil stamping with gold.
拉斯普京愤怒的阿纳斯塔西娅听到躲过了诅咒,将恶魔般的精神圣物杀了她,尽管两次尝试后,三人管理(不知不觉 箔 他 , 迫使Rasputin和巴托克旅行的表面。
Enraged to hear that Anastasia escaped the curse, Rasputin sends demonic spirits from the reliquary to kill
her; despite two attempts, the trio
[...] manage to (unwittingly) foil him, forcing Rasputin [...]
and Bartok to travel back to the surface.
铁路、空中和洋运输 的自由化和私营化仍然处于萌芽阶段。
Liberalization and privatization in rail, air and maritime transport is still in its infancy.
The line will continue along the north side of the CPR tracks towards Coquitlam Central Station, located at the Coquitlam transit exchange site.
促进流动从高碳运输模式向低碳运输模式转变,包括从私人车辆转向公 交和非机动交通方式,从空中旅行转向高速铁路,从道路运输转 铁 路 、海 洋和内陆水道运输
(ii) Shift movement from high-carbon to low-carbon modes of transportation, including shifting from private vehicles to public transportation
and non-motorized transport, from air
[...] travel to high-speed rail, and from road freight to rail, sea and inland waterways
新一代的高性能有源滤波设备,确保了如化工、 洋 平 台、 钢 铁 厂 等各行业和应用的电网更清洁高效。
The new generation of active filters for very tough demands ensures orderly grids in a wide range of sectors and applications such as the chemical industry, offshore platforms, steel plants and much more.
创新的产品包括:轻质型 Metallyte™ 薄膜,可作为箔的经 济型替代品;强韧型 Metallyte™ [...]
薄膜,具有更高的阻隔性能;以及 Label-Lyte™ 薄膜,这种薄膜比其它收缩套膜材料收量更高,并且可以用于低密度 TD (横向)收缩套膜标签从而方便在
PET 瓶回收时进行浮选分离。
Innovative products include: a lightweight
Metallyte™ film that is a cost-effective
[...] replacement for aluminum foil; a robust Metallyte™ [...]
film with improved high barrier properties;
and, a Label-Lyte™ film that offers yield advantages vs. other shrink sleeve materials and can be used in low density TD shrink sleeve labels to facilitate flotation separation in PET bottle recycling.
项目包括建造一个地下通道,以分流 GO Transit commuter 铁路线和沿 GO Transit
[...] 的Georgetown铁路线行驶的加拿大太 洋铁路 (CPR) 的货运火车至多伦多西部。
The project consists of the construction of an underpass
to separate GO Transit commuter rail
[...] lines and Canadian Pacific Railway’s (CPR) freight [...]
trains along GO Transit’s Georgetown line to the west of Toronto.
我公司研发了可提高电池性能的电解 箔 用 作 锂离子二次电池的负极材料,并于2005年获得了专利。
Furukawa Electric developed an
[...] electrodeposited copper foil capable of improving [...]
battery performance for the anode material
of lithium ion batteries, and was awarded a patent for the technology in 2005.
(a) 设计用于散发照明弹、烟雾、烟火剂或金 箔 片 的弹药或子弹药;或 设计专门用于防空的弹药
(a) A munition or submunition designed to dispense flares, smoke, pyrotechnics or chaff; or a munition designed exclusively for an air defence role
[...] 8”帶藍寶石水晶首飾版本的擋板集,其中包含的代碼的Maison迪奧:白,灰,金,成型,而且還提供了一個非常有創意的變化對手鐲蟒蛇,其中第二個手,圍成一個圓圈,湊合用的衛星,根據其重疊的錶盤刻漆和 箔 裝 飾藝術風格的圖案。
The "Dior Christal 8" strap sapphire crystal jewelery is available in version with a bezel set that contains the codes of the Maison Dior: white, gray, gold, molding, but also offers a very creative variation on bracelet python, where the second hand, formed a
circle, improvise with the satellite according to its Art Deco motifs with overlapping
[...] dial carved lacquer and gold leaf.
(四) 银行业和公证; (五) 消防、陆地、洋、铁路城 市交通和其他公共轨道交通。
(v) Fire
[...] fighting, land, sea, railway urban transportation [...]
and other public transportation on rail.
[...] 分钟就能抵达上海新国际博览中心,步行 15 分钟即可前往上海科技馆(以及铁 2 号线),热洋溢的待客之道令人倍感温馨,更可轻松承办各种规模的活动或宴会。
Located near Pudong’s Century Park, just five minutes from the Shanghai New International Expo Center, and a
15-minute walk from the Shanghai Science
[...] & Technology Museum (and Metro station, Line 2), the hotel [...]
maintains a time-honored tradition
in warm hospitality and is equipped for handling small to large scale events and banquets.
[...] 、23M3 两种型号罐式集装箱,通过了中国船级社的型式试验许可及国家质检总局的制造许可,适用于 洋 、 陆路 、 铁 路 的 液态、气态等化学物品的联运,并能在规定的条件下正常工件,规定运输的货物为符合GB7746之无水氟化氢。
Now our company have developed successfully two types storage tank for 21M3 、23M3 anhydrons HF,and have passed the model test of China Ship Classification Society and manufacturing permission of China quality supervision inspection &
quarantine general bureau
[...] ,it is suit for ocean、land、chemical goods combination transportion in liquid and gas by train,and can [...]
work normally in regulated
condition,the regulated transportation goods should be comply with GB7746 for anhydrons HF.
管理生产海洋地球物理设备和研究设备以 及导航辅助工具的科学研究,组织对苏联大陆架以及太洋和印度洋的油气、铁锰结核和其他类型矿产资源进 行研究
Management of scientific research into the production of maritime geophysical and research equipment and navigation
aids, organization of
[...] research on oil and gas, ferromanganese nodules and other types of mineral resources on the continental shelf of the USSR, and in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
在当时的广告宣传中被誉为“洋唯 一 的地 铁 道 ” 的车辆(旧1000型)非常重视安全性,采用了当时最先进的技术:在日本属首次装备的自动列车停车装置;在以木制车厢为主的那个时代,采用防火性能好的钢铁车体、自动开闭门等。
The former 1000 series trains whose sales copy was ‘the only subway in the East’ were equipped with Japan’s first automatic train-stop system.
公司生产出口各类流体密封材料及制品,主要有密封盘根、密封垫片和板材三大系列产品,如石墨盘根、芳纶盘根,碳纤维盘根,PTFE盘根等,缠绕垫片、石墨增强垫片、PTFE垫片、石棉垫片、非石棉垫片,各种金属垫片,各种垫片板材,卷材,盘根线等等广泛应用于石化、炼油、电力、 铁 、 造 船、 洋 工 程等行业,不但解决了国内许多电厂、煤气厂、化工厂等泵浦、阀件、管道在各种气体厂化学流体输送中的密封泄露问题,已为众多知名企业所指定和选用而且已大量出口到欧洲、中东、南美洲以及东南亚等许多国家和地区。
Such as graphite packing, Kevlar fiber braided packing, carbonized fiber packing, PTFE packing, spiral wound gaskets, pure graphite gasket, PTFE gasket, asbestos gasket, non-asbestos gasket, kinds of ring joint gaskets, sheets gaskets material, and reinforced composite sheet seats material etc. The products are widely used in
petrochemical industry, oil refining,
[...] electrical power, steel, shipbuilding, ocean industry and [...]
so on.0ur corporation not only solve
the problem of sealing leaking when the gas and chemistry flowing transport through pump, valve in the most electricity factories, gas factories and chemical plants, but also has been signed and used by famous enterprise and export a great deal to many countries and regions for example Europe, Middle East and south east Asia.




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