单词 | 洒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 洒noun—sprayn洒—spillshed泼—splash spill brutish rough and coarse Examples:洒水n—sprinklern 洒水器n—sprinklern 喷洒n—sprinklern
最後,汉普顿万能,偏角和活泼的运动范围,也获得在规模和丰富的一个女版全白了。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Finally, Hampton magnum, declination and racy sports range, is also gaining in size and is enriched with a female version entirely white. en.horloger-paris.com |
它带来的灵活性,为我们省下不少支出及时间,更让我们挥洒大量创意,迈进以往不可能达到的方向。 mammals.org | It gave us flexibility, saved us a lot of money and a lot of time, and got a lot of creativity going in directions that we had been prohibited from taking before. mammals.org |
进行爆破 工作後,亦会 在石堆上洒水以压止和 吸 收因爆破产生的 烟雾。 devb.gov.hk | Blasting fumes were [...] suppressed/absorbedby sprayingwater on muckpiles [...]after blasting. devb.gov.hk |
另外亦推出了成熟风格的Shirt,以刺绣展现泼墨效果,紧扣NGAP作为内装工团的中心形象之余,亦表现出UNDER COVER的高水平工艺。 think-silly.com | A grown-up style shirt comes complete with a ink-splash-like embroidery, channeling the NGAP interior team image and Under Cover fine craftsmanship. think-silly.com |
常见带有此标志的产品包括:家电、电脑设备、暖炉及暖气设备、保险丝、电子控制仪、烟雾及一氧化碳警报器、灭火器、自动洒水系统、救生衣及救生圈、防弹玻璃及其他数以千计的产品。 ul.com | This type of Mark is seen commonly on appliances and computer equipment, furnaces and heaters, fuses, electrical panel boards, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems, personal flotation devices, bullet resistant glass, and thousands of other products. ul.com |
要求学生为取代反应的每个步骤绘画电子图,可帮助他们了解第一 个步骤为活泼自由基的形成,第二和第三个步骤分别为活泼自由基的传播 和终止。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Asking students to draw the electron diagrams for each step of the substitution reaction will help them to understand that the first step of the reaction involves the formation of reactive radicals, and the second and third steps involve the propagation and termination of free radicals respectively. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
再者,新一 代年轻人对於利用网上平台与政府沟通接触,更感自然及挥洒自如。 procommons.org.hk | Furthermore, the new generation is more comfortable engaging with government through the online environment. procommons.org.hk |
如果科技能保持开放、活泼,并与其他机构、国家、单位多方合作,即可改善教育体系,若要达成这项目标,领袖必须具备良好教育水准,并渴望赋予民众更多资源,供他们开发各种构想,进而创造出育成空间,让城市成为创新枢纽,促进民众对社区产生责任感,建构更具弹性、更永续的社区。 thisbigcity.net | As a result, spaces that serve as incubators can be born and cities become hubs for innovation, engaging citizens with a sense of responsibility towards their community and paving the way to construct resilient and sustainable communities. thisbigcity.net |
翡翠是和谐与诱惑的象徵,让人想起年轻优雅的现代女性,天真而活泼并不自觉的散发出诱惑魅力。 aster.com.hk | Jade is a symbol of harmony and temptation, is reminiscent of a modern and elegant young women are not consciously naive and lively and the dissemination of the charm of a temptation. aster.com.hk |
防泼水键盘,即使被水溅湿亦不会流进电脑内部。 panasonic.oa.hk | Spill resistant keyboard protected by seamless sealing panasonic.oa.hk |
他们亦须学习烷和烯的化学反应;学生利用电子图 說明单次取代的卤烷的生成,便能了解有机化学反应通常涉及活泼的物 种,并以多於一个步骤进行。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | By illustrating the formation of monosubstituted halomethane with electron diagrams, students should realise that chemical reactions often take place in more than one step and involve reactive species. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
确保不要将伺服器放在可能泼溅到液体的地方。 seagate.com | Ensure that the server won’t be in an area where liquids may be spilled on it. seagate.com |
赫尔的义肢收藏与多数人买鞋逻辑相同,一双用於步行、另一双较长用於慢跑,还有好几双攀岩义肢,例如能够让他增高至七尺,或是内建铝制勾爪,能够像蜘蛛人般紧抓表面,赫尔在TED演说最後表示,「拜义肢之赐,我能提高攀岩能力,在我眼中这是机会,是种能恣意挥洒的调色板」,还以一段精彩爱尔兰舞蹈收尾。 thisbigcity.net | He has one set of prosthetics for walking, a longer set for jogging and multiple pairs of climbing legs, including one that stretches him to over seven feet tall and another with built-in aluminum claws for Spiderman-like gripping. thisbigcity.net |
在上海经济快速成长的论述中,创意产业的影响力也不可小觑,一如世界各个全球或巨型城市,活泼的创意经济若要扩张,必须建基於充满活力的次文化环境中。 thisbigcity.net | And like the ‘creative scene’ in any other global or megacity, the proliferation of a vibrant creative economy (paralleled with the increased mediation of the city) is predicated upon a vibrant subcultural milieu. thisbigcity.net |
(c) 我们每半年到零售商店或产品陈列室抽查已按用水效益标签计划 注册的沐浴花洒和水龍头。 devb.gov.hk | (c) We carry out random half-yearly inspections on showers for bathing and taps registered under the WELS at retail outlets or product showrooms. devb.gov.hk |
防水标准通常是 依据水压所测订的,IPX4 防水是提供装置在雨天或盥洗时水滴喷洒时的保护, 消费者常常会误解IPX4防水标准,而将IPX4装置用在像游泳或潜水之類的水上活 [...] 动,然而游泳时的水压通常是超过IPX4 的防水标准的。 globalsat.com.tw | The IPX4 water resistant standard is usually measured by water pressure. globalsat.com.tw |
笔状的枪嘴喷洒千颗近乎看不见的微小水点,令化妆完全紧贴脸庞;亦能以方便的「Photoshop」形式遮掩瑕疵。 think-silly.com | Debuted in Colette and Barney’s New York, the pen-shape airbrush gunsprays over thousand almost-invisible tiny drops to ensure make up properly set with a ‘Photoshop’ result. think-silly.com |
普通航空业(General Aviation [...] Enterprise):指以航空器从事空中游览、勘察、照测、 消防搜寻、救护、拖吊、喷洒及其他经专案核准除航空客、货、邮件运输以外之 [...]营业性飞航业务而受报酬之事业。 asc.gov.tw | General Aviation Enterprise:Industries that use aircrafts to earn profits by offering sightseeing in the sky, prospecting, photographing [...] and measuring, fire protection rescues first [...] aid, towing, spraying, and all other [...]authorized purposes except carrying and [...]transporting passengers, merchandises, and mails/parcel. asc.gov.tw |
您可以用特殊 磨光剂来擦亮铜和黄铜,制作方法是将盐洒在一片 柠檬上、或将盐洒在浸满醋的布上。 essa.ca | You can polish copper and brass with special polish, salt sprinkled on a piece of lemon, or salt sprinkled on a cloth saturated with vinegar. essa.ca |
香港赛马会慈善信托基金於2005年使用社区资助计划的捐助模式继续支持香港盲人辅导会的服务,并提供了一切所需的资源让其推行一个为期3年之「播洒光明」计划。 hksb.org.hk | In 2005, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust continued to support the services of the Hong Kong Society for the Blind through a 3-year Community Project Grant, which provided all the necessary financial resources for the Society’s “Let there be Light” project to strengthen its vocational training services for the visually impaired and to develop eye care and educational programmes for the public. hksb.org.hk |
所有我们知道的是,这个名字是一个大院,而第二个因素, ushtra ,意思是“骆驼”的第一部分已经提供的各种“老” , “活泼” , “黄金” , “耕耘”等。 mb-soft.com | All that we know is that the name is a compound, and that the second element, ushtra, means "camel", the first part has been variously rendered as "old", "lively", "golden", "ploughing", etc. There has been much discussion as to the date when the prophet lived. mb-soft.com |
对於活力活泼的演奏,可以选择 此音色。 casio.com.tw | This tone is a good choice for dynamic and lively performances. support.casio.com |
可将有限硬体保固* 延长至 3 年,并可选购意外损坏服务*,针对有限硬体保固未涵盖的电流突波、液体泼溅及其他危险,提供周密保护。 dell.com | Extend your Limited Hardware Warranty* up to 3 years, and choose Accidental Damage Service* for protection against power surges, liquid spills and other hazards not covered under your Limited Hardware Warranty. dell.com |