

单词 身价

External sources (not reviewed)

这只国王Fouad一世怀表以创纪录的3,306,250瑞郎天价卖出,让它成为这次拍卖活动中 身价 最 为 不凡的怀表,并挤身全球最抢手怀表排名中的第五名。
The King Fouad I pocket-watch sold for a record SFr 3,306,250, making it the most sought-after pocket-watch in this sale and the 5th most sought-after pocket-watch in the world.
尊重人的尊严源自于无条件地承认所有人都具有其 身价 值 的 观点,每个人都有能力 掌握自己的精神命运。
Respect for human dignity flows from the recognition that all persons have unconditional worth, each having the capacity to determine his or her own moral destiny.
如果你拥有才华、知识和经验,并想在一家能够实现 身价 值 的 公司工作,那么了解 Emerson [...]
If you have talent, knowledge and experience — and want to work at a
[...] company that will value your abilities [...]
— it's time to learn more about what Emerson has to offer.
其终极目 标是建立一个全民生活都能体现 身价 值 的 社会。
Its ultimate goal is a society in which the lives of
[...] all people exemplify human values.
但有必要警惕对这类程序身价值 的 假设,虽然这类程序容易举行,但它们有可能造成对妇女、女童和其他被剥削 [...]
However, there is a need to guard against assumptions
[...] about the inherent value of such procedures [...]
as, despite often being more accessible,
they carry the risk of recreating the structures of control and prejudice that women, girls and other exploited groups are struggling to eliminate.
关于目标 3,即两性平等和增强妇女权能问题, 我们采取了一套协调措施——如通过并执行国家妇 女问题行动计划、总统下令实行有利于妇女实现身 价值的 政策、成立国家家庭、妇女和儿童事务委员会 ——为实现两性平等、为妇女提供中等和高等教育、 工资平等、调动妇女广泛参与决策进程奠定了坚实的 法律和制度基础。
Regarding Goal 3, on gender equality and women’s empowerment, a coordinated set of measures — such as the adoption and implementation of a national action plan on women’s affairs, a presidential decree on a policy for the self-realization of women, the establishment of a State committee for family, women’s and children’s affairs, and many others — have laid a firm legal and institutional foundation for the achievement of gender equality, the provision of secondary and higher education for women, equality in salaries, and the broad involvement of women in the decision-making process.
此文档说明了 Managed Media
[...] 服务并解释了它如何提高您的传播效率并减少成本,与此同时还帮助您增加新客户、保留现有客户和改进客户 身价 值。
This document describes Managed Media Services and explains how it can increase the efficiency of your communications and reduce
costs, while helping you increase new customer acquisition, retain existing customers, and
[...] improve customer lifetime value.
对于所有数码产品和内容出版商来说,可以期待的是更高的转化率,更高的平均订单价值,更高的客户 身价 值 , 循环的利润流,以及大大改善其早期发售的产品转化为货币的能力。
For all publishers of digital goods and content, the result is higher conversion rates, higher average order value, higher lifetime customer value, a recurring revenue stream and much better ability to monetize their long tail of previously issued products.
个人和群体都有依照身价值观、语言和习俗,保持其 文化特性的权利。
Every individual and community has the right to
[...] its cultural identity in accordance with its own values, language [...]
and customs.
在多项极富代表性的拍卖成果中,安帝古伦钟表拍卖公司成功拍出一只当代表款,它是品牌为250周年庆所制作的Tour de l’Ile腕表,其高达一百九十万瑞郎的拍 身价 , 让它挤身全球最抢手的腕表之列。
Among the many emblematic results achieved during this auction, Antiquorum sold a contemporary watch, the Tour de l'Ile model created to mark the 250th anniversary, for almost 1.9 million Swiss francs, making it the world's most sought-after modern wristwatch.
这张专辑的成功为乐队带来了巨大的影响力,之后乐队以百万美元 身价 于 著 名公司Warner Bros签约,转战美国市场。
The album became the band’s greatest success, and also gave the band a million dollar contract with Warner Bros.
联合国教科文组织的 正面形象,使本组织对成功合作产生了吸引力,如欧莱雅妇女与科学奖,这无疑是一条进一 步探索的重要途径,不仅是因为它面对国际社会的显著 身价 值 , 也是因为这种伙伴关系给 本组织提供了明显的传播机会。
The positive image of UNESCO makes the Organization attractive to successful partnerships such as the L’Oreal Women in Science awards, and this is certainly one of the main avenues to explore further, not only because of its obvious self-worth for the international community, but also for the clear communication opportunities this kind of partnership offers to the Annex – page 26
全球的科技公司需要全面了解这种集中趋势对 身价 值 链 的影响。
Technology players around the world need to thoroughly understand the consequences of this
[...] concentration on their own value chains.
虽然他已有百身价,比 尔还是深以天父的事为念,他没有花时间娱乐。
Although he was a millionaire, Bill seemed to "realize always that he must be about his Father's business, and not wasting time in the pursuit of amusement.
政府 还应支持那些已在本区域建立身价 值 链 的企业。
Governments should also foster those enterprises that have
[...] established their own value chains in the region.
2 0 0 7 年 ,他 的 画 作《 White Center》(1950年)已凭借6,500万美元的 成交价成为拍卖市场身价最高 的战后艺术作品及2007年度拍价最高的作品 (5月于苏富比拍卖行)。
In 2007, his White Center (1950) had already become the most expensive Post-war painting in the auction market, achieving the highest sale price of that year [...]
with $65 million (15 May, Sotheby’s).
另外三位抽象表现主义艺术家的表现也备受瞩目:弗兰茨·克莱恩的画 作在11月的纽约拍卖会1 上创下了三项拍价过百万的新纪录;杰克森·波洛克 继在2004年2 创下1,040万美元的个人最高拍价纪录之后,又凭借《Number 4》 毫不费力地攀上了3,600万美元的拍价高峰(1951年创作,2012年11月13日于 纽约苏富比拍卖行);巴内特·纽曼刷新了2008年创下的460万美元的旧纪录( 《Untitled》,1969年创作,2008年5月13日于佳士得拍卖行),其现在 身价已 高达2,000万美元(《Onement V》,5月8日于佳士得拍卖行)。
Three other iconic figures in the movement stood out strongly: Franz Kline, with three new million-plus records for his paintings at the New York November sales2 ; Jackson Pollock, who reached his highest point in the auction market since 20043 with $10.4 million and effortlessly obtained $36 million with Number 4 (1951, 13 November 2012, Sotheby’s New York), and Barnett Newman, who landed $20 million (Onement V, 8 May, Christie’s), compared to a previous record of $4.6 million dating from 2008 (Untitled, 1969, 13 May 2008, Christie’s).
涉及保健、卫生、收容所、异中求同以及 身价 值 方 案旨在确保各农村 地区/村庄为无家可归者提供收容所,实现保健、卫生、人类价值以及异中求同。
The health, hygiene, homes, harmony in
[...] diversity, human values programme aims [...]
at ensuring that every rural area/village
has homes for the homeless, health care, hygiene, human values and harmony in diversity.
除 报告之外 , 协商过 程也有其身 价值,为政府和人权维护者提供 了就与人权维护者处境有关的问题 进行协商的另一个机会。
In addition to the report itself, the consultation process can have a value on its own [...]
and be an additional opportunity
for Governments and human rights defenders to engage in a constructive dialogue on issues pertinent to the situation of defenders.
皮莱说,极少数政府选择了退出会议,他们“现在应该评估成果文件的 身价 值 和 实质性内容”,并且“重新加入成果文件所规划的打击种族主义的国际合作。
For the few governments that had chosen to stay away from the Conference, they "should now evaluate the outcome document on its own merit and substance.
OA产品的开发手段有多种多样,有的公司强调采用IBM的技术,有的又说采用Oracle数据库等,不一而论,都是希望用这些来抬高自己 身价 , 其 实仔细想一下,这些与用户有何关系呢?
OA products have a variety of means, some companies have stressed the use of IBM technology, some say the use of Oracle
databases, different terms are to use them
[...] to raise their value, in fact, carefully [...]
think about What is the relationship
between these and the users do?
作丈夫的常常从自己的 工作中、从自己在教会中的角色上、或者从家庭以外的其他活动上获得 身价 值 感
The husband often receives significance from his job, his role in the church, or other activities outside the home.
明星球员应该在这个危急的时刻证明他们 身价 , 现 在,他们正在为生存而战。
Some of their
[...] players with inflated price tags should be justified [...]
and right now, they are fighting for their very survival.
这些服务不 应该被普惠性金融部门取代,应该根据它们的身 价值进行讨论。
Such services should not be overtaken by inclusive financial sectors, and should be discussed on their own merits.
动态竞价引擎 —基于由用户转化率
[...] (CVR)、广告点击率 (CTR)和用户身价值组 成的矩阵,我们能够实时分析和优化竞价价格,全自动不依赖于人工手动,从而结束人力广告投放不稳定的表现,开拓技术解决方案的全新领域。
Dynamic Bid Engine – Algorithms
that allow real-time analysis and
[...] optimization of the bidding price, on a matrix [...]
of CVR, CTR, and user LTV, with minimal dependency
on human support, bringing an end to fluctuating performance of the human ad delivery activity, and breaking the frontier of technology solutions.
文化智商知识 – 至关重要的是,小组成员需了解 身价 值 观与观念,并了解和欣赏其他成员的价值观、观念及不同的交流、思维与工作方式。
CQ Knowledge – It is critical that team members understand their own values and mindset and understand and appreciate the other team members’ values and mind-sets and different ways of communicating, thinking, and working.
游戏通过其身价值和虚构(快乐的和“好像”行为)支持新神经连结和改变大脑区域 [...]
的建造结构;“大脑不仅塑造游戏······游戏也塑造了大脑”(Pellis and Pellis 2009: 94)。
Play supports novel neural connections and changes
the architectural structure of brain regions
[...] through its own value and fabulations [...]
(pleasurable and ‘as if’ behaviour); ‘the
brain not only shapes play … play also shapes the brain’ (Pellis and Pellis 2009: 94).
他们在过去的3场比赛输给热刺,但如果卡罗尔的3500万英镑 身价 体 现 一下的,库伊特还有杰拉德发挥出他们的技巧,那么我认为等待他们的将会是胜利。
They’ve no win against Tottenham for 3 games, but if Carroll’s £35-million form makes another appearance, and Kuyt again dazzles with his skills then I reckon there’s another win waiting for them.
中兴通讯积极拓展员工个人发展空间,为员工提供技术通道晋升、业务通道晋升与管理通道晋升的“三条通 道”发展模式,从而使员工在基于个人兴趣与专长的基础上更好地实现 身价 值 与 中兴通讯价值的结合,实现自 身与中兴通讯的一同成长,每年约有25%-30%的员工通过以上渠道实现晋升。
ZTE Corporation actively expands its employees’ individual development space, and provides them with technical channel promotion, business channel promotion and management channel promotion as the “three-channel” development mode system. This system allows employees to realize their own value in combination with ZTE Corporation’s value based on individual interests and special skills, and realize the synchronous growth along with ZTE Corporation.
这包括支持扫盲工作,其中包含推广实用扫盲,从幼年开始并持续 身 的 正 规和 非正规教育,在学习的初始阶段推行母语教育,包括社会道德意识在内 价 值 观 教育,发展 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心的优势),以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education,
beginning with early
[...] childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social [...]
and moral awareness,
the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training (geared towards enhancing employability and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and technology education.




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