

单词 职业化



External sources (not reviewed)

Since moving into a Servcorp office the support and professionalism of the Servcorp team has been second to none.
We would like to thank you for all your help and the professionalism of yourstaff.
政 府 会 否 预 留 资 金 及 人 手 , 研 究 由 政 府 牵 头 推
[...] 行 工 作 与 生 活 帄 衡 的职 业税 务 或 其 他 行 政 方 [...]
法 , 鼓 励 企 业 推 出 政 策 , 以 配 合 员 工 在 工
作 与 生 活 帄 衡 方 面 的 需 要 ?
Will funds and manpower be set aside for the
Government to consider taking the lead in
[...] promotinganewoccupational culture of work-life balance [...]
by taxation or other administrative
means, so as to encourage enterprises introducing policies to meet employees’ needs for work-life balance?
(2) 利用空置校舍为新來港人士安排认識本地职业及提升英语能力等课程,及资助他们參加普及文 [...]
(2) To use vacant campuses to arrange
[...] courseson local culture, occupational training, English [...]
enhancement, etc for NAs, and
to provide them with subsidy to participate in popular art and cultural activities.
他在 SGS 集团职业开始於 1983 年,在澳大利亚担任高级督察化验师,接着在 1990 年前往新加坡负责管务部门。
He started with the SGS Group in Australia as a Senior Inspector Chemist in 1983 before moving to Singapore in 1990 to manage its Chemicalbusiness.
课程目标: 提供实用并切合就业巿场需要的多化职业训練,以提升学员的工作技能。
To enhance the job skills of trainees through a wide range of job-specific skills training catering for the prevailing needs of the employment market.
但由於重组架构及其他相关成本下降,加上区内 各地均致力推行计划 數下降 (主要为零售银行及财富管), 出得以削减,故抵销了支出的部分增幅。
The increase in expenses was partly offset by lower restructuring and other related costs, coupled with a reduction in staff costs as organisational effectiveness programmes across the region, mainly in RBWM, led to a fall instaff numbers.
本校资讯中心分为六组,分别为校务资讯组,负责全校校务资讯系统的开发与资料 的处理;网路管理组,负责网路的规划、建置与管理;教学支援组,负责电脑相关课程 的一般实习支援、校内;數位设计组,负责电脑多媒体的制作;专案 发展组,负责全校专案的开发与维护;组,负责机房维运与管理。
Our center comprises of six sections: the Administration Information Section, Network Management Section, Education Support Section, Digital Design Section, Project Development Section, andOperation Management Section.
(b)  董事可自行或由其公司担当本公司之 业职核数师除外),而其本人或 其公司将有权就有关之专业服务享有倘其并非董事而应获取之酬金。
(b) A Director may act by himself or
[...] his firm in a professional capacityfor the [...]
Company (otherwise than as Auditor) and
he or his firm shall be entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he were not a Director.
自 一 九 八 八 年 起,曾 先 生 在 香 港 及 中 国 的 上 市 公 司、私 人 公 司 及 专 业 事 务 所 担 任 多 个 高 级 财 务 及 管包 括 德 勤 企 业 财 务 顾 问 有 限 公 司 的 联 席 董 事,世 纪 城 市 集 团(一 家 香 港 上 市 公 司)企 业 融 资 部 总 经 理 及 一 家 在 中 国 广 州 拥 有 多化 业权 益 的 私 人 集 团 公 司 的 财 务 总 监。
Since 1988, Mr. TSANG has held various senior finance and management positions with public and private companies as well as professional firms in
Hong Kong and China, including associate
[...] director of Deloitte & Touche Corporate Finance, general manager of corporate finance of Century City Group, a listed company in Hong Kong, and chief financial officer of a private group of companies which has diversifiedoperations and interests in Guangzhou,PRC.
为要有效地履行我们会 及建 设谘询委员会的成员组合,广纳社会上更多不同层面的人士及 的代表担任委员会成员,令项目建议在按正常程序交由各个政府部门和法定机构 处理前,让委员更能就其相关效益提供意見。
To enable the LBAC to
[...] perform thisnew role effectively, we will strengthen its membership by appointing to it members from a wider spectrum of the community together with representatives of varioustrade/professional bodies, so [...]
that the committee
will be better able to advise on the relative merits of a project proposal before it undergoes the normal processing by various Government departments and statutory bodies.
本集团并无定期举办内部培训计划,惟本集团会因应新发展或新设施提供特定的培训,以及赞助雇员 参加由外间机构提供与彼等履行职务有关及对事业发展有帮助 职业 课程。
However, the Group does provide ad hoc training on new developments or facilities
and sponsors employees
[...] to attend external vocationaltraining that is [...]
relevant to the discharge of their dutiesand their career progression.
(a) 在 2010 年 , 共 有 138 287 名 求 职 者 登 记 使 用 免 费 就 业 服 务 , 而 在 展 翅 青 见 计 划 下 , 有 关 青 少 年 职 前 培 训 、 工 作 实 习 、及 个服 务 的 申 请 有 12 154 份。
(a) In 2010, a total of 138 287 job seekers registered for free employment services and 12 154 applications were received from young people for pre-employment
training, workplace attachment,
[...] on-the-job training andpersonalised career guidance under the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme and YouthWork Experience andTraining Scheme (YPTP&YWETS).




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