

单词 宽心丸

See also:


broad adj
lenient adj

surname Kuan


pill n

External sources (not reviewed)

當 然,諷刺的是,香港㆟從未被問過有多少會留㆘來,並需要英國護照作「 心丸 」。
The irony of course was Hong Kong people were never asked how
many would want to stay in Hong Kong and
[...] would be in need of a "psychological boost" in the form of [...]
a British passport.
在若干案例中, 收到的报告表明,未成年应征人员最初被该中心拒绝,但当被带到其它较偏远或 较宽松的中心时, 却被这些中心接受。
In a number of cases, reports were received that underage recruits were initially
rejected when presented to
[...] this centre, but were accepted at other more remote or less rigorous centres when presented there.
這 顆 “心 丸 ” 將 會 為香港的國 際 金 融 中 心 地位創造一項接 一項可觀 的 有 利 條件。
This certainty will create substantial follow-on benefits to Hong Kong's position as an international financial centre.
所以, 其實,心 丸 是非常重 要的, 有 了心 丸 , 存戶便無須 無 謂 地 急急排 隊 。
Therefore, a means of assurance is very important for its presence can prevent depositors from rushing to the bank to line up without any good reason.
縱使教育統籌局再三強調,不會一刀切撤銷該局所有課程的資助,只有 部分課程須自負盈虧,但教師們仍未能放下疑慮,吃下政府所派的 心丸。
Though the Education and Manpower Bureau has repeatedly emphasized that it will not withdraw the subsidy for all courses operated by the VTC and that only some of the course will have to be self-financing, teachers are still ill at ease with the assurance provided by the Government.
[...] (COMEST)的工作报告和建议、教科文组织人权问题总体战略的起草问题、关于反对种族 主义、种族歧视、仇心理和不宽容 现象的德班世界会议后续活动等。
Among the other important items examined by the Commission were the work and recommendations of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST), the preparation of an overall UNESCO human rights strategy and
the follow-up to the Durban World Conference against Racism, Racial
[...] Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.
[...] 目的是教育人民如何做一个公民,实现其想法,支持公民主动精神和竞争意识、 对待人生的积极态度宽容及决心。
The non-profit organisation Civic Training Centre (http://www.kodanikukoolitus.ee/ index.html) was established with the aim to teach people how to be a citizen and
implement their ideas, to support civic initiative and competitiveness, positive attitude to
[...] life, tolerance and determination.
這個安排可以為僱主提供“心 丸 ”,使他們可以在豁免下,安心地繼續提供實習名額,學生便可以繼 [...]
續充實經驗,讓他們畢業後更容易找到工資較好的工作,消除跨代貧窮 的困局。
As this exemption arrangement can
[...] relieve employers' worries, they will be [...]
more at ease in offering places of internship
for students to gain useful experience, thereby enabling students to find a job with better pay more easily upon graduation and eliminating the quagmire of inter-generational poverty.
根据对 环境数据、种群分布、种群扩散能力和距离、生态替代变量的详细审议结果,已 确定每个环境特受关注区应有一个至少长宽 200 千米的心区,也就是说,核 心区面积应足够大,使可能局限于 CC 区某一分区域的物种能够维持最小可存活 种群数,并包括某一分区域内所有各种生境变异性和生物多样性。
Based on a detailed consideration of environmental data, faunal distribution, faunal dispersal capabilities and distances, and ecological
proxy variables, it was
[...] determined that a core area of each area of particular environmental interest should be at least 200 km in length and width, that is, large enough [...]
to maintain minimum
viable population sizes for species potentially restricted to a subregion of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, and to capture the full range of habitat variability and biodiversity within a subregion.
她教会我什么是心、忍耐、宽容和 付出。
She taught me patience, endurance, tolerance and giving.
政 府有意將兩間 鐵 路 公司(“ 兩 鐵 ")合併 , 自然作出許 多 承諾, 向 市 民 及員工大 派心 丸 , 但 員工的憂 慮 又 豈 能因此消失呢 ?
As the Government intends to merge the two railway corporations, naturally, it will make a lot of promises and give the public and the employees assurances, but how can the concerns of the employees be dispelled just because of that?
本人 期 望 政 府在短 期內能下定決心, 作出進取 、 見 效之計, 即 使未有靈 丹 妙 藥 , 也 可以在現時 的環境下,給 予 市 民 一兩粒心 丸 , 以 利 社 會 情況穩 定 。
Even if it does not have a panacea, it would be able to set people's mind at ease under the present circumstances, which would be conducive to social stability.
去 年10 月 10 日 , 行 政長官 在施政 報 告的記者會 上 , 向 社 會 派 了一顆心 丸 , 董 建 華 說 : “所有須 投資在 教育方面的 錢 ,政府絕不手軟 , 我 們 會 善 用現有 的 儲 備來支 持 教育發展。
On 10 October last year, the Chief Executive gave an assurance to the public in a press conference on the policy address. TUNG Chee-hwa said that the Government would not hesitate to spend money to invest in education and the existing reserves would be used to support development in education.
我 們 希望帶出的信 息 , 是 存 保 制對存戶的 保 障 , 只 是起 “心 丸 ” 的作 用 , 希望存 保 制能有效 地 施 行,始 終 有 賴 金 管 局 和 政 府的嚴 謹 監管。
The question of whether or not the system can be an effective one will depend on the rigorous regulation by the HKMA and the Government.
该领域的专家可为航空制造和维护 心 提 供 综合 丸 处 理 以及高精度喷丸解决方案。
Specialists at this location offer
[...] comprehensive peening and high-precision blasting solutions for aerospace manufacturing and maintenance centres.
然而,形形色色的种族主义、仇心 理 和 不 宽容 现 象在当今现实中根深蒂固,尽管近年来出现了一些 具有约束力的法律协议和良好的外交意图。
However, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in all their manifestations are too deeply rooted in contemporary reality, despite binding legal agreements and the good diplomatic intentions that have emerged in recent years.
我们很荣幸地通知您,Servcorp东京最新商务 心 即 将 座落 丸 之 内 信托大厦主楼20楼。
We are pleased to announce Servcorp's newest location in Tokyo on level 20, Marunouchi Trust Tower - Main in Tokyo!
西非的三个特派团(联科行动、联利特派团和联合国塞拉利昂建设和平综合 办事处(联塞建和办))以及联合国西非办事处(西非办)继续在一些领域开展合 作,其中包括:与联利特派团开展联合边境巡逻,以防止非正规的武装集团和武
器跨界移动;联科行动和联利特派团之间组织联合培训方案,其他特派团也参加; 除了通过租赁线路建立与科特迪瓦三个大城市的链接以外,还保持与联利特派团
[...] 的地面微波链接,以提高服务质量和速度,利用尚未使用的卫星 宽 实 现 节余; 以及各特派团之间共享航空资产。
The three missions in West Africa, UNOCI, UNMIL and the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Support Office in Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL) as well as the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA), continue to work together and cooperate in a number of areas, including: joint border patrols with UNMIL to prevent cross-border movement of irregular armed groups and weapons; organizing joint training programmes between UNOCI and UNMIL, which are also attended by other missions; maintaining a terrestrial microwave connectivity with UNMIL in addition to establishing leased line connectivity to three major cities in Côte d’Ivoire to enhance service
quality and speed and achieve savings from
[...] unused satellite bandwidth; and the sharing [...]
of air assets among the missions.
我们呼吁该地区人民展示心和宽容 ,直 至找到公平的解决办法。
We call on the people of the Area
[...] to display patience and tolerance until an [...]
equitable solution is found.
伊朗对挪威刑法对恐怖主义的定义过 宽 泛表心。
Iran was worried at the broad definition [...]
of terrorism in the penal code.
律师就此提 出了一些建议,包括如下:如果在法律上有理由实行审前 羁押,就应该照办,以保证受害人的安全;如果采取“较宽容的 做法”,就应该保证各机构之间迅速交流信息;如 果较宽容的 措施受到违反,就应该立即实行羁押;违反 民法保护令的行为应被定为刑事犯罪。
The counsel made several recommendations in this regard, including the following: if there are legal grounds for pretrial detention they should be applied to
guarantee the safety of the
[...] victim; if “more lenient means” are applied, a swift information exchange between all agencies should be guaranteed; detention should be imposed immediately in the event that the more lenient measure is breached; [...]
and a breach of civil
law protection orders should be made a criminal offence.
雖 然 政 府
[...] 官 員 向市民 大 派 “心 丸 ”,認為強 積 金計劃要 “ [...]
睇 長 線 ” , 市 場 人士亦 會 說,市 民 現時距離 65 歲 還有漫 長的路途,不過,我們要 知 道 , 並不是 每個“打 工 仔 ”或供 款
者 都 有三、四 十 年的時間來累 積供款,對於一 些 四 、 五 十 歲 的 小市民 而 言 , 如 果 他們將 錢 放 在銀行不動, 最 少 還 會 有 二 、 三 厘 的利息 , 即使他們選擇了 最低風 險 的保本 基 金 , 回 報 卻連“ 紅 簿 仔 ” 的 利 率 也 不如, 試 想 ,基金 經理收 了市民的服 務 費 , 卻 沒有為市民 賺 更 多 錢 , 一 點 責 任 也 不用負;政 府 強 迫 市 民 儲 蓄 的 錢 , 卻給了 基 金 經理拿 來 拼搏, 這 樣 的 退休制 度 又 有 何保障可言 呢 ?
Just think, if the fund
[...] portfolio managers who charge members [...]
of the public fees on the services they provide will not be
held responsible for their failure to help the public to make more profit, if the money that the Government requires members of the public to save up mandatorily is to be gambled away by portfolio managers in the market, how could this retirement system offer people any protection?
昨天,溫家寶總理向香港人大派 心丸 , 他表示中央政府十分關心 香港,而本港在這過程中遇有甚麼困難,中央政府也會鼎力支持。
Yesterday, Premier WAN Jiabao made a lot of promises and gave the public assurances by saying that the Central Government is very concerned about Hong Kong and will give Hong Kong its full support in whatever problem that may arise during this process.
我也希望楊局長稍 後能夠作出回 應 , 如果我們將中醫 藥 納入公共醫 護 架 構 ,政府 會 否 撥 出新資源 , 讓 勞議員和他的 選 民 可以安 心 , 即 是 給他們一顆心 丸 。
If we incorporate Chinese medicine into the public health care system, will the Government allocate new resources, so as to put the mind of Dr LO and his constituents at case?
特首在施政報告中重申不會賤賣土地,這個向市 場派的“心丸”非 常重要,因為房地產市道下滑,會對經濟帶來嚴重的 負面影響,亦會沖擊市民的信心。
This assurance is very important to the market because the decline of the property market will have negative effects on the economy and impact people's confidence.
她感谢捐助国所作贡献,但也确认妇女署在 2012 年将需要进一步宽核心 捐款 的捐助基础,并且还需要找到和利用新的费用分摊机会以补充核心资源基 [...]
础,目标是把妇女署管理的两个信托基金(性别平等基金和联合国消除暴力侵害 妇女行为信托基金)也包括在内。
It would also need to identify and
harness new opportunities for cost-sharing
[...] to complement the core resource base, with [...]
a view to including the two trust funds
managed by UN-Women (the Fund for Gender Equality and the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women).
由于教科文组织从过去的孤立主义发展而来,因此该组织需要 宽 和 加深其对国家一 级面临的发展挑战以及基层与贫困相关问题的理解,以便将使我们的部门计划更好地与千年 发展目标和国际议程相联系。
As UNESCO emerges from its isolationist past, the Organization needs to broaden and deepen its understanding of development challenges at the country level and poverty-related issues at the grass-roots level, so as to better link our sectoral programmes to the MDGs and international agenda.




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