

单词 环状列石

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External sources (not reviewed)

在工业、海洋石油或列车/地铁环境 中,产品会持续遭受严酷的环境和极端的气候条件。
In industrial, marine, oil or train/subway environments products are constantly subject to harsh environments and extreme climatic conditions.
其双面防反光状蓝宝石玻璃表镜,彰显出喷火战机 列 引 人 注目的运动与典雅风格。
With its convex sapphire glass featuring an anti-reflective coating on both sides, it also underscores the strikingly sporty, elegant [...]
style of the Spitfire collection.
21 时 10 分 敌方以列从其在 ghayn-8 号阵地用探照灯照射 Labbunah 的黎巴嫩 军队阵地达 5 秒钟,光柱环状转动
2110 From its position at
[...] coordinatesghayn -8, the Israeli enemy directed a searchlight for five seconds towards the Lebanese Army position at Labbunah, moving the beam in a circular pattern.
在行环境的便利和安状况方面,新的冲突 后局势令人鼓舞,但是该国的安全计划的各个阶段仍未作改动。
The new state of post-conflict is encouraging, regarding access and security in the operational environment, but the security phases in the country have remained unchanged.
尽管如此,摩洛哥的专家详细介绍了渔业、水、矿产等所选资 源状况以及诸如气候变化和污染 环 境 等 议题,波利萨里奥阵线的专家则介绍 了授予一列国际公司石油和 矿产资源勘探合同,这些合同取决于西撒哈拉冲 突得以解决,从而实现其独立。
That said, the Moroccan
[...] experts gave detailed presentations on the status of selected resources such as fisheries, water and minerals, as well as on environmental topics such as climate change and [...]
pollution, while the Frente Polisario expert described contracts, awarded to a variety of international companies for exploration of oil and mineral resources, that were
contingent upon a settlement of the Western Saharan conflict that would lead to independence.
可衡量的定义必须反映出今石油市 场 状 况 的 不确定性,并以数量说明34 必须将依赖石油的潜在代价降低到何种程度。
A measurable definition needs to reflect the uncertainty about future oil market conditions and include a quantitative statement34 of how much the potential costs of oil dependence must be reduced.
国际水文计划第六阶段战略计划(2002 至 2007 年)已经完成了第五年的工作,在报告期间在
不同领域内取得了重大进展:扩大了干旱和半旱地区发展信息全球网(G-WADI);2006 年 11 月在古
[...] 巴成功举办了水资源易变性、变化过程、分析和影响问题第五次 FRIEND(根据国际试验和网络数据列确定水流状态)世界会议;开放多条合作渠道,进一步加强同全 环 境 基金的联系;就重点城 市水资源管理问题、包括紧急情况下地下水管理在内的地下水管理、共有水资源管理、生态水文学 [...]
The implementation of the sixth phase of IHP (2002-2007) completed its fifth year, and significant progress was made in different fields during the period reported: G-WADI, the global network on information for development in arid and semi-arid zones was expanded; a successful Fifth FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) World Conference on Water
Resources Variability, Processes,
[...] Analyses and Impacts took place in Cuba in November 2006; links to the Global Environment Facility were further strengthened [...]
a number of cooperation lines opened; numerous workshops and training activities were held on key urban water management issues; groundwater management, including groundwater for emergency situations; shared water management; ecohydrology; and water history and culture.
本文列出石油氣車輛維修工場,包括在維修工場進行的任何 石油氣車輛工程,其所需設施的氣體安全規定,以及須採取的 安全措施。
This document sets out the gas safety requirements of facilities and precautions for an LPG vehicle [...]
workshop including any
work on LPG vehicles carried out in the workshop.
国际水文计划通过根据国际试验和网络数据 列 确 定水 流 状 态 ( FRIEND)及水文学环境、 生命和政策服务的项目为气候变化知识库的建立做出了贡献,这种知识库可用以改善 各种综合性方法,以管理和适应全球变化对江河流域和含水层系统的影响。
The IHP programmes FRIEND (Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data) and HELP (Hydrology for the Environment, [...]
Life and Policy) have
contributed to build the climate change knowledge base useful for improving integrated approaches for managing and adapting to the impacts of global changes on river basins and aquifer systems.
评审应涵盖一切有关内环境管 理政策和行动的问题,比如碳抵消、可持 续采购、消除危险废物、消耗臭氧层物质以及多氯联苯 石 棉 这 类污染物、楼房 改建和管理、新能源和可再生能源,以及劳 环 境。
The review should cover all issues relevant
[...] to in-house environmental management policies and actions, such as carbon offsets, sustainable procurement, elimination of hazardous waste, ozone depleting substances and contaminants like PCBs and asbestos, hazardous waste, ozone-depleting substances, building reconstruction and management, new and renewable sources of energy, and labour environment.
松赞现在有一列的小 酒店在本区域景色最美的一些地方开业了,这些酒店构 环状 路 线 ,也有了包括当地导游与司机的旅游产品。
Songtsam is now opening a series of small lodges in some of the most scenic parts of this region, forming a circuit that [...]
can be done as a package
including local guides and drivers.
五龙”指五个执法机构,而“九龙” 包括执法机构及外交部、解放军环 保 部 和国 石 油公 司。
The “five dragons” refer to the five law enforcement agencies, while the “nine dragons” include the
law enforcement agencies as well as the foreign ministry, the PLA,
[...] the environment ministry and state-owned oil companies.
包括收音机和空调在内的功能单元从方向盘旁的出风口开始,继而 线 状 排 列环 绕 于转向柱,连接至副驾驶座,然后到副驾驶座车门前方向上并转回到驾驶室中央位置,最终到达位于收音机及空调控制面板上的中控信息显示器(CID)屏幕上。
Shortly before the front passenger door it then shears upwards, heads back towards the centre of the interior and reaches the end of its journey in the central information display (CID) monitor positioned above the control panel for the radio and climate system.
拉马特甘的钻石业在全球 钻石行业发挥着重要作用,并且以 列 是 世界 钻 石 贸 易的主要中心之一。
The diamond industry in Ramat Gan plays
an important role in the global
[...] diamond industry and Israel is one of the main centres for diamond trading in the world.
如果有任何一个无论是气体、液体还是固 状 态 的 石 油 积 聚,或有任何其 他海床下矿物沉积,跨越本条约所述界线,而且位于界线一侧的这种积聚或 [...]
沉积可以全部或部分从界线另一侧开采,双方将寻求商定最有效地开采这些 积聚或沉积的方式,并商定公平分享这种开采所产生的惠益。
If any single
[...] accumulation of petroleum, whether in a gaseous, [...]
liquid or solid state, or if any other mineral deposit beneath
the seabed, extends across the lines described in [the] Treaty, and the part of such accumulation or deposit that is situated on one side of the line is recoverable wholly or in part from the other side of the line, the two Parties will seek to reach agreement on the manner in which the accumulation or deposit shall be most effectively exploited and on the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from such exploitation.
A.2.3 浸油(用液石蜡和 氯代萘按不同重量匹配支撑折光率在1.490~1.570范围内的若干种浸油,并 用折光率测定仪测定其折光率)。
A.2.3 Immersion oil ( several immersion oil with coefficient of refraction of 1.490 ~ 1.570 by mixing fluid wax and naphthalene chloride in different weight ratio.
像过去的对空气和水的运动进行的研究一样——它们带来了飞机机翼以及水下机器人的改善——Chen Li及其同事对物体如何跨越像沙子或 石 等 颗 粒 状 表 面 进行了研究。
Like previous studies of motion through air and water, which led to improvements in aircraft
wings and underwater robots, Chen Li and colleagues studied how objects move
[...] across granular surfaces, like sand or gravel.
資本化勘探及評估開支於物業、廠房及設備 列 作 礦產 及 石 油 開採 權 的 一 部 分。
Capitalised exploration and evaluation expenditure is recorded as a
[...] component of mineral and petroleum rights in property, [...]
plant and equipment.
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔 列 的 定 性和 定量的分类数据;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性 环 ; 存 在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to
education, public
[...] services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional [...]
processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
在赤道北侧散落着26个环状珊瑚岛,岛上的生态系统纤巧而美丽,已经跻身全球最富魅力海洋景观的 列。
This fragile ecosystem of 26 atolls sits just north of the Equator, and is unarguably one of the world’s most striking marine-scapes.
包括收音机和空调在内的功能单元从方向盘旁的出风口开始,继而 线 状 排 列环 绕 于转向柱,连接至副驾驶座,然后到副驾驶座车门前方向上并转回到驾驶室中央位置,最终到达位于收音机及空调控制面板上的中控信息显示器(CID)屏幕上。
It begins at the air vents next to the
steering wheel, continues in a line
[...] around the steering column, including the radio [...]
and climate controls, and finally moves
on to the front passenger. Shortly before the front passenger door it then shears upwards, heads back towards the centre of the interior and reaches the end of its journey in the central information display (CID) monitor positioned above the control panel for the radio and climate system.
[...] (CERD/C/ISR/CO/13,第15段) 之际,委员会强 烈建议缔约国提供按有关标准列的 以 色 列 人 口构 成 状 况 的 资料。
Recalling its previous concluding observations (CERD/C/ISR/CO/13, para. 15), the Committee strongly recommends that the
State party provide information on the composition of
[...] the Jewish population of Israel, disaggregated by relevant [...]
本次论坛探讨如何掌握金融发展形势,熟悉各种融资渠道,迎接石材行业机遇和挑战,由全国工商联石材业商会、万隆股份董事长吕安民先生、中国石材协会会长邹传胜先生 环 球 石 材 集团董事长朱新胜先生、英良石材集团董事长刘良先生及土耳其KOCAKD矿业公司的Faruk [...]
The forum to explore how to master the financial development of the situation, familiar with the various financing channels, to meet the opportunities and challenges of the stone industry, the Chamber of Commerce by the National Federation of the stone industry, Bandung shares
Mr. Lv Anmin, chairman of China Stone
[...] Association, Mr. Zou Zhuansheng, Global Stone Group Chairman [...]
Mr. Zhu Xinsheng, Yingliang
Stone Group Chairman Mr. Liu Liang, and Turkey KOCAKD Mining Company Mr. Faruk YILMAZ common dialogue, the added value of the development of China's stone industry, stone industry alliance-building concept, differences in the quality of the stone products, stone products and domestic outside peer exchange, common Imagine the way of the future of the Chinese stone industry.
如果所有警报已确认,则警列表中 的 状 态 将由红色变为绿色。
Once all alarms have been
[...] acknowledged, the status field of the alarm list changes from [...]
red to green.
我们对自然资源养护的 重点也应更加重视保护海环境免 受诸 石 油 泄漏 和其他形式的海上污染的有害影响。
Our focus on natural resource conservation should also entail increased emphasis on the protection of the marine environment from harmful effects such as oil spills and other forms of pollution at sea.
由国际共有含水层资源管理计划(ISARM )和从潜在的冲突到合作的可能
[...] (PCCP)举办的国际跨界含水层会议(国际共有含水层资源管理计划,2010 年),是有关跨界含水层知识状况 的 基 石 , 与 会者为 350 多名部长、政府官员 [...]
The International Conference on Transboundary Aquifers (ISARM2010)
convened by ISARM and PCCP, a milestone for
[...] the knowledge and status of transboundary aquifers [...]
was attended by over 350 ministerial,
governmental and expert participants followed by a presentation at the United Nations General Assembly.
遗憾的 是,会谈未如期举行,主要原因是 1)尽管这是一个政府事务,但联合王国宁愿等大英博物 馆托管委员会的新主席和该博物馆的新馆长分别于 2002 年 6 月和
[...] 8 月到任,及 2)希腊希望 将归还所有大石浮雕列入此次会议拟议的议程项目,而联合王国不同意这一提议。
Regrettably, it did not take place at that time mainly because 1) although this is a Government matter, the UK preferred to wait for the new Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the British Museum, and the new Director of the Museum to take up their posts in June and August 2002
respectively; and 2) Greece wanted to include
[...] return of all the Marbles in the proposed agenda [...]
items for the meeting and the UK
was not in agreement with this proposition.
[...] 船只明确表示要破坏海上封锁,并鉴于从黎巴嫩启航的这些船只仍与以 列 处于状态,以色列保留 根据国际法采取一切必要手段的权利,以阻止这些船只破 [...]
Given the ongoing armed conflict between the Hamas terrorist organization which controls the Gaza Strip and the State of Israel, and in view of the declared intention of the aforementioned vessels to breach the naval blockade, compounded by the fact that these ships originate
from Lebanon which remains in
[...] a state of hostility with Israel, Israel reserves its right under [...]
international law to use all
necessary means to prevent these ships from violating the existing naval blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip.




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