

单词 听审会

See also:


take part in a trial
attend court


attend a meeting (and hear what is discussed)


review jointly (i.e. with other checkers)
joint hearing

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 确保囚犯有机会为以下目的得到法律援助:提交上诉状、并就其待遇 和监禁条件提交请求书,包括在面临严重的纪律指控时、提出赦免的请求,特 别是针对死刑犯的赦免请求以及申请假释和在假 听审会 上 所 作陈述
(c) To ensure that prisoners have access to legal aid for the purpose of submitting appeals and filing requests related to their treatment and the conditions of their imprisonment, including when facing serious disciplinary charges, and for requests for pardon, in
particular for those
[...] prisoners facing the death penalty, as well as for applications for parole and representation at parole hearings
为了将性别问题纳入工作方式的主流, 这类委会专门为女性受害者举行专 听审 , 并确保在其报告和建议中清晰地反 映出妇女的冲突经历。
To mainstream gender in their way of
[...] operating, they are holding thematic hearings devoted to female victims and ensuring [...]
that women’s experiences
of the conflict are made visible in their reports and recommendations.
关于根据理事会第 258(2005)号决定设立的、旨在监测伊朗伊斯兰共和国、 约旦、科威特和沙特阿拉伯利用“F4”类索赔赔偿基金开展的环境项目的技术和 财务执行情况的监督环境赔偿金后续方案,理 会听 取 了 秘书处关于各参加国政 府方案现状的通报审议了 该方案将来可采用的备选方案问题。
With respect to the follow-up programme for environmental awards established pursuant to Governing Council decision 258 (2005) to monitor the financial and technical implementation of environmental projects being undertaken by the Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia with funds awarded
under the F4 category of
[...] claims, the Council heard a briefing by the Secretariat on the status of the programme in respect of each of the participating Governments and considered the question [...]
of possible options
for the future of the programme.
报告进程使哥 伦比亚有会听 取各社会组织和地 方 当局的意见,加 强 各机构之 间 的 协调审查 各种做 法 , 查 明 所取得 的成就和存 在的不足 , 为 不 久 的 将 来作出规划 。
The process of reporting had given Colombia
[...] an opportunity to hear the voices of social organisations and local authorities, to strengthen coordination between institutions, review practices, identify [...]
achievements and
shortcomings and plan for the immediate future.
在 8 月 28 日第 3 次会议上审查大会听取了加蓬、中国、沙特阿拉伯(代表 阿拉伯国家集团)、科特迪瓦(代表西非国家经济共同体)、巴巴多斯、博茨瓦纳、 [...]
伊朗伊斯兰共和国、瑞士、孟加拉国、纳米比亚、冈比亚、荷兰、捷克共和国、 以色列、挪威、尼日尔、墨西哥、南非、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、马里和古巴代表 的发言。
At its 3rd meeting, on 28 August, the Conference heard statements by the representatives [...]
of Gabon, China, Saudi Arabia (on
behalf of the Group of Arab States), Côte d’Ivoire (on behalf of the Economic Community of West African States), Barbados, Botswana, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Switzerland, Bangladesh, Namibia, the Gambia, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Israel, Norway, Niger, Mexico, South Africa, the United Republic of Tanzania, Mali and Cuba.
在 8 月 27 日第 2 次会议上审查大会听取了 立陶宛、贝宁、日本、越南、 葡萄牙、西班牙、大韩民国、美利坚合众国、巴基斯坦、特立尼达和多巴哥、泰 [...]
国、新西兰、哈萨克斯坦、菲律宾、爱尔兰、乌克兰、马来西亚、印度、德国、 卢森堡、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国和法国代表的发言。
At its 2nd meeting, on 27
[...] August, the Conference heard statements by the representatives [...]
of Lithuania, Benin, Japan, Viet
Nam, Portugal, Spain, the Republic of Korea, the United States, Pakistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Ireland, Ukraine, Malaysia, India, Germany, Luxembourg, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and France.
会听取了目前人权理事会处理实质议题和程序 审 议 工 作组的最新情 况,了解了《特别程序任务执行人行为守则》、《申诉程序》及技术合作可以为 实地应对侵犯人权问题提供的联系。
The Board was updated on the current Human Rights Council review Working Group dealing [...]
with issues of substance and procedures
and was informed of the Code of Conduct for special procedures mandate holders, the Complaints Procedures and the link that technical cooperation could provide to address human rights violations in the field.
在 8 月 28 日第 4 次会议上审查大会听取了 来自菲律宾和墨西哥的国际禁 止小武器行动网代表的发言。
At its 4th meeting, on 28
[...] August, the Conference heard statements by representatives [...]
of the International Action Network
on Small Arms from the Philippines and from Mexico.
近 160 名议会成员与联合国官员、大使和 民间社会专家一道出听证会,审视 了 与全球经济结构失衡、国际金融体系改革、 在当前全球框架内重新思考可持续发展、以及联合国与二十国集团在全球经济治 [...]
Nearly 160 members of parliament, together with United Nations officials,
ambassadors and civil society
[...] experts, attended the event and examined aspects relating [...]
to the structural imbalances in the
global economy, the reform of the international financial system, the rethinking of sustainable development within the current global framework, and the relationship between the United Nations and the G-20 in global economic governance.
在 8 月 27 日第 1 次会议上审查大会听取了圭亚那(代表加勒比共同体)、 欧洲联盟、巴西(代表南方共同市场)、印度尼西亚(代表不结盟运动)、新西兰(代 [...]
表太平洋岛屿论坛)、尼日利亚(代表非洲国家集团)、肯尼亚、阿尔及利亚、澳 大利亚、意大利、印度尼西亚、罗马教廷和土耳其代表的发言。
At its 1st meeting, on 27 August, the Conference heard statements by the representatives [...]
of Guyana (on behalf of the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM)), the European Union, Brazil (on behalf of the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR)), Indonesia (on behalf of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries), New Zealand (on behalf of the Pacific Islands Forum), Nigeria (on behalf of the Group of African States), Kenya, Algeria, Australia, Italy, Indonesia, the Holy See and Turkey.
例如,由所罗门群岛政府任命、澳大利亚和其他国家通过联合国开发计划署支 持的真相与和解委会,在 两年中举行了 14 次听审,5 000 多名受害者和犯 罪人作了证。
For example, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, appointed by the Government of the Solomon Islands and supported by Australia and others
through the United Nations
[...] Development Programme, held 14 hearings over two years in which over [...]
5,000 individuals, both victims
and perpetrators, gave evidence.
在 8 月 29 日第 5 次会议上审查大会听取了来自加蓬的国际禁止小武器行 动网、射击运动前景世界论坛、体育运动枪械及弹药制造商协会、全国枪支协会、 [...]
At its 5th meeting, on 29
[...] August, the Conference heard statements by representatives [...]
of the International Action Network
on Small Arms from Gabon, the World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities, the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, the National Firearms Association, the Second Amendment Foundation and the Defense Small Arms Advisory Council.
在 8 月 28 日第 4 次会议上审查大会听取了 下列组织的发言:国际刑警组 织、阿拉伯国家联盟、欧洲安全与合作组织、联合国小武器问题协调行动机制、 [...]
At its 4th meeting, on 28
[...] August, the Conference heard statements from the [...]
following organizations: Interpol, League of
Arab States, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, United Nations Coordinating Action on Small Arms, East African Community, Organization of American States, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Regional Centre on Small Arms.
这次双重否决使安全理事会面对叙利亚政权的 暴力束手无策,但是,法国会听任 叙利亚人民面 对这些罪行,他们是这些罪行的唯一受害者。
This double veto leaves the Security Council helpless against the violence of the Syrian regime, but France will not leave the Syrian people to face the crimes to which they are victim alone.
在 8 月 28 日第 4 次会议上审查大会听取了 布基纳法索、斯里兰卡、吉布 提、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、俄罗斯联邦、瑞典、尼日利亚、尼加拉瓜、 [...]
At its 4th meeting, on 28
[...] August, the Conference heard statements by the representatives [...]
of Burkina Faso, Sri Lanka, Djibouti,
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Russian Federation, Sweden, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Argentina, Guatemala, Zambia, the Syrian Arab Republic and Jamaica.
会听取了关于成员国的宏观经济表现、在实现千年发展目标中的 进展和发展战略的简要介绍。
The Commission was briefed on the macroeconomic performance, progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals and development strategies of member countries.
16 与此类 似,无家可归和其它形式的会经济剥削也可被理解为人权的失灵 –-- 由制度的和法律的 机制构成的复杂网络确定人们应该享有哪些权利,这个网络却未能对基本人权价值作出反 应并与这些价值保持一致。拒绝对被侵害的经社文权利实行有效救济,未对不同层级的 “赋权体系”的权利请求人提听审 , 是一种严重的人权失败、是有着良好反响的参与式治 理的失败。
The denial of effective remedies for ESC rights violations, and the failure to give a hearing to claimants of these rights at different levels of these “entitlement systems” is an over-arching human rights failure, a failure in participatory governance, which has immense repercussions.
必要时,法院会听取上 述双方身边人的意见, 听取当事双方领地的农村市镇政府、城市政府或警察当局的意见。
Where necessary, the
[...] court will also hear the persons close [...]
to the persons specified above, and the rural municipality or
city government or police authority of the residence of the persons.
在处理欧洲专利局听审程序 时,我们受欧洲专利代理人 会 ( e p i) 之职业行为法典(epi-Information 2/2001, 75页)和国际知识产权律师联合会(FICPI)之工作守则(www.ficpi.org/ficpi/aboutframe.html)的约束。
In the case of proceedings heard by the EPO, the rules of conduct of the International [...]
Federation of Industrial Property
Attorneys (FICPI) (www.ficpi.org/ficpi/aboutframe.html) and the Code of Professional Conduct of the Institute of Professional representatives before the EPO (epi) (epi-Information 2/2001, p.75) are applicable.
这些步骤包括在 2010 年 2 月举行有若干国家 参加听审。
These steps included a hearing in February 2010, [...]
with the participation of several States.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委 会审 议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 [...]
亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC
[...] Commissions examined the resolution [...]
proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted
by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
在委会保证 改善其拘留条件并允许国家 和国际观察员监测今后听审后, 被拘留者同意于 12 月 7 日停止绝食。
Following the assurance of the committee to guarantee the improvement of their detention conditions and to allow national and international observers to monitor future hearings, the detainees [...]
agreed to suspend their hunger strike on 7 December.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负 审 查 申 请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中 审 查 机 构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动 会 , 以 便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for [...]
programme managers in the field operations
and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
少数民族和族裔群体问题政府理 会审 议 了当前有关这两项公约执行 情况的定期报告,没有要求采取任何其他措施。
The Council of the Government for National and
[...] Ethnic Minorities had reviewed the current periodical [...]
reports on the implementation of
these two conventions without requesting any additional measures.
[...] 案预算提供所需资源,确保该方案持续有效和进一步发展,尤其是定期安排国际 法区域课程,确保联合国国际法听 图 书 馆能继续办下去;定期邀 会 员 国 、大 学、慈善基会和关 心此事的其他国家与国际机构和组织以及个人,对协助方案 经费作出自愿捐助,或以其他方式协助方案的执行和可能的扩展;又请秘书长在 [...] [...]
同协助方案咨询委员会协商后,提出关于其后各年执行协助方案的建议(第 66/97 号决议)。
Also at that session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to provide to the programme budget for the following and future bienniums the resources necessary to ensure the continued effectiveness and further development of the Programme of Assistance, in particular the organization of regional
courses in
[...] international law on a regular basis and the viability of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law; to [...]
periodically invite
Member States, universities, philanthropic foundations and other interested national and international institutions and organizations, as well as individuals, to make voluntary contributions towards the financing of the Programme of Assistance or otherwise to assist in its implementation and possible expansion; and, following consultations with the Advisory Committee on the Programme of Assistance, to submit recommendations regarding the execution of the Programme in subsequent years (resolution 66/97).
此外,在同次会议上,委会听取了 下列人士关于闭会期间活动结果的报告: 新田晃先生(日本)关于 [...]
2009 年 11 月 11 日和 12 日以及 2010 年 3 月 18 日和 19 日分别在东京举行的“亚洲区域 3R(减少、再利用、再循环)论坛首届会议”和“扩
大发展中国家废物管理服务”国际协商会议的结果;韩国代表关于 2010 年 3 月 16 日和 17 日在首尔举行的题为“联合国减缓气候变化、燃油效率和可持续城市 交通论坛”国际专家小组会议的结果;唐纳德·库珀先生(《斯德哥尔摩公约》) 关于 2009 年 12 月 3 日和 4 日在日内瓦举行的“化学品健全管理案例研究研讨会” 的结果。
Also at the same
[...] meeting, the Commission heard presentations by the [...]
following on the outcomes of intersessional events:
Mr. Akira Nitta (Japan), on the outcomes of the “Inaugural Meeting of the Regional 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Forum in Asia” and the International Consultative Meeting on “Expanding Waste Management Services in Developing Countries”, which were held in Tokyo on 11 and 12 November 2009 and on 18 and 19 March 2010, respectively; the representative of the Republic of Korea, on the outcome of the International Expert Group Meeting entitled “United Nations Forum on Climate Change Mitigation, Fuel Efficiency and Sustainable Urban Transport”, which was held in Seoul on 16 and 17 March 2010; and Mr. Donald Cooper (Stockholm Convention), on the outcome of the “Workshop on Case Studies in the Sound Management of Chemicals”, which was held in Geneva on 3 and 4 December 2009.
在特鲁克州,任何人如被发现鼓 励、引起或诱使儿童行为不良,法院 听审 后 可 命令他做某一件应当为该儿童做 的事,如不按照法院的要求做可能被提起蔑视法庭的诉讼。
In Chuuk, any person who is found to be encouraging, causing or contributing
to delinquency of a child may be
[...] ordered by court after hearing to perform a specific [...]
act which falls within a duty owed
to the child, and failure to perform as required by the court may constitute a basis for contempt of court proceeding.
行政和预算问题咨询委会审议了 秘书长关于加强和统一联合国安 保管理系统的报告(A/64/532),其中载有 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预 算第 3、5、7、17、18、20、21、27、28E、28G、33、34 [...]
和 36 款下的订
The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions has considered the report [...]
of the Secretary-General on the
strengthened and unified security management system for the United Nations, containing revised estimates under sections 3, 5, 7, 17, 18, 20, 21, 27, 28E, 28G, 33, 34 and 36 of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 and under the budget for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (A/64/532).
行政和预算问题咨询委会审议了 联合国工作人员养恤金联合委员 会关于联合国合办工作人员养恤基金管理费用的报告(A/64/291)和秘书 长关于联合国工作人员养恤金联合委员会报告引起的行政和经费问题的 [...]
The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions has considered the report [...]
of the United Nations Joint Staff
Pension Board on the administrative expenses of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (A/64/291) and the report of the Secretary-General on the administrative and financial implications arising from the report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (A/C.5/64/2).
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第
55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项
[...] 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委会审议今 后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and
that approval of the project was without
[...] prejudice to consideration of the future [...]
funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.




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