单词 | 洧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 洧—name of a river牺verb—sacrificesvExamples:洧水—river in Henan 牺牲adj—sacrificialadj 牺牲品—victim loss leader (pricing)
报告者认为,机场安全检查应确实执行,不应因可能耽 误少数人之行程,而牺牲全机乘客的安全。 tacare.org.tw | The contributor felt that airport baggage screening should be performed thoroughly, and that it is inappropriate to jeopardize the safety of the passengers and crew just to avoid possible delay. tacare.org.tw |
所配合的堆叠高度为4.00至10.00mm,间距为0.80mm,为设计工程师提供了最终的灵活性,以满足空间约束要求而不牺牲性能。 ipress.com.hk | The mated stack heights of 4.00 to 10.00mm along with a 0.80mm pitch provides design engineers with the ultimate in flexibly to address space constraints without sacrificing performance. ipress.com.hk |
我们 修改版的标准品和增值服务可以按照不同的应用提供一条龙 服务,让客户可以在不牺牲品质的前提下缩短产品的上市 时程。 hybridelectronics.com | Our modified standards and value-add services also provide turn-key solutions for the best application match to help accelerate time-to-market without compromising quality. hybridelectronics.com |
结束时,当时他经历短暂怀疑,从怀疑出现Ahriman ;在同一时间, Ormazd应运而生,因为效率的牺牲。 mb-soft.com | At the end of that time he experienced momentary doubt, and from that doubt arose Ahriman; at the same time, Ormazd came into being because of the efficacy of the sacrifices. mb-soft.com |
华硕笔记型电脑一直和仍然是最好的之一和任何买方的享受与品质和周到的设计和协助工具产品华硕 (asus) 的牺牲在客户的成功。 kompyuterniy-ma...city.g-sochi.ru | Laptops ASUS have always been and remains one of the best and enjoy success with customers at the expense of quality and thoughtful design and accessibility products ASUS for any buyer. kompyuterniy-ma...city.g-sochi.ru |
在政府和一些研究者眼中,香港市民是经济动物,对政治冷感,妥协性强,为了生计和稳定可以牺牲原则,而中产阶级则忙於工作,遇到社会问题,选择以私人的方式解决,抗拒集体行动。 hkupop.hku.hk | For government leaders and some scholars, Hong Kong people are economic animals; they are apathetic towards politics; they think and act based upon calculation of concrete material interests rather than abstract principles; they are busy with their work; and they solve their own problems with individual rather than collective actions. hkupop.hku.hk |
在韩国及台 湾,我们於年内不时拒绝承保低价值业务,以致牺牲了部分销售额增长。 prudential.co.uk | In Korea and in Taiwan, at times during the year, we refused to write poor value business, sacrificing some sales growth in the process. prudential.co.uk |
阁下可能是专制主意下的牺牲者、可能是无能政府的受害者,可能是现有制度下被剥削者,亦可能是被无良政客欺负者,但以暴易暴,不论是谁先发起,都不是文明社会解决问题的方法。 hkupop.hku.hk | You may be the sacrificed of absolutism, the victim of the incapable government, the deprived of the present system, or the oppressed of the immoral politicians. hkupop.hku.hk |
B. 强调忠於国家、服从天皇 日本军国主义强调军人必须要对上级服从,对天皇要绝对忠诚,因为天皇是国家的象徵; 军人也要爱护国家,甚至是要准备为国家而牺牲,个人的利益是不重要的。 hkahe.com | They also had to be absolutely loyal to the emperor, since he was the symbol of the country. hkahe.com |
并且当您返回工 作岗位时,政府的退休过渡安排将允许您继续您的收入流, 做出薪酬牺牲并可能节省成千上万的税。 australiansuper.com | And when you return to work, the Government’s Transition to Retirement arrangements will allow you to continue your income stream, salary sacrifice your wage and potentially save thousands in tax. australiansuper.com |
Dell 将资料与影像控制集中化,从桌上型电脑到资料中心,为您全面简化 IT,进而实现更严格的安全性、更简便的影像管理以及更佳的可靠性—而不牺牲使用者体验。 www1.ap.dell.com | Dell simplifies IT from the desktop to the data center by centralizing data and image control for tighter security, easier image management and better reliability — without compromising the end user experience. www1.ap.dell.com |
不 只如此,PowerChoice 技术的弹性化使用者管理选 项可让您不需牺牲效能、资料完整性或可靠度,就 可以达成此省电目标。 seagate.com | What’s more, PowerChoice technology’s flexible, usermanageable options enable these power savings without sacrificing performance, data integrity or reliability. seagate.com |
有许多齿轮足够的车也可以更有效和经济,在不牺牲司机驾驶乐趣吗? zh-tw.developmentscout.com | How many gears are enough or how cars can be more efficiently and economically, without sacrificing driver driving fun? en.developmentscout.com |
政府建议本地私人企业及其成员能在指导和协助下,选择、购买及使用「环保」产品,以及利用对环境负责任的服务,避免不必要的牺牲与浪费,为保护环境出一分力。 greencouncil.org | The Government suggests local private sector businesses and members to be guided and assisted in the selection, purchase and use of "green" products and services produced, offered and consumed in environmentally responsible manners without unnecessary sacrifices on quality of life or the natural environment. greencouncil.org |
有了全新 15K-rpm 产品,我们可以为我们的客户提供更大的容量,同时又不必牺牲效能、品质或可靠性。 seagate.com | With the new 15K-rpm product, we are able to provide our customers with even larger capacities without sacrificing performance, quality or reliability. seagate.com |
确实没有牲;领先仪式提供的准神圣号码(发酵汁的一种神圣的植物,一个物种的马利) ,准确对应的吠陀索玛牺牲;照顾神圣火,唱的赞美诗和祈祷仪式,并段落的圣书(阿维斯塔) 。 mb-soft.com | There is indeed no animal sacrifice; the leading rites are the offering of the quasi-divine haoma (the fermented juice of the a sacred plant, a species of Asclepias), the exact counterpart of the Vedic soma-sacrifice; the care of the Sacred Fire, the chanting of the ritual hymns and prayers, and passages of the Sacred Books (Avesta). mb-soft.com |
但随着地铁系统不断发展,每天持续载运数百万旅客,牺牲地理距离的真正代价日益显着,尽管路线蜿蜒,贝克依然使用直线呈现;各站之间在地图上几乎等距,可是有些车站其实极为相近,导致许多乘客习惯换乘路线才抵达目的地,却不知道步行其实更快,或是搭乘在地图上看似最短的路线,实则并非最便捷的选项。 thisbigcity.net | Beck used straight lines in place of the city’s snaking routes, and almost equidistant spacing between stations when some are strangely close to one another. The end result is that many London Underground users change lines to reach their destination when walking would be much quicker, or take routes that appear shortest on the map, but in fact aren’t the most speedy option. thisbigcity.net |
父母指向牺牲艺术课程或其他充实活动 来「教导考试」、还想办法避免被称为失败学校的一群学校。 americancorner.org.tw | Parents point to schools sacrificing art classes or other enrichment activities to “teach to the test” and avoid any designation as a failing school. americancorner.org.tw |
Akustica 所推出的四具新型麦克风都具备一样的高信噪比、平坦宽广的频率响应与完美匹配的灵敏度,让制造商在设计设备时,一方面享有选择机械构造最合宜之麦克风与电子型态模组的自由,一方面又不会牺牲高清晰话质。 bosch.com.tw | All four of Akustica's new microphones deliver the same high SNR, flat frequency response, and matched sensitivity, giving manufacturers the freedom to select the microphone with the most convenient mechanical and electrical configuration for their device design — without sacrificing HD voice performance. bosch.com.tw |
品质保证制度和表现评核制度强调划一和客观,但却为此而牺牲了植根於经验的专业判断。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Our Quality Assurance and Performance Assessment systems have aimed for greater consistency and objectivity, but have achieved it only at the expense of experienced professional judgement and discretion. housingauthority.gov.hk |
10 月 14 日 - 团队成员义工牺牲假日在艳阳高照的星期日协助我们的指定公益赞助对象之一,新加坡聋人协会 (SADeaf),进行募款。 hk.marinabaysands.com | 14 October - Team member volunteers gave their time on a scorching Sunday to help our designated charity, SADeaf with their fundraiser. marinabaysands.com |
很多人都在家里的书的问题,因为他们带走的空间,现在的扫描文件,这些书籍可以被数字化,并为你的DVD,享受坐在您的计算机上一个很好的协议,并没有空间牺牲把这些书籍。 quaronline.com | Many people have problems with books at home because they are taking away space, now with the scanning of files, these books can be digitized and put a good deal on a DVD for you to enjoy sitting at your computer and not have to space sacrifice to put these books. quaronline.com |
虽然这只是其中一种诠释ProCreAr的方式,但这项专案若非开放郊区扩张的空白支票,当然是件好事,此外也请谨记,郊区未必为恶,建立优良郊区更是维护城市健康的要素,《城事》过去亦曾介绍不少改善郊区发展的创新构想,而且我们绝不能为了郊区建筑而牺牲市中心。 thisbigcity.net | Although this is only one interpretation of how ProCreAr would play out, it’s encouraging to see that this program is more than just a blank check for sprawl. thisbigcity.net |
趋势科技最近针对客户迈向云端与虚拟化安全的各个阶段发表了一项「云端安全计画」,同时,也针对企业如何发挥虚拟化和云端运算效益而不牺牲安全发表相关演讲。 ipress.com.hk | Trend Micro, which recently revealed its Cloud Security Plan for every stage of a customer's cloud and virtualization security journey, has also presented how companies can reap the benefits of virtualization and cloud computing without giving up high levels of security along the way. ipress.com.hk |
以耶稣的宝血为人恳求,是提醒他/她在基督里成了得救的罪人的身份,同时知会敌人,因为基督的 牺牲,敌人不能再操控他。 aglow.org | To plead the blood of Jesus over someone is to remind that person of his/hers position in Christ as a forgiven sinner and to notify the enemy that he has no authority toward them because of Christ’s sacrifice. aglow.org |
此外,他们自己也将充满坚定的信念,喜乐及牺牲的精神,并了解他们正给予无数青年在信仰上成长的机会,和协助青年们接受并根据真理、爱德及希望的宝贵原则而生活。 catholic.edu.hk | They themselves, moreover, would most surely be filled with a deep conviction, joy and spirit of sacrifice in the knowledge that they are offering innumerable young people the opportunity of growing in faith, of accepting and living its precious principles of truth, charity and hope. catholic.edu.hk |
但是,本会认为,如果希望真正改善这些不良现象,绝非游说政府通过一些牺牲香港言论及新闻自由的法律去达成。 hkja.org.hk | Of course, it is not a good phenomenon. Nevertheless, HKJA insists that if we change this situation, the effective way is not to lobby the government to pass some law which will be harm the freedom of expression and press. hkja.org.hk |